The First Lich Lord

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Standing at the base of the sprawling tree that made up my library, my focus was locked on the core glowing with dark purple light with growing trepidation.

Whenever youre ready. Your mindscape is secure now, Damien assured me. In some ways, it is more secure than anyone else whos ever done this. Normally when one begins this process, their mindscape is at great risk because it gives off a lot of energy and attracts monsters that dwell on the Plains or even other telepaths. Since youre walled off, nothing can get you.

I reached for the orb, sensing its power. Memories flashed before my eyes. Memories that unnerved me, that reminded me of things I didnt want to remember.

Upon touching the orb, my world went black.


I was surrounded in pure darkness. Which was strange, as I could see the darkness. I stomped my foot and it echoed off of hard stone below me. This was an oppressive darkness. Like it was trying to smother me. I did not fear it, a benefit of not having that emotion, because the darkness was mine even though it seemed wrong.

That singular resolve of will pushed that oppressing weight back, and the darkness lifted, just a bit. Shapes moved around me. I was even human again. Which is how I suppose I saw myself at my core.

As this strange world continued to lighten, a figure approached. They were familiar It was, me. The Lich version of me directly after Id been turned. I was regal and powerful.

So, what do you think? The Lich version of me gave a little twirl, a black robe flying up behind him.

I think Im not you, I said. I cant beIm not a bad person.

Darkness isnt bad, its just different, the Lich said. This darkness has always been a part of you. And now it shall consume you. For if I absorb you, I become you and no longer will I be stuck in this place.

Before I could fully process his words, the Lich struck at me. A blast of eldritch magic rocketed from his fingers, and I barely managed to avoid being hit. The energy rocketed out into the darkness, briefly illuminating a few of the other figures wandering around. I reached for Mercy, but it wasnt there.

Just let me kill you, the Lich snarled. Your life will be much easier if you fully embrace the darkness.

No! I stubbornly refused. I only played the bad guy. I am not a villain!

But arent you? the Lich asked, rushing forward and punching me square in the face, sending me careening out into the darkness. If this was not a part of you, then I wouldnt exist. Part of you wants to be the villain and that part of you is me. And when I absorb you, I will be all of you.

My vision swam as I struggled to my feet. Before me stood another figure, and as the darkness pulled back, I recognized it. It was a younger me when I first started that dreadful job. I felt all of the resentment toward those who had once been my friends and who had left me behind. It had consumed me at that point. Id been unable to escape, while they moved on and never looked back.

Truly, it wasnt their fault. Part of me was happy for them. Except I still felt abandoned, and then abandonment turned into resentment. Resentment aimed at the people who I once called friend. When it filled me to bursting, that resentment turned on the world.

Ah, yes, the Lich said, standing behind me. The specter of your past is part of what led to my creation, but not all of it. The anger you struggled with your whole life also led to me. Im the darkness that will be with you forever. I am more a part of you than almost anything else.

Looking at the downcast figure, I understood the truth in his statement. When Id taken joy in causing suffering, even in a world Id seen as not real, it had come from this darkness. From my frustration and lack of control over my own life. So Id come to a fantasy world where I could vent my rage.

This may be a part of me I turned toward the Lich. But I refuse to let it define me. I punched the Lich in the stomach with all my might.

The blow sent the Lich spiraling off and I rushed after it. The moment I did, the darkness seemed to lift and more of the obscure figures came into focus. The young boy was me, saddled with the rage I felt at my parents death. All I had in the world was my sister and parents, and their absence left a gaping hole in both of our lives.

I landed blow after blow on the Lich that sent him flying back, revealing more specters of my past. The loneliness I felt as my sisters work consumed her. I didnt blame her for it, but it made me feel more alone in the world.

My failed attempts at dating in high school. How they always ended in heartbreak and misery. I realize now that mightve had to do with the burden I bore and how freely Id share it with anyone.

At some point, I began to cry. The press of loneliness that led to me becoming a Lich was almost too much to bear.

Another memory was unveiled, one more recent. When I first came to this world alone in the darkness. It seemed to be the compressed memories of my time here, and I saw a brief overview of my journey. It was sad Until Rhea showed, followed quickly by other friendly faces as I built a life in Omark. This memory made me pause, because it seemed so out of place.

The Lich was lying at the feet of the figure containing this memory, smiling up at me. Do you see now that this darkness is you?

I do. And I really did at that moment. But it doesnt have to be who I am. Yes, Ive done terrible things. Yes, Ive felt abandoned. Yes, I am a villain. But I dont have to always be a villain I can be more than this darkness.

I was surprised when the Lich version of me smiled even more. Good. If you werent strong enough to see this, then I really shouldve taken over. The Lich smirked. Then again, you did have some help with your emotions being mostly missing, enabling you to see things logically. Be warned, mastering the other cores will not be so easy as your emotions return.

I stepped back into a defensive posture, figuring there was still more fight to come. Except the Lich version of me dissolved, as did all the figures around me, and the darkness began to fade.

I came back to myself, sitting next to the core, hand outstretched.

Damien sat across from me, watching, and a smile spread on his face.

I see what you mean, I said. I think I need to change how Ive been using my powers. Though I still need to be careful. I cant imagine Olattee will look upon the necromancy and dark magic with much acceptance.

No, I doubt they will. Damien had a broad smile now. Its good to have you back, boss.

A piece of white paper appeared in the area before me and flowed down into my hands. It was rather surprising to say the least, as I hadnt seen a quest paper in a long time. I read with interest.

Quest complete

Mindscape Restoration

You have restored your mindscape to a place where it is no longer a threat to the rest of the universe. Congratulations. Your reward is reconnection to the Mindscape of the rest of the universe.

Altor, the creator.

Well, now what? I asked.

I want to see this, Damien said, and gestured for me to follow him. The moment we were outside the library, he launched into the air.

We flew to the edge of my mindscape, right up to a barrier of an opaque gray energy that surrounded it. The barrier was fracturing. Through the dissolving patches, we began to see out into the vast barren plains that the mindscape consisted of. Space was different here, so its unlikely we would see other mindsunless they were incredibly close to us. The vast, barren plains were spectacular in their own right. They stretched on forever. No one knew if there was ever an end.

You know, Damien said, I once heard a powerful telepath tell me that you can reach other worlds in the mindscape. Even truly travel between the stars.

I can only imagine how long that would take, I said.

Not as long as you might think, Ilore said, joining us. I worked with a telepath once. There are many ways to move incredibly fast over those plains. Faster than should be possible. He needed me to help with the time dilation effects. Its easier to deal with in the mindscape than in the real world, as physics here is more bendy than rigid.

Did he visit other worlds? I asked.

No, Ilore shook her head. He said it was possible, but this world is so unbelievably big, he saw no point in visiting worlds that were so small, they would appear as grains of sand in this one.

How big is this world? I asked in surprise. For something to be big enough that entire worlds would be nothing more than a grain of sand, this place had to be impossibly big. Players only showed up in certain parts to interact with each other. Ilore, I remember hearing that you could use holy cities of creation to travel to other worlds.

I dont think those are actually other worlds, Ilore said. I think those are just different places on this world separated by billions of kilometers.

An unseen surge passed across my mindscape. What was that?

From the look on Damiens face, he hadnt noticed anything, but Ilore looked confused. We turned back toward my mindscape; another pulse flared.

It was faint, but I recognized the magic. Time magic. It washed over my mindscape, coating everything it came in contact with until it reached the edges of my zone and dissipated almost immediately.

Follow me, Ilore said as she flew back toward the center of my mindscape.

It didnt take long for us to reach the center. We touched down just as another pulse emanated out. We traced the origin, and moved back down into my library. To everyones surprise, the tree had shifted slightly. Rather, the tree hadnt shifted, the room had grown. There was a new orb glowing with gray light. It wasnt attached to anything.

Another pulse emanated out, and the three of us approached it.

What is it? Damien asked.

Its time magic, Ilore said.

I carefully reached out to it, making sure not to touch it. No memories were there. It was just a source of something. In my minds eye, with my hand near the orb, I saw Ilore come up next to me. When I looked beside me, she hadnt moved yet, but a moment later she did.

Wow. Id seen enough science fiction, in particular Star Wars, to have a grasp of what this might be. Ilore, I saw you move up here before you did.

Really? she asked, reaching her hand out. Let me see.

I retracted my hand and moved away. A moment later, she gasped.

Its precognition, isnt it? I asked.

It is. Ilore shook her head in wonder. I know its possible, but it takes hundreds of years to master the ability. And even then, it is incredibly hard to use.

How do you think I can use it? I asked. Things like this are easier to use in the mindscape than in the real world.

I think it will come naturally, Ilore said. The more you use it, the better you will become with it.

The fact that the orb is here in your library means it will likely grow given time, Damien said. If you grow this ability, its progression will be seen here, not dissimilar to your memory tree. What exactly is pre He trailed off, not remembering the word.

Precognition is the ability to see slightly into the future, I explained. Its more of a sense than anything else.

Exactly, its like having a sixth sense, Ilore agreed. It is quite useful in combat and can also be useful in less violent situations.

So youd be able to predict attacks and moves? Damien asked. Thats incredible.

Where I grew up, there are stories of incredible warriors who had an ability like this, I said. They were able to predict and deflect projectiles moving at incredible speeds, and were all but invincible. I feared explaining they all died to betrayal. After all, shouldnt they have been able to tell what was coming?

I doubt your ability will be that powerful, Ilore cautioned. Especially to start with.

Im okay with that, I smiled.

Precognition was going to end up changing not only how I thought, but how I fought.


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