The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 240: Angies Return (1)

New chapter of The Demon King is out! (1/2 chapters)

After a harrowing journey akin to walking through the brink of purgatory, Angelica Sacrament finally reached the border. She swam across the river, entered the territory of the Kuran, exchanged gold for food at a colonial village, and once she was no longer worried about food, she, then, swiftly returned to the Tyrellme God-Protected Empire.

It took three months for this journey, during which news of the fall of Reform had already reached the Tyrellme God-Protected Empire.

First, Angie returned to Ultima and rested her troops for three days. Then, she headed to the royal capital of Andal to assess the current situation. By the time Angie arrived in Andal, envoys from the Albio Republic had already been there for three weeks. Couriers carrying sealed letters were running all over the country. Small lords and mercenary bands had no one to bear their ransom. They had to come up with funds on their own. Upon receiving letters stating the amount of ransom, everyone ran around to raise money.

The exchange was supposed to be a physical exchange of gold or Shanti people slaves, so the price of Shanti slaves soared. The exchange ratio was four ordinary soldiers of the same age for one female Shanti slave and two for one male. It was more efficient from the market price but not so much when the market price rose.

However, for the sake of adding to the ransom, the brothel owners in many places were unlawfully arrested, and Shanti people slaves were seized. As for farm, the owners who mainly used male Shanti slaves was also deprived of their slaves by exercising the strong right of the feudal lord.

Shanti people’s slaves were currently the same as gold, especially since the brothel owners were originally suspicious individuals. Therefore, arrests and the like could be made as much as they want, and they arouse resentment among the people. It was a substitute collection method with more immediacy than raising the overall tax rate.

Those who didn’t need to care about the law had taken more direct means. The Albio Republic was only concerned with health conditions and did not investigate the source of acquisition. That meant it didn’t matter if Shanti was acquired criminally, so mercenaries attacked farms and brothels to abduct Shanti slaves in place of ransom.

In other countries, since their king was alive, they were pressing for a lump sum from the king and negotiating through the royal family, but the Tyrellme God-Protected Empire was not present because the king was not present.  In the sealed letters, there was also a note that instructed the family of nobles who had become a prisoner to “arrange X amount of gold. Dispose of the castles of how much is in the treasury and where X to pay.”

It one rare example. Shortly after inheriting the title through succession disputes, the new Count created a contract relinquishing his real estate ownership, entrusted it, and then, the envoy from the Albio Republic came to the metropolis to directly sell the property to a third party and raise ransom. However, his uncle, who had fought in the succession dispute, was still alive and he couldn’t trust his own household.

However, no matter where they looked, there was no sign of Alfred Sacramenta. Even after Angelica ascended the city, there was no demand for a ransom, and no indication of any arrangement being made. This left the Queen in grief.

Fortunately, her brother, Emperor Alfred Sacrament, had already fallen in battle.

“I would like to ask that the electoral election be held in the near future.” (Angelica)

Angie spoke without bowing her head in front of nine Electors.

“Why?” (Vivi)

Duke Vivi Orlandorf asked.

“It’s too early to tell.” (Divar)

Imperial Domain Count Divar said.

The Imperial Domain Count, a position placed to govern the royal domain in the absence of the emperor, was not necessarily hereditary. It didn’t entail receiving a fief, but rather managing the territories directly under the emperor. In practice, it referred to the emperor’s confidants, akin to a prime minister or minister.

During succession, it was deemed appropriate to have a representative of the late emperor’s wishes, a result of efforts by numerous emperors and compromises by the Electors. Since it would not be proper for an elector “marquis” to be a prime minister or a minister, he was given the title of Imperial Domain Count.

The previous Imperial Domain Count was Count Ordinant, who was Gustav’s late brother. After Alfred ascended to the throne, Divar became the new Imperial Domain Count. In reality, the emperor often appointed his son as the successor during his lifetime, meaning the person expected to be the next emperor had significant influence. However, with only one-ninth of the vote, many cases resulted in being unable to ascend, as eight Electors were bribed.

“The death of Emperor Alfred has not been confirmed.” (??)

“But if his name wasn’t mentioned in the prisoner exchange, shouldn’t we assume he’s already deceased?” (Angelica)

“He may still be hiding in the forest with his guards.” (Divar)

Despite his position, Count Divar couldn’t dismiss the possibility. It was the natural attitude to adopt given his position.

He might be hiding in the forest with their close knights. At first glance, it seemed plausible. However, if that sentiment was accepted, it was like a wife whose husband had gone missing being unable to remarry, no matter how much time passes. In other words, the Imperial Election will become impossible.

“The Shaalta Kingdom’s army has already subdued Reform. We must promptly conduct the Imperial Election and install a new Emperor.” (Angelica)

Angie said. This reasoning should have had certain persuasiveness.

In the previous Imperial Election, the Kilghina Kingdom was still active, having just won a decisive victory at the Battle of Marsenas, allowing considerable military leeway. This time, there was no time for a ten-year election process as before.

“Nevertheless, it’s still too early to tell.” (Divar)

The Imperial Domain Count Divar said again.

“Currently, I have requested an envoy from the Republic of Albio to confirm the safety of Emperor Alfred. If he has already passed away, the proper etiquette would be to return his body. It would not be too late to return his body once we receive a response.” (Divar)

Angie was at a loss for a reply. This information was unknown to her and made logical sense.

“…But what if they ignore it? As Count Divar said, what if he’s quietly passed away in the forests of the White Wolf Peninsula? We wouldn’t be able to confirm. Should we wait three or four years for a reply?” (Angelica)

“That’s not something to consider now. It’s been less than two weeks since the request was made to Albio’s envoy. It takes a month and a half for transmission, another month and a half for reply, and then another two and a half months. If his remains return by then, we should finish the national funeral and only then start considering our next steps.” (Divar)

“Ugh…” (Angelica)

Angie couldn’t continue. Ten seconds passed.

“Reflecting on history.”

Margrave Visiterholm spoke up.

“The Shanti have never invaded the Tyrellme region. They’ve never desired it.” (Visiterholm)

Angie was full of question marks.

What is this old man talking about? Is he senile?

“Desire isn’t always guaranteed.” (Visiterholm)

Maybe, he merely wants to show off the knowledge in his own rotten brain’s library.

Angie decided to accept this reasoning.

In this case, the Tyrellme region refers to its original territory during the so-called Tyrellme province era, similar to the XX region.

“If you want to taste the bitterness of the Kaltile campaign, go ahead. But just because the woman didn’t hit, it doesn’t mean the man didn’t. The current Shaalta Kingdom is dominated by Yuri Hou.” (Angelica)

Angie said and stood up from her seat.

“What’s the matter?” (Vivi)

Duke Vivi Orlandorf said.

“Let’s dissolve. As Count Divar said, it’s correct to wait a little longer for a response from the other side. I’ll take my leave.” (Angelica)

Angie was about to leave, but after walking two steps, she turned around. She thought she should say one more thing.

“I’ll tell you one thing: if you think Yuri Hou’s victory was a coincidence, you’re mistaken. When the Queen was killed and the monarchy overturned, he was just a local lord’s son. Three months later, he had pacified the country and destroyed 120000 troops in a month. The first target of that army will be us, the Tyrellme God-Protected Empire. Think about it carefully.” (Angelica)

It was a day two months later.

In a room of a house Angie rented on the outskirts of Andal, she was busy with her work. It was either writing letters, meeting people, inviting or being invited, dining or talking. She liked to attend parties and entertain people, talking about things in battle.

Angie was increasing her supporters in this way. Many people had already treated her as the next Empress. The topic of conversation was mainly about the return of prisoners.

Five months after the battle, prisoner exchanges in countries like Flusha Kingdom went smoothly, and many nobles returned home. However, in the Tyrellme God-Protected Empire, there were no returnees.

There were explanations like they were taken north for land reclamation work, but many people felt uneasy.  The Flusha Kingdom was still far away, so they would be alright. However, the Tyrellme God-Protected Empire directly borders the Shaalta Kingdom. Considering this, the return of troops would directly contribute to their own military strength.

So, they might not intend to return for some reason or another. No, maybe an epidemic spread and they all died. Various theories were whispered.

In the midst of this, Angie was writing a personal letter to one of the counts she met at the party and planning a dinner. The door knocked, and a voice of one of her attendants was heard.

“Angie-sama, Leonard-sama has arrived from the Andal Royal Palace.” (??)

“Let him in.” (Angelica)

After saying that, the door was opened for a while.

“Welcome, Leonard Divar-dono.” (Angelica)

“Your Highness Angelica, you live in such a humble house…” (Leonard)

Leonard frowned and sighed.

Leonard was the young son of the Imperial Domain Count Divar, turning 22 this year. Despite running errands, he had become one of Angie’s supporters and he wasn’t hiding it.  While claiming to act as a loyal subject and expressing loyalty to his lord, he was currently holding back. Unsure if his loyalty was genuine or deceitful, she intentionally kept her distance.

“Our nation’s founder, Leon Sacrament, was once a fisherman in a fishing village. It’s a change to live in such a house.” (Leonard)

In reality, renting a house in the royal capital was too expensive. Nobles couldn’t be made to sleep rough without a battle, so private rooms had to be given to attendant vassals, and considering rooms for guards, a reasonably sized house was necessary.

“That’s all. The Imperial Election will be held.” (Leonard)

Leonard solemnly handed over a scroll tied with a string and sealed with wax. Angelica received it, broke the seal, and unrolled the scroll. Indeed, it stated that the Imperial Election would be held in a month. In essence, it was an invitation to the Imperial Election Council.

There were no other rival candidates besides Angie, and the national sentiment was firmly in her favor. It was clear as day that there was no way to counter Yuri Hou’s threat by electing someone else. Angie was confident that the Imperial Electors would choose her.

“Has the demise of my brother been confirmed?” (Angelica)

“Yes, just between you and me…” (Leonard)

Leonard approached Angie a few steps closer in the cramped office.

“…What is it?” (Angelica)

“The garments worn by Alfred-sama have arrived. There is spear mark on the chest…” (Leonard)

Leonard gently traced with his finger near the center of the left chest. Apparently, there was a cut from a spear there.

“It was heavily stained with dried blood. His demise is certain.” (Leonard)

“I see…” (Angelica)

Angie suddenly felt a burden lift from her heart.

She had told others that the emperor was dead, but somewhere in her heart, she had considered the possibility of his survival.

I see, he’s truly gone.

“Any other letters?” (Angelica)

“Well… I overheard my father talking, so that’s as far as…” (Leonard)

“I see.” (Angelica)

“Presumably, they’re waiting until the body turns to bones before returning it?” (Leonard)

“Probably.” (Angelica)

It would be unsettling to transport a decaying body. If it was not possible to return the body quickly enough before decomposition had begun, it was sometimes done at Tyllerme to allow the bones to decompose before returning them.

“So, my brother the emperor has passed away…” (Angelica)

Angie felt a mix of joy and sorrow, a complex emotion.

“Leonard-dono, please go home today. I want to pray for a while.” (Angelica)

“Understood. My condolences.” (Leonard)

Leonard showed perfunctory condolences and left the room. Angie closed her eyes and prayed for his soul.

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