The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 72: The Scaredy Buddha

That was no mere kitten. Before them stood a ferocious White Tiger, its malevolence filling the air. Its jaws were wide, and the sharp fangs within looked as deadly as daggers. Blood oozed from between its teeth as it savagely tore at Old Chen.

Witnessing the scene, Wang Xuan felt his heart sink. Old Chen was severely wounded! Bleeding profusely in the inner world signified grave injury. It might even be life-threatening. This Inner Landscape was different, unlike any they had experienced before.

He raced forward, quickly overtaking Qing Mu, and picked up the black sword that Old Chen had dropped. As he neared the beast, he leaped into the air, holding the sword with both hands. A brilliant flash emitted from the blade as he fiercely thrust it towards the tiger's rear!

With a soft thud, the sword, now gleaming with radiant light, pierced right into the creature's backside.

Perhaps it should indeed be referred to as the White Tiger now. And one thing was clear: its rear was off-limits.

"Meow! Roar!" Even if the sound was inaudible, the creature's open maw signaled a furious roar, accompanied by a terrifying surge of energy.

The tiger glanced coldly at the black blade protruding from its rear and then at Wang Xuan, who was hanging onto the hilt. Its gaze was... piercing.

"Roar..." The White Tiger was on the brink of madness. One moment it's merely feasting, and the next, its tail end is unexpectedly pierced. It was pure humiliation.

The tiger's eyes, once calm like tranquil pools, now ignited with a fiery rage. With a swift flick, it flung the black sword aside and lunged at Wang Xuan with its colossal paw. A silent roar, filled with pure anger, emanated from it.

"You sickly cat[1], how about another roar? Maybe even serenade me with a song?" Wang Xuan taunted, deftly dodging the attack. He was hoping that by provoking the White Tiger, it would release Old Chen from its jaws.

If not, Old Chen was in serious trouble. The White Tiger unleashed a deafening roar, its sheer force making the entire Inner Landscape quiver. It wasn't merely reacting to the taunt; being jabbed in the rear was an unspeakable humiliation for such a formidable creature. Furious, the tiger's claws gleamed menacingly as they swiped through the air, causing the mystical substances of the Inner Landscape to scatter in every direction.

Wang Xuan wasted no time and sprinted away. If Old Chen, despite his masterful abilities, was reduced to mere prey, then Wang was certain he'd fare no better and risked becoming the tiger's next snack. Desperately fighting, Old Chen managed to extricate himself from the vice-like grip of the tiger's teeth, blood soaking his entire body. It looked grim. But given they were in the Inner Landscape, an area abundant with mysterious energy, there was still a glimmer of hope. In his dire state, Old Chen summoned the strength to deploy his Bodhisattva Fist, launching two fierce punches at the tiger's eyes. The tiger, unfazed, merely blinked, deflecting the blows. It then readied its massive claws, aiming to grab Old Chen once more, intent on finishing what it started.

Bang! Bang!

Wang Xuan dashed back into the fray, pummeling the White Tiger with a flurry of punches. To his dismay, they barely made an impact. In a desperate bid to do some damage, he tried yanking out the tiger's fur. He managed to pull only a few strands, but it was enough to further enrage the beast. In the crucial moment, Qing Mu emerged as the silent hero. A man of few words, he seized the black sword and with all his might, thrust it into the tiger's rear.

"I... am... gonna... get you all!" Though the White Tiger did not emit any sound, its intentions were clear from its furious expression as it glared at Qing Mu.

Both Old Chen and Wang Xuan had narrowly escaped the tiger's maw but they couldn't stand by and watch Qing Mu face the peril alone, so they resumed their taunts. Wiping the blood from his face, Old Chen shouted, "Sickly cat, did you really think I didn't know you were a demon? I figured it out long ago, that's why I kept teasing you!"

The tiger's eyes turned icy. All these years, it had played dumb, hoping to learn about the changes in the world beyond. Little did it know that these infuriating humans were onto it and had been toying with it all along!

"Of course, I knew you were a great demon," Wang Xuan added mockingly. Glancing at his palms, he remarked, "Feels no different from petting a regular cat. So much for being a formidable demon. It's just... meh."

He was not lying. From the day he had entered, he had always been on guard against the cat. Occasionally petting it was just his quirky sense of humor. As for Old Chen, despite his calm demeanor, he was secretly nervous. Hence, his frequent "cat petting sessions" and long-winded stories were merely tactics to buy more time for cultivation.

Both Wang Xuan and Old Chen recalled that a bone had once been sealed deep within the sacred grounds of a Buddhist temple. Undoubtedly, it belonged to a formidable entity of pure malevolence. Wang Xuan had honed his skills with Zhang Daoling's martial techniques, while Old Chen mastered the Bodhisattva's fist, both gearing up to subdue the demon. Legends had it that these specific arts were the perfect arsenal for exorcizing evil.

But now, it was clear they had vastly underestimated the power of this behemoth. Not only were they outmatched, but they also struggled to even evade its clutches. They were essentially just a snack for this creature. The White Tiger allowed the trio to regroup, seemingly unperturbed. It advanced slowly, having eyed Old Chen as its meal for quite some time. Being forced to listen to his rambling stories only whetted its appetite further.

Wang Xuan sighed, "Old Chen, it looks like we'll be holding a memorial for you soon. Fate's already made its decision. Even if I could somehow save you, destiny seems unchangeable."

"Shut it! I've yet to get the thrill of tearing apart a warship!" retorted Old Chen.

Qing Mu was completely unnerved. On his very first venture into this place, he faced such a formidable demon. The sheer magnitude of what stood before him was hard to digest.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

All three of them put up a fight, but each was effortlessly swatted away by the White Tiger's powerful paws. Bruised and battered, neither Old Chen nor Wang Xuan stood a chance against this monstrous creature.

"Hey, woman in red! Your missing cat's right here, come claim it!" Wang Xuan yelled out.

All of a sudden, a melodious, bell-like laughter resonated, chilling to the bone. From the depths of this mystic realm, a woman dressed in red, sheltered under an oil-paper umbrella, emerged, laughing in their direction.

At that moment, Wang Xuan and Old Chen felt their hearts race. The sound was so close, it seemed to echo right beside them. They sensed the looming shadow of death. They were now face-to-face with an unimaginably powerful entity!

Old Chen muttered urgently, "Wang Xuan, shut it! Don't provoke her any further. We can't even handle her cat!"

Upon seeing the lady in red, the White Tiger's demeanor shifted entirely. Its tail wagged energetically, resembling more of a docile white dog than the fierce beast it once was. Obediently, it turned and, grabbing Qing Mu in its jaws, dashed toward the woman. One could only imagine Qing Mu's sheer terror, experiencing such a hellish initiation on his first venture into this place.

Both Wang Xuan and Old Chen raced behind, but attacking the mighty White Tiger proved fruitless. Fortunately, the beast didn't swallow Qing Mu. Instead, it placed him in front of the barrier that separated them from the red-clad lady. Was it an offering? Yet, due to the barrier, it couldn't pass Qing Mu to her.

Old Chen, dripping in sweat and trembling, exclaimed, "I should've known better than to meddle with what was sealed beneath the Buddhist temple! That bone of the White Tiger seems to be the key to unlocking this realm. And that formidable White Tiger? Merely a pet to the woman in red!"

Wang Xuan whispered, "Old Chen, did you notice? The lady in red seems to be trapped."

Looking closely, Old Chen noted that the lady stood amidst a misty backdrop, with a gentle rain falling around her. She seemed infinitely distant, separated by a shroud-like barrier.

Wang Xuan observed, "When we first entered, we witnessed her shattering amidst thunderbolts, probably an illusion. The real her is far away, unable to cross over to us."

It was reminiscent of the time when the spectral monk appeared in Wang Xuan's dream, performing the Bodhisattva martial techniques, seeming as though he stood worlds apart, with his silhouette fading over time. Old Chen shuddered, "This realm hides so many secrets. The waters are too deep. Where exactly is she standing beyond that barrier?"

The two continued to retreat, nearing the exit. Yet, the White Tiger advanced, closing the gap.

Wang Xuan said gravely, "Old Chen, hang in there and ensure that Qing Mu isn’t devoured. I'll go get someone to put an end to this monstrous White Tiger. I have this gut feeling that if we don't defeat it, it will give an advantageous edge to that 'extremely powerful entity'."

"Who are you going to call for help?" Old Chen asked, desperation evident in his tone. How could he and Qing Mu possibly hold off such a beast?

"I'll call the Ghost Monk!"

"Ahh, calling upon a Bodhisattva? Hurry!" exclaimed Old Chen.

Wang Xuan was taken aback. Old Chen had suddenly elevated the Ghost Monk's status. While practicing the Bodhisattva fist, he was revered as a divine monk. On regular days, he was simply referred to as the Ghost Monk. But now, Old Chen addressed him directly as a Bodhisattva.

Without wasting another second, Wang Xuan dashed out, shouting near Old Chen’s physical form, "Divine Monk, Bodhisattva, come swiftly and vanquish this demon! The creature that your ancestral temple had suppressed is now wreaking havoc. Come and subdue it at once!"

To Wang Xuan's astonishment, the Ghost Monk did appear. Following Wang Xuan into the realm, the venerable monk immediately started assaulting the White Tiger without uttering a word.

The White Tiger was utterly confounded. Who was this formidable bald assailant? It was so brutally battered that blood gushed from its mouth and nostrils, and stars seemed to dance before its eyes.

The Ghost Monk's power was awe-inspiring. Bathed in radiant golden light, he channeled the mysterious energy of the realm with his Bodhisattva fist. Like tumultuous waves, his blows caused the White Tiger's ears to bleed profusely.

Qing Mu, seizing the moment, scrambled back to safety.

Old Chen was astounded. If he had known earlier, why wouldn't they have brought the Ghost Monk... or rather, the Bodhisattva, along from the beginning? Their training session would have been utterly safe and secure.

The venerable monk seemed to have a faint barrier around him, separating him slightly from the Inner Landscape. Nevertheless, he displayed incredible bravery, mounting the White Tiger and pummeling it relentlessly.

The monk was indomitably formidable, and terrifyingly powerful. Even with the barrier between them, he managed to severely injure the White Tiger demon.

"He's incredibly strong!" Wang Xuan exclaimed.

"Could it be... the famed 'Tiger Taming Monk'? No, the 'Tiger Taming Bodhisattva'!" Old Chen praised, further elevating the monk's title.

A chilling laughter pierced the air, resonating in everyone's ears. The woman in red, holding her oil-paper umbrella, stood behind the veil, watching the monk intently.

The monk's face changed instantly. Without a word, the moment he locked eyes with the red-clothed woman, he turned and... fled, disappearing into the entrance of the Inner Landscape.

"Bodhisattva, Ghost Monk, why did you run?!" Old Chen shouted. He was panicking.

The White Tiger, now fueled by unparalleled wrath, lunged at them, intending to annihilate them all.

At the critical juncture, a silhouette shimmered into the entrance of the Inner Landscape. A brilliant sword light streaked by, severing one of the White Tiger demon's massive claws. The beast recoiled in silent agony, limping away in retreat.

"Sword Immortal... You’re so majestic! Your strength is truly unparalleled!" Wang Xuan cried out, nearly moved to tears.

In his eyes, the Sword Immortal, without any hint of pettiness, was far more reliable than the old monk. She arrived without even being summoned.

The female sword master floated past Wang Xuan, her chin raised high in disdain towards him, flying overhead with her snowy robe fluttering. With her sword levitating beside her, she stared intently at the woman in red, separated by the mysterious veil.


[1]Sickly cat: 老虎不发威, 以为是病猫. A Chinese saying that translated literally as “a tiger that does not show its might is mistaken as a sickly cat”. Old Chen was making a word play at the white tiger demon.

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