The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 67: A Comparison With The Ancients

"He just up and left?" Wang Xuan and Old Chen exchanged surprised glances. Both had braced themselves for a confrontation, whether to challenge the immortal or to face the being's challenge.

"He seemed to float above our world, as if effortlessly ascending to immortality," Old Chen remarked.

"That's precisely how immortals should appear — majestic!" Wang Xuan chimed in.

Though the figure had vanished, the two couldn't help but express their admiration. Their words echoed their genuine feelings.

"If all immortals acted this way, we wouldn't constantly be on edge," Old Chen pondered. "We could focus on honing our skills in this inner realm without the constant fear of a clash."

"It's a breath of fresh air, not seeing any pettiness. If only every immortal could be like this," Wang Xuan mused.

Upon hearing that, Old Chen winced, wishing Wang Xuan would think before speaking. Such comments could be risky. Almost immediately, a chilling atmosphere engulfed the inner realm, signaling something amiss. Wang Xuan, sensing the change, whispered, "Old Chen, did you see that? There was a brief shimmer, like the gleam of a sword, near the entrance. And I think a celestial maiden just floated by."

Old Chen resisted the urge to rebuke him. Instead, he urgently said, "Master Wang, watch your words. Let's keep our comments to ourselves."

The sudden shift had genuinely spooked Old Chen. They had stumbled upon a serene inner realm, and they certainly did not want a certain immortall swordswoman disrupting it, leaving them without any defense.

Wang Xuan was unsure of what he'd glimpsed. Yet, he hesitated to voice his thoughts. After all, who willingly put themselves in the line of fire? Quietly, he mentally labeled the ethereal swordswoman as 'touchy.'

The two men shared a knowing glance and decided to drop the matter. They began their individual meditations, cherishing the tranquility that surrounded them. Wang Xuan delved deeper into his training of the Golden Body Technique. Previously, he had only just brushed against the cusp of the sixth level, achieving a breakthrough that felt slightly inadequate.

One month turned to two, and then...

Half a year later, Wang Xuan experienced a powerful jolt. A brilliant golden aura radiated from him, signifying his complete mastery over the sixth layer of the Golden Body Technique. He felt an intense power coursing through his veins. His spirit, too, seemed supercharged, as if ignited by a golden flame. Outside, in Old Chen's recovery room, Qing Mu was astonished. Wang Xuan had been only inside for what felt like mere moments, and yet his skin is already renewing itself?

"Young people these days have such resilience, shedding layer after layer," he mused with a hint of envy. This suggested that Wang Xuan's Golden Body technique had reached new heights.

Inside the spiritual realm, Wang Xuan exhaled deeply. With his current prowess in the Golden Body Technique, he speculated that regular bullets might not even pierce his skin. In a typical scenario, a bullet might cause a mere graze or slight bleeding, but not deep penetration. If transported back to the age of hand-to-hand combat, ordinary weapons wielded by common men would find it challenging to harm him, let alone end his life.

"How's your progress, Old Chen?" Wang Xuan glanced over.

Old Chen replied with composure, "I'm almost there. Just need to settle my thoughts and refine my technique a bit more. I'm on the right track."

From his response, Wang Xuan could tell Old Chen had already made a breakthrough. When it came to deciphering his old colleague's words, one could not always take them at face value.

"That's great news!" Wang Xuan sighed in relief.

"Why do I get the feeling you're more invested in my success than I am? It's as if a burden has been lifted off your shoulders," Old Chen remarked, slightly puzzled.

"Of course," Wang Xuan said. "With you alive and progressing, all eyes will likely be on you. That takes the pressure off me. It wasn't in vain that I went to such lengths to save you."

One could only imagine the uproar when news broke that Old Chen, after being incapacitated for months, was back on his feet. He would certainly be the center of attention for quite some time, and his newfound abilities would undoubtedly draw scrutiny.

"From the way you put it, it seems I'll be weathering the storm while you comfortably cultivate in the shadows?" Old Chen visualized the looming challenges.

Wang Xuan shook his head, "I have my fair share of issues too. Some want to keep me grounded, obstructing my path to the New World. Others want me dead, and I still haven't identified the main culprits. On top of that, influential individuals and organizations are setting their sights on me. Like Old Wu, for example, he's trying to poach me for his exploration team. Who knows what's awaiting me next?"

It was almost surreal to think that just the previous night, they were on the verge of life and death in the spiritual realm. Now, they were calmly cultivating and chatting. Both of them were now practicing the core techniques of the Early Qin practitioners. With no immediate threats, their demeanor was relaxed, reminiscent of lounging in a mystical spa, engaging in leisurely conversation.

Wang Xuan probed, "Old Chen, where do you currently stand in terms of mastery? Could you delineate the levels of the Old Arts and what lies ahead?"

"In today's world, few match me. But if we speak of ancient times..." Old Chen paused, a wistful look crossing his face. "Perhaps it's best left unsaid."

"What are you alluding to?" Wang Xuan's curiosity was piqued, especially about the benchmarks set in ancient times.

Old Chen exhaled deeply. "If I were to delve too deep into it, it might be disheartening. Some aspects of the ancient lore seem so enigmatic and beyond belief."

Wang Xuan, eager for clarity, urged him on.

"Do you perceive me as powerful?" Old Chen queried.

"Certainly. Your sword can cleave mech armor, and given your recent advancements, perhaps even penetrate a small warship?" Wang Xuan speculated.

Chen chuckled ruefully. "In your dreams. If a warship had me in its crosshairs and unleashed its firepower, one energy blast would finish me off." He paused, reflecting. "This isn't the age of hand-to-hand combat. Even someone of my stature must tread carefully in our tech-driven world, or risk a swift end."

He continued, "But suppose I could ascend into the realms described in ancient mythologies..."

Growing serious, Old Chen proposed, "Consider the ranking system of Go for perspective. In our age, I've surpassed the grandmaster tier, placing me among the elite. Yet, set against the luminous backdrop of ancient times, I'd merely be a top-ranking amateur. In the league of professional Go players... I'd barely be setting foot on the path."

Wang Xuan was astonished. Old Chen had just achieved a breakthrough that made him even more formidable than when he had cleaved through mechs with his sword on the Pamir Plateau. And to think, this was just the beginning of his journey in ancient times!

"So, I didn't want to mention these things and scare you," Old Chen sighed.

"It hasn't scared me, rather, it's a pleasant surprise," Wang Xuan said with fervent eyes. "So you mean to say, if one keeps getting stronger, eventually even warships might not pose a threat to our physical bodies? Like you, Old Chen—if you continue to progress, you could one day slice through warships with your sword, right?"

Old Chen looked deep into the distance. "Old Wang, it turns out you're that kind of person!"

Wang Xuan made a face. "Don't twist this onto me, we're talking about you. I wouldn't do such things. Of course, unless the person wanting me dead comes from some major organization, then sooner or later, even if I have to face a super energy cannon, I'll settle the score!"

"Do you practice the Golden Body Technique in the hope of reaching the highest level, where one day you might tear apart warships with your bare hands?" Old Chen asked languidly, as if the question was of no consequence.

"Is that possible?"

"Highly unlikely!" Old Chen mercilessly snuffed out Wang Xuan's somewhat violent and impractical thoughts but then added, "Zhang Daoling's physical techniques... perhaps they could."

"I'm not that kind of person, I wouldn't do such things. I practice the old ways for strength and health, for self-protection!" Wang Xuan declared passionately, his words resonating with conviction.

Wang Xuan then probed Old Chen further about the nuances and levels of the ancient techniques—wondering just how potent they were at varying stages.

Old Chen shook his head, “I haven't delved too deep into those classifications. When you reach a certain level of mastery, you inherently understand them."

Skeptical, Wang Xuan countered, "Could it be, Old Chen, that you were overwhelmed by these levels? That revisiting them only brings sorrow, which is why you shy away?”

A shadow momentarily passed over Old Chen's face. "Let me enlighten you on something worthwhile—the ancient techniques have pathways far beyond the inner realms.”

Wang Xuan's eyes widened in surprise, his intrigue palpable. "There’s more?”

Nodding, Old Chen elaborated, "The pathways of the Old Arts might seem intricate to us now. Some concepts are so profound that even I find them hard to fathom. Take ‘Meditation’, for instance. We directly accessed the inner realms without it. Then there's ‘Pathfinding’—seeking a genuine, walkable route that remains invisible to the average eye. And the concept of 'Herb Gathering’; it doesn't pertain to tangible herbs but to the elusive 'Celestial Elixirs'…"

Listening intently, Wang Xuan was mesmerized. The profound depths of the ancient techniques seemed almost surreal. Even if Old Chen's explanations felt nebulous, the possibilities sparked Wang Xuan’s imagination. All these mysterious paths promised untapped power! And at present, having just discovered the inner realms, a plethora of secrets awaited his exploration.

The two resembled scholars of olden techniques, lounging in a bathhouse. As they practiced their techniques, their discussions meandered— the essence of leisure encapsulated. Regrettably, the inner realm opened by that jade piece began to wane by its fourth year. It seemed that in another year or so, they would be compelled to leave. They chatted about anything and everything. Their relaxation was so profound; it was unparalleled.

Wang Xuan inquired with great curiosity, "Old Chen, what exactly is this process of 'Ascension'? As far as we know, no one seems to survive it. They all get shattered by the thunderbolts. Given this, do Immortals really exist? It seems as though they've all perished. Take, for instance, the female sword immortal—so powerful, and yet, only a fragment remains of her..."

As he spoke these words, Wang Xuan abruptly closed his mouth. He thought he spotted a glint of sword light passing by the entrance, a graceful shadow fleeting behind it.

"Oh no, this Sword Immortal... is she eavesdropping on us?" Wang Xuan mentally gasped, wiping away a bead of cold sweat, murmuring only to himself.

Fortunately, Old Chen seemed oblivious to the female sword immortal's presence, and didn't mention her. Wang Xuan guessed that the traumatic past might have made Old Chen overly cautious, ensuring he'd never utter her name.

Nevertheless, Old Chen continued speaking about the phenomenon of Ascension, captivating Wang Xuan. He added, "You know, I believe these Immortals... they might still be among us..."

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