The Female Protagonist of The Abuse Article Has a System Mother

Chapter 53

Chapter 52:

For Xu Youyou’s last finale, Qin Xiao, Qin Yiren and Lu Chenjun all came.

But Liu Miaomiao and the others didn’t come this time because of the class and the fact that they had just been there two days ago.

However, in the morning when Xu Youyou was still in kindergarten, Liu Miaomiao waved her small fist and said: If the bad guy is here this time, you must not be bullied by her, just use the skills taught by the instructor to fight back!

Xu Youyou smiled: “Well, I will definitely not be bullied!”

Liu Miaomiao looked at the little friend in front of her who laughed so ‘silly and sweet”, but she was still worried, she pulled Lu Chenjun again, and instructed with a serious face, “You have to protect Yoyo, juan, and kill all those bad guys. run!”

Lu Chenjun: “…Okay.”

He was actually quite angry at the time, but Lu Chenjun was not an ordinary child, his anger was very subtle and straightforward.

Lu Chenjun didn’t do anything to Yao Yunyu on the spot, he understood that if he intervened again, it would be unreasonable.

Just after returning, Lu Chenjun told Qin Yiren the whole thing, and then Qin Yiren told Qin Xiao.

In the eyes of the two adults, don’t say that there is nothing wrong with Yoyo, even if she is wrong, it is not her problem.

The Qin family is such a double standard!

So today Qin Xiao not only came, but also brought a few more bodyguards.

When Xu Youyou was preparing, these bodyguards tightly surrounded the little girl, with a posture of protecting precious and fragile items, plus the intimidating aura of these bodyguards, today’s set was extraordinarily quiet.

The director smiled awkwardly, he understood what Qin Xiao was doing, but he didn’t expect that he would come here on purpose for such a trivial matter.

This also allowed the director to elevate Xu Youyou’s importance to another level.

He was even a little fortunate. Fortunately, today was the last show. Otherwise, he would have been too nervous to put this Buddha on their crew.

If the director was just embarrassed, Yao Fanyu was scared.

She really planned to let Yao Yunyu apologize to Xu Youyou in front of everyone today, but she didn’t expect Qin Xiao to take action directly for this matter.

With an identity like his, is it necessary to compete with a child?

But since Qin Xiao showed this attitude, in order not to offend the big boss, Yao Fanyu must be more humble.

She first glanced at her daughter who bowed her head and did not speak while others were not paying attention, then got up and dragged her towards Xu Youyou. When she saw the bodyguard standing motionless in front of her, Yao Fanyu’s smile inevitably stiffened for a moment.

But in the end, it was a movie queen who had been in the entertainment industry for decades. Yao Fanyu quickly adjusted her mentality and called Xu Youyou in her gentle voice.

“Yuyou, I’m really sorry about what happened the day before yesterday. Sister, she didn’t do it on purpose. Don’t worry about it, Yoyo.”

For a movie queen to apologize to a child in such a low-key manner, Yao Fanyu’s heart is not to mention how nauseous it is, but the situation is stronger than others, and she must and have to do it.

Yao Fanyu just finished speaking, and then he pulled at his daughter, motioning her to speak.

Yao Yunyu met Xu Youyou’s face, and felt the gaze of the bodyguard on her body. After biting her lip, she lowered her head: “I’m sorry, Youyou, I didn’t mean to shoot you. Can you forgive me?”

As soon as the words fell, Yao Yunyu felt that her hand was pinched. The original Yao Fanyu taught her to be more sincere and humble, but Yao Yunyu really couldn’t say it.


Her skirt was soiled, she was pushed and scolded, and she was asked to apologize!

Didn’t you just shoot this Xu Youyou and say a few words to her?

What’s the big deal, it’s okay to be filmed back.

“It’s okay, Yoyo doesn’t hurt.”

Xu Youyou first glanced at Xu Wenyin.

After watching her mother wink at her, Xu Youyou said what she thought.

She really didn’t take it to heart, but seeing her mother and the others seemed to be very angry, Xu Youyou listened carefully to the words of the two in front of her.

Yao Fanyu, who heard this reply, praised Xu Youyou two more times, and let Yao Yunyou learn more from Xu Youyou, who looked gentle and polite, and didn’t perfunctory because Xu Youyou was a child.

How to say it, Yao Fanyu can still maintain a good reputation in the entertainment industry for so many years, she is definitely not an easy one.

The two sides “reconciled” in a seemingly harmonious atmosphere, Xu Youyou continued to prepare for the next scene, and Yao Fanyu took Yao Yunyu to the other side to rest.

Yao Fanyu originally wanted to chat with Qin Xiao a few words, but the occasion was not right.

I really want to have a good relationship with Qin Xiao, but I can’t make her seem too servile, otherwise she will only be squeezed.

What Yao Fanyu wants is reciprocity that seems to be equal, and such a relationship can be more lasting and beneficial.

It’s just a pity, if there was no trouble the day before yesterday, she would definitely be able to chat with Qin Xiao now, maybe…

Yao Fanyu glanced at Qin Xiao’s direction unintentionally, but quickly crossed himself in his mind.

A man like Qin Xiao is completely different from the Lu Weiyao from the Lu family. This is a businessman through and through, and he values his interests and future interests. Even if he can really get along with him, what he gets is far less than when he cooperates. get more.

There are different ways to deal with different people, Yao Fanyu still has a very clear understanding of his status.

As long as she has always been powerful and powerful, there will naturally be countless people who take the initiative to post this thing about a man.

Especially in a place like the entertainment industry, Yao Fanyu’s status has never been lacking. What she has to do is to stabilize her position and pave the way for her daughter before she is completely abandoned by the entertainment industry.

Otherwise, when the years pass, it will be too late to grab these things.

After Yao Fanyu quickly looked away, Xu Wenyin glanced in that direction.

Yesterday, she asked Mu Heyao to collect Yao Fanyu’s black material, which can be described as “full harvest”. This gentle and good-natured actress in the eyes of the public has beaten and scolded her assistant more than once behind her back.

And the most critical and deadly, Yao Fanyu tax evasion!

Although this may be common to people in the entertainment industry, the amount Yao Fanyu missed is such that even Xu Wenyin would sigh “ruthless enough”, which is directly measured in 100 million units.

If this incident broke out, Yao Fanyu would be cold in all likelihood.

But Xu Wenyin didn’t move.

Xu Youyou’s conversation with her the day before yesterday brought a lot of inspiration to the ‘straightforward” system.

Some things, maybe it will be more interesting to wait.

Now that it burst out directly, Yao Fanyu might be able to guess Yoyo’s head.

Of course, it certainly won’t be done by Youyou, she will think of the Qin family, Qin Yiren and so on.

Even if Yao Fanyu had no chance of winning against the Qin family, Xu Wenyin still felt that the Qin family should not be dragged into the water because of her own affairs.

They were originally involved in this matter to support Yoyo.

From the novels and the present, Yao Fanyu is not stupid. Who knows what such a person will do when they are cornered?

If anyone gets hurt because of this, Yoyo will feel guilty for a lifetime.

More importantly, this movie was made by Xu Youyou very hard, and many girls who needed to roll around and get dirty didn’t cry a little tired.

If the movie died prematurely or went offline because of Yao Fanyu, let alone Yoyo, she couldn’t accept it!

It has to be said that after being a human being for a long time, the systematic thinking becomes more and more like a human being.

If it had just arrived in this world, it would not have considered these things.

Dissatisfied? Then do it!

you are bullying me? Then call back!

Coupled with innate technical advantages, it is really too easy for Xu Wenyin to take revenge on a person.

But she doesn’t think so anymore.

Xu Wenyin’s eyes fell on Xu Youyou, who was preparing to film on the other side.

She now has someone to protect, so she has to think about everything before taking revenge on anyone.

You can’t make Yoyo sad, let alone hurt Yoyo.

Xu Youyou seemed to be aware of Xu Wenyin’s sight, and she jumped up and waved her hand.

Then got four responses at the same time.

Xu Wenyin, Qin Yiren, Qin Xiao, and Lu Chenjun looked at each other, and Qin Yiren was the first to laugh out loud.

Although she doesn’t know what’s funny about this action, she just laughs when she laughs, as long as she is happy.

I just didn’t expect that Xu Youyou didn’t go well in this last finale.

The last request was that after seeing her mother, Xu Youyou was stunned, then uncontrollably shedding tears and finally burst into wailing.

It’s okay to be stunned, but the crying scene is too difficult for Xu Youyou.

She couldn’t cry at all, and if the eye drops were instilled, the effect would be completely lost.

The director tried to arouse Xu Youyou’s emotions: “Yuyou, just imagine that your favorite toy was taken away by someone?”

Xu Youyou tilted her head: “Then grab it back.”


Producer: “Then imagine that when you were naughty, your mother beat you.”

Xu Youyou wondered: “Mom doesn’t know how to play Yoyo.”

The producer stepped back.

Wei Dong also tried to teach Xu Youyou his experience in crying scenes, but the effect was not good.

She was not a crybaby, and she never cried no matter how hard the training was.

The director had no choice but to invite Xu Wenyin to ask her to think about how to make Xu Youyou cry.

Xu Wenyin: “I won’t let Yoyo cry.”

Director and producer: “…” What happened to your mother and daughter?

Yao Fanyu sneered in her heart, no matter how spiritual a child with no acting experience is, it is useless in this kind of play. Her family learned to cry when she was three years old.

Now I have learned several ways to cry, and it is no problem to cry for three seconds.

However, Yao Fanyu patiently guided Xu Youyou in person, trying to infect the little girl with her emotions.

After all, people who can be the actress must have excellent acting skills.

However, ten minutes later, Xu Youyou still couldn’t cry.

Even Qin Yiren has come up with several ideas, but for Xu Youyou, these assumptions are the kind that she won’t cry even if it happens, let alone it’s just an assumption now.

Seeing that the progress was about to be delayed, Xu Youyou bowed her head guiltily, what should she do if she still couldn’t cry.

At this time, Lu Chenjun stood up.

He looked at Xu Youyou and said word by word: “You just thought she was Aunt Xu. You haven’t seen each other for a long time. You have been looking for Aunt Xu for a long time, and now you finally meet.”

Lu Chenjun’s sentence can be said to open Xu Youyou’s tear ducts.

When the director said it started, he saw a close-up of Xu Youyou in the camera.

She was stunned at first, as if she didn’t believe it was her mother, and thought it was an illusion. Then, before she even noticed it, tears flowed from her eyes.

This silent cry is the most touching.

The happiness, discomfort and disbelief in Xu Youyou’s big eyes, as if this child is right in front of you, makes you want to hug her and want her to stop crying.

And the howling and crying after being hugged by Yao Fanyu in the end made the people present couldn’t help but turn their backs.

“Card! Perfect!”

With the director’s voice, Xu Youyou’s crying didn’t stop, she couldn’t stop the car.

“Mom, mom, hiccup, no, don’t go.”

Looking at Xu Youyou like this, Xu Wenyin only felt that the strange feeling of being infected with the virus came again.

“Yuyou, don’t cry, mommy is here, mommy isn’t going anywhere.”

Holding this crying child out of breath, Xu Wenyin really regretted letting her come to this crew: “Yuyou, will my mother make you your favorite hot pot meat tonight? Don’t cry, don’t cry~ ”

“Woooo, mom, hiccup.”

Xu Youyou didn’t know what was wrong with her. She knew that these were fake, and her mother was beside her, but she couldn’t stop crying.

She was really frightened, Xu Youyou couldn’t help crying when she thought of the scene that Juanjuan said.

In the end, Xu Youyou cried and fell asleep in Xu Wenyin’s arms, and when she slept, she clutched Xu Wenyin’s clothes tightly, as if afraid that her mother would leave when she was not paying attention.

The children are already like this, and the finalizing banquet specially prepared by the director will definitely not be able to be done.

But he thought of what Qin Xiao said just now that he could contact his assistant if he was short of money in the later stage, then he didn’t care about the banquet, and he would be happy in an instant.

On the way back, Lu Chenjun felt uncomfortable when he saw such a deer.

He even blamed himself a little for why he said those words, knowing that Xiaolu cared so much about Aunt Xu.

“Jujuan, Yoyo won’t blame you.”

Xu Wenyin found that she could understand a person’s expression more and more, she freed one hand and rubbed her curly hair: “You don’t have to feel guilty, or Yoyo will definitely feel more guilty.”

“Yeah.” Qin Yiren should also agree: “It’s just filming, it’s fine after filming, don’t think too much.”

Lu Chenjun nodded, he looked at Xu Youyou who was crying and fell asleep again, and swore in his heart that he would never let Xiaolu cry again in the future, he still likes Xiaolu happy!

Xu Youyou’s role is finished, but others still have to shoot, and the location is not limited to Jiangcheng, and will also go to some more remote villages to shoot for real scenes.

According to the director’s intention, they want to catch up with this year’s New Year’s Day to make the film available.

It would take more than two months to look at it like this, Xu Youyou quickly put this matter behind him and continued his happy learning routine.

After waking up from her bed that night, Xu Youyou was shy for a long time. She never thought that she could cry and fall asleep. When she saw Xu Wenyin and Juanjuan, her face turned red.

However, under the guidance of Xu Wenyin with a smile, the little guy quickly returned to normal.

The movie is just a small episode in her life. It’s enough to try it. Xu Youyou is not interested in the life surrounded by the camera. Later, the producers also sent invitations for other movies and TV series, all of which were rejected by her.

Xu Youyou still prefers playing with her friends, taking classes, and even being naughty together.

Xu Wenyin has always respected Xu Youyou’s wishes. Since the little guy has had enough fun, let’s enjoy his childhood.

Anyway, because of the existence of Yao Fanyu and Yao Yunyu, Xu Wenyin didn’t like the so-called entertainment circle at all, so she wished you could stay away.

Thinking that Lu Haoyu will definitely not be able to reach the height of the previous life in this life, Yao Yunyu, who only needs the best, will still try to get pregnant with Lu Haoyu’s child just like the original book?

If she wasn’t pregnant with this child, maybe she could save her life.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Xu Wenyin, as long as Xu Youyou doesn’t mix in, she cares how Lu Haoyu and Yao Yunyu pull together.

The day soon came to New Year’s Day as the director said. Originally, Xu Youyou was invited to the premiere in the capital. After all, her role is also very important in the movie, but Xu Youyou herself rejected it.

If I go to the capital, my mother will definitely use that method to extend the time. Yoyo doesn’t want her mother to be injured.

It’s just that the reason Xu Youyou gave was that she didn’t want to see so many people, she was a child’s right to be willful!

The director didn’t ask for it, and sent Xu Youyou and the others the full version of the movie, so they could watch it at home in advance.

So, on the beautiful day of Saturday, it just happened to be New Year’s Day.

In the Qin family’s villa, not only Xu Youyou and the others, but also the Liu family, the Qian family, Liu Yanzhi, etc. are all in this movie theater, ready to enjoy their children’s performance together.

The film has a total of 143 minutes, and the story of more than two hours tells the story of an ordinary happy family, because of a series of pains, quarrels and so on after the daughter was abducted.

Although the ending was a traditional great success, the mother finally found her daughter, but the family was scattered and could never return to the past.

Wei Dong and Yao Fanyu, as movie kings and actresses, must have some strengths.

Coupled with the support of the Qin family who did not lack money, after 30 minutes, you could hear Liu’s mumbling sobbing.

Although a few children could not fully understand the meaning of the film, they seemed to feel the pain of the disappearance of the child. !”.

Xu Youyou’s performance in it is a highlight. The little girl’s innocence and cuteness from the beginning to the deadness in the back are vividly reflected on the big screen.

No wonder so many people say that movies are the real test of an actor’s acting skills.

At the end of the film, when the lights were turned on, the eyes of Liu’s mother and Qian’s mother were red, and Qin Yi’s people were almost the same.

As a mother, when I think that if this kind of thing really happens to me, it’s painful… blah blah blah! There is no such assumption.

“Wow, everyone is complimenting Yoyo!”

In order to ease the atmosphere, Father Liu took out his mobile phone and flipped through the reviews of the movie.

In fact, because of the existence of early screenings, many people have already watched the movie and left their impressions on the Internet.

But in order to keep it mysterious, Xu Wenyin didn’t go to see it in advance.

Now that the movie is over, they took out their mobile phones and read the comments of netizens.

Most of them are compliments, and many critics have predicted that the film will break through one billion at the box office.

As a realistic film, this is already a high evaluation.

Of course, there are also a small part of the old-fashioned stories about the subject of Tucao, etc., which are all ignored.

Several adults took turns reading out the compliments on the children, as if they were being complimented.

Qin Yiren: “Wuwuwu, Tiantian is so cute, she acts so well! Such a young child has such acting skills. In ten minutes, I want all the information of this little actor!”

Sweet is Xu Youyou’s nickname in the movie.

Mother Liu: “I gave this film four stars, but because it’s sweet, I’ll add another one! This little girl really made me cute when she smiled at me!”

Qian Ma: “Every detail of this movie is in place. It’s really pitiful for a few children to snuggle together. I really want to rush in to save them.”

Boasting and boasting, Xu Youyou buried her face in Xu Wenyin’s arms again.

She is praised by acquaintances and is more likely to be shy.

But the little girl was very happy to know that so many people she didn’t know liked her performance.

Many people flocked to the director’s social account to ask him where he got such a spirited little girl.

In the past two days, enough netizens have discovered that this “Tiantian” is a vegan. She has not made any movies and TV series before including commercials, and there is no information about her online.

The mysterious cannot be more mysterious.

This is also a decision made by several adults after discussing it with the children. They all feel that there is no need to expose such a small child to the public eye prematurely.

It’s not good for the child’s growth and it may be harmful.

In addition, Yoyo and the others have no idea of entering the entertainment industry. Under the control of Xu Wenyin and the Qin family, there is really no information about Xu Youyou on the Internet, and the same is true for several other guest appearances.

Even when the director asked questions from reporters, he solemnly stated that he wanted to protect the privacy of children, and would not disclose any information other than the film.

So the movie became popular, and Xu Youyou also became popular, but apart from close friends, no one noticed that there was a little star around him who acted in a movie with the best actor and actress.

Oh, not at all, the kindergarten teacher found out, but at the request of the principal, they didn’t spread it out. At most, they took a picture with Yoyo and secretly showed off to their family and sisters.

Overall, this acting experience is still a rare and novel experience for Yoyo, as for other ideas…not at all.

My mother said that people should work hard to do things that make themselves happy, instead of forcing themselves to do things that make others happy.

For the current Xu Youyou, painting is more fun than filming.

Then of course she has to do something happier~

It’s just that Xu Youyou and Xu Wenyin didn’t expect that this movie was not only popular in China, but also released in several surrounding countries while taking advantage of the popularity.

Mu Heyao knew for a long time that Xu Youyou participated in this movie and also got the movie disc, but he really had no interest in the movie.

In other words, Mu and Yao are not interested in things other than computers, but if they don’t watch it, they always feel bad.

So Mu Heyao gave the video disc to Mu Hesen. If my brother watched it, rounding it up would be equivalent to me watching it, right?

Mu Hesen: “…” You are really my good brother!

However, Mu Hesen, who was hard-hearted and soft-hearted, still watched the movie, and at the same time wrote a 3,000-word movie review for Mu Heyao. If he really asks at that time, he at least has a relationship.

After getting a “Thank you brother” from Mu Heyao, Mu Hesen immediately forgot his previous complaints and happily asked the driver to turn around and go to the sanatorium next door to see his friend’s parents.

That is, Qing Yizhi’s parents.

Since the death of their only son, these two have always regretted that they were too tough, regretted that they were too old-fashioned, in short, regretted, and at that time, they wanted to go with their children.

Unfortunately, it’s all too late.

They no longer care about any family or business, and they came to this sanatorium together to spend the rest of the year.

However, the two of them, who were only in their 60s, were still very strong. When Mu Hesen came, they were sorting out the books that Qing Yizhi had left in the study.

Qing Yizhi is a young man who loves literature. He not only loves reading books but also various movies. When he was with Xu Wenyin, the two favorite things to do was to watch together on the sofa in the apartment that Qing Yizhi rented on weekends. Various types of movies.

Their hobbies are surprisingly consistent. If it wasn’t for the desire to make more money, Xu Wenyin would have preferred to major in Chinese language and literature instead of computer science.

Sometimes the two of them will cross most of the capital for a book, spending seven or eight hours on the road, it doesn’t matter.

At that time, Xu Wenyin thought about it. After the two have their own home, they will build a big study room and home theater, so that when the child is born, she can tell her loudly: “Baby, this is what Mom and Dad gave you! ”

Whenever Xu Wenyin enjoys it, she can hear Qing Yizhi’s exaggerated laughter, and the little couple’s laughter is especially low when they are together.

But when Qing Yizhi finished laughing, he would tell Xu Wenyin very seriously: Yes, our children will have the best in the world!

“Uncle Qing, Aunt Shen.” The arrival of Mu Hesen made the two old men put down their work and greeted them with a smile.

Qing Yi knew that he had many friends, and after his death, these friends often came to see their husband and wife, which brought a little fun to the barren life of the second old man.

When Mu Hesen saw his father was sorting out the DVD, he couldn’t help thinking of the one in the car.

Since Qing Yizhi left, the two old men have collected a lot of books and DVDs. Almost as long as new ones come out and have a good reputation, they will put them in this huge study.

Then I come here to clean and tidy up every day, and it seems that I can feel a child’s breath from these things.

“Uncle Qing, I happen to have a movie disc in my car. It was played with Yao’s friend’s daughter. It was also shown here recently. I’ll go get it for you.”

“Oh, you have friends with Yao? That’s great!” Qing father and Qing mother also knew Mu He Yao’s loneliness, and they couldn’t help but smile when they heard that he made friends: “Is he a big star?”

Having said that, he and Mu Hesen left the study room. It would be impolite for the guests to stay here.

“No, it’s just a cameo. It’s a six-year-old girl, very cute.”

“Hahaha, it’s very good, it’s good to make friends with Yao, haven’t you been worried that he will end up alone with the computer in the future?”

The old man’s joke made Mu Hesen smile helplessly, obviously remembering his previous misunderstanding and embarrassment about the relationship between Mu Heyao and Xu Wenyin.

Qing father and Qing mother also watched the two brothers grow up. Mu Hesen said this incidentally with the idea of making the old man happy, and he treated it as Cai Yi entertaining his relatives.

“Uncle Qing, Aunt Shen, don’t you know that Ayao is so precious to his friend, he is sending fruit and flowers, and he has been clamoring to go to Jiangcheng to see Xu Wenyin, oh, that friend of Ayao, I I thought he…”

“Wait!” Qing Mu suddenly interrupted Mu Hesen: “Xu, Wen, Yin? Which three words, male and female, how old are you?”

She didn’t know why, but when she heard the familiar three words, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated. There were many people with the same name and surname, but Qing Mu still asked this question involuntarily.

Coincidence, it should be a coincidence.

After all, shouldn’t that person have died in the earthquake a few years ago?

Mu Hesen didn’t know why Qing Mu had such a reaction, but his sixth sense seemed to be on the line at this moment.

“Woman, Yan Wuxu, Wen Wen, Cao Yinyin, she should be in her thirties. She has a six-year-old daughter named Xu Youyou, who graduated from the Computer Science Department of A University.”

Mu Hesen quickly said all the information he knew, and then saw that the expressions of the two old men changed, and he couldn’t help but have an idea in his heart.

-Is there really such a coincidence in the world?

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