The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 254: Because all are monsters

Tony walked into Mike’s house, striding towards Maria, reaching out and pressing Maria’s shoulder like, gently kneading, saying, “Mom, it’s time to finish, it’s been four hours.”

Maria moved her body and said with surprise, “It’s been so long?”

The time passed so quickly, she didn’t feel it at all.

Looking at the cards in front of her, Maria’s eyes rolled, reached out and pushed, shouting, “It’s over, it’s over!”

Peggy Carter said sharply, “No! I’m about to win!”

Steve squeezed Peggy Carter’s hand and said, “Forget it, let’s end it.”

With Peggy Carter saying that, the chances of losing were higher.

He glanced at the small basket at Mike’s feet with a look of envy.

If he hadn’t won Carter’s share over, there would have been more money in Mike’s little basket.

Tony and Steve said hello.

They all knew each other because of Maria and Peggy Carter’s poker game together, but because of personality incompatibility, they didn’t have a deep friendship and could only be considered relatively familiar.

“I won a lot today, thank you for coming to send money today, I said not to play it, you prefer me to come.” Mike smiled helplessly with a face full of mockery: “As a result, you guys are still so rookie.”

Saying that, he looked at Peggy Carter and Maria and shook his head, still making a series of tuts in his mouth.

Peggy Carter and Maria gritted their teeth and looked at Mike.

Angry, too angry.

I didn’t say if I lost money, but I was ridiculed by those who won.

Looking at the two people’s expressions, Mike nodded in his heart.

Got angry with the two of them.

This time, before they feel that their poker skills have not improved, is not going to find him to play cards.

Carrying the basket, he took it to Clark who was standing by and said, “Put it away, this is their money for today’s food.”

Every time after playing cards, Peggy Carter several people will stay here to eat a meal, this is already a habit.

Clark smiled and took it, looked down at the money, smiled happily, and walked upstairs.

Steve looked at the scene with envy.

Speaking of which, after he thawed out, he still didn’t have a formal job, and if Nick Fury hadn’t found a way to calculate his salary for decades, he might still be relying on Carter to support him now.

However, according to Carter’s rate of losing money, his salary…

He scratched his head anxiously.

Hello everyone, our public account will find red envelopes of gold and coins every day, and you can receive them as long as you pay attention. Please seize the opportunity for the last benefit at the end of the year.

Speaking of work, Nick Fury has approached him several times, saying that he wants him to join the Avengers……

This time, he and Peggy Carter went on a trip. In addition to keeping Peggy Carter away from mahjong for a period of time and the two-person world for a period of time, there is another reason, that is to avoid Nick Fury.

Because when Nick Fury told him about the Avengers, he was impressed, but he hadn’t thought about joining and didn’t know how to reply to each other……

Now it seems that joining seems to be good.

What was the salary said at the time……

Don’t get me wrong, he’s definitely not in it for the salary.

Steve mused, looked at Tony and said, “Nick Fury contacted me again today.

He said he made an offer to you as well.”

Tony nodded and said, “Yes, for the third time.”

Peggy Carter and Maria looked at each other with some curiosity.

They didn’t know what that invitation was.

Mike’s eyes flickered and already guessed what they were talking about when they said the invitation was something.

The Avengers Project.

He has seen this thing a long time ago.

Nick Fury was the one who invited him, but he refused because he was just a farmer.

At that time, Nick Fury’s face turned out to be wonderful.

Now, it seems that Nick Fury finally took action on these two people?

Tony raised an eyebrow and asked Steve: “What is your decision?”

Steve looked at Tony, noting the other party’s eyes, smiled and said, “Will you agreed?”

Tony nodded and said, “Yes.”

It doesn’t hurt to have their type of people come together and form a team to deal with a crisis that one person can’t handle.

For example, the Stark Expo thing, if it did not happen to meet the Mac family, he might have planted, but if he had a team, it would be much easier to deal with that kind of situation.

Steve mused and said, “Did you sign that document?”

Tony shook his head and said, “It’s just a verbal agreement.”

“So …… why don’t we have him come in now and we’ll get this sorted out together?”

Steve suggested to.

Tony looked at Mike and said, “Is that okay? Uncle Mike?”

Mike laughed, “Such an important matter, you want to talk about it in my place?”

Tony’s face straightened and said, “Your place is the safest place.”

At that, the others nodded their heads in agreement.

Mike shrugged and said, “Whatever then, I’ll go prepare dinner.”

He got up and walked to the kitchen, and when he reached the living room door, he stopped in his tracks and turned back, “Do you need me to bring that guy over?”

Steve and Tony nodded.

Mike took out his phone and called Nick Fury before a portal card appeared between his fingers.

Concrete points of light appeared, the card disappeared when a rotating portal appeared in front of the crowd.

After Nick Fury in a black trench coat appeared, in Gwen’s amazed gaze, Mike snapped his fingers and cancelled the portal.

“You guys talk.”

With those words, he nodded to Nick Fury and walked toward the kitchen.

Gwen hurriedly followed, like a curious cat, asking about Mike’s portal.

Although she knew her dad had superpowers, but it was the first time she had seen Mike use it.

“Dad, what was that just now? Swish appeared and that black-faced uncle came out?”

“That’s a teleportation door.”

“A teleportation door?”

Gwen’s eyes lit up and said, “So is it true that every day I don’t have to take the school bus to school?”

“Well, no need to go by bus.”

“That’s so good ……”

“Walk to it.”

“Humph!” Gwen grunted softly and ran upstairs.

Her brother had just come upstairs with a lot of money, and she wanted to ask if she could have some pocket money.

A few moments later, when Mike prepared the fondue, Tony’s side had finished talking, and the three officially signed the Avengers Alliance agreement document.

Avengers Alliance plan officially launched, the launch site in Mike’s home.

And this hot pot, also became their plan to start the celebration dinner.

Watching them cook the hot pot while talking about the Avengers, Mike sighed.

I don’t know, I thought they were talking about how good this dish is.

The whole process can be said to be quite sloppy.

But there is no doubt that the Avengers plan is officially launched.

Suddenly, Nick Fury looked at Mike and Clark and said: “Do you two father and son want to join?”

Mike raised an eyebrow and looked at Clark.

Clark calmly pushed his glasses, smiled and said, “No such plans for now.”

“Why?” Steve asked curiously.

Nick Fury said quietly, “Because their family is a monster.”

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