The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 242: Angies Return (3)

New chapter of The Demon King is out! (1/2 chapters)

It had been month after the coronation. The ransom payment was completed, and nearly 3000 released prisoners suddenly arrived at the port city of Ryubili. As expected, the returning prisoners were shocked and lamented to find Angie crowned. They reviled her, calling her a traitor who abandoned the emperor and fled the battlefield first. However, these men had gone to war for the nation and returned as prisoners, and they could not simply be killed.

Angie lied by publicly claiming that she had fought to prevent a cavalry bypass, but punished those who openly criticized the emperor with the crime of lèse-majesté. By that time, the news of Alfred’s survival had naturally spread. And then, one month later, Alfred returned.

Alfred quietly landed in the port town where the high-ranking nobles who had been released earlier and had implicitly expressed their support for him resided. Supporters, including the former prisoners, began to gather in the town to rally around Alfred. Ignoring the frantic attempts by the electors to calm the situation, Angie openly gathered her forces. The season of political intrigue orchestrated by the electors was over. The season of war, where warriors wield their swords, had arrived.

Two weeks later, Alfred and Angelica’s armies faced each other in the rural town of Nettelphila. Officially, it was just a meeting for the two emperors to discuss matters. However, even for a mere discussion, a show of military strength was necessary.

Upon Alfred’s return, many of the lords who he thought were on his side became fence-sitters, and with the treasury empty, only 6000 soldiers could be gathered. In contrast, Alfred quickly mustered 2200 former prisoners, and with the soldiers they had left behind in their hometowns, a total of 7300 men assembled under his command.

Angie found the sibling rivalry almost laughable, but there was no other choice. Angie and Alfred attempted to meet at an equidistant point from the front lines of both armies. With ten attendants each as guards, the meeting took place in an open field where both armies could clearly see them. It was March 8th, a chilly, windless day with cloudy skies. Angie faced Alfred, or someone who appeared to be him, across a makeshift table and two chairs set on a rural farm road.

“…” (Alfred)

The person who seemed to be Alfred said nothing.

“…” (Angelica)

Angie also remained silent.

Strangely, Alfred wore an odd mask that was dull gold in color, resembling those used in operas. This made Angie doubt if the person in front of her was truly her brother. However, from the eye holes in the mask, she felt a fierce hatred directed at her.

“…” (Angelica)

Angie felt an illusion as if hatred was gushing out from the mask’s eye holes. In that instant, her body moved reflexively, and she swung her right arm. She intercepted Alfred’s sudden slash with a slender saber using her right arm. Anticipating such an event, Angie had reinforced her right forearm with an iron plate.

While defending against the sword, Angie drew a rapier from her left hip with her left hand. Sliding her fingers through the knuckle guard, she rotated it half a turn and gripped it like a feather, thrusting it swiftly towards a vital point. However, Alfred blocked it with his left bare fist. The rapier pierced through his fist deeply but stopped there.

“Stop it!!” (Alfred)

It was then that Angie first heard her brother’s voice. Looking around, she saw that the ten guards on both sides had drawn their swords and were about to start fighting.

“It was just a momentary lapse. Don’t make a big deal out of it.” (Alfred)

“What’s that supposed to mean!” (Angelica)

Determined to end it here, Angie tried to pull out the rapier. However, she couldn’t withdraw it from Alfred’s fist. Despite being pierced through, Alfred gripped the rapier tightly, his flesh clenching around it.

Angie considered using the dagger hidden in her chest as a backup weapon, but her hand holding the rapier was in the way. The distance was suited for the rapier’s reach, but too far for the dagger. With a quick slash from his saber, Alfred effortlessly broke Angie’s rapier.

“Angie-sama! Take cover!” (??)

A knight attendant flipped his cape and grabbed Angie by both shoulders, pulling her back and shielding her with his own body.

“Don’t run away! We haven’t even begun our discussion yet.” (Alfred)

Alfred boldly sat back down in his chair. Angie felt a sense of unease.

Was Alfred always someone who acted with such brute force?

Despite having his fist pierced, he didn’t flinch at all. However, there was no mistaking that voice. It was undeniably Alfred’s.

“Sit down. Don’t run away.” (Alfred)

He exuded confidence.

“It’s alright. I’m fine. Let go of me.” (Angelica)

At Angie’s words, the knight attendant released her shoulders.

“Be careful. That man has lost his mind.” (??)

“I will.” (Angelica)

Alfred removed the silk tie from around his neck, pulled the broken tip of the rapier from his hand, and bound the wound.

Does he not feel pain? He tied it rather roughly.

“What’s the matter? Sit down. Are you scared?” (Alfred)

Provoked, Angie sat down. Backing down now would mean losing her composure. However, this time she repositioned the chair out of sword’s reach.

“What are you thinking? Drawing a sword in a place meant for discussion. Has my brother forgotten his manners?” (Angelica)

“I couldn’t contain my anger. Besides, this isn’t a discussion. It’s a prelude to battle. You don’t think this will end with just a conversation, do you?” (Alfred)

His voice was chilling. Angie wasn’t surprised, knowing she had given him plenty of reasons to be angry. However, the mask was unsettling.

“Even so, how dare you call yourself Empress after fleeing the battlefield?” (Alfred)

“I merely acted in defense.” (Angelica)

That was the official stance.

“What?! I saw you flee! You broke through the rear of the Papal State’s army!” (??)

From behind Alfred, one of his knights shouted.

“I circled the Papal State’s army and struck from behind! You, who didn’t even see the battle, don’t speak so arrogantly!”

Angie forced herself to appear angry. No matter what lies were told, how many could confidently say they were right amid that chaos? There was no way to prove it, and Angie’s subordinates would never speak out.

“Calm down.” (Alfred)

Alfred raised one arm to restrain the knight.

“But—” (??)

“Silence. I am speaking now.” (Alfred)

At Alfred’s command, the knight fell silent as if doused in cold water. There was a dangerous edge to Alfred now, like a naked blade. When faced with such a sharp edge, people instinctively felt fear. Even the knight, who was on his side, seemed to feel it.

“…Very well. Let’s not drag this out. I might not be able to restrain my urge to kill.” (Alfred)

Alfred sat loosely in his chair, leaning back against the backrest. Although the posture seemed sloppy, combined with the unreadable mask, it exerted an odd pressure.

“Why wear such a mask? Have you been poxed, brother?” (Angelica)

The moment Angie voiced her long-held curiosity, murderous intent radiated from Alfred again, and he kicked the table. However, the distance made his aim miss, and Angie was not hit. A clanging sound echoed as the knight attendant deflected the table with a shield. The knights drew their naked swords, shielding Angie.

“What is this? Have you truly lost your mind?” (Angelica)

Though she had known from the start he wasn’t entirely sane, Angie said it anyway.

I don’t know if it’s smallpox or elephantiasis, but why should I be the one to take out their anger on others? I do not understand what it means.

“—Look at this.” (Alfred)

Alfred removed the mask.

Angie involuntarily gasped. It was Alfred’s face. However, the difference was that there was writing on it.

“Read it.” (Alfred)

The skin on his face bore the markings of words. It wasn’t just writing. It was a tattoo, characterized by the faint blur of ink beneath a thin layer of skin. Across his forehead, it read…

‘I am a vile emperor who plotted to murder my brother. Cowardly enough to poison the cup of my younger brother due to my weak heart.’

And on either side of his nose, two thin lines read…

‘The young maiden who succeeds the throne does so by carrying on the will of our father.

I was driven from the throne because I betrayed the teachings of our father.’

In bold letters across the bridge of his nose, it said…

‘May the new emperor receive the grace of Jesus.’

“How dare you… This is what happened because you obstructed Nerehine.” (Alfred)

Alfred trembled with rage. Nerehine was Alfred’s wife, the queen.

“What… what are you talking about?” (Angelica)

Angie was bewildered.

“You interfered with the ransom collection and refused to pay the full amount. This is the result.” (Alfred)

“…Nonsense. I did no such thing.” (Angelica)

This was true. The ransom was partly paid before any interference, and no demand was made to Angie. If the full amount wasn’t paid, they simply wouldn’t release the captives.  Realizing this, Angie understood that this was part of Yuri Hou’s plot. Lies had been fed to Alfred.

“You are lying, wench. Watch and see. I’ll have the same tattoos carved on you, have every soldier violate you, and then let the rats eat you alive… I swear it. I will make it happen.” (Alfred)

Alfred’s obsession with Angie had always been pathological. The lies had clearly taken deep root in his mind. Angelica refused the ransom payment. The full amount would never be paid. This tattooing was Angie’s fault. Such thoughts must have been drilled into him while the ink was applied.

No matter how Angie tried to explain now, it was futile. The brainwashing was too deep to be undone. It was clear to anyone that Yuri Hou’s schemes were behind this. Anyone who advised this mad king otherwise would likely be killed. And now, he had been unleashed upon the world.

Yuri Hou had turned Alfred into a vicious beast whose only obsession was to kill Angie.

“Ha ha ha!” (Angelica)

Angie couldn’t help but laugh. When Alfred heard the laughter, his face turned mad and he became enraged.

“—!!! Is it so funny?! Is your brother’s face so amusing?!” (Alfred)

He gripped his saber and stepped forward, intent on cutting Angie to pieces. As Alfred charged into the array of swords protecting Angie,

“Alfred-sama! Please stop!” (??)

His knights hurriedly grabbed his cloak, trying to hold him back.

“Ha ha, ha ha ha!” (Alfred)

“Angelica!!! What’s so funny?!” (Angelica)

“No, no, it’s not that.” (Alfred)

Angie wasn’t laughing at the tattoos. She laughed at the thoroughness of Yuri Hou’s cruelty, like drowning a dog and then pushing it further down with a pole. It was merciless.

“Well, stay deceived for the rest of your life. Ha ha ha, honestly, he did a thorough job—” (Angelica)

Angie turned her back on Alfred and began walking back to her camp. There was no point in talking to a beast anymore.

“Laughing at that face, you have guts, don’t you…” (Leonard)

Leonard, who had been watching from behind, said admiringly.

“It’s not like that. Come on, let’s head to camp.” (Angelica)

Looking around, Angie saw that her knights found her steadfastness inspiring. Despite witnessing her deranged brother, they showed no signs of fear.

It was strange, but Angie felt both astonished by Yuri Hou’s thoroughness and as if she was being challenged. Yuri Hou must have thought Angie’s talent and abilities were enough to make a good fight against this mad king. If Yuri Hou had underestimated her, he would have given her more time to solidify her base before unleashing the beast.

But Yuri Hou had not done that.

Well then, let’s go against expectations. I will exceed his expectations and defeat Alfred.

Feeling oddly invigorated, Angie returned to her camp. It was time to wage war against her brother.

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