The Divine Anime System

Chapter 164. Demon sensei helps out clubs

Walking through the school, Rei decided to look for a few clubs he could help out with.

"Let's see...Wow that's a lot of clubs." Rei muttered seeing the list.

"I'll pick a few for today, cooking club seems the easiest." Rei said as cooking didn't need any magic knowledge.

Walking towards the cooking club, Rei saw that there were only a few members.

"Hello~ I'm here to help the cooking club." Rei called out as they turned to him.

"Oh, it's you again." Rei said in surprise as he saw the quiet kid again.

"Ah sensei!" She said in surprise seeing Rei here to help the cooking club.

"Sup, I'm here to help the cooking club. Cook something up and I'll give you guys some pointers. I'll even give you a recipe if you guys do good." Rei said with a smile.

"Tsk, don't give me that look. This is the first time I'll be giving away my recipes. Other people won't even get it if they begged." Rei clicked his tongue seeing their doubtful look.

The students nodded as the quiet girl stood where she was.

"Do you need something?" Rei asked.

"T-thank you for helping me today sensei." She said as Rei smiled.

"As long as you work hard, I'll help you. People who look down on others without the qualifications aren't worth my time." Rei replied sitting down on a stool.

"I understand." She nodded as she jogged away.

Rei opened his tablet as he looked for her information.

'Harumi Ito. Radar chart, Physical ability- 2, Intelligence- 3, Magical ability- 1, Combat ability- 1, Special- 1. Wow that's quite low.' Rei thought seeing her radar chart. However, even though the radar chart had shown low stats, her potential was bigger than those who had higher stats.

As he was checking out some other information, the meals were done as Rei put away his tablet.

Looking at the food in front of him, Rei didn't even feel like tasting them. Seems like the only who cared was Harumi as she was the only who looked half decent.

Her dish was a simple meat dish as it was sauce, an assortment of meats in the middle surrounded by some veg.

Tapping the table slightly, Rei pulled out a pair of chopsticks made from the table and started to taste the food.

"Mn, not bad. Do you cook often?" Rei asked Harumi as she nodded.

"I cook for my little brother." She replied.

"Not bad, though the sauce needs just a little more flavouring. The meat can be tenderised a little longer but since you were low on time it's good for the time it took." Rei praised as he moved onto the other meals.

"Bland, did you even put any flavouring into this?!"

"Sugar instead of salt. Are you kidding me?"

"There are still egg shells in this."

"The fucking meat is still raw?!"


After tasting everything Rei had a frown.

'Seems like this school is really suffering from lack of teachers so students don't give two shits. Fine let yours truly fixed this school up real good.' Rei thought.

"Alright you little shits listen up!" Rei called out as he returned the chopsticks back to the table.

Walking to the side, Rei grabbed an apron as he walked in front of the remaining materials that are out right now.

'Meat and some veg... Skewers it is.' Rei thought as he grabbed a knife and traced the edge.

"First step, make sure your knife is sharp." Rei said as he pointed at the knife.


Rei turned around and saw that only Harumi was listening.

"Tch, fine Harumi come here. I'll teach you the recipe. Rest of you piss off!" Rei said as Harumi nodded and walked over.

"First we need a sharp knife. Sharper knife means a cleaner cut when you cut the meat." Rei said as reinforced his finger and started to sharpen the knife.

"We're going to make a meat dish today so first we need to marinate the meat to give it some flavour. Since we're low on time we can use magic as replacement." Rei said as he placed the knife down and got the meat into a bowl.

Adding some flavour to the meat, Rei placed a spell that would increase the time in a specific area.

"While we wait for the magic to simulate how the marinated meat would be like overnight, we'll prepare the veg." Rei said as Harumi nodded.

Going through the rest of the steps such as cutting the meat, adding a slight taste of honey (I tried meat skewers which were done with a bit of honey and oh god was it nice.)as well as other spices before frying everything. Rei explained it all in detail so that Harumi understood the process.

Finishing the meat skewers paired with some veg, the aroma causes the other club members to gulp down their saliva.

"Here try it. I'll give you the entire recipe later so you can try it." Rei smiled as she nodded.

Taking a bite of the food she widened her eyes as she felt herself immersed in the food.

"The rest of you little shits don't have a part in this. You only had to listen, but you still couldn't do that." Rei sneered as he glared at them who looked away.

Snapping out of it, Harumi finished her skewer quickly.

"Um, sensei can I take this home for my brother?" She asked.

"Sure." Rei smiled as he made a magic sequence.

"Use this, it should keep the dish in its prime condition so your brother can have it fresh." Rei said as Harumi nodded.

"Here's the recipe, I'll check back in a few days to see if you have any improvements. The recipe is designed to only recognise you and no one else can use it. Good luck." Rei smiled taking off his apron and walked out the room.

"Next club, kendo and kenjutsu club." Rei said walking towards the dojo.

When he arrived as could already see a few people with decent skill.

"Ohya? Seems like this club is pretty good." Rei smiled as he walked in.

Seeing him, a young man approach with a light smile.

"Sensei." He said.

"Ah, you're Yaiba Ketsu. One of the course one students who passed weren't you." Rei said as Yaiba nodded.

"Yes I am. I'm grateful for the fact that sensei understands how important foundations are and is willing to teach it even by force for our future." He said as he bowed. Rei rubbed his nose slightly with a small smile.

"Mn, I'm just here to help out some clubs. Why not a light spare between us?" Rei asked.

"That would be a pleasure! Magic or no magic?" Yaiba asked.

"Either is fine." Rei smiled.

"Then no magic. Since over-reliance on magic is bad for self-discipline." Yaiba said as he got some training gear.

"Not bad kiddo." Rei said feeling appreciative of this young man. His philosophy was quite unique for this era.

"Then sensei, we'll go with normal rules of kendo so who ever scores two points win." Yaiba said placing the training gear on his face.

"Sure." Rei nodded but place the training gear away and held the bamboo sword.

"Sensei?" Yaiba asked confused.

"Don't worry about it." Rei smiled as Yaiba nodded.

People gave them space as they watched their captain about to spar with the new teacher. Yaiba was the captain of both Kenjutsu and Kendo club since he likes to do both. His personality and philosophy made everyone in the clubs respect him except for a few.

"Here I come." Yaiba said as he charged at Rei who only kept a smile on his face.

Yaiba struck out with his sword as his footwork made it seem like the attack was going to hit from the top when the reality was from the side.

Seeing the footwork, Rei used his own as his figure disappeared.

"What?!" Yaiba cried out in surprise seeing his attack miss but more importantly Rei's disappearance.

He felt a tap on his head from behind and turned quickly. Seeing Rei with a smile, he felt confused.

"Don't worry I didn't use magic but rather a set of footwork of mine. It takes advantage of your perception and erases me from your view. Your attack was good, but you were too invested into the attack. You have no way to retreat and because of this one of your sides was unguarded allowing me to slip pass." Rei said as Yaiba nodded eagerly.

"Teacher are you able to tell me the name of the footstep?" He asked as Rei thought before nodding.

"The footwork is called ghost steps." Rei relied with a smile.

"Again!" Yaiba cried out as he felt excitement raise up within him.

"Sure." Rei said as they continued to clash a few times.

While it was an overwhelming defeat, Yaiba already felt himself improve as with each spar.

"Thank you sensei for your guidance." He said with a bow.

"No problem, I'll help out occasionally so keep working hard." Rei replied giving the bamboo sword back to Yaiba.

Walking out the club Rei saw that he should have just enough time for one more club.

"Captain who was that? His sword skills were insane" A person said walking up to Yaiba.

"Yeah, he's the new teacher they got today. Not only is his magic study amazing but his physical abilities as well." Yaiba said as his hands clenched in excitement. He wanted to study under Rei and try to surpass him one day.

Checking out the tablet, Rei didn't know which club he should help with.

"Ah Professor hello." A voice called out as Rei turned around. It was Mayumi Saegusa who he met this morning briefly.

"Hello how can I help?" Rei asked unsure as to why she would come find him.

"I'm just asking but is Professor looking to help clubs out?" She asked as Rei nodded.

"Why don't we have a new system? We can make a system where different clubs will book a time slot for you to help out." She said as Rei thought and nodded. It was better than him just walking around on a whim.

"Sure, is there anything else you need help with?" Rei asked as she nodded.

"In three months the Nine School Competition will start. Since Professor is proficient in so many areas will you be able to help the school council train up some participants?" She asked as Rei nodded.

"Sure, do you have a list of the different event? I'll go make some magic sequences depending on the event." Rei said as she nodded.

"Here is a list of all the events. I'll be looking forward to your lecture tomorrow professor." She said as Rei nodded.

Looking at her walk away Rei only shrugged as he walked home whilst looking at the events.

'Rei Yotsuba, brother of the Yotsuba Twins who are the current head of the Yotsuba Clan. Genius unparalleled in the study of magic theory. Some say even Taurus Silver pales in comparison. Whilst Taurus Silver publicises his findings, Rei Yotsuba keeps it to himself until he finished understanding the secrets of magic. For him to become a teacher and teach something with outrageous potential like sequence casting it must mean he finished understanding magic completely.' Mayumi thought seriously as this would affect the world. For a person such as Rei who holds the secrets of magic to come out publicly like this must mean he fears no one.

"Let see, events for both first years and second/third years are; Monolith Code, Mirage Bat and Ice Pillar Break. The events only for first years are Speed Shooting, Crowd Ball and Battle Board. Events for second years are Rower and Gunner, Shield Down and Steeplechase Cross Country." Rei said out loud as he read information about the events.

Monolith Code: Is a men's only game. At the competition site, which is randomly generated by the system, magic is used to fight over the "Monolith". Each team has three players, the outcome is determined by splitting the monolith in the enemy encampment and transmitting a concealed code. Any attacks other than magic are forbidden.

Mirage Bat: Is a women's only game. Players must constantly invoke magic to leap into the air and strike down on holographic spheres and gain points for their team. Outcome is determined by how many points they rack up in the end.

Ice Pillar Break:Is a game where two players stand on a tower four meters in height, defending twelve pillars contained in twelve-meter square area while attacking twelve pillars in the opposition's field. The outcome is decided by whoever destroys all of their enemies' pillars first.


(And so on, I'll spare you the reading so here is the link if you're wondering where I found these.

Reaching his house, Rei opened the door as he was greeted with a charging Fey attempting to hug him.

Reaching out and grabbing her face, Rei lightly threw her to the sofas.

"I'm home." Rei said taking his shoes off.

"Welcome home!~" Fey shouted back as she got off the sofas.

"How was the school?"

"It was ok." Rei shrugged as he sat down on the table and brought up a digital note pad ready to write down more codes.

"What were you up to today?" Rei asked as Fey sat down on a chair.

"I just cleaned up the house a little and watched TV." Fey said as she watched him work.

"Are you not bored?" He asked.

"Not really." She said she swung her legs back and forth.

"Come with me to the school tomorrow. You can help out as my assistant." Rei said as Fey nodded.

"So what are you doing now master?" She asked.

"Making some magic sequences to get first in every event for the Nine School Competition." Rei said as she nodded.

"Easiest event to make a sequence for is Mirage Bat. In a two years Tatsuya will introduce flying magic so I'll let him have the honour. Instead I'll make something similar. Instead of flying, it's more like creating invisible platforms mid-air. I should also make a device combined with sequence magic so other schools can't use it." Rei said writing down codes.

"Say master, wouldn't the other schools complain about it?" Fey said as Rei nodded.

"Who told them to take so many of our teachers. And if they leak the code it's fine since the sequence would be 'only those who I give permission can use this code'." Rei smiled as he could picture their faces. To try so hard and take his code yet they couldn't even take a single point because of it.

"This spell should be sufficient for now as it allows quicker acceleration and turning. But relied a bit more on the physical prowess compared to flying. Unless... I make the device generate 'bounce' pads as well." Rei muttered adding more to the sequence.

"Monolith code is a bit harder since different players use different magic. I'll have to code it live when I see them tomorrow." Rei said saving the code for Mirage Bat in his device.

"Ice pillar break is easy; I just need a code for transforming the Eidos code for Ice into the Eidos code for Steam." Rei muttered writing a code down quickly.

"While Tatsuya makes a Speed Shooting code in two years, I think I'll take this one since I'll give him the honour of flying magic." Rei said as he made a new page and started to write the code.

"Done, now when they activate the magic they can sleep if they want since the magic is automatic and will target the designated object. The more intricate side of this is that the sequence will read the user's intention and attack the targets. It works even in an army. Read intention, then shoot down the army." Rei smiled saving this code as well.

Fey giggled as Rei raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry master, but just thinking about what they would think if they saw master inventing codes every minute made me laugh." Fey admitted as she smiled.

"What can I say, not everyone can understand every law linked to the use of magic in this world."

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