The Eldest Daughter was Reborn

Chapter 60: Mental State

At the end of the National Day holiday, Zhang Huan didn't know which little lover he had fun outside with. When he came back, he was grabbed by the old lady.

The old lady is kind-hearted to her granddaughters, but she is not so polite to her son: “Take care of your wife, don't let her annoy my granddaughter all day long!”

A while ago, Zhang Huan was particularly guilty of Liang Zheng's mess, and said in a low voice, “She doesn't dare! Who dares to treat my daughter badly, I will tell her to get out of here!" The old lady rolled her eyes: “She shouldn't have been allowed to enter the family in the first place."

Zhang Huan smiled. He was secretly observing the old lady, but she didn't seem to know about Liang Zheng, so he let go of this in his mind.

“Yanyan is sensible now.” He tried his best to exaggerate in front of his mother, "She knows how to study, and she can take care of her younger brother and sister. Now, Hehe and Shuoshuo listen to her very much.” So, his recent family life has been particularly harmonious and happy, which makes him feel very happy as well.

Unexpectedly, the old lady was furious and slapped his head with her hand: “Isn't that all you, as a father, should take care of! You throw it all to Yanyan and you still have the face to say that! You’ve had a good holiday, but Yanyan can't have a good time, as she had to watch the two little ones for you! She had to do filial piety in front of me for you! I gave birth to you for nothing, it's much better for my granddaughter to think of me!”

“Think of you, you shouldn’t let me think of you and let me be less annoying with you." Zhang Huan rubbed the back of his head, “I didn't let Yanyan look at his younger brother and sister. Aren't there aunts at home?"

The old lady slapped him again: "Aunts? You forgot that when you were a child, when I went to the company, an aunt stabbed you with a needle! Yanyan didn't dare to rest assured for Hehe and Shuoshuo to be handed over to the aunts. She came to see me with the two small ones. It’s good for you couple to be gone as soon as you have a vacation.”

When Zhang Huan was a child, he was taken care of by an aunt for so many years, which made the old lady still brooding. Therefore, Zhang Yansheng didn't want to worry about her younger brother and sister, and took them with her to take care of them, which really made the old lady feel very relieved.

“Yanyan, this child, has a hard face and a soft heart. At her age, during adolescence, she is prone to irritability. You let the person surnamed Liang provoke her less, and you should speak softly to her. She looks a lot younger. She is a child and she needs adults to care about her. Don't think that because she is sensible now, so you just put your hands down and don't care about anything. If you become a father like this, there will be retribution for you in the future.”

They didn't know that in another life, the old lady made a prophecy.

Zhang Huan said indifferently: "I didn't let go of my hand, I'm still in charge.”

The old lady snorted, she knew her own son well, so she didn't believe him. She had already inquired clearly from Zhang Heling. Zhang Yansheng is in charge, and Zhang Huan didn't care about their studies. Zhang Heling was still an elementary school student, and Zhang Huan didn't care, it all depended on Zhang Heling's self-awareness.

As for Zhang Shuocheng, he was pressed down by Zhang Yansheng. But Zhang Yansheng would not work hard to take care of his studies personally. Her granddaughter is very good at employing people — she put Zhang Heling in charge of Zhang Shuocheng's studies.

It's not because he was not born to the same mother. If Zhang Yansheng really worked hard to manage Zhang Shuocheng like an old scalper, the old lady would feel very awkward.

The old lady herself is a person who dares to love and hate, and she can't be a saint. If Zhang Yansheng doesn't get along well with her half-brother and half-sister, although the old lady will sigh, she won't complain to Zhang Yansheng. If Zhang Yansheng is too naive, the old lady really can't accept it.

Just as it is now, Zhang Yansheng sets rules and makes good use of Zhang Heling's labor force — after all, Zhang Heling and Zhang Shuocheng are real siblings, and then Zhang Yansheng is only responsible for punishing those who do not follow the rules.

Zhang Shuocheng, under her deterrence, did not dare not to listen to Zhang Heling's words.

That is great.

There are no more chickens flying and dogs jumping loud at home, everyone is safe and well, and they look like a family.

But this has nothing to do with her sh*tty son, this is all in the credit of her granddaughter!

“I am now giving Yanyan three times the pocket money!" Zhang Huan cursed and said, “Qiqi and Xiao Lin definitely don't have that much!"

The old lady scolded: “That's what Yanyan deserves! What you should do and what you should worry about are all taken care of by Yanyan. She is the eldest child, so you can say it! If Yanyan hadn't been so sensible now, after you married a troublemaker, you wouldn’t know what kind of pandemonium your family will have!”

Zhang Huan was embarrassed. Anyway, in front of his own mother, he couldn't please her. In the past, Zhang Yansheng's mother was there, and it was because she was favored by her mother-in-law, that her mother gave him a good face. Later, Liang Yingying couldn't get into her mother's eyes at all, and he couldn't get a good face from her.

The old lady gave him a good scoff before she came to the point.

“Yanyan is now at a very sensitive age, so you have to look after her more." She said, “I talked to her the other day, this kid, she is very confused now. I thought for a while but it's useless to say so many empty words to her, you have to show her more about the world. Knowledge can be learned in school, but insight cannot be learned. She has to look more at what it is like outside the school to know what she wants to do and what she wants to become in the future.”

In the past few years, the relationship between father and daughter has been stiff, and Zhang Huan has hardly talked with Zhang Yansheng alone. After letting the old lady talk about this, his conscience, which was not too much, was activated again.

“Okay, I understand." He agreed, “I'll look back and communicate with her more."

Zhang Yansheng didn't know that her grandmother had a long talk with her father about her growth. During the vacation, she opened up to the old lady and confessed her confusion. The old lady said, “If you don't understand, then don't think about it. Why do you let yourself have a headache for the ‘future’ that you don't know yet? Just do what you have to do first.”

Zhang Yansheng felt that what the old lady said was very grounded. If you don't understand, then don't think about it, just do what you got to do first.

After the holiday, she started to wear her school uniform to school again.

The uniform of Yi High School is as ugly as all other public-school uniforms. But the more you wear this kind of clothes, the more you can compare the value of your face.

When Zhang Yansheng entered the classroom early in the morning, everyone's eyes lit up and they greeted her one after another.

Zhang Yansheng didn't travel anywhere during this holiday. She watched the old lady rest leisurely in the mountains, watched her younger brother and sister return to the wild, and watched the landscape by day and the stars by night. As if she had become immortal, her state of mind became peaceful.

When she returned to school, she was greeted by heavy academic work. Don't think about anything else, let's study hard first.

When she encountered problems in her studies, she went to consult Zhang Zhiyuan — knowing that the future champion of the college entrance examination is here, there is no need for principle.

Zhang Zhiyuan had a very clear idea of the topic, and he could immediately find out where she was stuck on the question and answer it clearly. Zhang Yansheng felt that her mind had never been so clear. Sure enough, if you approach a smart person, you will also become smart.

She studied hard in Class 2, and she didn't know that a conspiracy against her was brewing in Class 8.

Wang Qian intends to destroy Zhang Yansheng with rumors.

Wang Qian had done this in middle school. The girl she slandered with rumors was later rejected by everyone. The girl's grades plummeted and she didn't talk to people in school or even walk with her head up.

"That Zhang Yansheng in Class 2 is a fake noble woman who worships gold." She declared to her small group, "You think that she ignores Xu Lichen at school but what’s the result? I saw her get into Xu Lichen’s car after school. It can be seen that she can’t resist the Maybach’s attraction.”

The members of the small group were all filled with righteous indignation: “Why is Xu Lichen so stupid? Can't he tell what kind of person she is?”

No, no, the main point is not Xu Lichen!

Wang Qian tried her best to pull the line back: "The boys are all so stupid and girls like Zhang Yansheng can confuse boys in particular. Look, she is such a b*tch, but every boy thinks she is a white lotus, which is not stained with silt."

Small group member: "Bah! Shameless! She also gave Xu Lichen a punishment, how could she not be embarrassed to be with Xu Lichen again!”

“I've never seen such a cheap one!”

“Ahh, I'm so angry!”

Everyone is so angry! They all firmly believe that Zhang Yansheng is a fake noblewoman. She must have deliberately ignored Xu Lichen before, deliberately harmed him, played hard to get, and played with Xu Lichen in the palm of her hand!

She has to be exposed! Let everyone know what kind of person she really is!

This ‘everyone’ mainly refers to two people, one is a student in Class 8 and Xu Lichen’s classmate, it is best to make Xu Lichen sober himself. The other person is a student of Class 2, which is Zhang Yansheng’s classmate, and she has to be by her side. Let everyone around her know what virtue is in her bones, so everyone will spit on her, and it is best to squeeze her out together.

That would be the best.

The first step is to spread it in their own class.

The girls curled their mouths when they heard this, and some turned their heads to tell others. This is what small groups like to hear. Rumors have to be passed down from person to person. The more they spread, the wider the better.

And then, talk to the boys. One of the boys did a good deed and went to ask Xu Lichen with a wink: "Hey, I heard that your car is parked on the subway right now? What's the matter?"

Xu Lichen, who is also evil, realized that there was a problem, so he asked, "Who told you?”

Although no one directly said it was Wang Qian, the names given by the boys were all from Wang Qian's small group. Xu Lichen understood as soon as he heard it, this was Wang Qian's intention to harm Zhang Yansheng.

Xu Lichen found Wang Qian very annoying. He used to think that she was at least pretty, but now that he looks at her, the more he looks at her, the more he thinks that she looks like Mama Rong.1容嬤嬤 – Mama Rong – is the queen's nanny. She relies on the queen's favor. She is arrogant and hateful. She is cruel and merciless.

However, Xu Lichen thought this matter was quite interesting. He wanted to see if Wang Qian could provoke Zhang Yansheng's hard temper, and he also wanted to see how Zhang Yansheng will respond.

But things are not going well.

The students in Class 8 accepted the gossip or rumors spread by Wang Qian and her accomplices. But Zhang Yansheng is not in the same class as them, and everyone’s well water did not violate the water flowing in the river, and they were out of reach of each other. If you listen to one ear, then just listen to one ear, and if you hang on to death, you’ll be over in just two beeps.

Under this method, it is actually the people around the victims who are really lethal to the victims. The contempt, ridicule, and exclusion of people around you will really cause harm.

So, Wang Qian also knew that the key point was to pass the gossip to Class 2.

But in this matter, she and her friends encountered setbacks.

Although a school like Yi High School has to accept a group of students who spend money to come in, its overall style of study is still very positive. Especially the top class and the two preparatory classes, which are the key classes that the school values most.

The school's management of these three classes is particularly strict.

The students in Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 are facing the elimination system at the middle of the semester. The head teacher stares at them every day like a pair of electric eyes, inculcating and exhorting them repeatedly.

The pressure these students are under is simply not what the students in Class 8 can think of.

It can be said that the brain circuits of these scholars are completely different from those of Wang Qian.

Wang Qian wanted to spread the rumors to Zhang Yansheng's class, but encountered a wall between the schoolmasters and the scumbags.

"Someone talked to me in the canteen for some reason, but we don’t know each other and she just started talking about you.” The female classmate told Zhang Yansheng, "I'm so confused."

"It looks like a paparazzi in the entertainment industry, just want to know who you are and if I know you. Why should I listen to her?"

"Did you review the topic about Huanggang?2黃岡 – Huanggang City, known as Huangzhou in ancient times, is a prefecture-level city in Hubei Province Did you brush up on 5-3?3五三 – five college entrance examination three years analog, is a copy of brush experience of high school students How many times have you memorized the vocabulary list?”


  • 1容嬤嬤 – Mama Rong – is the queen's nanny. She relies on the queen's favor. She is arrogant and hateful. She is cruel and merciless.
  • 2黃岡 – Huanggang City, known as Huangzhou in ancient times, is a prefecture-level city in Hubei Province
  • 3五三 – five college entrance examination three years analog, is a copy of brush experience of high school students

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