The Female Protagonist of The Abuse Article Has a System Mother

Chapter 60

Chapter 59:

After breakfast, Xu Youyou saw Qin Yi and Lu Weizheng who were worried about her.

From Lu Weizheng’s mouth, Xu Youyou also knew the culprit of the car accident.

Princes and Zhou Weimin.

Xu Youyou couldn’t help but stunned when she first heard the names of these two people, it sounded familiar but she couldn’t remember who they were.

After being reminded by Qin Yi and Lu Weizheng, Xu Youyou only remembered a little, but why did they do this?

This kind of practice is equivalent to not even wanting his own life, and he will perish with Xu Youyou and the others!

Is there such a big hatred between them?

Lu Weizheng didn’t hide Xu Youyou, she had the right to know the truth.

First, the prince, he was the kid who was fighting for building blocks that Xu Youyou and the others met after they moved to the new kindergarten.

At that time, several children joined forces to beat Lu Chenjun for bruising Lu Chenjun’s hand.

It is also because of this introduction that the first thing Lu Weizheng did after taking office was to take away his father Wang Yaojin and those underworld forces.

This guy Wang Yaojin didn’t know if he didn’t check, but when he checked, he was shocked. Not only was he suspected of human trafficking, but he was also involved in drug dealing.

With the number of grams he involved, he already met the country’s death penalty requirements, so Wang Yaojin was sentenced to death a few months after the evidence was conclusive, and he was executed afterwards.

His wife, including Wang Yaojin’s parents, were also insiders and even participated in some of them. They were directly sentenced to life imprisonment, leaving only the five-year-old child of the prince, who was sent to his grandparents.

All the property of the Wang family was confiscated, and the grandfather and grandmother of the prince were just ordinary farmers. Of course, they could not give the prince the living conditions that required the stars but not the moon before, and the prince could not learn to accept his fate with his arrogant temper.

He’s been completely spoiled!

When he was ten years old, he was admitted to a juvenile detention center for stealing things and hurting others. After being released a few years later, he did not change after repeated teachings, and he became a complete gangster.

Eat, drink, prostitute and gamble at a young age, and do everything!

Until a few days ago, because of a quarrel, he brutally murdered a family of three, even the children of a few years old!

After the prince was wanted, he clearly realized that he would not be able to escape for long, and that he had killed someone!

Even though he is still more than a month away from officially coming of age, this is not his talisman.

Since he is going to die, it is better to have revenge! There is a grudge!

The prince’s enemy is naturally Lu Weizheng, as well as his son and wife, including the girl named Xu Youyou!

It’s all because of them that they have been so miserable!

The prince was deeply impressed by what happened when he was five years old. After all, that was the first time he was beaten, and his life has changed dramatically since then.

These people killed their father, made their family look like this, and made him lose his good life and become a murderer.

Let’s go to **** together.

It is not difficult to find Xu Youyou’s school. After all, she is quite famous in various high schools, but after hiding in the east for a while, the princes have not found a chance to start.

Xu Youyou didn’t go to school at all, and he couldn’t get into the heavily guarded villa area.

Seeing that he had no hope of revenge, he would be arrested by the police in his sleep one day, and the prince met a man who took the initiative to come to the door.

Zhou Weimin.

He offered to cooperate.

Because they have a common enemy!

The fate of Zhou Weimin and the mother and daughter of the Xu family is more complicated and longer.

Ever since he failed to adopt Xu Youyou in the first place, the two seem to be opposites.

The better you are, the worse I am!

At first, it was warned by the Qin family that the business plummeted, and at the back, it was difficult to hug a thigh. As a result, negative news suddenly broke out on the Internet. Zhou Weimin not only lost most of his business, but also offended that thigh.

Especially after Lu Weizheng came to power, three fires ignited, and the power on his thigh disintegrated within a few years.

As a member of that force, Zhou Weimin naturally received ‘special care”. The company went bankrupt, and all the property in his name was not only used to repay the debt, but also owed a large amount of debt.

In order to raise the child, Zhou Weimin can only get up early and go to the dark to do some small business.

At his age, there is no company asking him to go to work, and his reputation in Jiangcheng is stinky, so Zhou Weimin can only move to the small county next door to live.

However, those creditors often come to ask for debts, and many times the money in hand may not exceed one hundred yuan!

Seeing that she really couldn’t get up, the vain-loving woman left the child and ran away by herself. Zhou Weimin didn’t have much nostalgia after cursing a few words.

It’s enough for him to have a son. The woman just ran away and just had one less person.

However, Zhou Weimin didn’t expect that this son was also here to collect debts. He didn’t like to study since he was a child, followed some nonsense, and even stole things from his family.

When he was young, Zhou Weimin could still use his height advantage to forcibly suppress, beat and scold him, but as this son grew up, Zhou Weimin couldn’t beat him completely when he was twelve or thirteen years old.

Often the money in my hand is taken away before it’s heated up, and I haven’t finished eating this meal, obviously only in my fifties and looks like I’m in my seventies or eighties.

If those old acquaintances see him, they will definitely not recognize him!

Who would have thought that Zhou Weimin, who had a big face in Jiangcheng at the time, would become such a coward now!

The last straw that overwhelmed Zhou Weimin was that some time ago, the debt collector son was severely injured in a fight with someone, and the hospital contacted him.

Although Zhou Weimin is also angry with this son, but after all, this is his seed, his son! With his current age and level, it is impossible to have a second son. If this son dies, then he is really broken.

Thinking that Zhou Weimin still went to the hospital, paid the money with the coffin book he had secretly saved, and then… got an injury report, which clearly stated his son’s blood type – type B.

Can two people with type A blood have a child with type B blood?

A huge sense of absurdity attacked Zhou Weimin. He shivered and pulled out his son’s hair and his own to test. The bright results above made Zhou Weimin completely crazy!

That lady watch! She lied to me!

The long-awaited, hard-earned son is not his own. Is there anything more to hit Zhou Weimin, a person who wants a son wholeheartedly?

When he returned home in a daze, he had another dream.

In the dream, he successfully adopted Xu Youyou and gave birth to a son who was carved out of a mold and looked like his own.

In the dream, he did not go bankrupt, but became the richest man in Jiangcheng, and countless people flattered him.

In the dream, later, because Xu Youyou married a very powerful person, she also dipped in it, and the entire Zhou family went to a higher level!

How good is the dream? This is the life you should have, isn’t it?

After waking up, Zhou Weimin smiled. Anyway, he has nothing left, why not let those who killed him to this point be buried with him!

But it is too difficult to kill Lu Weizheng, Zhou Weimin can only take the second place, and let the mother and daughter of the Xu family and Lu Weizheng’s wife and son be buried with him.

After all, he was a self-made man, and Zhou Weimin’s mind was obviously fine.

While observing the target and looking for suitable opportunities, he also found a prince who had the same goal as himself.

It is not difficult to find out the prince’s life experience. The crime this man committed also made him have no future, and he will definitely not betray himself. So Zhou Weimin not only helped the prince to avoid the pursuit of the police, but the two also formulated a simple and rude but definitely effective plan. .

The planned time was chosen by them as the day when the college entrance examination ended.

Only on that day, Xu Wenyin and Qin Yiren will all be there, maybe there will be a few more people.

In the hearts of these two people, it is natural that the more dead, the better, and it is best that all people related to these two families die!

But they didn’t expect that their hands and feet were on the line, and Xu Youyou and the others had nothing to do.

Why, God, is this fair?

This question, probably can only be asked by God after they die.

But they didn’t get nothing, at least they got Xu Wenyin away, didn’t they?

Here Xu Youyou heard the ins and outs and couldn’t help clenching her fists: “What will they do?”

“The prince will be executed, but Zhou Weimin…”

Lu Weizheng hesitated for a second, but then continued: “No deadline at most.”

Zhou Weimin has never killed anyone before. Although he is Lao Lai, this is not a reason for a heavier sentence. He is now considered an attempted murder at best. After all, no one was killed in this seemingly thrilling car accident!

Xu Youyou nodded: “It doesn’t matter, death is too cheap for him!”

How easy it is to die, after a hundred, Zhou Weimin has lived half his life, wouldn’t it be cheaper for him to die?

Xu Youyou would rather choose to let Zhou Weimin live, live in prison for a long time, and suffer forever!

As for the prince, can he really face death calmly at a young age?

After the impulse, the day of waiting to die is the best torture for him.

Every minute and every second will be more painful than death.

“Yuyou.” Qin Yiren felt very uncomfortable. She and the mother and daughter of the Xu family had known each other for more than ten years. Xu Wenyin was her best best friend, and Xu Youyou grew up by herself.

The little girl is obviously not yet an adult, she lost her father when she was born, and now even has her only mother…

What a kind and good boy Yoyo is, why should he suffer these things?

“Aunt Qin, you don’t have to worry about me.”

After eating breakfast, Xu Youyou’s face looked much normal: “I will try my best to live a good life, or I will be very sad when my mother comes back to see that my life is not good.”

“Yuyou!” Qin Yiren hugged Xu Youyou: “I will take care of you for Wen Yin during her disappearance!”

Is Xu Wenyin alive or dead, why did she disappear and how did she disappear?

no one knows!

But they all firmly believed that Xu Wenyin would be fine.

She has always been blessed with great luck, and so many things did not bring down this strong woman in the past, and she will definitely not now!

Xu Youyou went to Xu Wenyin’s room after saying goodbye to Qin Yiren after breakfast.

Compared with the unpopular, model-like bedroom that Qin Yiren saw back then, it is obviously completely different after Xu Wenyin’s development over the years.

There are traces and casualness of the owner everywhere, and there are even a few unpacked clothes on the bed.

Xu Wenyin’s room clearly told her aunt that she didn’t need to clean it, and she and Xu Youyou were the only ones who could come in and out at will.

So Xu Youyou hung up these clothes again, and then arranged some other things, and finally her eyes fell on the safe.

She remembered that her mother once seemed to have said that there was something in the safe for herself, and that if something happened to her one day, she would open it.

At that time, Xu Youyou still shook her head frantically, saying that her mother would not have an accident, and that her mother would accompany her for the rest of her life.

Unexpectedly, Xu Wenyin actually became a prophecy.

The safe is a fingerprint lock, and Xu Youyou stretched out her index finger and pressed it for two seconds to open it.

There are two piles of books with clear distinctions between them. One pile of books can be seen as real estate books by looking at the color. It should be the eighteen books that my mother planned to give me on her birthday this year.

The other pile is a book with a cowhide cover. I don’t know what is recorded in it?

Xu Youyou picked up the top book and opened a page, and the familiar handwriting on it made her stunned.

Monday, February 14 Snow

【hateful! What does this little curly hair mean by asking Yoyo out to play today?

The bigger this kid is, the more greedy he is, and at first glance, he has no good intentions towards Yunyou.

I just asked Yoyo what he thinks about curly hair, and Yoyo actually said that he is the best friend, hahahaha.

I’m sorry, Yiyi, I can’t do anything about my Yoyo yet, hahahaha.

This is very good, Yoyo keep it up! 】

Xu Youyou: “…” Mom’s idiom is still as bad as ever.

She also remembered the library that the two of them seemed to go to on February 14 this year, when they went out to play with Juanjuan?

I also bought several reference books.

So my mother must have misunderstood.

One book was quickly finished, and Xu Youyou immediately picked up the next one.

Thursday, August 15 Sunny

[Yuyou is in the third year of high school, what to do is a little nervous!

But it’s not a big problem, now Yoyo is different, who dares to bully her and ask me if I agree or not! 】

Xu Youyou couldn’t help thinking when she saw this. Since she entered the third year of high school, her mother seemed to be very nervous, afraid that she would be bullied and there was a tradition of asking every Monday.

Is there something wrong with her senior year?

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Youyou, who was sitting cross-legged on the carpet, felt that she could not feel her feet. She picked up her phone to check the time, but found messages from several people. The first one turned out to be the reporter sister from yesterday. .

Xu Youyou clicked open and saw a photo of herself and her mother at a glance.

A pair of similar mother and daughter showed bright smiles to the camera, and anyone could see their joy at the moment.

This should be the last photo of her and her mother so far, right?

Looking at Xu Wenyin in the photo, and thinking about the bits and pieces in the diary, Xu Youyou showed a smile similar to the one in the photo.

—Mom, Yoyo is also very happy today.

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