The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 116

Chapter 113: One Hundred And Thirteen Children

Of course, Yu Lan snatched away the rest of the ice cream before she could take two bites, Yu Lan glared at her angrily:

“Just be greedy! Don’t call mom when you have diarrhea!”

Yoyo was stomped straight by the ice cream in her mouth, but she still hid behind Gu Hongjun to keep the ice cream in her mouth.

Gu Qizhou came to hear the news and heard that Gu Hongjun was protecting Yoyo and stealing ice cream for her with a face full of disbelief:

“Dad? Did you steal ice cream for Yoyo?”

Gu Hongjun looked solemn:

“How can I steal the ice cream from my own refrigerator? My granddaughter wants to eat ice cream, but not gold, so why not?”

Yoyo hiding behind interjected:

“Grandpa, I don’t eat gold, but I eat chocolate with the same color wrapping paper as gold!”

Gu Qizhou has seen what it means to be a cross-generational parent. When he was a child, he would be scolded for wanting to eat hamburgers. When he arrived here, his father even helped to steal ice cream when he wanted to eat it.

I can only say that I was born at the wrong time.

It was getting late, and Gu Qizhou, full of disappointment, returned to Gu’s house with a family of five.

Aunt Zhang had already read the news of the reconciliation of the Gu family from the Internet, and had already put the luggage Yu Lan instructed to pack for Gu Qizhou and put it back to its original location.

Gu Qizhou’s mood at this time is completely different from when he left.

He looked at his wife who urged the children to wash up and go to bed early, and the three children who were chatting and chatting.

The house is lively.

Everything is back on track.

The next morning, Yu Lan sent Yoyo and Gu Miaomiao to school, and Gu Qizhou took Shen Jingchuan to Qing University.

After Shen Jingchuan won the first place in the provincial science and technology competition last time, Gu Qizhou used the business card that Shen Jingchuan got back to contact Lin Kebing, a professor in the Department of Physics of Qing University .

Through this Professor Lin Kebing, I met Professor Xu, who is one of the best in the field of mechanical engineering in China.

“Here are you.”

Professor Xu, who is in his 70s, has gray hair and plain clothes. He has just finished his class for the students. When he sees Shen Jingchuan coming, he smiles even more:

“The factory you contacted has already made the finished product, and your brothers have done the gravity test for you. From the data point of view, it is very successful, but the actual wearing experience This part of the experimental data is still I need you to improve it, okay?”

Shen Jingchuan nodded in response: “Professor, don’t worry, there’s no problem.”

“Well, just like what we discussed before, don’t worry, it’s not easy for you to do this at your age, there is still room for improvement in the program of the chip, and we will go from generation to generation. Update, the medical company is very interested in your project…”

Professor Xu and Shen Jingchuan had a good chat, and after giving Gu Qizhou a glass of water, Gu Qizhou was left aside.

What gravity test, chip program, Gu Qizhou couldn’t understand a word anyway.

But there are medical companies interested in him, Gu Qizhou understands it.

“…does that mean the company wants to sponsor your research?”

Shen Jingchuan: “That’s what it means, but I need to think about it.”

Gu Qizhou was a little surprised.

Because he had heard of the medical company mentioned by Professor Xu, the company whose name is known to ordinary people is obviously not a small company.

“Because there are many medical companies that contact me, I need to choose carefully.” Shen Jingchuan opened the box containing the prosthesis and wrote lightly.

Gu Qizhou: ?

When he set up an entertainment company last year, he pulled investment and sold people’s favors everywhere. How could he be more powerful than him in Shen Jingchuan, and the father of the gold master rushed to invest?

“By the way, I wanted to ask you last time, but I heard people say that the material of the robotic arm you participated in the competition before is not cheap, where did you get so much money? ”

Although Gu Qizhou has never deducted Shen Jingchuan’s pocket money, the pocket money is not an order of magnitude compared to the research and development costs of the robotic arm.

Several senior fellows in the laboratory helped Shen Jingchuan wear a prosthetic limb, and the other used a computer to debug the gravity sensing program, and answered casually:

“This is not easy, I think it was sponsored by the team members who participated in the competition with Ji Chuan brother, right Ji Chuan brother?”? ? ?

Shen Jingchuan said meaningfully:

“In this world, there is no shortage of rich people who spend money to win the first place in provincial technology competitions.”

…Gu Qizhou always felt that at a certain moment, he saw the child flapping his wings behind him.

The little wings of the devil.

The installation of the prosthesis is not complicated. The prosthetic material used by Shen Jingchuan is a high-quality customized high-end material, which minimizes the wear and tear of the residual limb.

In order to make Shen Jingchuan walk smoothly to the greatest extent, he took advantage of his spare time to independently write a new gravity simulation system.

He wrote this program for a year, and it would have taken at least a year to complete it according to the normal progress, but with the help of Professor Xu and several senior students, the program was perfected in just a few months .

He also helped him contact the custom factory, and this is the exoskeleton assistant mechanical leg that is more perfect than all prosthetic limbs on the market today.

Gu Qizhou put down Shen Jingchuan’s trouser legs and put on his shoes for him. He looked at Shen Jingchuan’s legs that looked almost like ordinary people, and his excitement was hard to hide.

“Let’s get up…try?”

Shen Jingchuan held Gu Qizhou’s hand, slowly stood up from the wheelchair, and took a small step.

One step after another.

Left foot, right foot, left foot, I was a little uncomfortable at first, but after walking a few more steps, Shen Jingchuan gradually mastered the skill of using it, and he let go of Gu Qizhou’s hand.

The program written by him himself turned into every steady and powerful step he made.

He can walk.

“Jinchuan…” Gu Qizhou’s eyes turned red unconsciously, “Now you are no different from us, you have succeeded.”

Shen Si Chuan did not use prosthetics in his last life.

But those are rigid as iron, and will never change the center of gravity with his movements like this, and simulate the movements of normal people to the greatest extent.

The feeling of being able to walk like a normal person in this way has been too long for him to experience.

The brothers in the laboratory are also very pleased to meet, not only gratified, Shen Jingchuan can design such advanced works at a young age, it is a well-deserved genius.

Even though there is room for improvement, when he left, he held Gu Qizhou’s hand sincerely and said:

“Uncle, your son is really a genius. You must have made achievements in scientific research to cultivate such a son? Are you studying physics? Or do you study materials? Or our mechanical engineering…”

The engineering dog who spends all day in the lab doesn’t know much about celebrities in the entertainment industry. Gu Qizhou, as a scumbag whose cultural score was so low that he almost didn’t get admitted to the drama school, was so attentive by the top students of Qing University Compliment, really ashamed.

“No, no, I haven’t made much achievements in scientific research, only a little achievement in the math teacher’s change of career…”

“Humble and humble, uncle really has a sense of humor…”

The two have deeply misunderstood this conversation.

When driving home, Gu Qizhou subconsciously went to the trunk to take out Shen Jingchuan’s wheelchair, but as soon as he got out of the car, he saw Shen Jingchuan already standing outside the door.

He had a slight smile on his face:

“Uncle Gu, I can take care of myself in the future.”

This sentence made Gu Qizhou’s throat unsatisfactory again.

“Okay, okay, what does it mean to be able to take care of yourself in the future? You used to take care of yourself…”

Small to go to the toilet to take a bath, big to go to school, Shen Jingchuan has never let the family worry too much.

He is even more reassuring than a healthy and alive yoyo.

But Gu Qizhou knew that behind this reassuring, there were many inconveniences that he could only overcome with great effort alone.

Gu Qizhou stood in front of Shen Jingchuan and touched his head.

“It’s grown taller.”

Shen Jingchuan is about to turn ten years old this year. Now the children are well nourished. At the age of ten years, they are already more than 1.6 meters tall.

Usually you can’t see it when you are in a wheelchair, but when you stand up, you realize that the taciturn little boy has grown into a tall boy.


The voice of Yoyo who just finished school came from inside the house.

Yoyo actually saw them a long time ago, but because Shen Jingchuan was standing and didn’t use a cane, Yoyo didn’t dare to recognize it after watching it for a long time.

It wasn’t until she opened the door and trotted all the way over that she was convinced that it was her brother Ji Chuan.

“Brother, brother, brother—!”

The one who ran along with a little **** clucked all the way to the quiet river, and this time it was not the familiar wheelchair that greeted her, but lifted her up and turned in circles ‘s brother.

“What are you doing? Are you scared?”

Yoyo really froze.

It was the first time she saw her brother so happy.

“It didn’t grow back, but I made one myself.”

Shen Jingchuan was afraid of being frightened, and didn’t immediately show her his mechanical legs composed of dark and cold lines.

Yoyo surprised:

“Then will my brother be able to stand up in the future!?”

“Yes.” Shen Jingchuan said with a smile, “I won’t have to be a wheelchair in the future, are you happy?”

Yoyo, who was smiling happily just now, the smile suddenly froze on his face.

Brother doesn’t need to sit in a wheelchair = she can’t sit on her brother’s wheelchair when she is tired from walking

“Brother… can we discuss it?”


“You see that your wheelchair is so good, it’s a pity that you won’t need it in the future. Discuss it with your mother, can you sit for me in the future?”

Shen Jingchuan: “… Guess what Aunt Yu will say when she hears it?”

Yoyo shrank her neck and asked, “…what, what?”

“She will tell you that you can donate your legs to those in need.”

Yoyo: “…”


The unyielding Yo Yo tried to test on the edge of death during dinner, but as expected, she was ruthlessly rejected and severely suppressed by Yu Lan.

Yu Lan: “… Throw away those messy thoughts in your mind as soon as possible, if it wasn’t for your health since you were young, I doubt whether you have a fever and burnt out your brain, why are you all day long? It’s useless to think about all this in your head?”

Yoyo pouted: “My head is hot, but it’s not burnt!”

“You look burnt out to me.”


Yu Lan was amused when she saw Yoyo’s serious rebuttal, she couldn’t help teasing her, and reached out to her forehead:

“Come and touch, I’ll know if it’s burned out, I…”

She suddenly stopped.

“Huh? Is it my illusion? Why is it really hot? Qizhou, come and touch it?”

Gu Qizhou was also surprised.

“No way, Yoyo has been fine since I was a child, and I’ve never had a fever… eh? It’s really hot!”

Yoyo still didn’t regain her senses with a dazed face, and saw that Yu Lan had already found a thermometer and stuffed it into her armpit, and after a while, she took it out and looked at it and found that it had burned to thirty-seven o’clock Five degrees.

Yoyo rarely got sick since she was a child. It can be said that she never had a fever except when she was a baby. This sickness scared the family.

“That’s what you ate ice cream yesterday!” Yu Lan found a reason to accuse her, “If you eat so much, will you still eat it in the future?”

Lying in bed after taking the antipyretic and cold medicine:

“Don’t eat…”

No wonder!

She will dare next time!

Originally, Gu Qizhou wanted to take Yoyo to the hospital for an injection, but Yoyo was afraid, and the injection on her body was not very good, Yu Lan thought about it and decided to observe it for one night. If the fever does not go away after taking the medicine, send it to the hospital.

“Cover the quilt and don’t kick the quilt.”

Before leaving, Yu Lan asked.

“I know.”

Yo yo, in fact, she didn’t feel sick at all with a fever, she just felt that her body temperature was a little high, her head was dizzy, she wanted to sleep, and there was no other feeling.

…Is it really ice cream?

But even if I eat ice cream, I don’t regret it at all, the only regret is that I didn’t eat the whole box.

Anyway, if you have a fever, you might as well eat them all!

Yoyo fell asleep thinking about the half box of ice cream that had not been eaten yet.

Unexpectedly, in this night’s dream, she did not sleep well at all.

While struggling with sweat, she said:

“Don’t eat me, don’t eat me…I’m tired of eating too much meat…”

It turned around like this overnight, and it was finally cooked the next morning.

Oh no, the fever is finally gone.

Only when Yoyo sat up from the bed, she seemed vaguely aware that something was wrong.

…How do you feel that you have more flesh on your body?

…It doesn’t feel right?

Yoyo got out of bed in a daze and wanted to get some water to drink.

When she passed the mirror, she paused.

—The fever has subsided, and the person seems to be gone.

Who is this abominable giant panda cub in the mirror! ! !

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