The Divine Anime System

Chapter 57. Berserker/Heracles

Emiya and Rin soon walked out of the church, seeing Rei smile they knew something was up. 

"Rei why are you smiling?" Rin asked seeing Rei smile.

"Hn, I'm just excited from the battle to come." Rei said looking towards the direction that Berserker will arrive.

"Don't worry about it Rin, Rei is like this some times." Eve said with a smile.

"If you say so." Rin shrugged.

"I'm going to say hi first, Eve you stay with these guys and catch up in a second ok?" Rei said.

Eve nodded as Rei jumped towards where Berserker would be.

BErserker feeling the approach of Rei quickly sets down Illya and brings up his sword to hit Rei. colliding with the sword, Rei could be seen smiling at Berserker.

"Yo Berserker, no Heracles." Rei said as he separated from Heracles.

"Who are you?!?!" Illya said as she stepped backwards to allow Berserker some more room.

"Rei, nice to meet you." Rei said as he bowed slightly.

"Now I am going to have a spar with your servant Heracles ok?" Rei said as he had his circuits flare to life.

"I wont use any weapons ok?" Rei as as he got into a combat stance.

"Don't look down on Berserker! He's the strongest! Go Berserker!!!" Illya said as Berserker's skin turned a dark red.

"Hahahahaha that's the spirit." Rei said as he launched towards Berserker who also did then same.

(Listen to - Fate Stay Night[Unlimited Blade Works] - Archer's theme on loop. Link -

Berserker smashed down with the sword with insane strength, which Rei lifted his hand an caught it with ease. Lifting his leg up, Rei charged it with Energy before kicking Berserker in the stomach launching him away in a series of shockwaves instantly taking out 1 of his lives.

"Hou...This only takes one life? I would have though it would take 2." Rei said as he lowered his leg.

'That hit was around the level of mid king.' Rei though as he could tell from the aura that Berserker releases that he is around king which increased to world level in order to try overcome his kick.

Berserker quickly charged towards Rei once more as his all around stats have been increased due to this. Berserker swung his sword with wild yet controlled strikes. Rei dodges easily as he did a handstand and kicked the sword by the blade causing Berserker to let go of the sword. Using his spare leg, Rei kicked towards Berserker once more but this time at the strength of low world rank. Feeling the danger, Berserker quickly bent backwards at amazing speeds to dodge the blow.

Sweeping out his leg, Berserker tried to kick Rei in the head. Bringing up one of his hands, Rei caught the leg and looked towards Berserker.

"Childs play...." Rei said as he clenched Berserker's leg and swung him upwards. Quickly standing on his feet, Rei looked at the now falling Berserker.  Pivoting on his left foot, Rei landed a crushing punch on Berserker's ribs which caused him to lose 2 lives this time. 

Berserker's aura raised to peak world to try overcome this challenge/Rei. 

"Hou....I don't know if it is permanent or not but you are increasing your power every time I show more for you to overcome. Indeed Heracles and the 12 labors." Rei said understanding that Heracles in this world is slightly different due to him. In the original there were no one on his current strength, so Heracles ability was as you could say wasted. But with an anomaly like Rei who had lots of power in him, Berserker is able to raise his power immensely to try overcome Rei. 

"Entertain me more." Rei said as he felt Heracles being able to overcome his strength is truly interesting. 

Feeling the taunt Berserker became more enraged as he let out a roar before running to Rei. Punching out his fist, Berserker fainted the punch for a kick learning from Rei. matching kick for kick, Rei looked at Berserker and said.

"To say you are called Berserker, you are still composed for battle to some degree aren't you." 

Berserker only grinned slightly before punching towards Rei once more. 

Catching the punch, Rei used Berserker's momentum to his advantage throwing the hulking beast to the ground. Rei brough his leg above his head as he is about to drop it down of Berserker's head. Quickly moving his body, Berserker dodged the kick as it caused the ground to crack and shatter. Using the time that Rei is standing still, Berserker tried to take Rei's head off with a lariat. Bending his body back into a arc, Rei dodge the lariat before kneeing Berserker in the stomach with the power of mid world rank. Unable to take any more of Berserker's lives due to the fact that he had already killed Berserker with a kick, Rei smiled more as he enjoyed a fight where the opponent get's stronger to overcome him.

Spinning his body mid-air, Berserker punched towards Rei as his power was raised to half step sovereign level. Shooting downwards, Berserker punched towards Rei. Crossing his arms in front of him, Rei withstood the punch only for the ground beneath him to cave downwards causing a huge cloud of dust to shoot upwards. Jumping backwards, Berserker looked towards the cloud of dust to see Rei walk out with some slight scratches.

"Hahahaha truly interesting." Rei laughed out seeing Berserker reach half step Sovereign level.

During this, the rest of the group had already appeared and watched with awe as the aura the duo released felt suffocating to them with the exception of Eve.

"What is this power..." Rin said feeling the pressure.

"That's a small portion of Rei's true power, but for Berserker to match, increase and try to overcome Rei's physical power every blow is suprising. I guess you can say Berserker is treating it like a labor/challenge he need's to pass. Truly a man of legend. Surpassing each of the combat ranks with will power and his ability." Eve said quietly as she watched Rei laugh out in joy fighting Berserker. She knew that Rei truly felt alive when he fought against interesting and strong enemies. Not weak enemies he can kill with a single strike or strong enemies that can kill him with a single sneeze. But rather one that can match him in equal strength or increase its strength to try beat Rei like Berserker. 

Rei launched towards Berserker once more as they hit punch for punch causing shockwaves to explode outwards causing a gale blow heavily across the whole area. Using a mixture of martial arts and instinct's, Rei started to develop his own style of combat while Berserker learned how to fight better as he continued to fight with Rei. Using his wrist to deflect Berserker's arm upwards, Rei twist his body giving Berserker a elbow to the ribs as Rei flowed the stance into a punch under the shoulder-blade. Berserker stumbled slightly as the force behind the attacks where now raised to Sovereign level. 

Raising his own combat level once more, Berserker elbowed towards Rei's head. Grabbing the elbow with his hand, Rei lifted his body with Berserker's elbow as a pivot and lunched a kick towards Berserker's head causing him to be launched backwards. 

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Berserker's voice rang out in battle intent shocking Illya as she never heard Berserker being so happy. 

Stepping out of the dust, Berserker's body glowed a more vibrant shade of red as power flowed through him causing him to reach Sovereign rank.

"Hou. You can still increase." Rei said as he disappeared from Berserker's view. Appearing next to him, Rei kicked towards Berserker's body once more. Berserker reacted quickly as the increase in rank allowed for him to increase his reactions as well. Grabbing the kick, Berserker threw Rei away. Landing nimbly on his feet, Rei kicked off towards Berserker and launched a punch to Berserker with the power of a Mid Sovereign. Tilting his body sideways, Berserker dodged before kneeing towards Rei. Jumping up, Rei dodged Berserker's knee before kicking down with his foot breaking Berserker's knee. Red energy exploded out and regenerated the leg before Berserker put pressure in his step and punched Rei hard in his chest forcing him backwards. 

"KUHAHAHAHAHA" Rei laughed before increasing his physical power to peak Sovereign. And punched the air in front of him. The sheer force of the punch caused a blast of wind to smash into Berserker's body destroying half of him causing Berserker to lose 5 lives. Being down to only 4 lives remaining, Illya watched in worry while muttering 'Berserker is the strongest' to herself.

At this point, Berserker had his hair flow upwards from the energy he's releasing reaching the level of peak Sovereign. His body compacted slightly while his flesh became scarlet red looking like the adult version of Gon from hunter x hunter but Berserker style. 

Rei increased his physical power to low Ascendent which is his current max. Walking forward, Berserker did the same till they met in the middle. Looking at each other with a grin, they both punched out as they became a blur for the watching eye's. Crater's appeared around the floor as Rei and Berserker continued to trade blows with pure physical strength. 

"This is on a whole other level...." Rin said as she kneeled down watching the fight. 

"Incredible....." Saber said looking at the devastation caused by pure physical power. 

However, Eve was more surprised at how the world hadn't shattered from their power. She could only concluded that with powers such as the holy grail and Gaia, the current world has been reinforced many times to withstand the power such as this. Even with Rei creating an independent space reinforcing the area even more, the damage should be even higher. 

Soon, both Rei and Berserker could be seen looking at each other once more. Rei had more visable damages on his body which is being healed by his Alucard bloodline. Berserker on the other hand had flesh bruised and ripped, which could be attributed to both Rei's power and his body not used to the increase to peak Sovereign. They both crouched slightly before shooting off to each other once more. Earthquakes erupted as the pressure from the fight became out of hand. Eve could feel the world energy trying to stabilise the area as much as it could to prevent total destruction. 

Suddenly Berserker could be seen crashing downwards towards the ground as it shattered. Rei landed heavily in front of him whilst Berserker reverted back to it's normal form.

"So peak Sovereign is as far as you go...." Rei said as he pulled his fist behind him. Berserker stood up as it took pulled it's fist behind it. 

"STOP!!!" Illya shouted as she knew if Rei attacked right now Berserker would be killed. She was about to use her Command seal when she felt Berserker telling her to trust him with his intent. With tears in her eyes, Illya decided to trust Berserker. 


A resounding shockwave could be heard as Rei clasped Berserker's hand with power. Berserker did the same as they grinned at each other. 

"Men, honestly muscle heads." Eve said with a smile as she saw Rei and Berserker become friends through the enjoyment they gave each other in combat. 

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!. Heracles, Son of Zeus. I, Rei. recognised your strength as a demigod who overcome his own legend to this day." Rei said with authority. Heracles grinned as he fell back weakened heavily as the increase in strength had taken a toll on his body. Illya quickly ran beside Berserker whilst glaring at Rei with anger.

"Young lady, if your servant didn't show such strength I would have killed him regardless. But, he has proven his strength as a warrior who tries overcome all odds and for that he has my respect." Rei said tracing out Avalon healing Berserker back to full health with all his lives back. 

Illya smiled seeing Berserker back to peak strength, looking towards Rei Illya smiled widely.

"Thank you!!!!" 

Rei smiled back as he looked them both leaving the area.

"Eve, would you do me a favour of reverting this area back to what it was like before the world laws kick me out?" Rei said still looking toward the direction Berserker and Illya left in.

"Of course. Bankai - Eien O' Mamoru : Mirai." Eve said summoning her Zanpakuto.

"Gyaku!(Reverse)" She said once more as the damaged started to revert back to before the fight.

Rin, Emiya and Archer watched as time turned back around them shocked at how Eve could control time. 

"Thanks." Rei said as he turned back towards the ground.

"No problem." Eve said as she unsummoned her Zanpakuto.

"Now then Rin, Archer. Shall we return home?" Rei said looking at the shell shocked Rin sitting on the floor and Archer standing next to her face shocked at the strength that Rei had shown. 

"Eh? Er sure." Rin said after Rei had snapped her out of her shock. 

Snapping his fingers, Rei brough everyone to Rin's mansion. 

"Shall we deal with who ever made the shitty barrier in the school tomorrow?" Rei asked Emiya and Rin.

Emiya and Rin nodded dumbly seeing them back at the mansion so easily. While, Archer doesn't bother thinking about how to kill his past self anymore since Rei had told him the truth and how he could grant his wish.

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