The Divine Anime System

Chapter 158. Fey

"Right then Evileye, to start with we'll be training you to use your magic without chanting since it gives the spell away." Rei said as they entered theseparate space.

"Wait aren't we doing M training?" Evileye asked with a tilt of her head.

"M training? Yeah we are, magic training no?" Rei raised an eyebrow. Surely she didn't mean masochism training right. Right?

"Ah yes, magic training. After magic training what else are we doing?" She asked with some hope for S and M.

"After learning how to use magic without chanting, we'll be training you how to use it in combat, how to reinforce yourself, how to break down magic into its basic form, how to use every element and finally refining your bloodline." Rei said as he counted down with his fingers.

"So no S and M?" Evileye muttered quietly feeling her spirits dwindle.

'Fuck! She just said S and M didn't she!!! I don't remember Evileye being a masochist in the anime!' Rei cried out inside.

"Anyways, first show me your magic." Rei said after a pause.

"Alright, Maximise Magic: Shard Buckshot!" Evileye cried out as she shot out crystals as if it was fired out a shotgun.

"Crystal Lance! Crystal Dagger!..."

Evileye started to demonstrate her magic as Rei made sure to copy each one and understand them.

"Mn, that's enough. First off I want you to attack me." Rei said as he copied most of her magic.

"Attack you? How could I attack Rei sama!" Evileye cried out.

'Could Rei sama be an M? Is that why he's not training me to be an M? So he wants me to be an S!' She thought.

'I feel like she just thought of something annoying.' Rei thought as he felt a sudden sense of irritation.

"Just do it, don't worry I won't be hurt." Rei said as she nodded.

"Crystal Lance!" She cried out as the lance shot towards him.

Letting the lance hit his body, Rei used Translocation damage without chanting which caused the lance to disappear and the floor beneath his legs to crack and break.

"What you just saw then was me using your Translocation Damage. In order to use this without chanting you have to imagine the process instead of letting the magic circle do the work itself. Imagine it this way, when the crystal lance hit my body, there is a burst of damage or impact. But before it hits, make a coat of mana around your body and make sure it's always moving like a waterfall. When the burst of damage hit my mana coat, the coat passes the damage along the coat and into the floor. Naturally if the damage increases to the point of surpassing the maximum limit of your mana coat then the coat will break." Rei explained as Evileye widened her eyes.

"Another way is to think of the coat like millions of spheres. Each sphere acts like a roller or a wagon wheel. Without the impact of the attack it wouldn't move and like wise when the attack hits it gives the rollers the energy to spin and passes along thedamage to the floor." Rei continued as Evileye nodded.


"Are they gone?" Gagaran asked as they stared at the spire.

"Yeah, she's gone with him. She said they'll be back in a few days." Lakyus replied.

"Haa.... it's already feeling a little off without shorty being here." Gagaran sighed.

"She'll be back sooner or later. Come on, we'll be meeting her highness again today. We need to update her on the progress of the mission."

"Got it." Gagaran replied as they made their way to the castle.

It didn't take them long to meet the princess as they sat by the table.

"Ah~ Lakyus, how come your back so soon?" The princess asked.

Her full name was Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself, she had long flowing light blond hair, sky blue eyes and a noble light blue dress. Her aura was very calming as it seems to say that she was a reserved and quite person.

"Princess Renner, I'm here to report that we have already sealed off the trade routes. We should be ready to launch attacks on their sources soon." Lakyus said as she stood up and bowed slightly.

"Don't stand, come sit." Renner gestured as she had some tea already prepared.

"I'm surprised Lakyus, I didn't expect you to deal with the trade routes so soon. Being spread across the entire country it should have taken roughly a month to deal with them and yet you managed to do it in one day. I suppose the reputation of Blue Rose undervalues your true potential." Renner smiled as she poured Lakyus some tea.

In the room only Lakyus and Renner remained as the maids were sent away when Lakyus first arrived.

"We didn't do much, our new helper shortened the time by a lot." Lakyus smiled wearily.

"Then the new member must be very powerful. From the information network I have around town so far, I've gotten reports that your new member is mysterious. Much like your friend Evileye, he or she is covered with a large red robe and a pure white mask." Renner said taking a sip of her tea.

"For him to have shortened the time needed by so much, can I presume he or she to be at least a 6th tier mage? Only a 6th tier mage or above may have the means of moving around so fast." Renner analysed as Lakyus felt both shock and amazement.

"Hahaha, I guess nothing can escape your ear Princess Renner. Indeed, our new member should be at least a tier 6 mage but we don't know for sure. All I know is that it's our ally for now, as for the future I can't say for sure." Lakyus said as her face was serious.

"Hmm, for Lakyus to say something like that ether means you don't know his final goal; of which you can just not recruit him or..." Renner said as she paused slightly.

"Or that he is too powerful and dangerous to be left alone. By keeping he or she near you, you can observe his actions and determine where to go from there right?" Renner said with a smile as Lakyus nodded.

"However, I feel like times are going to be rough now. We have new powerful people surfacing recently. A mysterious magic caster appearing east near E-rantel around the village of carne. News from the head warrior Gazef showed that the magic caster was able to single handedly fight off the angels from sunlight scripture and a supreme angel meaning he is above 6th tier. Down south rumours of a black angel have surfaced causing the Slane Theocracy to be on guard. A black angel could only mean fallen angel as reports have talked about the sightings of a being with void black wings appearing around the holy city. Further east towards the empire's Imperial Capital, a new powerful adventurer has appeared. Dubbed the golden spear, it is said that he is a young man with brown hair and a thin stature. But the power behind his spear techniques are defiantly Adamantite rank even though he is currently Mithril ranked. As for the reason, it could be that he still has some requirements to be met before upgrading to Adamantite rank." Renner reported as she took another sip of her tea.

"Furthermore, to the west of us, there have been hundreds if not thousands of cases of missing people. Some say a demon has been let loose taking groups of people at a time. No one knows what the demon looks like nor do they know what its goal is. Hais... Things are happening simultaneously all around us. East- a new potential recruit for the emperor of the empire. South- the fallen angel. West- the demon. Should I be happy that nothing has happened north or scared that something could be happening but we don't know?" Renner asked with a sigh.

"The north should be relatively safe as there is numerous mountain ranges for protection. Though it shouldn't be completely forgotten." Lakyus muttered with a serious face.

"Yes indeed... Anyways, I'll try get more information on the whereabouts of the Eight Finger's drug farms so we can maximise the efficiency of erasing them." Renner said as she closed her eyes from slight fatigue. Thinking about the things happening around them gave her alot of mental strain.

"Then I'll leave it to you Princess Renner, me and my party will be preparing for the next few days." Lakyus nodded as she walked away.

Renner sat there looking out the window. It was unsure of what she was thinking about whilst staring almost unblinkingly towards the blue sky.


(Evileye POV)

Ahh~ it's been roughly 8 months now since Rei sama has trained me to try use magic without chanting. There were alot of progress since I'm able to use it. However, I am still not able to use it mid fight.

I asked him how long time had passed and he told me 16 hours had passed in real time. I still can't believe Rei sama has the power to create such a barrier.

"Evileye, what are you standing there for? Come on we need to train you to use your magic mid fight without chanting." Rei sama called out to me.

"Ah yes, coming!"

Though sadly it wasn't the training I had desired. If he wanted to train me to be an M I'll gladly compromise!! But since it doesn't seem like he's going to train me that way I'll use normal training as substitute since Rei sama also use some magic to spur me on.

Pressing my palms together, I tried to use my magic but failed because a shockwave knocked me back.

"Never stay still in a fight, always be on the move or have a guard up." Rei sama cried out.

Ah~ that shockwave was just right! Not too weak nor too strong so that I pass out. I can use this as M training! Rei sama just you wait I'll become an M for you sooner or later!

"What the hell are you thinking about?" Rei sama asked with a twitch in his eye. Sometimes I think that he can read my thoughts but that's ok! Stare at me more with that gaze!

Ah- I think I'm becoming an M already.


"Why are you laughing? Hais... Never mind come on, we're continuing with your training. Once you get the basics down I'll make some monsters for you to practise against." Rei sama sighed as he reached out with his hand.

Is he going to offer me hand so I can stand up? But that's against my M training though...

Oh yes! He pulled me up like some animal by lifting me by my robe eheheh~ I knew it! He wants me to be an M! Oh I need to tone it down a little, Rei sama looks a little too irritated.

Or should I continue since he might take his annoyance out on me, which means.... M training!

"Ok seriously, whatever you are thinking about just stop." Rei sama pulled me up so that we were face to face. His eyes bore into mine as I couldn't help but blush.

"O-ok..." I muttered weakly.

"Alright, now that's sorted come on."

I'll get my M training sooner or later!


It has been two years now. I'm finally able to use magic without chanting. Rei sama said something about breaking out of this world's magic system but I wasn't too sure on what he means. BUT, in these two years I haven't made any progress with Rei sama. While I do get my occasional M training it's mostly improvisation during training.

I've also told Rei sama my full name: Keeno Fasris Inberun. But he just replied with; "Too long, I'll just call you Fasris or something. Keeno Fasris Inberun isn't the most feminine name is it?"

Eventually we chose the name Fey. Rei sama said the word originated from his time and it meant; an impression of vague unworldliness or mystery. The main reason why he chose it was because I've always wore a mask. I loved the name since it could be interpreted in two different ways. The other is Fay meaning fairy.

"Fey stop spacing out." Rei called out as he got used to my moments of spacing out.

"Hai~" I replied as I jogged lightly over to him.

"Ow!" He flicked me on my mask as I tried to hug him.

"I'm pretty sure I told you to not hug me." Rei sama replied.

"Che it's just a hug Rei sama." I replied holding my head as somehow Rei sama was able to hurt my forehead even though he flicked my mask.

"Whatever, pick a monster you want to fight. Wyverns, Blood Wolves, Skeletal Soldiers or Tyrant Sabretooth?" Rei sama asked as he created these monsters. While they weren't exact copies they seemed to be made from shadow.

"I'll go with Skeletal Soldiers first." I replied looking at the shadow version of the Skeletal Soldier. It had heavy armour and dual blades. Skeletal Soldiers are said to be cannon fodder but the Skeletal Soldier in front of me didn't feel like it at all.

"Try not to die, but if you do I'll heal you. Good luck." Rei sama said... eh? Die?

"Oh shit!" The Skeletal Soldier charged towards me not giving me time to case my magic.

"I know I wanted M training but isn't this a bit too extreme?!" I shouted out.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" Rei sama called back with a confused wtf face.

"Nothing!" I shouted back.

Jumping back away from the soldier, I used Translocation Damage to disperse the impact. Creating two crystal daggers beside me, I threw it towards the soldier who blocked them with his swords.

The solider seemed to show a grin which only served to annoy me even more.



It's been what 5 year? 6? Not too sure, but I've never imagined my strength to increase to this extent. If it wasn't for Rei sama I would have never reached this point. Though that being said, 6 years and Rei sama has not done a single M training session for me.

Occasionally he would sit down in a weird position and meditate. I can feel his aura soar upwards as energy would gather near him. I'm pretty sure 2 years ago I heard him mutter something along the lines of Divine Rank 4 but I'm not too sure. Maybe it's his magic?

"Fey, you've progressed much more than I had thought. You've broken out of the magic system of Overlord. Now we only need to increase your bloodline. But before that, I want to see your opinion on something." Rei sama said as he made a chair and sat down.

Making a chair for me, I also sat down.

"What do you think about the current state of the world?" He asked.

"What do I think? Hmm... I think it's pretty bad. Corruption's everywhere and wars are fought every day." I replied after some thought.

"Mn... And if you could change the world how would you change it?" He asked again.

"Change it for the better maybe? I mean there are nice people like Lakyus, Gagaran, Tia and Tina. Of course you as well Rei sama, but the trashes in this world are also numerous. I don't think I would be able to change it into a black and white world because that's impossible. People have different reasons and causes. Some might do bad things because of dire situations." I replied. Having lived for so long, I've watched lots of humans with different personalities. Some make me want to kill them the most while some make me happy inside.

"Then what do you think about a system that reads the situation before judging them?" Rei sama smiled mysteriously.

"I think that would be wonderful. Don't tell me Rei sama can do it?" I asked with surprise.

"Maybe, but I don't think it can be perfect after all I'm not god. Even those who have God in their rank aren't gods. But rather people who are stronger than others by alot." Rei sama replied.

"I don't understand."

I don't understand what Rei sama means by God in their ranks. Aren't gods suppose to be all powerful and all knowing?

"You don't have to." Rei sama shook his head.

"Are you insulting my intelligence Rei sama?" I pursed my lips feeling a little offended.

"No I'm not. Instead I should praise you since you were able to break out of your shell and embrace a new system of magic." Rei sama smiled. His smile dazzled me as it felt mesmerising.

"Ah thanks." I replied with a blush.

"Anyways, I will need your help later to try change this world for the better, though if you don't want to that's also fine." Rei sama said as he crossed his legs.

"I'll help! I'll follow Rei sama where ever you go." I replied quickly. I don't think I can live without Rei sama in my life anymore. I don't know if it's the bloodline or not but I don't care anymore.

"Say Rei sama do you have anyone you love?" I asked with my voice becoming faint.

"Yes, I have two. They're both important people in my life. The one who stayed with me the longest is called Eve while the other is a cute rabbit who likes to play around. She's called Bai Wu and she gave me my first born." Rei sama smiled with such fondness I felt a little sour inside. Why isn't he talking like that about me?

"Ah! I've gone off track." Rei sama said whilst shaking his head.

I can guess that both of them were his wives. Heroes of times have always had more than one wife so it's natural. I wonder if I can join in?

"Fey, I'd say you're within the upper ranks of this world in strength. So I don't think any more training is necessary unless you want to improve your bloodline as well."

"How do I improve my bloodline?" I asked curious. My racial class is vampire princess so the next stage is vampire queen?

"To be honest..." Rei sama said pausing slightly.

"I don't know." He continued with a laugh. This caused me to almost fall off my chair as it had seemed that Rei sama knew everything in the world.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You see, when I advanced my bloodline I had either absorbed the bloodline of someone with a similar bloodline but at a higher level." Rei sama said. Then does that mean I get to take Rei sama's blood into my veins?

"Then can I absorb your blood?" I asked.

"You see the blood I absorbed came from dead people. So you want me dead?" Rei sama said with a smile.

"Haah??!!!" I exclaimed with shock. Want Rei sama dead? Far from it!

"Hahaha, I'm kidding. But I did indeed only increase my bloodline by absorbing them from dead opponents. That being said I don't think you can increase it in this world. Except for the Shalltear, but she still has her use." Rei sama laughed. While I don't know who this Shalltear is I can guess that she was the other vampire Rei sama talked about.

"Ne~ Rei sama, its been 6 years since we've started to train but why haven't you asked me to take my mask off?" I asked. I wanted to shock Rei sama with my beauty so he would get the desire to ravage me. But who knew he never asked once. Not once! As a woman, even with this immature body I'm sure I'm more beautiful than most women.

"Why haven't I asked you to take your mask off? Not interested I guess?" Rei sama replied as he scratched his cheek with his finger.

"Eh?! What do you mean you're not interested?! Am I not appealing?!" I cried out whilst pouncing on him.

He only reached out and held me by my mask while my body couldn't reach him.



"Ng! Hng!" I tried to move my body over but couldn't do it. Instead it made me look like a dying fish trying to escape.

"First off, how would I know if you're appealing or not? I haven't seen your face.(Except when I watched the anime) And second, why would you need to take your mask off for training?" Rei sama said which was true. There were no need to take off the mask in training.

"Then do you want to see my face now?" I asked with some hope.



"Maybe in the future?"


Rejected again.

"In bed?"

"What the fuck? No."

Rejected once more, maybe....

"Maybe in some BDSM gear? And then you will ripe the mask off me and force yourself on me."

"What in the flying fuck is going on in that tiny brain of yours?" Rei sama replied with a confused yet slightly annoyed face.

"Do you really not like M's that much?" I asked.

"When have I said I like Masochists?"

"Ah-!" I just realised it now. Rei sama had never stated that he wanted me to be an M.

"Wuu, then what was all that training for? I became an M for nothing." I felt regret as I don't think I can be anything but an M around Rei sama now. I just want him to ravage me.

"When the hell have I trained you to be and M and how the hell did you train to be an M?! I'm pretty sure these 6 years I made sure you trained in your magic right? Right?!" Rei sama asked twice as there were obvious confusion.

"Uuu forget it Rei sama. Even if it is in my fantasy's I can still imagine my BDSM paradise me with and you." I replied. I don't know what's gotten over me, I'm telling Rei sama everything. Maybe it's because my M training was for nought.


(Back to normal)

'How in the fuck did she become an M?' Rei thought looking at Evileye/Fey still hanging by the mask in his hands.

"... Nevermind, we're returning since your training is pretty much done." Rei sighed as he put Fey down. She sat down with a slight pout.

"I can't believe it. Baka baka baka! How did I think Rei sama wanted an M?!"

"You know you're saying your thoughts out loud right?" Rei said with a perplexed expression. His initial goal was only to train her so that she could help him keep order in the world after his plans finish.

"Ah, I'm sorry Rei sama. I'm currently submerged in my own self-loathing." Fey sighed as she stood up.

"Well unless you want to self-loath for all eternity we'll be returning to see Lakyus and the others." Rei replied.

"Hai hai I'm coming." Fey said while she got up.

Walking through the portal, the two reappeared back at the spire. Night had already fallen.

"We're back, I think Lakyus and the rest are sleeping right now." Fey said looking at the darkened sky.

"Not quite. Send out your mana and you'll find them." Rei replied with a smile. Re-equipping his mask and robe, Rei concealed his aura.

Following Rei's instruction, Fey sent out her mana as she found Lakyus, Gagaran, Tia and Tina with the tavern seemingly about to leave.

"Eh? How come they're not sleeping yet?" Fey asked with surprise.

"Probably Eight Finger again. We did finish quite early last time." Rei replied as he grabbed her shoulder surprising her.

With a flash, they arrived in front of the Blue Rose shocking them. Making a silence seal, Rei made sure no one could hear them.

"Guys, I'm back." Fey called out as Lakyus and Gagaran smiled.

"Welcome back shorty. How was the honeymoon with Rei?" Gagaran grinned as Fey blushed then sighed.

"Yaa~ No progress then, too bad." Gagaran said as she sat Fey next to her.

"So what did you train her in?" Lakyus asked curious.

"Non chant spells, spells during movement, basic structure of mana and how to use all elements." Rei replied calmly whilst Lakyus widened her eyes and shot a look at Fey.

"Is he serious Evileye?" Lakyus asked.


"Evileye?" Lakyus asked again seeing Fey not respond to her name.

"Mn? Oh you're talking to me. Ah yes I've managed to learn everything Rei sama taught me." Fey replied.

"By the way, call me Fey now." Fey smiled under her mask.

"Eh why?" Lakyus replied confused.

Gagaran looked at Fey for a moment before at Rei and smirked.

"W-what?" Fey asked seeing Gagaran's smirk.

"Did dearest Rei give you that name?" Gagaran asked with a grin.

"Not sure about dearest but yeah we came up with that name. It's easier than calling her Evileye all the time." Rei relied whilst Gagaran didn't know how to react to Rei's bluntness.

"Anyways never mind that, Lakyus how come you guys are ready to set off?" Rei asked.

"We're just preparing to head towards the main source of the drugs Eight Finger is producing." Lakyus smiled as she gestured Rei to sit down. Showing him the map and telling some details, Rei leaned back as he crossed his legs.

"Hmm… Fey, you can handle it. Can't you?" Rei asked as he turned to Fey.

She nodded excitingly as Rei managed to teach her short distance teleportation. She's able to teleport to the place within her view making travelling much easier.

"While I can't teleport us there directly, I can definitely help us save time." Fey said with confidence.

"Good, then I'll let you sort that out. I have something I must attend to quickly." Rei nodded as Fey instantly felt down.

"Are you leaving me Rei sama?" Fey asked.

"Well not really you but rather the group. I need to deal with a troublesome vampire." Rei replied as his senses picked up on Shalltear as her aura was flaring up. In the timeline this was roughly when she gets brain washed.

"Alright, make sure to come back sooner I'm pretty sure Ev- no Fey here don't want you to be gone for too long." Lakyus smiled at Rei.

"Mn, see ya." Rei said as his body faded away.

"He's gone." Fey muttered looking at where Rei was.

"Say shorty. If he was correct you've been with him for a few years now. Were there really no progress?" Gagaran asked.

"None... I thought he wanted me to be an M but after I became one it turns out he didn't ask for that at all. Now I'm and M and I can't change it..." Fey muttered absent mindedly until she realised what she said. Turning around she saw the weird gaze the party gave her.

"So you're a Masochist now..." Gagaran said with a forced smile.

".... Not a single fucking word about this." Fey spoke as her aura flared.

"Why? How can we stay silent when our Fey when as far as to become a Masochist for her dear Rei but in the end it was for naught. Shouldn't we get some justice back for our dear Fey." Lakyus grinned as Fey blushed hard under her mask.

"Shut up!! Ahh!!!!" Fey cried out as she covered her face/mask with both hands whilst crouching down.


Rei flew through the air as he spotted a few giant monsters. Remembering about one of Nazarick's problems regarding food, Rei decided to kill them and store them away.

Seeing Nazarick appearing in the distance, Rei landed as he already saw Ains standing there.

Raising an eyebrow, Rei wondered why he was here.

"Rei you're back." Ains said as he looked at Rei.

"I am, how did you know?" Rei asked.

"I didn't. I was about to head out to subdue Shalltear. She's been brainwashed by a strong item." Ains sighed.

"Hm, how about you let me do it? That way you can be safe and I can do something for Nazarick right Demiurge?" Rei smiled as he removed his mask and stared at the walkways which revealed Demiurge walking out.

"Indeed Lord Rei." Demiurge nodded.

"Don't worry, I can solve it without killing her. By the way, I remember Kyouhukou having a problem with food. Take these corpses. As long as you don't eat everything, you can give it mana and the flesh would regenerate." Rei smiled as he took out several tens of large corpses.

"This! This is amazing, these seals on their bodies radiate a world bending phenomenon. Lord Rei how did you grasp such power?!" Demiurge replied with shock seeing the seals.

"It's about understanding the laws." Rei smiled as he made a seal and stored the corpses into the seal.

"Just inject mana into this and it should release the corpses. Give Kyokukou my regards." Rei smiled as Demiurge took the seal with both hands.

"Understood Lord Rei." He replied before leaving.

"Now that we're alone. Ain-no Momonga. I have a proposition for you after I solve the Shalltear problem. It would allow for the growth of Nazarick whilst keeping the innocent safe. It will also give you a human like body should you wish for it." Rei smiled as Ains paused. His glowing red iris shun as he went deep into thought.

"Well we can talk after I return." Rei smiled as he spread out his wings and took off into the direction of Shalltear.

Ains only stood staring at where Rei flew off to.

'Vex, Lucifer, how are your plans progressing? Ains might be developing his suspicion towards our identities.' Rei sent out his message.

'I'm almost done on my end. Though I'm more curious about what you did with the little vampire, she's infatuated with you and not to mention becoming an M for you.' Lucifer's voice rang out as Rei frowned.

'I'm almost done too. I was just promoted to an Adamantite adventurer not too long ago. But bro what's this about a little vampire not to mention an M. The only ones I know are Shalltear Bloodfallen and Evileye.' Vex asked.

'It was Evileye. Somehow my vampire bloodline had caused some changes to her personality and she became an M.'

'Holy shit bro! You made her an M?! Just by being near her?! How in the fuck!' Vex cried out.

'Tsk, shut it. The timeline is around when Ains would defeat Shalltear. So before he loses all of his humanity I want us to proceed with the plan.' Rei replied in annoyance. This worked as Rei could tell that both Lucifer and Vex became serious.

'Got it, I'll do some final touches and my part of the plan would be finished.' Lucifer replied as he cut his link off.

'Same with me, I'll finish the plans in the empire and meet up with you.' Vex replied before also cutting off the link. Rei sighed slightly before increasing his speed.

Reaching the location, Rei stopped mid-air as he looked towards the forest below him. His red eyes glowed ominously.

"My my, I would have thought Lord Ains would have come but to think it was you instead, Lord Rei." Shalltear spoke with a smile.

"It would have been Ains but I think I'm more suited in reining in a loose vampire." Rei replied.

"Ah Lord Rei, if you become violent with me I'll get wet~" Shalltear replied with a lustful grin.

"Tsk, one masochist vampire is enough in my life." Rei clicked his tongue.

"It would be unfair if you did have a chance to attack back. Here." Rei said as he send a weak magic bullet over to her.

"Hehehe, Lord Rei are you underestimating me? If you don't have the first attack I'm afraid you'll lose your advantage. Though it seems I get to kill the progenitor. Such an honour!!!!" Shalltear shouted in joy as crimson armour wrapped around her.

"Mn, come I'll entertain you for now. It'll be the only time you can show you power." Rei said as a mocking grin appeared on his face. For such a weak vampire to say she wants to kill him, a Divine Ranked 4 being?

What a joke.

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