The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 10

Chapter 9: Nine Kids

Before Yoyo made a noise, Gu Qizhou and Gu Miaomiao had an awkward chat just now.

The topics of greeting revolve around “are you used to it after you go home”, “just say anything if you need anything”, “if you want grandma to have a vacation, you can go back and have a look”.

But the final destination is all-

Take care of your sister.

Don’t rob your sister.

In the last life, Gu Miaomiao was looking forward to her father coming back to support her, and then the only hope was extinguished by the cold water.

In this life, Gu Miaomiao was in a calm mood. She nodded seriously and reminded Gu Qizhou:

“…You don’t seem to be having a good time in kindergarten. Dad, you and Aunt Yu should care more about her.”

Gu Qizhou:…?

It seems to be a little different from what he expected.

However, Gu Qizhou attributed this to the precocious children who grew up in the countryside, and did not go into detail.

“I see.” Gu Qizhou touched her head, “Miaomiao is so sensible, Dad is very pleased.”

—Take care of you, she is sensible.

Gu Miaomiao understood his meaning very well.

She was unwilling and resentful in the last life, and did not understand why she was also his daughter, Gu Qizhou treated her differently from Yoyo.

When she grew up, she realized that not every parent will like their children.

But fortunately, she no longer expects it now.

“…what’s going on outside?”

Gu Qizhou got up in confusion when he heard Cen Sui shouting “Silent River hit his head”.

“Yo, what’s the matter?”

Seeing Gu Qizhou approaching, Yoyo pointed at Shen Jingchuan’s milky voice:

“My brother hit his head, it hurts, yo yo blow.”

“That’s it.” Gu Qizhou breathed a sigh of relief, squatted down and touched Yoyo’s head, “Youyo is so good, I knew Yoyo would like Brother Ji Chuan.”

Yoyo really like this brother.

Brother’s eyes and pupils are black, black hair and deep eyes, he is prettier than elder brother Cen Sui.

Children are naturally attracted to good-looking people.

It’s just… Brother Ji Chuan’s eyes occasionally make her a little scared.

“Brother Ji Chuan.” Yoyo raised her head to look at Shen Jichuan, her eyes shining, “Don’t you like Yoyo? Don’t you want to play with Yoyo?”

The bad things she did in the dream were to the older brother.

Now my brother is not that big, why don’t you like it?

Yo Yo is a little aggrieved.

Shen Jingchuan’s deep pupils looked at her.


His tone was very light, and there was no emotion.

“I’d love to play with you.”

Shen Jingchuan, who came back to his senses, returned to a calm mood.

He didn’t even blink an eye, and said such a lie that he didn’t believe.

The current Gu Youyou is just an illusion.

Having a soft and cute shell to deceive others will not change the domineering and viciousness she hides underneath.

Sooner or later, she will show the side he knows well.

“It’s alright, alright.” Gu Qizhou hugged Yoyo, “Brother still has to clean up the room, Yoyo wait for my brother to settle down and play with him tomorrow, okay?”

Yoyo lay on Gu Qizhou’s shoulder, and stared blankly at the direction of Shen Jingchuan.

It’s not that she thinks too much.

This brother’s eyes are really a little scary.

“…Yoyo, I’ll give you candy, you won’t be angry, okay?”

Cen Sui, who had just made Yoyo cry, handed Yoyo a white peach-flavored gummy in an uneasy way.

Yoyo happily took it, and asked back while removing the candy:

“What are you angry about?”

Cen Sui’s eyes widened: “Don’t you remember?”

The child’s emotions come and go quickly, Yoyo is a very unforgiving child, and it took a long time to realize what he said.

“Remember, remember…”

She was a little embarrassed, but the sugar in her mouth was sweet and soft, so she couldn’t say anything hard.

So Yo Yo had to emphasize:

“In the future, you can’t say that no children like me anymore.”

Cen Sui nodded earnestly.

“I promise!”

Mother said that a good boy is a good boy.

The generous Yoyo decided to forgive him.

Cen Sui, who was forgiven, remembered Shen Jingchuan.

“…Yoyo, is that Silent River your brother from now on?”

“Yeah.” Yoyo remembered what Cen Sui said before, and said generously, “It doesn’t matter, my brother is your brother too.”

The reason why I say this is because Cen Sui said before that he really wanted to have a brother.

However, Cen Sui listened and shook his head.

Yoyo said in surprise: “You don’t want brother?”

I was yearning for it a few days ago.

Cen Sui was just like her sister said, a radish with a heart.

“No, no.” Cen Sui hurriedly explained, “I just, what I want is not… Oh, the brother I want is not like Shen Jingchuan!”

Shen Jingchuan, who had just left the room, just heard this sentence and stopped.

I don’t know so: “Then which one do you want?”

Big brother is just big brother, is there another type?

Brother Cen Sui is so troublesome.

“It’s the kind, you can play basketball with me, take me to fight bad guys, and it’s better to take me to crawl around outside a very high building…”

Yoyo reminded him seriously: “The one you said is not called brother, but Spider-Man.”

Cen Sui said confidently: “Yes, I just want a Spider-Man brother.”


Yoyo thinks brother Cen Sui is so naive.

“Brother Ji Chuan is also very good!”

“Huh?” Cen Sui couldn’t understand, “He can’t climb trees or ride a toy car with us, how is he?”

Cen Sui did not discriminate against him.

However, to say that Shen Jingchuan is a brother that children like is really reluctant.

However, Yoyo, who has a clear mind, said—

“He’s very good. It would be better if brother Ji Chuan’s car was bigger. Yoyo can accompany him in the car, so Yoyo doesn’t have to walk by himself.”

Sitting on the sofa with chubby legs, Yoyo has a sincere face.

Chattering like a dog.

She really doesn’t like walking by herself.

Cen Sui: “…”

Silent River: “…”

You are too lazy.

After the Gu family got used to it for a few days, Shen Jingchuan gradually discovered something different from the previous life.

Maybe it’s some kind of butterfly effect, Gu Qizhou has an eldest daughter.

He searched with the mobile phone that Gu Qizhou gave him, and it was easy to find news about the Gu family.

Entertainment News said that the great director Gu Qizhou once became famous and abandoned his filthy wife. When Yu Lan became a safari actress, he got married in a hurry.

If what the gossip says is true, then Gu Yoyo…is the child of the third child?

Shen Jingchuan was a little surprised.

Although this is indeed a deadly handle, Shen Jingchuan is not going to use this to deal with Gu Yoyo.

After all, Gu Qizhou is kind to him.

What’s more, it’s too easy to deal with Gu Youyou.

Because even in the future she will be domineering and do all kinds of evil, but at this time she—

Only three years old.

That night, Shen Jingchuan found Gu Yoyo hiding inside under the table in his room.

“…what are you doing?”

The chair moved away, revealing the stunned face of the little girl.

She was holding the biscuits in both hands, her mouth was bulging, and she was shivering like a little squirrel who was found to be stealing.

“Yo, yo yo didn’t steal snacks!”

The little girl panicked and put her hands and biscuits behind her back, and even swallowed the food in her mouth.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, the biscuits on his face fell down.

Silent River: “…”

“Brother, don’t tell mom if you’re okay.” Yoyo pinched his trouser legs pitifully, “Mom won’t let me eat snacks at night, so I’ll beat my ass.”

She probably didn’t know, after hearing this, Shen Jingchuan really wanted to sue her immediately, and let Yu Lan beat her and cry.

But he held back.

“Okay.” Shen Jingchuan said mildly, “I won’t tell you, you can continue to eat your cookies.”

After discovering that Yoyo was a little different from what he imagined, Shen Jingchuan didn’t plan to show his terrible side in front of her again.

There are many ways to get revenge on Gu Yoyo.

He will stay at Gu’s house until he reaches adulthood, and he can take advantage of Gu Youyou’s naivety and deceit, and pretend to be a gentle big brother to gain her trust.

The Gu Yoyo he was familiar with was stupid, vicious and empty-headed.

As long as he has her trust, he is completely sure that he can play her in the palm of his hand.


Yoyo because she likes candy and snacks too much, she is like guerrilla warfare all day long, she is chased by Yu Lan and Aunt Zhang to hide all over the room.

Even her sister didn’t allow her to eat too many snacks, for fear that she would develop cavities.

—Brother is so nice!

Yoyo was moved to tears, and even generously broke a piece for Shen Jingchuan.

“You’re welcome, brother.”

The little hand holding the biscuits was soft, like mangosteen pulp.

She has bright eyes and a soft voice.

“Brother, you are so nice, I like you.”

Silent River was stunned.

Gu Youyou in the previous life was born with a arrogant personality among thousands of coddles, and has never suffered any hardships. She can confidently rely on her family background and healthy body to bully him wantonly.

She was young and innocent in this life, and she had no defense against others. It should have been the best time to manipulate her.

It turned into a cute and harmless cub again.

When Shen Jingchuan was silent, Yoyo also got out from under the table.

Stealing a biscuit made her exhausted.

“Yeah.” Yoyo saw a pocket watch on the bedside at a glance, and asked curiously, “Brother, what is this?”

Bling Bling’s necklace.


Shen Jingchuan looked back and saw what she was talking about, her pupils shrank suddenly.

“Leave my stuff!”

Shen Jingchuan’s suddenly high voice made Yoyo retract her hand in fright.

He pushed the wheelchair, and quickly went over and snatched the “necklace” from Yoyo’s hand.

He has been carrying it with him all the time, he just took it off after entering the door, and wants to put it in another place.

Yoyo was frightened by the roar of Shen Jingchuan.

…It seems to make my brother angry…

She twitched her fingers nervously, knowing that she seemed to have done something wrong, but she didn’t know exactly what she had done wrong.

“Brother, don’t be fierce yo yo, yo yo… yo yo sing to your brother, okay?”

The black grape-like eyes looked at him pitifully, with a little panic.

Yes, fear.

She was afraid of him.

Shen Jingchuan quietly hid his pocket watch and softened his expression as much as possible.

In his plan, Gu Youyou should not leave a negative impression of fear.

“I’m not angry, I’m not afraid.”

He even bent his lips as much as possible, showing a small smile.

Yo Yo stayed for two seconds.

“Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo brother don’t be fierce yoyo,yoyo is afraid…yoyo will never be #%¥%…”

Frightened by his fake smile, Yoyo was incoherent, collapsed and cried.

Silent River: “…”

However, Shen Jingchuan only tried to feed her two small biscuits, and Yoyo soon stopped crying.

…It’s really easy to deceive.

When I woke up the next day, I thought about it, and it seemed that I did something wrong yesterday.

Mom said, don’t touch other people’s things casually.

Although she often flips through her dad’s phone.

However, my mother said that children are different from adults, and children should be obedient.

So she didn’t want to grow up to be bad, so she decided to apologize to her brother today.

“Brother, brother, brother—!”

Early in the morning, Shen Jingchuan heard a rooster-like sound from far away, and when he turned his head, he saw a small dumpling running in screaming.

“I’m sorry brother.”

The little ball lying beside his table had soft eyelashes and soft voice.

“…I’m not angry.”

Yoyo tilted her head to examine his expression carefully.

“Does brother like that necklace very much? Yoyo remember, I won’t take it randomly in the future.”

She’s so cute!

Praise her! Praise her! Praise her!

Shen Jingchuan’s eyelids jumped when he gradually woke up.

Why does she keep thinking about that pocket watch?

This will not work.

“It’s just an ordinary ‘necklace’.” Shen Jingchuan tried his best to let Yoyo stop worrying about that, “It’s not important, I can’t find it.”

Yoyo who asked for praise was stunned.

“Why, why are you gone!” Yoyo was even more anxious than him, and sighed like a little adult, “You will be scolded by your mother if you lose things, why is your brother so careless.”

…It’s you who is often scolded by your mother.

“It’s okay!”

Yoyo patted her little chest, trying her best to show that she is very reliable.

“Help your brother find it!”

The three-year-old Yoyo is no longer a baby, she can help my brother who has inconvenient legs to find things!


Shen Jingchuan didn’t have time to stop her, and ran out in a hurry.

After thinking about it, Shen Jingchuan did not catch up.

Like a fool.

Deserved to be fooled around.

Shen Jingchuan was sitting in a wheelchair, watching Yoyo run away coldly.

A child’s enthusiasm comes and goes quickly. When she gets bored, she will give up on her own.

He didn’t think about it anymore.

Until evening, Yoyo jumped off the chair after hurriedly planning the rice in the bowl and ran out again.

Yu Lan grabbed the back of her neck:

“What are you running for? What are you doing in the yard all day today? You just finished changing your clothes, so don’t get all muddy again.”

Yoyo was very anxious and said seriously:

“Mom, don’t stop me, I’m going to find the necklace.”

Shen Jingchuan was stunned.

Yu Lan: “What necklace are you looking for, where did you get the necklace?”

“It’s the Bling Bling necklace. I can’t find it.” Yoyo spread her hands and looked serious, “Mom, let go of your hands, it will be dark in a while.”

Yu Lan was still thinking about where the necklace came from, and while she was not paying attention, Yoyo quickly broke free and ran out in a hurry.

Shen Jingchuan hesitated for a while, but finally followed.

Under the setting sun, the figure lying in the bushes beside the lawn searching earnestly was petite and soft, forming a stubborn dumpling.

When she moved, she looked up and saw Silent River looking at her, and she waved her hand happily:

“Brother, don’t worry, it will be soon!”

There was a realization in his heart that he couldn’t believe.

Gu Youyou searched all day for his pocket watch.

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