The Fat God System

Chapter 178: Tempt

Hugh and Serena ducked under the hole that they saw in the wall. They did not know where it leads, but it was much better than being stuck with the monsters.

Hugh led the way and used his eagle eyes to look at any sort of traps that may be inside the hole. These were unknown territories, which meant that they had to be careful.

"What do you see?" Serena whispered over to Hugh while standing beside him.

Hugh could not see anything but darkness all around him. Even with his eagle eyes, it felt as if his vision was being blocked by some other phenomenon.

"I can't," Hugh replied.

Serena shook her head and went beside Hugh. She tried her luck to see if she could see anything, but it was as Hugh said, there was not anything she could see but darkness.

"Where even are we?" Serena asked.

Hugh did not answer as he continued to explore the dark place.

Serena felt Hugh move away from her, so she quickly caught up to him. In this strange place, it would be better to stay together than apart.

Who knows what could be lurking under these shadows? She did not want to deal with it alone, so she had to accompany Hugh close.

Hugh felt that Serena grabbed a piece of his clothes to hung on to, and he did not say anything more.

The dark place was wider than Hugh thought. When he raised his hands, he could not touch the ceiling. Even when he jumped as hard as he could, he could not touch or see the ceiling.

The dark place was also wide. Serena and Hugh were walking for minutes on end, but they had yet to reach a wall or an end.

It was like ab endless walk in the darkness without any real end.

Hugh raised his hand and used his fire to light up the place.

Serena saw the bright fire inside Hugh's hand, and she felt more comfortable. At least, they could see each other right now. It was better than not seeing anything at all.

"Why didn't you do that before?" Serena asked with a bit of a disappointed voice.

"I didn't want to waste my energy, but also…," Hugh said as his voice trailed.

"But also what?" Serena asked as she looked at Hugh.

She saw that Hugh was currently looking up towards the ceiling. He seemed to be very spooked.

"What are you looking…," Serena said as she slowly lifted her head and looked at the ceiling.

What she saw almost took her heart out of her chest. It had frightened her so much that she almost screamed to the top of her lungs.

Thankfully, she was able to stop herself from making any noise.

In the ceiling of the dark place was a giant devilish face complete with horns, eyes, fangs, and all sorts of rings on its face.

It was not simply a stone sculpture, but the real thing. It looked very realistic, especially its eyes. It seemed to be staring at Hugh and Serena.

With the devilish face staring at them, they could not help but stay still. They were afraid that the devilish face would notice them.

Although, it looked like the devilish face was already aware of them. It was staring right at them with its devilish smile and its heinous horns.

Serena elbowed Hugh and gave him a signal. However, Hugh did not move and continued to look at the devilish face.

"Hugh!" Serena whispered. "Hugh! Put out your fire!"

Serena was afraid that the devilish face would see them because of Hugh's fire. The best way to stay out of the devilish face's vision was to stay in the dark.

However, Hugh did not extinguish his fire. He kept its light up.

"No!" Hugh replied. "If we don't have light, we won't see when it attacks us!"

Hugh believed that the devilish face already knows about their presence. The best thing to do right now was to stare at it until it moves.

That way, he could be prepared. If there was no light, he would be in the dark, and he would not know if the devilish face attacks them or not.

Hugh and Serena continued to have a stare-off with the devilish face. After a while, they realized that the face would not do anything.

"Do you think we can move?" Serena asked as she continued to look at the devilish face.

Hugh was also planning to move. If they were stuck there forever, then they would not be able to escape the devilish face.

The best outcome for this was to escape the devilish face without garnering its attention and making it move.

"Let's move slowly," Hugh replied.

With their concentration at its highest, Hugh and Serena continued to love their bodies at a slow pace.

If someone was looking at them right now, they would have thought that they were not moving. That was how slow they were moving.

However, they did not care. It was better to be safe than sorry. If the devilish face suddenly attacks them, then it would not be good.

After an hour of moving slowly, Serena and Hugh had only taken a few steps out. At this rate, it would take weeks and weeks until they make some real progress.

"Let's speed it up," Hugh said to Serena.

Serena had the same idea, and she nodded towards Hugh. They need to take some calculated risks if they wanted to survive.

Hugh and Serena now sped up their movement. They continued to accelerate until they were now walking normally.

Even though they were walking normally, the devilish face still had not moved. This was a good sign.

"It looks like that face is just for decoration," Serena said as she got more liberal with her step.

"I would not be so sure," Hugh said as he looked at the devilish smile on the devilish face. It looked like it was enjoying Hugh and Serena's struggle like worms.

Hugh and Serena continued to walk through these endless steps. Even after they had walked for a while, the devilish face was still above them, watching them like a hawk.


Then, they suddenly heard something drop from behind them. Alerted, they both looked back to see what it was.

What they saw surprised them. It was a pile of treasures.

There were gold, diamonds, jewels, crowns, and everything that could be sold for a high price. The pile of treasures reached towards the ceiling.

If they were to gather all these treasures, they would be set for the rest of their lovers in luxury. Hugh and Serena would never have to worry about anything else.

Hugh and Serena frowned. It was an obvious trap.

They both looked at each other and nodded to each other. They did not spend hours upon hours walking just to walk back because of a few treasures.

Getting out of this dark place was much more important to them.

Not looking back, they started to walk away from the pile of treasures.


Then, they both heard something drop behind them. They both realized that something keeps dropping behind them at random.

This time, when they looked back, they saw weapons and armors of all kinds. They shined under the dim light, and Serena and Hugh both realized that they were all high quality.

Not only that but there were also cultivation pills in the hundreds. These pills will help anyone break through their current level and surpass others.

The temptation was very tempting this time. Even Hugh and Serena hesitated. They thought for a second that they should go back and get some pills and armor.

However, they both stopped themselves. The risk was not worth the trouble. Who was to say that those were not all illusions?

"Let's not look back anymore," Hugh said as he looked straight as he tried to ignore the temptation.

"Yeah, I have a feeling that it will only get harder to refuse as we go on," Serena said as she slapped her cheeks to wake herself up.

Hugh and Serena continued to travel through the endless darkness. Even though it seemed long, they were determined to reach the end.


Then, they both heard another sound of something dropping from the ceiling. They both stopped in place, but they did not turn their heads back.

"Let's not look," Hugh said.

Serena nodded.

The two continued to walk, however, they heard another noise right before they took a step away.


Hugh and Serena were both surprised. It sounded like the cries of a baby. They stopped and quickly looked back to see what it was.

Like they had guessed, a baby was crying in the middle of the darkness.

The baby seemed nothing more than two years old, and it had green eyes and blonde hair. It cried in this unknown and dark environment.

Once it saw Hugh and Serena, it cried harder. It seemed to want to be held as it raised both its arms.

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