The Eldest Daughter was Reborn

Chapter 54: Teach a Lesson

When Xu Lichen found Wang Qian and the others, they were all crying.

When they ‘escorted’ Zhang Yansheng down, she did not resist at all. They were still a little proud, thinking that she was just like the girls they had bullied before, and they got more courage because there’s so many of them.

After taking her to the women's toilet, Zhang Yansheng asked, “What do you want to do?"

Wang Qian didn't answer her question and cursed: “Why are you so cheap? Seducing boys all day long! I will teach you a lesson today!” She stepped forward and raised a hand to give her a slap in the face!

Unfortunately, they didn't hear the expected ‘pa’ sound.

The moment Wang Qian raised her hand, the two girls who had been holding Zhang Yansheng's arms only felt that their hands slipped, and Zhang Yansheng broke free.

Wang Qian exerted all her strength to give her a slap in the face, who knew that Zhang Yansheng caught her wrist like lightning.

Wang Qian breathed a sigh of relief, and after struggling twice, she found that she couldn't get rid of it. With a fierce light in her eyes, she raised her foot and kicked towards Zhang Yansheng!

Zhang Yansheng had been with Wang Qian for three years in her previous life, so she knew Wang Qian's tricks too well. Zhang Yansheng raised her knee earlier than Wang Qian, and directly kicked Wang Qian's leg back.

Wang Qian screamed.

If it weren't for Zhang Yansheng pulling her, she would have fallen backwards to the ground.

After all, Zhang Yansheng was still considering their plastic sisterhood from the previous life, so she grabbed her and did not let her fall.

But the other girls have already shouted over. They are not really trained like Zhang Yansheng, they are just the type to shove, slap, and scratch their nails indiscriminately.

Zhang Yansheng shook her wrist and pushed Wang Qian down. There was some kindness under her hands, so although Wang Qian stumbled on her buttocks, it didn't hurt too much.

As soon as she put her hands on her hips and before she got up, the girls fell over one by one.

These girls were also Wang Qian's sidekicks in her previous life, and they were all very vicious when they bullied others. In the previous life, Zhang Yansheng had also been fighting with this small group, but in this regard, there was always a subtle aura of disagreement — others came up to say otherwise, but if Wang Qian and the others took the initiative to bully people, Zhang Yansheng would not take action. Not only did she refuse to help, she would stop when she saw them going too far.

But her family is the richest, she is the most beautiful, and she is really powerful, literally, so the girls are a little afraid of her and will not get into conflict with her.

They usually follow Wang Qian's instructions, but if Zhang Yansheng says “No", then it will really not work.

And almost all of them like Xu Lichen.

In the previous life, Zhang Yansheng, Wang Qian, and these girls were such a combination.

As soon as this small group graduated, they scattered like birds and beasts.

And Zhang Yansheng didn't wait for graduation at all. She was expelled from school as soon as she arrived in her third year of high school. Xu Lichen was also expelled. On the contrary, Wang Qian was the only who stayed in Yi High School.

But the three of them still stuck together until the end of high school, and two of them went abroad.

Including Wang Qian, none of these girls expected that Zhang Yansheng from Class 2 would be so powerful. Has she been trained?

Don't look at the girls who usually bully the weak and are very fierce when they are young. If they really meet people who have been trained and have real force value, they will be discouraged in an instant.

Someone wanted to run immediately!

Zhang Yansheng lifted her leg and stepped on the door frame of the women's toilet. A long, straight, and beautiful leg stood in the way, blocking the way.

The girls didn't dare to push in. Someone asked tremblingly: "You, what do you want to do?"

Zhang Yansheng sneered and said, "That should be my line, right? What do you want to do when you drag me here?”

Although Zhang Yansheng guessed that Wang Qian wanted to teach her a lesson and get rid of her because of Xu Lichen, she was really curious about what Wang Qian wanted to do to her.

She glanced at one girl and called her name: "Zou Zihan, you tell me!”

The girl who was called was startled: "How do you know my name?"

Zhang Yansheng's mouth hooked up, breaking her wrists, and making a clicking sound: "When I ask you something, just answer, don't talk so much nonsense!"

Zou Zihan is the most cowardly among these girls, so Zhang Yansheng specifically named her.

Sure enough, when Zhang Yansheng scared her, she was frightened and stammered: "We, we want you to drink toilet water…"

Wang Qian tugged her anxiously: "You f*cking stupid!" She was at a disadvantage. Why do you have to tell her the truth?

Sure enough, Zhang Yansheng's face turned cold.

Even in the previous life, Zhang Yansheng adhered to the bottom line and would not take the initiative to use force against others, but if others came to her first, Zhang Yansheng would never be bullied.

She knows Wang Qian and several people well. Bullying and drinking toilet water are only one of the most critical aspects. As for slapping, pulling hair, and verbal insults, they are definitely indispensable.

Oh, that's right. There is also the use of cigarettes to burn people.

Wang Qian once wanted to burn a girl's face with a cigarette.

Although the other party was also a bad girl, Zhang Yansheng went over and knocked out the cigarette in her hand.

At that time, there was a moment when Zhang Yansheng felt that Wang Qian was about to flip out and go berserk at her, but Wang Qian still held back. Wang Qian's endurance has always been better than hers.

In retrospect, some behaviors of adolescent girls really cannot find logic.

The two girls who looked at each other and were already disgusted with each other stubbornly declared that they were ‘best friends’, stubbornly stuck together all day long, going in and out together, and had to deduce a plastic affection with a bit of sincerity.

But because of this, Zhang Yansheng was able to get to know Wang Qian deeply.

You can't show weakness to Wang Qian because she will step on people to the end, so you have to let her know that you are not easy to provoke in order to put an end to the trouble.

Zhang Yansheng tugged at the corners of her mouth, her smile was cool, and she closed the door of the women's toilet with a “bang"…

When she was on the escalator and was about to return to the subway exit, Xu Lichen appeared. She saw that he was running in a hurry, then he climbed up the stairs again, wheezing and panting. Zhang Yansheng understood after thinking about it, he is like a hero who wanted to save a beauty.

She can't help but think that it was a little funny and a little cute.

When she put on her sunglasses and walked out of the subway station, she suddenly felt relieved somewhere in her heart.

When she was 15 years old, she actually really liked Xu Lichen.

However, she was squeezed by Wang Qian's words, and in order to preserve her ‘loyalty’, she could only refuse Xu Lichen.

The three of them spent the three years of high school in a mess. After the two of them went abroad, everyone seemed to have a tacit understanding. No one contacted anyone and their communication was all cut off.

At that time, she really didn't live well enough to understand and didn't even know what she wanted.

Of course, Zhang Yansheng is rich and has a lot of money, so there is no shortage of ‘friends’ wherever she goes, but in retrospect, there is always such a little regret.

Now that her life is back, Zhang Yansheng, who has ‘grown up’, naturally can't look up to Xu Lichen, who is inexperienced and has still the mind of a second-grader1中二 – second grade – The original meaning is the second grade of junior high school/middle school. Now it also refers to people who are mentally immature and have grown up, but their thoughts and behaviors are still like junior high school students (rebellious, like delusions, etc.). It refers to a second-grade disease as well. in middle school.

But seeing the anxiety and concern in the boy's eyes, the little regrets of her youth suddenly faded away.

At that age, there is no need to ask for any results. It is enough to have developments and memories.

When Xu Lichen came down, he found the girls crying.

Their hair was all wet, and the collars, shoulders, and chests of their clothes were all wet as well. Everyone was embarrassed, including Wang Qian.

Xu Lichen had guessed from Zhang Yansheng's attitude that Wang Qian and the others might not be able to suppress her, but he didn't expect them to be so miserable.

"Heh." He crossed his arms and blocked them in the narrow aisle between the men's and women's bathrooms. "Did you dive into the water as a group?"

Almost all of these girls like him and they all want to disappear on the spot. They all don't want to be seen by him in such embarrassment.

Someone cried: "Zhang Yansheng bullied us…”

These people are very good in the class, and suddenly they said that they were ‘bullied’. Xu Lichen found it a bit funny: "How did she bully you?"

“She, she pressed our heads in the pool…” The girl said and cried again.

"…" Xu Lichen asked, "In the toilet?"

"No! In the sink!" the girls said hurriedly.

They weren't pushed into the toilet, it was disgusting. You can't carry this kind of pot and you will be laughed at until you graduate!

Xu Lichen is also a tyrant. He is familiar with the routines of these ‘teaching’ people a lesson. When he heard that the sink is not a toilet, he knew that Zhang Yansheng was merciful.

But how did she deal with so many girls alone? That's pretty awesome.

Xu Lichen was no longer curious about what happened to them, and directly asked what he wanted to know: "Why did you call Zhang Yansheng down here?"

He looked a bit fierce when he asked, Wang Qian bit her lip and didn't speak, but the other girls twitched and said, “We want to teach her a lesson…”

Xu Lichen's face sank and asked, "How did Zhang Yansheng provoke you?"

Among these people, Zou Zihan cried particularly fiercely, and was particularly aggrieved, twisting her wet hair, sobbing and saying: "We are here to vent your anger. She caused you to be punished, she’s too cheap!"

Xu Lichen's face was gloomy, then suddenly he kicked on the door of the men's bathroom with a loud bang!

The girls were taken aback.

“It's none of your business! It's not your turn to stand up for me!" Xu Lichen said fiercely, “I'll leave my words here! Whoever dares to touch Zhang Yansheng again, I will give her a big slap in the face!”


“No more buts!” The young man was a bit fierce, “It's not your turn to take care of me and Zhang Yansheng’s affairs! Take care of yourself first! A group of ugly monsters! Who took the lead?”

His attitude was scary, not the same as usual in the class. The girls were scared and looked at Wang Qian one after another.

Wang Qian couldn't hide, so she could only bite the bullet, stood up and said, “It's me.”

Xu Lichen stared at her.

“You didn't do anything to her, why would she…” Wang Qian said, "Come up and give you a punishment. I'm so angry, why?”

Without saying a word, Xu Lichen kicked on the wall beside her! With a bang, leaving a big footprint! Wang Qian closed her mouth in fright and took a step back.

“Because I like her." Xu Lichen sneered, “You’re f*cking too controlling. Take care of yourself first. Don't send me so many messages at night. I don't have that much time to reply to you."

When Xu Lichen said this, everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Wang Qian.

Didn't she say that no one is allowed to chase Xu Lichen, nor are other girls in the school allowed to chase Xu Lichen? This was initiated by Wang Qian!

Why does she keep sending messages to Xu Lichen herself?

What kind of message did she send him at night? She can't just discuss homework topics!

What else did she do aside from flirting?


  • 1中二 – second grade – The original meaning is the second grade of junior high school/middle school. Now it also refers to people who are mentally immature and have grown up, but their thoughts and behaviors are still like junior high school students (rebellious, like delusions, etc.). It refers to a second-grade disease as well.

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