The Gamer's System

Chapter 68: A Strange Weapon

[1:00:00 left before the Fifth Boss Appears]

This notification came as soon as Zeke came down from the [Steel Golem's] corpse. He wasted no time and began collecting everything in sight. Zeke would've remained an planted more tarps for the coming enemy. However, he knew that what he needs is to collect the rewards first as, these would be crucial.

With two more quests completed, Zeke would gain [Skill Points] which he would later spend depending on what kind of monster he would face. Of course, part of this consideration would be the usefulness of these skills in the long run.

"Gull, Erio, hold on to the quest materials for me." Zeke said as he sorted the newly acquired items. There are actually a lot, including blue tier and even two orange tier items. He then proceeded to taking out a [Transportation Scroll] which led him back to the cabin.

"Tell me these are what I think they are." Yaeger began, seeing Zeke who just transported to the front of her home. Alongside Zeke are two conjures that held the items required to finish the four-part quest [A Favor for the Goddess of the Hunt].

"Those are the flame ores from the [Steel Golem]. I have zero clue as to how a creature like that could drop a loot like this but, hey I finished the quest right." Zeke said, presenting the first item which is a hundred pieces of black shiny rocks.

Zeke already viewed the information connected to this item as his [Analysis] automatically worked. This is what was displayed as soon as he picked up the item:

[Item Name: Ignition Rocks]

[Information: These rocks require the only a flicker of fire in order to begin heating up. Whoever it is that lights the ores can the control the amount of heat being released. In terms of cooking however, the stones can regulate themselves to the optimal temperature depending on how the food is supposed to be cooked.]

[Information: The rocks are consumable items which have fixed durability. Once this is used up, the rocks get destroyed immediately.]

[Number of Uses Left: 10/10]

Zeke thought how useful the item could be. Apart from its kitchen use, the rocks can be further crafted in order to make items that Zeke could make use of in future missions. The other quest reward is also something which Zeke could potentially benefit from.

[Item Name: Venom of the Corrosive Viper]

[Information: The venom of the corrosive viper, although deadly, can be diluted using different liquids. This will result to it having multiple effects. One of these being, the cleansing of monster meat into something edible. Another effect is corroding any dangerous substance that enters the body of anyone who drinks the mixture.]

Again, Zeke kept some of this item for himself. After all, whenever he defeats a monster, another set of loot comes off of the monsters. These are the ones provided by the [Gamer's System] making them completely separate from the items which monsters would already hand out.

Although the mixture is not stated, Zeke has enough of the venom in order to try it out with different substances. And, other than this, Zeke knows that he may just be able to find a way in order to cerate a similar potion. This is by using different ingredients that does not require the [Corrosive Viper's] venom.

The goddess clapped her hands as she marveled at the accomplishment of Zeke. The human is both under leveled and, ultimately weaker than the boss monsters if attributes alone are looked at. And yet, Zeke was able to defeat all four monsters. Adding to this is the fact that, one boss monster got defeated each day. With the more shocking addition of having two more boss monsters defeated at the same time. 

"To think that you've only been on this world for a couple of months." Yaeger told herself, looking at the human that mocked all strength with his tactics and strategies.

Sebastian and Harun were also there to witness the whole thing. Just like Yaeger, the two servants are shocked with the results. They know that Zeke is a capable and a very reliable person. However, they didn't know that he would actually be capable of performing the feat he sought out to accomplish.

"Now you've really got my interest. Zeke deary, don't die to the final boss okay? I'll give you a bunch of rewards right after you finish that creature off." Yaeger said, holding on to the rocks and rubbing them on her cheeks. She then looked at the vials which contained the venom, shaking it as if to see if it's the real deal.

"Okay you've finished the quests. Congratulations Zeke and company." The goddess continued, with Zeke finally getting the notification from the [Gamer's System].

[The third part of the chain quest - A Favor for the Goddess of the Hunt has been completed!]

[20 Skill Points are given as a reward.]

[10 Attribute Points are given as a reward.]

[The fourth part of the chain quest - A Favor for the Goddess of the Hunt has been completed!]

[20 Skill Points are given as a reward.]

[10 Attribute Points are given as a reward.]

[The Chain Quest - A Favor for the Goddess of the Hunt has been completed!]

[20 Skill Points are given as a reward.]

[You have received the Blessing of the Goddess of the Hunt]

[Blessing Information: While battling monster class creatures, the receiver of the blessing gains an additional 10% offensive and defensive capability.]

[Blessing Information: The receiver of the blessing gains a 15% efficiency on weapons when battling non - monster type enemies.]

[Blessing Information: The receiver of the blessing gains the passive skill [Blood Scent] which could track nearby enemies that have already been marked by the blessing receiver.]

A mark appeared on Zeke's wrist which represented the blessing. The two servants saw this and, wanted to have the same mark on them. But then, they knew that it is impossible with their current skill level.

"Well, what do you think of the reward?" The goddess asked as soon as Zeke looked at her.

"I'd say that, with the materials and evolutions that came with the quest, everything is worth it." Zeke replied, looking at the mark on his hand and, seeing if it could be removed if he rubbed it with his thumb. As he did, he looked at the countdown timer before the fifth boss appears.

[00:31:48left before the Fifth Boss Appears]

Like what he always does, Zeke began making the plans for the upcoming fight. He left the group to themselves and went back to his room. 

At the moment, there is one problem which weighs heavily on Zeke. That is, his primary weapon is now destroyed. 

Although he could simply use the weapons of his conjures, these aren't as efficient as his [Death's Symphony Mk. II]. After all, the weapon is fast, accurate, and has a high amount of damage output added to it. Not only this but, the weapon also serves as a way fore Zeke to always be on a distance where he could dodge whenever an enemy comes for him.

He'd make a new weapon but, he lacks a bunch of things. One is the number of materials needed in order to create the twin pistols. He already used most of his materials in order to create a weapon for everyone and, aside from this, his revision of the pistols drained whatever was left of the materials on his storage. 

The [Steel Golem] did drop a lot of high-ranking materials. However, Zeke has no idea what will come out of placing them together. Nor is he satisfied with his current success rate in crafting as, the materials are low in stock while being high tiered. This meant that, if Zeke fails in crafting, there'd be none left for him to use. 

Adding to this is the problem that, there is only one core left. The other core which was embedded into the pistol was used to blow up the [Steel Golem]. This used up one of Zeke's reincarnation for that day and thus, he only has one more left.

Then, Zeke thought of something. Another idea which would potentially save him from all the troubles he is currently experiencing.

"Harun, come to my room immediately." Zeke ordered through the [Voice Chat]. The female elf servant came shortly after.

"I'll be needing the tip of your spear for a while." Zeke said, telling Harun to give up the blade of her weapon. Harun wanted to protest of course but, the weapon is a gift from Zeke. One which the female elf servant did not even earn through her own merits.

Thus, she simply sighed and, gave the weapon away.

"Thanks. You may leave now." Zeke added, making Harun leave with a heavy heart. She proceeded to hugging Sebastian as she beat her fists on his chest.

Meanwhile, inside the room, Zeke finally began performing his plan which went like this. The first thing he did is raise the rank of his [Lucky Gambler] skill. With the number of upgrades performed, the skill reached an added [30%] rate of success for [A+] tiered items. 

This is exactly what Zeke needs as, the metals from the [Steel Golem's] loot are ranked [A+] and above. Zeke then picked up Harun's spear and proceeded to disassembling it. He took the blade from the tip which, as was mentioned before, was crafted to the extent that it could pierce most objects. 

Zeke wanted to raise this, he wanted to make that blade pierce through anything, even the [Carnivorous Turtle's] shell and, the [Steel Golem's] defenses. Hence, he added the metal from the material loot and, began combining these together.

[Crafting Succeeded!]

[Crafting Succeeded!]

[Crafting Succeeded!]

[Crafting Failed!]

[Crafting Succeeded!]

As this continued, Zeke added some of the [Venom Vial] into the mix. The system did not hinder him and thus, Zeke knew that the combination is feasible. Then, he took the last core from his [Death's Symphony] and proceeded to crafting this together with what is already being made.

Time ran fast and, with only a minute left before the fifth boss appears, Zeke finally finished his weapon. He smiled at the blade created as he held it in his hand and, with another [Teleportation Scroll] he proceeded to where the final boss is.

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