The Fat God System

Chapter 189: Olive

When Miser remembered the things that he food remembered about his wife, the thing that pops up the most was her love for the stars.

He now understood why the stars in the painting looked so familiar. It was about the things that his wife loved the most.

Of course, he never thought that it would be the key to finding some kind of treasure, but it was still important enough to remember.

"This is the constellation of Hercules," Moser said as he pointed towards a constellation of stars in the painting.

Then, everyone looked towards what Miser was pointing at. However, they could not distinguish a pattern from it. In their perspective, the stars were just out there at random.

However, Miser knew better.. he had heard enough constellation talk from his wife back then. He had been irritated at that time, but now, it was a memory for him.

When Miser looked at the painting, he saw something that was strange. The constellations were not in the right place.

Some constellations were not supposed to be grouped up at the same place, but the painting had them together.

Could it simply be an error from the painter, or was this something deliberate?

However, if this was deliberate, then did it mean that there was a reason? Was there a meaning through the random placing of the constellations?

Miser began to think. He first identified all the constellations of the painting.

He started to try and guess the meanings of these constellations, but he could not find them. Even when he tried to think about what the constellations meant.

Then, he understood that the first letter of the constellations could form a word. This was the key to finding out the meaning of the word.

After minutes and minutes of rearranging, he could finally get a word that made sense.

'Back painting olive'

These were the words that were decoded into the painting. Although it looked like it did not mean anything, Miser knew exactly what it was.

"What is taking you so long?" the captain asked.

Miser was forced to tell the captain what he saw. First, he thought that he should lie.

"Don't even try to lie. If I hear you lying, then I will kill them immediately, and you will never find your daughter ever again!"

Miser frowned. With this, he has to tell the captain the truth.

"These are all the constellations in the painting. You can see that the first letters of the constellations could form a word," Miser said.

Then, the captain looked at the painting. Then, he looked towards a bald man that wore glasses.

"Is he telling the truth?" the captain asked.

Then, the bald man with glasses looked at the painting. Once Miser told the truth, the bald man also knew what it meant.

"It is true. Back painting olive," the bald man with glasses said. "Those are the words, captain."

The captain looked at the painting once again. However, he could not understand the true meaning of it all.

"Back painting. Does the key lie in the back of the painting?" the captain said as he moved closer to the painting.

Then, the captain looked at the painting and moved it aside. To everyone's surprise, there was a metal door that led towards an unknown place.

The captain was overjoyed. He had finally found the treasure that he had been looking for for so long. It had been a tough journey.

In his joy, he let go of Miser's shackles. All he could do was go to the door and try to open it.

However, he realized that it had a lock. At the side of the lock was a keyboard that needed to be punched in. There seemed to be a password.

"Back painting olive," the captain said.

Olive. The captain guessed that it was the password for the painting.

*pip* *pip*

The captain started to punch in the words to the keyboard. There was silence with everybody.

The butler was in despair knowing that the treasure was about to be found and stolen by ruffians. Jane and Aric were struggling, but they were restrained by a lot of bald men.

The bald men were looking towards the door with greed. They also wanted to go to the door that leads to the treasure. However, Miser was retreating away from the door.

It seemed that Miser knew something about the door that he did not say to the captain.


As soon as the final letter was put in, the door started to open. The captain hurriedly opens the door with such force.

He fully expected to see a pile of jewels and gold, but what he saw was a pile of stakes in the wall.

As soon as the doors were opened. The metal spikes started to launch towards the front.

The foremost man, the captain, was the one closest to the spikes. His whole body should have been cut up, but his reflexes were good.

Only three spikes were embedded into his body. Three of them were all on noncritical points in his body.

However, the bald men were not as fortunate as their captains. All of them were hit all over their bodies as the spikes continued to rain down on them.

Jane, Aric, and Darren all used the bald men as meat shields in order not to be hit by the spikes. At the very end, the bald men had died off.

With no one else to restrict them, Jane and Aric were finally set free. The captain was livid as soon as he saw the treasure slip away from his fingers.

With just him alone to fight, he knew that he would never win against the two chosen. He was so close only for it to be ripped away from him.

"I will come back," the captain said as he started to mend into the floor.

Jane and Aric tried to catch the captain, but the captain was long gone by the time they reached him.

This must have been the reason why he was so confident in going here. He had a way out that could be used everywhere.

Once the dust settled, the butler sighed. The treasure had still not been found, which was the best thing for everyone.

Miser smiled. He knew that there was a booty trap in the door from the very beginning.

Olive. That was an inside joke with his wife. They were both fans of adventure-type stories with booby traps.

They both read a lot of these novels, and one of the things they loved doing while reading these novels was to eat olives.

Back painting olive. It meant that there was a booby trap at the back of the painting.

Then, once the spikes were all gone, the door finally opened. Even Miser was surprised to see this.

The butler was the most surprised. He never knew that there was a hidden tunnel that led somewhere like that.

"This must lead to the treasure," Aric said as he quickly walked towards the tunnel.

However, before he could go any further, the butler caught his collar and prevented him from advancing.

"We cannot," the butler said. "The treasure is supposed to be kept hidden at all times."

The butler's mission was to make the treasure never found. This was not the right time for the treasure to surface the world.

"Why?" Aric asked.

"The treasure is only for the royal blood," the butler said with a pained look on his face.

He did not know that Mia was of royal blood.

"Can this help Mia ascend the throne?" Jane asked.

The butler seemed confused about the whole situation. "Who's Mia?"

Then, they all looked towards Miser. "She is my daughter."

At first, the butler did not see anything with that. He did not recognize the implications of that fact.

Then, after a few seconds, the realization finally hit his head.

"Daughter? Is she the descendant of the former queen?!" the butler asked with intensity.

Then, Miser nodded his head. The butler's purpose was to serve the royal blood, and Mia was of royal blood. This meant that the butler can help Mia.

"Oh, lord! Oh heavens! The time had finally come! Nobody believed me, but it had come!" the butler praised and kneeled as he looked towards the sky.

The butler was one of the very few royal blood supporters. The others had defected to the commander, but the butler stayed with his loyalty to the royal blood.

"Where is she? Where is our queen?" the butler asked.

Once he said that the whole room put their heads down. That was what they were all wondering too.

"She is kidnapped," Jane finally said.

Then, once the butler heard this, he became shocked. The shock was so hard that he fainted for a little while.

It was like he had just been handed a news flash that he was just killed again after reviving.

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