The Fat God System

Chapter 56: Story

Hugh looked at his daily missions and sighed. As of right now, he did not have sufficient money to buy any gems or any rocks that would satisfy his daily missions.

This was just another problem that he had to deal with. He still had to deal with Joub's death and how it could be traced back to him.

There was also Serena and Jane, who saw him doing weird things. He could explain to Jane that it was just part of his Desire, but he would have trouble explaining what Serena saw.

Hugh was just holding on to the hope that she did not recognize him because he was just skin and bones when she saw him. Even though that had a low probability of happening, it was his only hope to deal with the problem.

Remembering back to the anger in her eyes, Hugh was sure that Serena would hunt him down. He did not want to go to class and deal with those problems, but it would seem weirder if he were absent.

If he were there to lie and explain what happened, he could get himself out of trouble. If he did not show up, he would be labeled guilty of whatever they had assumed of him.

Hugh took one big breath and took a shower. He took a long shower as he tried to procrastinate going to school.

After preparing his things, he walked back down the stairs and went to the kitchen. He wanted to finish one of the daily missions for today.

As he stepped foot onto the hallway with lockers, he remembered something. It made him stop in his tracks, and cold sweat poured down his back.

In the midst of him committing murder, he forgot that Veer had commissioned a witch hunt for him. The prize for discovering his hidden power was 1,000,000 points, which would tempt anybody in the room.

This meant that all kinds of eyes were directed at him with malicious thoughts. He was definitely not safe, and he would have to keep an eye out for every second that he was outside.

If he had remembered this before going to school, he would have stayed at his house and let the heat pass. He would wait for a few days until the excitement died down, and hopefully, they would forget about him since youth's attention span was abysmal.

It was too late to turn back now as he was already at school. His only solace was that he would be safe inside the classroom whenever professor Kain was around.

The professor would stop anyone that would attack Hugh if it happened right in front of his eyes since it was his job as a teacher to do so.

Hugh took another big breath as he stepped forward and slid the door to class A's room.

The murmurs stopped as soon as the door slid away and revealed Hugh's obese figure. They tried to hide the fact that they were looking at him, but he could feel their piercing glares.

Hugh ignored them and walked towards his seat. Once seated, he was a little bit comforted by the fact that his classmates had not yet attacked him.

He looked around, and the cliques were once again gathered around their groups.

The boys were standing near the blackboard as they talked with each other. Hugh noticed that they were missing their Alpha male, Aric.

Hugh still remembered how Aric beat him up, and he wanted to take revenge some other time once he got stronger. It was weird that Aric was not there to flaunt his strength to Hugh and bully him.

Her girl friends surrounded Serena like always. Hugh looked around her neck and found a lack of jewelry. Hugh was sorry that Serena got involved in his crazed state, and he even ate her pieces of jewelry.

She noticed Hugh looking at her, so she turned her head towards him. Hugh immediately took back his stare as he pretended to study with his tablet.

Serena stopped talking as well as her friends, which made Hugh anxious. He was afraid that Serena recognized his face, and now she was going to confront him.

After a few seconds, Hugh did not feel any movements from her, and they continued to chat. Hugh heaved a big sigh of relief until he heard some of their conversations.

"Hear this! I met some crazed maniac when I was walking down the street. He was licking the pavement; how disgusting is that!"

The girls around Serena gasped and contorted their faces full of makeup to show their disgust. They consoled Serena for witnessing such a disgusting act until she continued her story.

"Not only that, but he also attacked me like a wild animal! Thankfully, he was weak, so I was able to brush him off."

Serena had a look of superiority as she narrated what had happened the previous night. The girls were awed at her bravery and strength for confronting such a maniac.

Hugh buried his head in the desk as he felt ashamed. He looked like a crazed maniac eating the pavement. He could not even defend himself because that would give away his identity.

"The crazed man then performed an underhanded technique that caught me off guard. Thankfully, he was only able to grab my jewelry."

Serena had been telling the truth before, but now, she was twisting the incident to her favor. Hugh never did an underhanded technique, but she lied and painted him as such.

Hugh also remembered that she flinched away as he attacked her neck. He could have severely injured her, but he only took her jewelry. She was trying to pass it off as part of her plan.

"You would not believe what happened next! He ate the necklace that he stole from me!!!"

The girls around her were beyond shocked. They all had their jaws on the ground as they looked at Serena. Hugh thought they were amazed at how someone could eat the necklace, but their words amazed him.

"How could he?!"

"Such a shame! It fit your dress so much! What are you going to wear then?"

"This is a crime against humanity!!!"

When Hugh heard their concerns, the only thing he could do was put his hand in his face as he shook it. They were concerned about her jewelry, not the man who ate it.

Unbeknownst to Hugh, someone was also listening to Serena's story. Jane was sitting on the opposite side of the classroom, but she could hear Serena's loud voice.

When Serena mentioned the man eating the jewelry, someone came into Jane's mind. She immediately stole a glance at Hugh while she had mysterious thoughts.

"Right, that's what I said! The man was as thin a stick, and he looked very malnourished, so I let him eat the jewelry. I let him get away as I gave my jewelry as a charity."

The girls around Serena clapped in amazement at her selflessness. They thought that Serena was merciful, but in truth, Hugh was able to get away from Serena when she tried to catch him.

Serena finished her story and was praised all around. She was able to turn the story around in her favor to have a better social standing.

Hugh did not listen anymore as he put his head down in relief. It looked like Serena did not recognize him because he was not obese at the time. This was one problem solved, but he still had other things to worry about.

He heard the door slide, and Dempsy entered the room. There were girls in Serena's group that immediately stopped talking and murmured in his direction.

They were enthralled at the swagger of his walk, giving him rebel vibes. They felt that Dempsy was the bad boy type, and some of them fell for him straight away.

Dempsy did not care about the girls' stare as he pulled the chair underneath the desk and sat right next to Hugh. Hugh frowned as he saw Dempsy sit right next to him.

Dempsy had always challenged him whenever possible, and Hugh did not want that right now. He already had a lot to deal with, and he did not want to deal with a muscle-head.

Thankfully, before Dempsy could speak, the door opened, and professor Kain entered the room. Everyone stopped what they were doing and went back to their seats.

After seeing his students in order, professor Kain crossed his arms and spoke towards the door.

"Come in."

The door opened to reveal a student in regular uniform, except he had an armband on his bicep that displayed 'Student Council.'

This student was a member of the Student Council, and he was a Council Hand, which was evident by the black glove on his hands. They were the Student Council's foot soldiers, and a council member appearing here was not a good sign.

Hugh's heart stopped as he got a bad feeling. His nightmares seemed to come true as he heard the Student Council member speak.

"We request Hugh to come to the Student Council Headquarters."

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