The Foreigner on the Periphery

Chapter 52: 21st Century Robin Hood (6)

There was a group that was hostile to dragons by using such expressions in today’s world. There was only one thing that popped into Minjun’s mind, ‘Red Star.’  

Minjun was sarcastic. "It was a fierce and effective self-introduction. Impressive."  

The woman didn’t care. The blood clot in her veins clogged her veins, causing considerable pain, but not because of excitement and anger. Unable to properly control her body, she pointed her fingers and raised her throat. in a voice full of hostility. "You should be ashamed! A deformed society is not going to change because of voluntary slaves like you!"  

"A slave?"

“Yes! How could you be born as a human being and help beyond aiding in this situation?" The woman who had no way of knowing that the premise of the race was wrong in the first place vomited.  

"You are helping the dragon plunder!"

"You have to know that their enormous capital is the price of exploiting ordinary people. The surplus value we paid for in blood!"  

‘What a typical logic.'  

"Of course, the dragon will pay generously to people like you. In the meantime, what is the truth that is being ignored? The poor are struggling desperately while the dragon is accumulating wealth that can’t be used alone! Their days are spent solely to live and eat. There is no freedom! They are real slaves!"  

Women had to catch a lot to look like they were in their early 20s. He knew where these people came from and how they disappeared.  

‘These are the children raised by the Red Star.'  

Known as righteous thieves, they poured the capital they looted from the rich into various places. In addition to the one-dimensional aid that spread food to the slums, they spared no expense in investing for the future, such as building a school that looked good on the outside, which had long since been washed on paper.  

Of course, there were different interpretations of who the future was for.

If one was to dig into the staff and teachers at such schools, they would somehow be related to the Red Star, and they could keep a close eye on the students and report their cotyledon resources to the ‘upper.'  

Of course, the talented person was included in the first priority in such a select group. As if they had been abandoned by the central government, children who grew up eating the food the Red Star gave them, wearing the clothes they gave them, and receiving the education they provided, grew up thoroughly indoctrinated by ideology.  

This was the extent where he could say this without hesitation. "Capitalism is a weapon for dragons to oppress the workers! Only by destroying them can mankind be liberated . . ."  

"What do you do after you knock it down?"  


Minjun asked in annoyance as he gathered his magic power in his hand. "Let's say that the dragon is replaced by another race. economic system? What do you want to change to? Should there be a ration system like in the former Soviet Union?"  

At this, the woman shouted without hesitation. "That's something to think about once you break it down!"  

" · · ·"  

"You can’t postpone a revolution just because you haven’t thought of a perfect alternative! Because the blueprint for the future is incomplete, we cannot ignore the oppression and pain that is being inflicted now! Once freed from slavery, the intelligence and independence that dwell within people will blossom in unexpected ways. And you will make a better system!"  

"The first step is to destroy the dragon?"


‘It's because they're always like this…'  

The content of the brainwashing of the Red Star showed a bizarrely great hostility to the dragon. Of course, it was true that they were wealthy, but human beings of similar levels were rarely targeted. This fact caused many to raise reasonable doubts, but since there was no evidence, it was only a suspicion.  

‘Anyway, I don't need to talk anymore here.'  

It was when I completed the spell to drag the woman away. "Uh… huh?!"  

As soon as the spell touched the spy’s body, an unexpected reaction appeared. "?!"  

The change was instantaneous. Bubbles of her blood flowed from her mouth with a bubbling sound. Veins all over her body began to swell in strange shapes, as did her  


Minjun realized that his spell was the trigger. The magic that had been deactivated in the opponent’s body reacted. She didn’t seem to have imagined in her dreams that a woman had such a thing hidden within her.  

As proof of that, she looked into her terrified eyes as her hands, swollen the size of a pot lid.  

“No!” Minjun tried to destroy it, but his magic was boiling way too fast. She sensed something she was doing and she stretched her arms out to him. His face had already swelled up like a balloon, and his features had turned into a crushed mass of flesh.  

“Save me…”  

And with that, her voice was drowned out in a riot.  

Pop! A roar that seemed to tear the eardrums echoed through the alley. Minjun spread the shadows thinly to create a shield and proceeded to block the heat storm from the explosion of the woman’s body.  

The shock wave that flowed around was absorbed by the barrier enchanted on the outer wall of the bank.  

Win! Whoops!  

There was a disgusting smell, including the smell of burning flesh, that poked through his nose. Minjun, who had removed the shield, looked at the place where the woman had just been before in despair.  

It was fortunate that he had come into the dark alley. Had there been a passerby, she would have been entangled. There were burnt flesh and bone fragments scattered all over the place, and fragments of a woman whose part it was difficult to recognize were scattered.  

‘You let me cut off her tail as soon as I get caught…'  

She had this ability to be useful, but she chose to break it rather than let it fall into the hands of her enemies.

It was a common word for children raised by Red Star. Depending on how things change, in the end, it would be just like a throwaway bomb.  

‘Aren’t triggers too sensitive anyway? What the hell are you on guard against…’  


"Are you okay?!"  

The security guards who had left him heard the explosion and rushed to run. Before they could come any closer, Minjun reached out and stopped him.  

“Wait a minute!”  

Leaving the guards who stopped without knowing the English, Minjun stared into the air. The explosion just before seemed unexpected even for a woman.  

She was murdered, not suicide. The more terrifying death you face, the less likely your soul would be absorbed into the spirit realm and the chance to go to reincarnation.  

Minjun, noticing the possibility, waited calmly, and such a choice turned out to be the right thing to do.  


The guards, who did not approach as directed, and were waiting, felt a chilling feeling. Something invisible to their eyes came into Minjun's sight. The hazy energy emanating from the charred and shredded corpse gradually takes on a clear form.  

A naked woman reminiscent of a drowned body with swelling all over. She was embodying the look just before the explosion.

A devastating mental wave rang out.  

= Ah! It hurts  · · · Save her  · · · Save her  · · ·! =  

Minjun did not get her statement while she was alive. But just because she was dead didn't mean she had to give up everything. The spy raised by the Red Star soon became a ghost. The fate of the ghost, whose corpse had disappeared, was to wander the Nether as it was or to completely recover intelligence and memory with a very low probability and become a ghost.  

However, before that, this spirit body had work to do with Minjun. Minjun memorized a spell to subdue a woman and make her into a temporary family. If one were to become a Ghost immediately after death, they wouldn’t be able to do it this way, but it was possible in the state of a ghost.  

The moment one dies, one would be caught up in memories and grudges, making it impossible to think properly. Memories ran through his mind, fragmented. Amid the chaotic flow of his consciousness, Minjun found some meaning.  

‘Red Star knew that the incident occurred at the headquarters of Changchun Bank.'  

Seeing that memory, Minjun was convinced. ‘Then the culprits are definitely these bastards.'  

Changcheon did not inform the police that the talent was stolen. How does the Red Star know of such a top secret?  

That was because they were thieves. Sending the woman was meant to observe and respond to how the owner of the bank reacted.

‘Even if I robbed it, I was nervous because I robbed it too big, right?'  

He believed that the talented person wouldn't be caught and sent it away, but rather, that caught his ankle. He wanted to know how he stole the talent, but there was no clue about him in the memory of the man who had been raised just to be thrown away.  

‘Damn it, I can’t hold it any longer!’  

Without a body, a vessel to tie up, he had no choice but to send the ghost away. The woman screamed horribly and disappeared into the sky. After that, Minjun finally explained the situation to the guards.  

After seeing them clear the scene and report to Changcheon to block the police, Minjun escaped from the scene.  


– Yes, Minjun.  

Minjun called Cathy as he moved. "Please organize all the information related to Red Star and send it to me."  

There would inevitably be more information about them from the police rather than the immigration office, and Cathy would send an official request for cooperation and even take over the top-secret content.  

It would take some time to organize it and share it with Minjun.

‘I wonder how they stole the talent, but I can’t even guess why they stole it.’  

Even if it were to fall into the hands of such an organization, it would be difficult to trade with it, and if one would illegally exchange their talents into global currency, they would not be left with a ridiculous exchange rate and fees. burst  

‘This is something that dragon-hating revolutionaries can do with the most valuable currency in the universe…’  

Minjun could guarantee that they wouldn’t really know what a talent was. This was because even he didn't know much right now. For example, only the committee knows how to publish and cannot print indefinitely as desired. And at this point, talents were the only means that could artificially influence and change the soul.  

‘You said that you need talents to purify the soul. This is a punishment executed by the committee when a prisoner commits a crime or when it is judged that the correctional labor sentence is meaningless.'

In addition to this, the talent must have been consumed to erase the memories engraved on my soul.' Minjun showing interest in the real talent was to eventually find a clue to regain his memory. Every time he thought of such a plan, a creepy and ominous premonition passed through his mind.  

The memory of Telesia’s end came to mind, and he felt like he shouldn't have touched it. However, Minjun was trying not to be swayed by this feeling any longer.  

"Once Jenkinson gets the real talent… no matter how much of it is consumed, it is enough to decorate it with loss or damage."  

This was a possible explanation because it was a substance that evaporated quickly if managed incorrectly. ‘Considering all these things, it's definitely not something that kids like Red Star would be greedy for.'  

While he was immersed in these and other thoughts, the phone rang. ‘Already?'  

He thought that the transfer and arrangement of data could not be finished so soon… but the sender was not the cache.  

"Oh, my dear."  

– Are you busy?  

"If you're busy, you're busy… Why?"  

Hearing the following words, he felt them fading away. This time, the purpose was a frying pan. Yesterday, the sealing was delayed due to a sudden visit to Changcheon, and it seemed that he heard the news from Cathy.  

He couldn’t afford to worry about it right away, so he gave permission to stop by the office and borrow it.

“Oh.” As he was trying to hang up the phone, he suddenly remembered and asked, ‘By the way, the main active area of ​​Red Star is the Orc community, right?’  

– Yes, brother.  

"Your jurisdiction, is it still an oak neighborhood?"  

He then murmured in a bitter voice.  

– Of course. Who else would want to take over this area but me?  

"Then let me ask you. Aren’t the Red Star kids showing strange signs these days? Either he did something he hadn’t done before, or he became strangely quiet, or vice versa.”  

Then Jeongpal said in a puzzled way.

– Uh? Why is immigration digging for it? Is your brother also like that because of Chairman Kim Kwang-woo?  


With that, another name came up. Chairman Kim Kwang-woo. His gaze changed when Jung-pal first mentioned a person Min-jun did not even mention.

"Why that yangban?" Jeongpal explained the situation. Official information that the chairman was away from his office for a few weeks on vacation was also known to the police.  

However, like Minjun did, no one believed the excuse. Chairman Kim Kwang-woo was a godfather who secretly supported the Orc gang and was one of the subjects of intensive observation by the police. When he suddenly disappeared, the police were trying to figure out the hidden circumstances.  

– The prime suspect right now is Red Star. You two didn’t get along well from the beginning, right?  

"Is that so? Ah… well, both of them are based in the Orc community, so they’ll have to bump into each other.”  

Both were of great interest to the inhabitants of the Orc community. Red Star wanted to nurture terrorists who attack the rich there, and Chairman Kim Kwang-woo wanted to raise gangsters as a means of increasing his wealth. Therefore, it was Jeongpal’s explanation that the two groups had been holding each other in check for a long time.  

– Still, there was no encroachment on each other’s territory, and the truce had been going on for a long time…  

A few months ago, the Red Star kids were caught poking around within Chairman Kim Kwang-woo’s sphere of influence. The police judged it as a sign of war, and they were watching it more closely than usual, but the president suddenly disappeared with an absurd excuse.  

‘Did it not be Changcheon who touched him, but Red Star? No, I’m not sure yet.’

After hanging up, Minjun realized that the situation was considerably more complicated than expected. At first glance, the name Kim Kwang-woo, which seemed unrelated to the incident, kept appearing here and there.  

‘Red Star…what are these guys flying around with sparks all over the place?’ Minjun stopped thinking about going deeper.  

‘Whatever the reason and method of acquiring the talent… I don't have to wrap my head around here for a long time.'  

If one was curious about the reason, it was enough to ask the other person directly. In a somewhat harsh, not very gentle manner, Minjun decided to kick the Red Star.

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