The Female Protagonist of The Abuse Article Has a System Mother

Chapter 58

Chapter 57:

Sitting in the examination room, as the last paper was handed in, Xu Youyou inevitably began to wander while waiting for the teacher to count.

The college entrance examination is over?

After studying for twelve years, this time is the test of the results of the twelve years.

In the glass cabinet at home, there is still a group photo of everyone at the school gate on the first day of elementary school. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, I completed the last exam and officially ended my high school life.

Xu Youyou can’t remember the days when she was in the orphanage. If Grandma Wu wasn’t there, she would probably have forgotten that she had lived in the orphanage.

After all, in her 18 years of life, the orphanage only occupied three short years, and two of them were still babies who didn’t know anything. Those good, bad, happy, and unhappy grew up. gradually forgotten in the process.

All Xu Youyou can remember is the days when she lived happily with her mother and everyone.

Oh, and Dad.

When Xu Youyou was in fourth grade, she followed Qing Yixing to the cemetery to meet her father.

The man in the photo still has a familiar and hearty smile, but unfortunately his age has always stayed at the age of twenty-six.

If… if my father hadn’t died in an accident, he and my mother must have lived happily, right?

Qingfu Qingmu has kept their promises over the years, and did not come to disturb the lives of the two mothers and daughters, but only sent a birthday gift on their respective birthdays, including valuables and some items from the father of that year.

Everyone tacitly maintained the level of a familiar stranger, and no one took the initiative to cross the border.

But unexpectedly, Xu Youyou and Qing Yixing, the man who could also be called the uncle, gradually became familiar with each other.

In the beginning, it was because of the piece of land that he had to compensate Xu Youyou. Later, Qing Yixing invested in a project in Jiangcheng, and naturally became the “courier” who delivered the gift.

When the uncle got married, he also invited Xu Youyou, who was ten years old at the time, to be a flower girl. Later, she also hugged Qing Yixing’s son, who was twelve years younger than her brother.

Like this college entrance examination, Qing Yixing also sent a cheer message, and even told Xu Youyou that she didn’t have to worry if she failed the test, he could give her another piece of land.

This was a joke when Xu Youyou heard “plot” as “express”.

Of course, Xu Youyou said that she is very confident in herself, and this “express” should be reserved for others.

After the test, although Xu Youyou didn’t have the correct answer, she was someone who had participated in so many mock tests, so she would have a preliminary judgment in her heart.

This year’s math is more difficult, it should be a subject that opens up the score.

There is no problem with both Chinese and English. It is estimated that some points will be deducted from the composition. Thinking about it, Xu Youyou can’t help but look at the scenery outside the window.

With green trees and blue sky, everything seems so quiet and peaceful.

Mom and Juanjuan, they must be waiting for her at the school gate now. They clearly said that there is no need to wait, but Mom said it was a sense of ritual, and the mother who never believed those mothers also put on cheongsam these two days, meaning “the flag is open to victory” .

Thinking of the way her mother, Juanjuan, and Aunt Qin cheered and encouraged her before her inspection in the morning, the corners of Xu Youyou’s mouth couldn’t help but slowly rise.

After a few days of rest after the exam, Xu Wenyin and Qin Yiren have already arranged a two-month summer vacation package. At that time, they will go to Qin’s private island to play for a week, and then go abroad for half a month.

At that time, the test results were almost out, and I just came back to hold a school entrance banquet for Xu Youyou, and then went out to play alone with Miaomiao and other friends…

By the way, take a few more days to learn a car in the middle.

When thinking about these things at the dinner table, Lu Weizheng, who was beside him, was envious and almost cried.

His position has risen again over the years, as his outstanding performance in Jiangcheng has jumped from mayor to the province, and it is said that he may go to the capital after a while.

But this also means that the busy man is getting busier.

But fortunately, he was by his side after all, and Lu Weizheng would definitely come back if he could go home for dinner. It was really much better than when he didn’t know his life or death.

In recent years, Qin Yiren did not simply eat, drink, and have fun. Inspired by her two children, she decided to try all kinds of things she once liked, learned pastry from the chef, and really went to open a flower shop.

Because I am beautiful, I also got the title of “the most beautiful flower shop proprietress” on the Internet, which made me a little popular.

Of course, these careers didn’t last long, but Qin Yiren was no longer bored. There are so many fun and interesting things in this world, and Xu Wenyin slowly started to enjoy life. The two hit it off and tried many, many things that had never been tried before.

There was even a period of time when Qin Yiren was fascinated by jewelry design. It happened that the Qin family had a gemstone mine, so there was no need to worry about raw materials. During that time, Xu Youyouguang received no less than ten necklaces.

Lu Chenjun’s brooch could not be changed for a month, until Qin Yiren fell in love with something new again.

And Xu Wenyin is the same, as the body can last longer and longer, more and more things can be done.

She can finally go shopping, go to the amusement park, and try “like” one thing, one thing.

“…Please leave the room.”

Following these words, Xu Youyou got up and slowly left the classroom following the crowd.

She is about to start a new life and live in a new city. For a little girl who is still a few months away from adulthood, this is indeed worth looking forward to.

Xu Youyou even began to wonder if she should pretend to not take the test to scare them when she left the school? Of course, the idea was quickly rejected by her.

It’s really not good to joke with someone else’s concern.

By the way, my mother also said that several families would go to Qian’s house for dinner, and Qian’s mother would cook and show off her skills.

It must be another gluttonous feast!


As soon as they left the school gate, Xu Youyou saw Xu Wenyin and the others, and quickly quickened her pace.

Xu Youyou and Liu Miaomiao didn’t happen to be together in the exam room this time, so everyone went to Qian’s house to get together.

Seeing Xu Youyou walking out of the exam room smoothly, Xu Wenyin’s smile was even brighter. She was afraid that in the last exam, something unexpected happened suddenly, as written in the novel, and she missed one exam.

Although with the current strength of their family, there is no problem whether it is re-reading or going abroad, but this is the exam that Xu Youyou has worked so hard to study and prepare for for so long. If it is affected by such unreasonable things as the plot, I will be angry when I think about it. .

Xu Wenyin didn’t tell Xu Youyou that she took the opportunity to go to the toilet in the afternoon and sneaked into the school’s surveillance.

Fortunately, the power of the plot is not so powerful, and it is not enough to force people to lose their minds without considering the logic.

“Wow—thank you!”

Taking the flowers that Xu Wenyin and Lu Chenjun handed over at the same time, Xu Youyou showed a surprised smile.

And this scene happened to be seen by the reporters who were waiting to interview the candidates. Before she could react, the cameraman on the side had already pointed the camera at Xu Youyou.

No way, these people’s looks are too high!

There were a lot of people at the entrance of the school just now, Xu Wenyin and the others were waiting in a shaded corner with umbrellas, and they were not found all of a sudden, but now with Xu Youyou coming out, the reporter followed her to look over, and was instantly struck by this high-value combination startled.

If this is made into an interview video and released, isn’t that a proper traffic password?

“Hello, classmate, we are reporters from the City Daily. Do you think it’s convenient for you to accept an interview now? Just a few questions.”

Xu Youyou glanced at the reporter, she was in a good mood now, and naturally didn’t mind answering a few questions.

“Okay, you can ask.”

At the beginning, the reporter asked relatively conventional questions, such as how you feel about the college entrance examination, whether you are sure, and when she heard that Xu Youyou’s target university was A University, she wished her her wish.

But at the back, it was probably Xu Youyou’s generous performance that made the reporter happy, and joked about Xu Wenyin’s youth and beauty.

From Xu Youyou’s title just now, the reporter already knew that this pair was a real mother and daughter, although Xu Wenyin did not look like she had such a big daughter.

Then he asked the photography brother to take a few photos of the two of them and recorded a short video of several seconds. After adding Xu Youyou’s contact information, he said that he would send these images to her later.

Under normal circumstances, reporters would never do this, but today this little girl was so likable that she couldn’t help but want to chat for a while.

The same goes for the cameraman on the side. Of course, people who are so photogenic should take more pictures, but why does he think this little girl looks familiar?

Unexpectedly, the cameraman can only attribute this familiarity to “beautiful people are always somewhat similar”.

Soon, the interview was over, the group walked a few steps to the parking spot, and the driver was naturally waiting there.

As soon as she got in the car, Xu Youyou happily took the snacks prepared in the car, gave her a stomach pad, and then began to discuss with everyone the arrangements for the next few days of rest.

When she learned that Lu Chenjun could stay until the day after tomorrow, Xu Youyou said excitedly that it would be better for everyone to go to the surrounding ancient towns tomorrow.

After the test, it seemed that the exhaustion was handed over to the country along with the test paper. Xu Youyou felt that she was not tired at all, and it was not a problem to stay up all night.

The two mothers smiled as they watched the children’s lively conversations.

Like Qin Yiren, she also winked at Xu Wenyin, exchanging a look that you know and I know.

Apparently, they also prepared other surprises for Yoyo.

At this time, the red light turned green, and the driver started slowly.

This driver was the one who took Lu Chenjun Xu Youyou to and from school before, who was the one who subdued the knife-wielding gangster at the gate of the kindergarten.

Over the years, he has been in charge of picking up two children. When Lu Chenjun went to the capital, the people who picked him up became Xu Youyou and Liu Miaomiao.

The Liu family moved once in the first year of high school, and they were much closer to the Xu family and the Qin family, and they happened to be on the way.

It can be said that this driver also watched Xu Youyou grow up all the way, and when he thought of that polite and lovely little girl from the beginning, the college entrance examination was over all of a sudden.

I’m afraid I won’t need to pick them up when I go to the capital in the future, and the driver is still a little melancholy.

However, right now!

The car just drove to the center of the road, and a big truck that was waiting for the red light on the side of the road suddenly accelerated and charged straight towards Xu Youyou!

Given the size of this large truck, if it were hit head-on, the people in the car would most likely be killed or injured!

The driver turned the steering wheel quickly and vigorously, but at this time the car on their left turned the steering wheel and rushed towards them.

In an instant, a situation of two-sided attack was formed!

This was a premeditated murder!

At this moment of lightning, the first reaction of the two mothers was to pounce on their children.

Try to protect them with your own body.

This is the mother’s instinct, and it is the only thing Qin Yiren can do at the moment.

—If there really is a God, please! I am willing to trade my life for my child’s life!

For Xu Wenyin, time seemed to be in slow motion at this moment. She could see Xu Youyou trying to fight back to protect her, and she could also see Lu Chenjun trying to reach out and manually activate the airbag.

She even saw the crazy and hideous face of the big truck driver.

It was too late, Xu Wenyin knew.

No matter how she calculated, she knew that it was too late.

The cars are bound to collide, and some of them are bound to die.

This is an ordinary world where there is no martial arts, no supernatural powers, and no immortal cultivation. No matter how fast the reaction time of ordinary people is, they cannot be faster than the speed of the car, and no matter how hard their bodies are, they cannot withstand this huge impact.

Only Xu Youyou and her, one is bound to have a chance because she is the heroine, and the other is not a human being. It doesn’t matter how seriously injured or even dead, it will not affect the system. new body.

But what about Qin Yiren? What should Lu Chenjun do? And what about the driver in front?

Strictly speaking, these people have nothing to do with the system, and its mission target is not them, even if they are all dead, as long as Xu Youyou is alive.

Yes, as long as Yoyo lives.

-I can not do it.

These four words clearly appeared in the system’s mind.

I can’t watch Yiyi and the others die, and I can’t bet on that poor chance of survival.

Come to think of it, she has been in this world for almost fifteen years.

She and Qin Yiren Lu Chenjun have known each other for almost fifteen years. To put it more emotionally, she watched Lu Chenjun grow up a little bit, and she also watched Qin Yiren grow old.

In the past fifteen years, their mother and son have been the two most contacted and most important people in the system besides Yoyo.

It was also because of them that Xu Wenyin realized friendship, learned how to be a human being, and understood what emotion is.

In her mind, the scene of everyone getting up early to climb the mountain to watch the sunrise came to her mind, and she also remembered how Qin Yiren happily handed her clothes specially designed for her, and how he wished her a happy birthday and sang a birthday song to her. look.

Too many memories, all of you exist.

In fact, there is nothing good about being a person. If she was still in the system from the beginning, there would be no such entanglement now.

At this moment, she turned out to be extremely calm.

5874 glanced at Xu Youyou for the last time. He didn’t expect that his first official mission would not only fail, but also lose his life, but it was a big loss.

However, what happened to the joy that came up in my heart?

Fortunately, I can meet you.

Fortunately, I am not human, and I have the power to save you.

[Confirmed to use the power of the source? 】


With the appearance of these two words, an invisible transparent protective cover covered everyone.

This is the only power above the rules, and the only way she can save everyone.

One second!

【Notice! Notice! The power of the source is less than 80%. 】

Fortunately, I kept a diary for Yoyo, this little idiot will definitely wait for me for a few years, but if he can’t wait, he will slowly forget it, right?

Isn’t it said that humans are the most forgetful creatures?

Two seconds!

【warn! warn! The power of the source is less than 50%. 】

[Once it is less than 20%, it will be forced to sleep! 】

The system knew very well that forcibly entering the dormant state during the mission was equivalent to waiting for death.

It’s a pity that I couldn’t deliver that gift in person.

Three seconds!

【Dangerous! Dangerous! Dangerous! 】

[The power of the source is less than 30%, 29%, 28%…]

“Yuyou, don’t worry, mom is fine, just go back to the sky. When mom recovers her body, she will definitely come to see you. You must be happy every day.”

“Remember, mom will watch Yoyo from the sky!”


[The power of the source is less than 20%, enter the dormant state]

Except for Xu Youyou, no one noticed that Xu Wenyin’s eyes darkened instantly, as if this was just a puppet and had no soul.

And everyone who lost the protective cover, after escaping the most violent impact, was still knocked down by the remaining impact force, and lost consciousness together.

“Quick! Quickly save people!”

“My God, hit 120!”


One second before she finally lost consciousness, Xu Youyou’s eyes were fixed on Xu Wenyin’s direction, and she heard that sentence.

-Mom, don’t worry.

– Ten million! Don’t be a problem!

– Yoyo, I will cry.

“woke up!”

When Xu Youyou became conscious again, she found that she was already in the hospital.

The familiar voice and silhouette told her that it was Liu Miaomiao who spoke out.

“Mom, what about mom?”

The dry throat was quickly moistened by water, and with the help of the nurse, Xu Youyou’s vision quickly recovered.

Liu Miaomiao and the others were all in this ward. Xu Youyou was the least injured, and she was the first to wake up.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, everyone is still alive.”

Liu Miaomiao’s voice was trembling: “It’s great, it’s really great!”

Under such an impact, Xu Youyou and others were only scratched, and the most serious one was the fracture of the driver’s right leg, which was an incredible miracle.

Not long after Xu Youyou woke up, Lu Chenjun and Qin Yiren also woke up one after another.

They have already done a general examination before, except for those minor injuries, they will be fine, so for the sake of convenience, everyone is first arranged in a ward.

Lu Weizheng, Qian’s family, Liu’s family, etc. were also quietly waiting for everyone to wake up. Qin Xiao and Qin’s father and Qin’s mother were on their way.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

Lu Weizheng hugged Lu Chenjun and Qin Yiren, a man who never bleeds and never shed tears, his eyes were completely red at this moment.

God knows that when he received that call, his heartbeat seemed to stop, and the coolness instantly filled his body.

Lu Weizheng understood the consequences of a collision between an ordinary car and a big truck. When he rushed to the hospital, he even thought about the step of not being able to live alone.

If, if something really happened to Yiyi and Juju, he, he…

Fortunately, a miracle happened!

“Mom, why aren’t you awake yet?”

At this moment, Xu Youyou sounded again with a confused voice.

Xu Youyou was happy when she saw her mother appearing in front of her safe and sound.

If you heard it at that moment, it must be a hallucination, right?

Mom will wake up soon like them, and call her “Yuyou” with a smile. They can give a big hug, and they can take care of themselves and go to the originally arranged summer vacation, right?

“Yuyou! Don’t worry, don’t worry!”

Looking at Xu Youyou’s bloodless face, Qin Yiren didn’t care about her injuries, and hugged Xu Youyou: “Wen Yin must be fine!”

That being said, they had a bad premonition in their hearts at this time, it was just a temporary coma caused by the aftermath of the powerful shock, why did Xu Wenyin still not wake up?

She wasn’t seriously injured, was she?

The doctor appeared again, and Xu Wenyin was pushed away for a more detailed examination.

Xu Youyou didn’t care about her weak feet, she kept waiting outside the examination room and refused to leave, and there was no response when others spoke to her.

This situation makes everyone more worried.

But they could only pray that Xu Wenyin was okay, but woke up a little slower.

Lu Chenjun held Xu Youyou’s cold hand tightly. Before Aunt Xu woke up, he knew that Xiaolu would not leave, so he would accompany her!

Time passed by and everyone was waiting for the news that Xu Wenyin woke up.

Even the murderer is still alive, Xu Wenyin will be fine!

After about an hour, the doctor came out frowning.

“There is no blood clot in the injured person’s brain, all indicators are normal, and the body also responds normally to external stimuli, but it is…”

Don’t wake up!

The human body is too delicate, and they can’t find out the reason for Xu Wenyin’s delay in waking up.

“Yuyou! It must be the equipment here is not good.” Qin Yiren’s trembling voice was full of certainty: “I will immediately ask my brother to find the best equipment, the most powerful doctor, Wen Yin will definitely wake up, definitely Will do!”

Xu Youyou blinked, her eyes still out of focus.

Lu Chenjun, who had been holding her hand, could feel Xu Youyou’s fear at the moment.

Xu Wenyin didn’t wake up for a long time, and Xu Youyou naturally wouldn’t leave the hospital. She just stayed by Xu Wenyin’s side so motionless, waiting for a miracle to happen.

But people can’t bear it if they don’t eat or drink like this, don’t wait for Xu Wenyin to wake up and Xu Youyou falls instead!

Lu Weizheng was also ruthless at this time, forcing Xu Youyou to sleep with the drug and giving her glucose, and also asking Qin Yi and Lu Chenjun to eat, he and other nurses took turns guarding here.

Don’t miss a beat!

An hour later, Xu Youyou, who should have slept for at least two hours, woke up again, and then continued to stay beside Xu Wenyin without saying a word.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and Lu Weizheng had to deal with the intentional murder case first. Qin Yiren was in a coma for a short time, and now he was lying on the bed in the next room. The others were also arranged in another lounge.

Now only Lu Chenjun accompanies Xu Youyou in the whole room.

Xu Wenyin’s face looked no different from that of a normal person. The rosy one seemed to be sleeping, but she was not awake!

Lu Chenjun frowned and looked at Xu Youyou, he knew that if something happened to Aunt Xu, Youyou would be afraid…


The lights jumped, and the whole room suddenly plunged into darkness.


The sound from outside the door made Lu Chenjun let out a sigh of relief, “Yuyou, it’s alright, light will come soon.”

The hospital has a backup power supply, so don’t worry about it, and looking out the window, it seems that only their part or this floor has tripped, which is really lucky.

Five minutes later, the lights reappeared.

Lu Chenjun’s eyes just got used to the flickering light and suddenly widened!

This is a rare expression for Lu Chenjun, who has always been calm, because the scene in front of him really shocked him.

“Where’s Aunt Xu?”

The huge hospital bed was empty.


Lu Chenjun was about to search around to see if Xu Wenyin woke up and went in the dark when the power went out.

Although this probability is too low, how else can we explain the fact that a big living person suddenly disappeared?

However, Xu Youyou grabbed the corner of his clothes.

Xu Youyou, who had always been like a wooden man, finally reacted, her eyes were dead silent, and there was no light at all, as if her last hope was completely destroyed at this moment.

Then Xu Youyou spoke slowly and asked in a voice that made people want to cry.

“Volume, am I without a mother?”

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