The Extraordinary King: Awaken The Traveling Beast At The Start

Chapter 298

Chapter 297: One Hand! The King Of Yan!

Looking at the young man who had no breath in front of him and was engulfing his perception like a black hole, Yan Zhenxiao couldn’t help but shudder in his heart.

A thought directly occupied his brain.


Hit again and you’ll die!

He didn’t hesitate, and the four-layered small world barrier was about to move away instantly when it shrank.

However, Fang Ran didn’t give him this chance. As the big virtual Mitch in his hand was lifted, the surrounding space immediately turned into a chaotic void, and Yan Jun was also wrapped in it.

His Flash Boundary Displacement immediately failed.

Fang Ran smiled slightly and took advantage of the situation to slash the Daxu Miqie who had just lifted it down!

Completely unable to avoid, completely unable to observe, completely unable to offset, after one slash, the four-layered small world barrier in front of Baigu Yan Jun was forcibly cut off three layers.

The effect of the Ghost Possession Technique was directly cracked, and the three Skeleton Ghost Kings were cut out from his body, wailing and fleeing in all directions.

Fang Ran raised his blade again, Yan Zhenxiao was dead, and he could no longer keep his senses. The bone armor on his body skyrocketed and expanded, transforming into a giant of white bones. At the same time, he released the white-cyan ghost fire with all his strength to increase its power.

I saw a white-boned giant burning with ghostly fire, driving the waves of the white sea of ​​fire, and slashing at Fang Ran’s place overwhelmingly, with extremely terrifying power.

However, Fang Ran still ignored it and cut him off!

In an instant, the sea of ​​fire split! The giant bone collapsed!

Yan Jun Baigu flew back upside down, vomiting blood, and the last layer of the small world barrier on his body had also shattered and disappeared.

With two moves, he defeated Yan Jun, who was possessed by a triple ghost.

Even Bai Yueqi, who knew that he was strong in the first place, couldn’t help but feel a little astonished, the divine light flashed in his beautiful eyes, and there was no lack of admiration.

She is like this, not to mention the other two Yan Jun.

“What’s the matter? Why did Lao Yan lose? What just happened~?”

“How is that possible? We were fighting back and forth just now, how could I use the Ghost Possession Technique and lose so quickly? This is impossible!

“Did this guy also use any secret technique? Why can’t I feel his breath at all!

“What the hell is going on with this kid? Why does he have such strength?!”

The two Yan Jun were horrified, with a great sense of crisis in their hearts, and had already realized the crisis of death.

Even the strongest among them, Yan Zhenxiao, was defeated so easily by his men, so if they were replaced, the end would be even worse!

No more fighting! Must run!

Fang Ran himself was a little surprised. In the second knife, he originally wanted to cut off his body directly, revealing the origin of the small world, and then the third knife completely killed the opponent.

“It’s not bad to be able to survive this knife! I have seen your efforts to survive, so I will praise you! However, you still have to die!

Fang Ran said softly, raised Daxu Mitchie again, and slashed the third slash after chasing his flying figure.

“Old Yan! 35

“Damn it! Fight!

Seeing this, the other two Yan Jun immediately rushed to the side of their companions, trying to jointly resist the knife.

However, even if they joined forces, the result was not much better.

Under the nihilistic sword light, the hastily released attack by the two Yan Jun was cut off without any effect, and they could only use their own small world barrier to eat the full force of this attack.

The result was no surprise, their small world barrier was also instantly cut off the double ghost domain barrier superimposed on it, and the state of being possessed by ghosts and gods was lifted at the same time.

“Why do you have to rush to die, anyway, you are going to die anyway, so why do you have to fight?”

Fang Ran shook his head slightly, continued to raise the knife, and slashed out again with an understatement.

It was still the result that could not be changed no matter how resisted, the struggling counterattack disappeared automatically, and the small world barrier of the two Yan Jun also shattered.

At this time, the three people were completely exposed to Fang Ran’s sword.

“Damn! Fight with him!

“Go together!

In front of Fang Ran, the Yan Juns only felt so powerless and insignificant as ants.

But when they were so humiliated, they already knew that they and the others could never defeat Fang Ran, but they had to fight desperately to get a chance.

The seven ghost kings used to activate their trump cards became cannon fodder under their drive, and they themselves unleashed their special flames and their strongest attacks with all their might.

Seeing that they had automatically brought up the feast of the seven ghost kings, Fang Ran was secretly delighted, and the gift-giver gave them an extra knife again.

The combined attack disappeared on the spot, and the seven ghost kings were also directly cut off, leaving only the seven ghost realm origins.

The three Yan Jun were seriously injured again and vomited three liters of blood.

Fang Ran’s figure flickered, he took a little time to collect all these ghost kings, and then looked at them again, and slashed again leisurely.

“”. Well, you have been holding on for long enough, and now you can die! Please remember in your next life, don’t provoke Daxia again!

The Void Slash volleyed down, killing the three of them at the same time (the good king’s).

They no longer have any possibility of successfully resisting, but at this moment, an accident happened.

“If you have to spare people and spare them, why should you kill them all? Let’s stop, little brother.

The voice sounded, and mysterious instruments with strange shapes suddenly appeared out of thin air, releasing mysterious and dignified power to connect each other into a shield, surrounding and protecting the three of them.

Daxu Miqi’s nihility slash fell on it, but it failed to break the defense, but one of the instruments disappeared out of thin air along with this slash.

Then a arrogant and peerless man in black suddenly stepped out of the void, came to the three Yan Jun, and faced Fang Ran with a smile, but his eyes were as calm as an abyss.

Bai Yueqi, who was beside him, saw his face and exclaimed, “The King of Yan Feng Lingwei!”

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