The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 61: Artifacts Of An Immortal

On the Pamir Plateau, several small starships touched down, transporting away all the bodies and clearing the debris left behind by Old Chen’s rampage. Mo Hai, Xia Qing, and Chen Kai were no exceptions. Their lifeless forms rested on cold stretchers, draped with long white cloths.

Wang Xuan took a moment, reflecting on the fragility of life. The sight was a harsh reminder that even the mightiest could fall. He knew he was still leagues away from their prowess.

"Wang Xuan," Wu Chenglin interjected, "Lost in thought? Don't forget, you're the one who took down one of those Grandmasters."

Wang Xuan shot him a look, feeling that Wu Chenglin was purposely poking at him. He had hoped to keep that particular accomplishment low-key. Soon, mid-sized starships touched down, focusing on rescuing the wounded. Inside, the state-of-the-art medical equipment buzzed to life, operated by a team of expert medics.

Those critically injured were rapidly escorted away, while the ones with minor injuries received immediate on-site care. It did not take long before everyone was tended to. Wang Xuan, seeing an opportunity, nudged Qing Mu for some assistance. Feigning a grave injury, he spoke of his ruptured heart and lungs.

All of this was for the sake of keeping a low profile. Wang Xuan did not want to be seen as the up-and-coming star in the realm of the Old Arts, nor did he wish to be labeled as Old Chen's successor. Qing Mu went to get help, but midway through, a new female medic approached Wang Xuan, assuring him he was in excellent health, and that the state of his body was far superior to the average person.

He quietly whispered to her about his “condition”, emphasizing on the pain. However, the medic, being the straightforward person that she was, retorted loudly, "There's absolutely nothing wrong with you! Your heart and lungs are even stronger than those of an ox!"

Wang Xuan turned away immediately, not wanting to entertain further conversation. Ironically, her proclamation drew attention, and several people sneered and chuckled at him. The battle at Pamir Plateau had concluded. It was a brutal encounter where three Grandmasters of the New Arts have perished. Although the Old Arts emerged victorious, their only prominent figure had fallen.

Cold warships and starships streaked across the sky, leaving the plateau behind.

Wang Xuan and Qing Mu escorted the injured Old Chen back to An City. According to medical experts, conventional treatment methods were futile, and all human efforts were exhausted.

Many experts in Old Arts followed them to the city, looking somber as they prepared to bid Old Chen their final farewell.

In reality, organizations and corporations from both the New World and the Old World sent representatives to An City, ready to offer their condolences for Old Chen. Wang Xuan found the atmosphere eerily anticipatory. It felt like everyone was pre-ordering wreaths and preparing for a memorial service. He pondered: what would happen if he miraculously managed to save Old Chen?

Qing Mu's face was etched with sorrow. Sensing the movements from all parties, he felt deeply distressed. He feared that Old Chen might not make it. He regarded Wang Xuan's determination to save Old Chen with skepticism and saw it as a last-ditch effort. Being overwhelmed by the current situation, he was even preparing for Old Chen's final arrangements. Wang Xuan mused that if Old Chen did come around, he'd surely want to give a piece of his mind to everyone present.

Qing Mu took Old Chen to an expansive estate on the outskirts. The place was vast, suitable for accommodating the group devoted to the Old Arts. A calm, deep-eyed deputy from the related authorities arrived in person and had a conversation with Qing Mu. He then handed over a box containing two vibrant golden bamboo leaves, a Early Qin era marvel from the depths of the Greater Khingan Range, known as the "Ascension Divine Bamboo."

While the quantity was limited, it was the sentiment that mattered. This deputy was genuinely considerate, and even advised Qing Mu to let Old Chen try the leaves. If there was a noticeable improvement, he promised to find more solutions. Though the two leaves might not have miraculous effects, but his gestured meant a lot to the old man's disciple.

As he left, he mentioned to Qing Mu that he would return in two days to check on Old Chen, subtly suggesting that he might attend the upcoming memorial. Observing this, Old Wu quickly advised Da Wu to reserve funeral wreaths soon. Given the imminent visit from the department officials, they anticipated a flurry of activity and did not want to be caught without proper arrangements.

Wang Xuan looked down at the still figure of Old Chen and sighed. "Old Chen, it feels like I'm swimming against the tide trying to save you. Am I taking on the world's disapproval for this?"

By nightfall, every party who had promised artifacts from the Old World had them delivered. They came in small ships, and soon an entire room was brimming with relics. Wang Xuan decided to keep a low profile and did not engage immediately. In fact, he and Qing Mu intentionally limited their interactions. However, Wang Xuan did receive an itemized note, and the contents stirred his emotions.

Among the relics was a peachwood sword, previously owned by the famed Lu Dongbin. It was believed to be unearthed from his meditation site in the Zhongxiao Mountains. Wang Xuan’s surprise deepened when he read about a cracked alchemy furnace once used by Ge Hong. Recognizing Ge Hong's significant contributions, including famous works like "Baopuzi '' and "Yuhuan Fang," Wang Xuan grew more skeptical.

If such prized relics were so easily acquired, Wang Xuan wondered if he should even bother heading to the New World. Perhaps staying in the Old World was the wiser choice.

Unable to contain his curiosity any longer, Wang Xuan seized an opportunity to meet Qing Mu and decided to personally inspect these so-called treasures. The room was filled with a large collection of ancient items, ranging from bronze arrowheads and meteorite knives to cracked alchemy furnaces. There were even bamboo scripts of the Tao Te Ching and everyday utensils, which were allegedly excavated from ancient cave dwellings.

At a mere glance, Wang Xuan felt his heart sink. What were these items? Perhaps they were ancient, but they surely had nothing to do with the ascension relics he was seeking. The supposed peachwood sword, once wielded by Lu Dongbin, looked charred, as if struck by lightning. Yet it bore no trace of the mystical aura Wang Xuan was hoping for, prompting him to dismissively cast it aside.

Qing Mu quickly intervened, saying, "Hold on! That sword is a prized possession of an old acquaintance. It's been displayed in his study for years, believed to ward off evil spirits!"

"Alright," Wang Xuan sighed, picking up the cracked furnace, said to have been used by Ge Hong for alchemy. But upon closer inspection, he felt the urge to discard it too. He felt a profound disappointment; not one item in the room met his expectations.

He sighed, realizing that relics associated with ascension were indeed elusive. But upon reflection, he found solace. If every old artifact had ties to ascension, that would indeed be peculiar.

"These won't do," Wang Xuan declared, shaking his head in disapproval.

A sense of disappointment flashed across Qing Mu's face. "Let's try the other room then," he suggested.

"There's more?" Wang Xuan exclaimed, taken aback.

Qing Mu nodded, explaining, "We ran out of space here, so the items that came in later were stored in another room."

Upon stepping into the next room, Wang Xuan immediately sensed the presence of a treasure, the very kind of ascension relic he was seeking. It appeared that there was hope for saving Old Chen after all. Without waiting for Qing Mu to brief him, Wang Xuan quickly rummaged through the pile of artifacts. He unearthed a jade box and promptly opened it. Inside lay a pitch-black bone, emanating a mysterious substance that would be imperceptible to the average person.

Wang Xuan was certain this was the rare ascension relic he had been searching for. What a fortuitous find! As he rubbed the bone, some of the blackness faded, revealing a faint golden sheen underneath.

His heart raced. Could this be the legendary golden bone? The charred exterior, he speculated, might have been caused by a lightning strike.

"Who sent this? Where did they find it?" Wang Xuan couldn't help but ask.

"Some government department sent us a batch, which included this bone. Wait a moment, let me check the description in the inventory," Qing Mu said, bowing his head to consult the list.

After a short while, he found it. "This was discovered near a collapsed, unnamed small Taoist temple. Upon excavation and cleanup of the site, no other important items were found, just this lone bone."

Wang Xuan mused, "It's not the height of the mountain, but the presence of an immortal that grants it fame. It's not the depth of the water, but the dragon within that gives it spirit. A humble, nameless Taoist temple, yet it held a relic of past ascension."

Qing Mu was somewhat skeptical. Could Wang Xuan really ascertain the celestial significance of a relic just by examining a black bone? He had his doubts.

Wang Xuan glanced at him, asserting, "Trust my judgment. I believe this bone might even belong to a celestial being."

"You're overthinking it," Qing Mu countered, eyeing him skeptically. "In some remote, dilapidated Taoist temple, buried alongside a creepy black bone, any anomalies are more likely related to a demoness or demon."

Wang Xuan quickly interrupted, "Watch your words! This concerns the life and death of your master, Old Chen. Beware of what you speak."

Qing Mu immediately fell silent. At that moment, he chose to believe in Wang Xuan's discernment.

Without delay, Wang Xuan quickly moved to another corner and grabbed a wooden box. He opened it, and his face lit up with joy. This was yet another valuable find.

Inside the box laid a piece of jade, partially covered in its rough outer layer. The exposed section of the jade was pure, delicate, and lustrous. It was an exquisite piece of raw jade.

"This piece was excavated from the ruins of an ancient city dating back to the Han Dynasty. It was collected by an elder, who admired it as a natural raw stone decoration," Qing Mu explained.

Wang Xuan instantly surmised that after someone had undergone the ascension process, a dense mysterious substance had fused with this jade, making it an authentic ascension stone.

He then identified another unique artifact: a bone, white as jade and over half a foot in length. At first glance, it was challenging to discern which part of the body it had come from.

"This was left behind in the underground palace of a Buddhist ancestral temple when they relocated to the New World," Qing Mu remarked.

"Is it the bone of a revered monk?" Wang Xuan asked, taken aback.

Qing Mu shook his head. Like the other items, this too was sent by the higher-ups. They were meticulous, providing the provenance for each artifact.

"It's said that the bone was unearthed from a very deep layer of soil beneath the ancestral temple's underground palace. At the time of discovery, it was bound by iron chains," Qing Mu elaborated.

"Could it be the remains of a notable demon or person that the Buddhist ancestral temple suppressed in the past?" Wang Xuan speculated with a hint of doubt.

Qing Mu responded, "The bone appears to be entirely ordinary, with no unusual occurrences ever reported."

"We'll find out when we test it," Wang Xuan suggested. "There's nothing to be afraid of. Even if its origins are ancient, could it be more formidable than the female practitioner from over three thousand years ago?"

The female practitioner was truly extraordinary; her physical body was incredibly preserved to the present day. Yet, even she did not pose a threat to Wang Xuan. Therefore, he was quite fearless in the face of such mysteries now.

"While these findings are slightly different from what I anticipated, they might suffice. I hope they will successfully help to revive your master." Wang Xuan decided to proceed with the operation that very night, venturing into the Inner Landscape!

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