The Deeds Of An Extremely Arrogant Villain Aristocrat

Chapter 50: Act of Adventurers

“──《Slash》!! …Ha…Ha…Still, it’s no good. Luke at that time was much better…”

Somehow, I can sense the difference. But… it’s not the same. Luke’s swordsmanship is on another level. Even though I was just observing from a distance, seeing it, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his sword, I couldn’t help but admire it…

“Ha… Ha…”

My vision blurred momentarily, and I stumbled slightly with dizziness. My body feels heavy. My swordsmanship has dulled considerably.

I think I’ve reached my limit… no, just a little more. Let’s push a little more harder…

“I’ll never catch up if I don’t push myself beyond my limits… And I finally understand. You always show me the way, Luke.”

I’ve always sensed this power within me, but couldn’t quite grasp it. It felt somehow different from magic, but I couldn’t be sure.

After witnessing Luke’s technique and experiencing it firsthand, it finally became clear. Through rigorous training with my master, pushing myself to my limits, this power has grown.

The power is definitely there. I can feel it. But… I still can’t fully control it.

“I’ll definitely prove that I can master it too…”


A familiar voice called my name from behind.

This is the training ground attached to the guild, so it wouldn’t be unusual for anyone to be here. But it was a voice I knew very well.

“Lily…? What’s wrong?”


It’s the first time I’ve seen Lily wear such a hesitant expression. She’s usually straightforward and doesn’t hold back when she has something to say. But this time, she seemed uncertain. I couldn’t figure out why.

So, as I tried to catch my breath after training, I patiently waited for her to continue speaking.

“I probably shouldn’t say this kind of thing. But… I want you to listen.”


I couldn’t comprehend what Lily was trying to convey.

“What I want to say is… Abel, you can’t become Luke.”


As soon as I heard those words, my heart skipped a beat. It felt like it was being squeezed tightly.

“I know you admire Luke. A lot, in fact. But… trying to follow the same path at the same pace as him… doesn’t seem like a good idea. I’m sorry for bringing this up so suddenly but…”


She was right.

I do admire Luke. I have no intention of hiding it. He has always surpassed my wildest imagination.

He’s the epitome of absolute strength and victory for me, not just my mentor or Brad-Sensei… but Luke.

From my perspective, my mentor and Brad-Sensei were incredibly formidable, to the point where I couldn’t fathom their abilities.

But for some reason… you, Luke, are still the embodiment of absolute strength and victory to me.

“You’ve been pushing yourself too hard… ever since you met Luke at Aslan Magic Academy. I know how amazing you are, Abel. You were accepted into the best school in the country, even though you couldn’t use attribute magic. That’s truly impressive. But regarding Luke… I’m sorry. If you keep pushing yourself like this, I feel like you’ll break at some point, and I…”


I’m such a fool.

I finally understand what Lily was trying to convey.

She was genuinely concerned about me, carefully choosing her words to avoid accidentally hurting me, to protect me.

I’m truly blessed.

It’s been this way all along. I was rescued in that village and raised by people who loved me. I found a mentor who guided me, and made friends who genuinely cared about me. And Luke, my irreplaceable friend who strides ahead of me. He’s so close that I can almost touch him if I try to reach my goal.

Haha, can I truly have all of this?

That’s why I yearn for it even more. The power to protect this treasure I’ve received and so I would never lose it again…

“Thank you, Lily. Thank you for caring about me.”

“W-what?! I’m not caring about you or anything!… I just thought it would be inconvenient if something were to happen to you.”

Lily is truly kind after all.

Even though I’m just a commoner, she treats me as an equal. That’s something I shouldn’t take for granted.

“But it’s okay. I won’t break.”


“I can only do my best, but I tend to push myself too hard. Someday, I’ll become strong enough to protect you too… but maybe I’m trying too hard to be cool. Hahaha.”

I laughed to cover up my embarrassment.

But there were no lies in my words. I simply couldn’t believe that tomorrow would be as vague and unchanged as today. Injustice can strike suddenly. That’s why I must become stronger to be always ready.


“Hmm, what’s wrong, Lily?”

When Lily didn’t respond to my words and I looked at her, she was staring absentmindedly at me. And then…

“You stupid… rude, insolent fool!! I don’t find you cool at all!! Not even a little bit, aaahhh!!”


Lily suddenly shouted and ran off from the training ground. I was left all alone.

The training ground felt unusually quiet.

“Ah, um… in times like this, what would Luke do?”

Thinking about “What would Luke do?” has become a recent habit of mine when facing difficult challenges. But at this moment, I could only imagine Luke, who would be just as confused as I was.

“My village is not far from this city, and the rumors of ‘dragon hunting’ have already spread… sigh.”

“Well, that’s not surprising, considering what a feat it was. But why are you making that face?”

Mockel and Zach.

As the sun began to set, the two A-rank adventurers were quietly drinking in the bar inside the adventurer’s guild.

“All five of my younger brothers admire you. Red, the second youngest who wants to become an adventurer, keeps asking me to introduce him to the ‘dragon hunter’ just once, so please.”

“Hahaha, that’s quite the predicament… Don’t you dare ask me.”

“Hey Zach, we’re peers, right? We became adventurers almost at the same time, didn’t we? You won’t abandon me, will you?”

“The day I first brought Luke-sama to the adventurer’s guild says otherwise. I thought we were comrades, but I was abandoned by everyone here that day. I haven’t forgotten about that.”


Mockel couldn’t find any words to respond. When Luke suddenly asked to join Zach’s party, he did look away. Unable to say anything in return, he could only glare and drink the ale that was poured into his glass.

“Absolutely. Why do they all aspire to be ‘heroes’?”

“What do you mean?”

“So, you know, I think that anyone who wants to become an adventurer should first consider the possibility that ‘I might not be special.’ It’s not uncommon for people to lose their lives unexpectedly when facing dangerous monsters for the first time. Learning from experience is too slow. Being an adventurer as a profession is…”

“No, Mockel. That’s just the perspective of a tired old man who’s already seen too much reality. Everyone at first aspires to be a hero and thinks, ‘I can do it!’ and so becomes an adventurer. Someone who thinks, ‘I may not be special…’ or has such a self-deprecating mindset would never become an adventurer in the first place.”

“…Hmph, you have a point there, Zach.”

“It’s not just a point, it’s more than that.”

Zach and Mockel are both leaders of their A-rank adventurer party. As they started out at the same time, they were conscious of each other and often clashed. But now that they’re both over thirty, they’ve become more mature and have somehow become friends who drink together.

Because they are in the same position as party leaders, they inevitably share similar experiences and struggles, which is why they can empathize with each other and enjoy drinking together.

Furthermore, although neither of them would ever admit it, old friends like these are invaluable to those who are in a profession like adventurers, where life is not guaranteed tomorrow.

“Well, I understand what you’re saying.”

“See? I think the most important thing for adventurers is ‘the sense of smell for escaping.'”

“Hey Mockel, spare me. I’ve heard that story five thousand times. Every time we drink, you tell the same story.”

“Ah, it’s okay. When you think it’s dangerous, you’re already running away. That’s the most important thing. But stupid people who think they’re ‘special’ hesitate to run away. Their pride gets in the way. Adventurers misunderstand and confuse courage with recklessness, thinking they have to stand up and fight. But it’s too late for that once they realize so. You won’t get anything out of it if you die.”

“Yes, yes, that’s right. Hey, Miss! One order of giant lizard tempura, please!”

“Yes, sir! One order of Lizard-Tempura!”

“Zach. You should watch out for greasy food. It might come back to haunt you tomorrow.”

“Mockel, mind your own business. I’ll eat what I want.”

Gradually, the tavern began to come alive as adventurers trickled in. Their day’s tasks were completed, and now it was time to replenish their energy for tomorrow.

“I think the reason why a commoner like me could reach the ‘A-rank’ is because I always set up this sensor to detect danger. Oh, do you remember? When Luke-sama gave that hellish request to the guild for the first time?”

“I can’t forget it even if I wanted to.”

“I sensed it then too. It seemed like a bad request, but I took it anyway and it traumatized me. I shouldn’t have been so blinded by money. ‘Purgatory’ ended up disbanding despite the Guild Master’s persuasions.”

“Can’t do anything about it. Without Al-san, I might have been back in the village doing farm work by now.”

“Was it really that bad? Well, I’m not surprised. He’s the ‘Dragon Hunter’ after all.”

“Even so, Luke-sama was only around ten years old at the time, you know? It’s just too much… sigh. Feels like such a long time ago.”

“Hahaha, I remember—”

“Aaaaaahhh!! You idiot Abel!!”

Suddenly, a scream echoed through the tavern.

Zach and Mockel turned to look and saw a blonde girl with an air that didn’t quite fit in with the adventurers running out of the guild. It was Lily. they wondered, “Huh? What’s going on?”

“That girl is… oh, she’s one of the two people who recently came from the capital…”

“W-wait, Lily! Uh, sorry for the trouble!”

Abel, who had arrived a little late, bowed apologetically and hurriedly chased after Lily.

Come to think of it, these kids seemed to know Luke-sama, Zach thought as he turned towards the table.

“Zach, listen carefully. That black-haired kid. My ‘runaway sensor’ reacted slightly. We should be careful.”

“What do you mean? He doesn’t seem harmful at all.”

“No, don’t be fooled. We should always be ready to run.”

“You seem to have a lot on your mind. …Oh, look, here comes my order.”

The two of them continued to enjoy their drinks in a good mood as the guild grew slightly noisy around them. But after about thirty minutes, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

The guild door swung open without any warning, and all eyes turned to see who had entered. Gasps filled the room as everyone recognized the person who had walked in.


“You look good, Zach.” 


As soon as he heard the voice, Zach felt his brain shaken. The pleasant buzz from the alcohol vanished in an instant.

“Ah… Th-thank you, Luke-sama.”

“What, were you drinking alone?”

“Oh, no, I was with Moc— Huh, where’s he?”

Zach turned around to look for Mockel, but he was nowhere to be found. It was as if he had disappeared without a trace.

(That jerk! What the h**l does ‘the sense of smell to escape’ even mean!? Damn it!)

“Well, I just felt like drinking alone today…”

“I see. Well, that doesn’t matter. It’s still a long way off, but I’m going to the empire, and you’re coming too. Got it?”

“Ah, I see. To the empire…”

Once again, Luke’s words were completely disconnected. Zach thought it was like a natural disaster, but he couldn’t say that.

“Um… For what purpose are we going to the empire?”

“I’ll let you know later.”

“I see…”

“That’s all for today. See you.”

“Yeah… Later.”

Luke turned on his heel and left the table where Zach was sitting. He opened the door to the guild and left.

“Sigh… Going to the empire is fine and all, but I have a bad feeling about this…”

Thinking about a future that didn’t seem bright, Zach took a gulp of his drink.

Then he felt a hand on his shoulder.


When he turned around, he saw Mockel, who had somehow managed to retreat.

“Zach, my senses is telling me to escape—”

“You piece of c**p!!!”

” —Bwah!”

Zach smacked Mockel hard.

The adventurers around them cheered, “Fight, fight!”

This was just another scene among adventurers.



Chapter 50.

A small milestone.

Thanks to everyone who always supports me, I’ve been able to keep writing up until this point.

Thank you so much.

Currently, I’m juggling creating short stories and working on book publication, so my updates are already slow and getting slower.

I’m sorry.

I hope to have some more news about the book by the end of this month or early next month.

I’m slow at writing, but I’ll do my best.

Thank you for your continued support.

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