The Fat God System

Chapter 185: Spy

The very next day, Hugh and Serena woke up with the roll call. Serena had to make her voice low to try and make the impression that she was a man.

"Present," Serena uttered with a low voice.

Thankfully, nobody seemed to be noticed it. There did not seem to have any problems as all of them were minding their businesses.

After that, the whole army started to move together. This time, they have headed towards the Cheroque kingdom again.

They only needed one day's worth of marching t to be able for each kingdom now. Most of them were reenergized by this fact.

They could not wait to get back to their families and home. The worst thing was that this whole March had been all for nothing.

After they set out for a remote town in the middle of nowhere, they were immediately ordered to return.

Of course, some of them were happy that no fight had occurred. If a war had occurred, they would have to fight, and many people would die.

For others, they were not happy that they did not get to see bloodshed. Some of them only joined the army to see that kind of violence.

However, despite their disagreement with the upper ranks of the army, they did not dare complain to them.

If they complain so much about the quality of food, they would be immediately be killed. It would be better to just put up with all the difficult commands.

Then, once they were back at their homes, they could curse out their superiors in a bar somewhere. But right now, they had put up with it.

Jane and Hugh both walked at the very last rows of the army. They did not want to stand out and be seen by the commander upfront.


The commander tapped the wooden desk in his carriage. Something was bothering him deep to his core. It felt like he was vulnerable someplace.

"What's the wrong commander?" a soldier asked.

The commander just shook his head. He could not point his feeling out. It was just a gut feeling that had no real meaning to it.

After a minute of deep thinking, the commander spoke to the soldier to relay his command.

"Search for intruders," the commander said as he tapped the table.

He was not sure that intruders were present, but he could not help but be concerned about them. His gut was never wrong.

The soldier bowed towards the commander and walked out of the carriage to relay his command through the whole army.

The upper ranks of the army were all gathered into one spot and told of the current situation. All of them nodded with serious faces as they heard the news.

A spy was something despicable in their perspective. They hated having someone in their ranks that would betray them at a second's notice.

They all could not let that happen. So, they all dispersed as they all set out their plans to capture the spies.

Hugh and Serena were marching with the soldiers when all of a sudden the platoon leader looked at them with serious faces.

"What's wrong with the platoon leader," Hugh asked as he looked at the leader.

"Ooh…not good," the soldier said as he judged the face of the platoon leader.

"Why? What's wrong?" Hugh asked.

Just as the soldier was about to speak, the platoon leader shouted towards them.

"Stop talking!" the platoon leader shouted. "You are all a bunch of maggots!"

The platoon leader then walked towards everyone to try and look at their faces. He was good at judging the faces of people he saw.

"What did I teach you guys before?" the platoon leader asked as he put his hands behind him.

The soldiers were all silent. Usually, this was a rhetorical question that should not be answered. If they answered, they would be punished for talking back.

"Why aren't you all answering?" the platoon leader shouted as he kicked a soldier in the shin.

Most of the soldiers ignored this kind of stuff, but on the inside, they were furious at their platoon leader.

The platoon leader was acting like he was god around here. He was acting like he could do anything to the soldiers just because of his rank.

What's worse was that the platoon leader only got his rank was because of nepotism. His brother was a close friend of a person swerving directly under the commander.

The platoon leader had never even stepped foot into a real battlefield. The soldiered were even sure that he had never even killed a person.

How could that person be their platoon leader? How could they follow him into death? How could they trust him?

The answer was that they could not. They would rather die than serve their platoon leader again.

Almost all of the soldiers here were planning to request a reassignment into another platoon. Some were even considering retirement.

"You bunch of idiots!" the platoon leader shouted as he slapped a soldier out of nowhere.

The soldier he had just slapped was the oldest here. He was a true senior that everybody respected, and he was older than the platoon leader.

However, the platoon leader did not give the man the respect that he deserved.

The soldier had served two wars and still survived. He did not deserve this kind of treatment. The only reason why the soldier was not promoted was that the person himself wanted to stay as a soldier.

However, because the platoon leader was still the upper-ranking officer, the old soldier could not do anything but take the slap.

The platoon leader also knew this. He knew that the old soldier could not do anything, that was why he often slapped this old man.

Then, the platoon leader kept looking at the soldiers with a sharp eye. Then, he moved on to Hugh.

"You fat ass! How did you even join this platoon?" the platoon leader asked as he punched Hugh's fats.

Hugh's anger bubbled up to the surface, but he decided that it was not worth it. He had to just kill the guy some other time.

"Work out some more you dunce!" the platoon leader said as he pushed Hugh to the ground and spat on the ground.

Hugh was barely hanging on to his anger. If he was pushed one more time, he would explode in anger and kill the platoon leader without hesitation.

Then, the platoon leader moved on to Serena. She was under a lot of armor and her head was covered in a helmet.

The platoon leader looked towards Serena with disdain.

"You disrespectful bastard! You should remove your helmet when facing me!" the platoon leader shouted as he took off Serena's helmet.

As soon as her helmet was off, her luscious golden hair flowed out. Everyone could see that a beautiful dame was hiding under that pile of steel.

They did not expect this, nobody did. As far as they know, there was nobody like her in the platoon, not even in the whole army.

Sure, there were women in the army, but no one was as beautiful as her. They were all shocked.

Hugh frowned. It looked like Serena's cover was blown, and now, he had to kill off everyone in the platoon and try to escape.

"You…you're an s…," the platoon leader trailed off.

He was supposed to say that Serena was a spy, but then, he suddenly got a man's idea in his head. A smirk grew on his face.

"I have never seen you before. When did a beautiful girl like you join this platoon?" the platoon leader asked with a smile on his face.

Serena gulped as she heard the platoon leader. She did not like the way that the platoon leader was looking at her up and down like prized meat.

"Just recently, sir," Serena replied.

The platoon leader nodded his head as if he believed Serena's lies.

"Okay, I believe you," the platoon leader said with a smile on his face.

Hugh, Serena, and the rest of the platoon were surprised when they heard that. Did the platoon leader plan something.

"I need you to visit my quarters right now, and…relieve my stress," the platoon leader said as greed and lust filled his eyes.

Serena and Hugh frowned as they heard the disgusting proposition from the platoon leader.

Hugh got ready to kill the platoon leader without hesitation.

Seeing that Serena had trouble saying yes, the platoon leader smiled ever more and moved closer to her.

"Why not? You are not a spy are you?" the platoon leader said with a smile on his face.

Everyone knew that the platoon leader already knew that Serena was a spy. He was just trying to take advantage of her.

Serena had a choice in this matter. She could join the platoon leader and kept her secret, or be found out as a spy.

"Platoon leader, she is a personal cousin of mine. She is not some spy," a random soldier said.

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