The Deeds Of An Extremely Arrogant Villain Aristocrat

Chapter 36: Screw You, Destiny

It had only been a few months since I entered the Aslan Magic Academy, but I had already experienced a lot. Most of it was troublesome, annoying, and a nuisance that plagued me. I still didn’t know why. I really didn’t know why.

However, there was one thing I began to believe in, just a little bit.

It was fate.

I decided to fight against the fate of being defeated by the protagonist Abel and instead make an effort to gain my own happiness. The reason for that decision was trivial, and although there were some slight differences, the fundamental nature of things hadn’t changed since.

But how was it in reality? The problems that arose from my efforts were so troublesome that one might even call them glitches. 

Was that why I was so tired?

When I returned to my family’s home and laid on my bed, the first emotion I felt was that I wanted to just stay here forever. Nothing here troubled me. Everything was here, and everything was perfect. It was so wonderful. Since the outside world was full of troubles, why did I have to leave this house? Couldn’t I just stay here forever instead?

…When I realized that I was even considering such a complete shut-in mentality for a moment, I suddenly thought to myself. Maybe this is what destiny is. Maybe I’m destined to become a shut-in at my house… That’s what I thought.

“Actually, Luke… the Lennox family has proposed a marriage proposal. Her name is Mia. It seems like she goes to the same academy as you, and you know her, right?! Your face, could it be…? You don’t like her? You don’t want this engagement? Alright, I’ll withdraw it immediately—”

“Father… could I have some time to think about it, please?”

When contemplating my own fate, to be hit with such a topic by my father was truly overwhelming. It’s natural to think that fate might truly exist.

Thinking that I was exhausted both mentally and physically due to the attack on Aslan Magic Academy, my father waited until we returned home to bring up this matter. Truly, he’s something else. He’s different from the incompetent guards of this country.


…Ah, my stomach hurts.

Why did this topic come up so suddenly? I really don’t understand why. Why… Why is this happening? No matter how much I think about it, I can’t find the answer.

However, Father said, “It’s up to you to decide.” That means I can reject it.

Moreover, it seems like the Lennox family is fine with me having her as a concubine… I don’t understand why.

…In the first place, why was a marriage proposal offered by a powerful noble of the royal faction? And why did they even compromise to make her a concubine? Is it because Mia is the third daughter? Did the Lennox family switch to the aristocratic faction? If so, why? There are too many incomprehensible things for me. What on earth is happening?

I considered every possibility, but there was too little information.

However, I know that the cause must be that I tried to use Mia as a “pawn.”

That must be the trigger.

I’m not sure about the original story, but I think Mia was a character on the “Abel” side, not “Luke.”

Ah…that time. When Mia experienced her first defeat and was weaker than ever. Abel was supposed to comfort her… wasn’t he?

In fact, Abel and Lily visited Mia’s room. I see… that should have been the opportunity to deepen their friendship.

…Damn it, is this karma?

I took advantage of Mia’s weakened heart and became a false savior. All for the sake of making her a loyal pawn to me.

And this is the result. Mia’s story has turned into a talk of her becoming my concubine.

Yes— this is fate.

All events converged to the outcome of “Luke” becoming a shut-in at his home. It may have been an outrageous idea, but in this fantasy world of light s, it was entirely possible. I was getting tired of thinking about it.

One thing after another, these troublesome matters kept coming up. Now, let’s talk about this matchmaking proposal. Refusing it would be easy. All I had to do was tell my father that I didn’t want it. But was refusing it really the best option?

I was hesitant. For nobles, marriage was not just a matter of emotion. A deep connection solidified power and elevated it to a greater level. With such a powerful noble family’s matchmaking proposal, the situation became even more complicated. 

Furthermore, for some reason, the other party was making significant concessions. If I were to refuse now, it would undoubtedly damage the relationship between our families.

Moreover, my father had told me that he was troubled by the attack incident. I couldn’t rely on anyone else anymore. That was my pride, even if it was my father.

…No, the real reason I couldn’t bring myself to refuse was not that. The real problem was Mia herself.

There’s something… creepy about Mia. Even if I were to refuse, I couldn’t predict what she might do. It would be better if she were a clear enemy. I could handle that. But Mia is ambiguous in that regard, which is why it’s hard to make a decision.

If I refuse, a woman who is an uncertain and ambiguous factor, either an enemy or an ally, will be around me while I’m at school. It’s too much stress.

Besides, what does Mia think about this matchmaking proposal? And what about Alice?


Why do I have to worry about this kind of thing?

I thought that I could achieve happiness just by becoming strong… but it seems that it’s not that simple.

After much thought, the conclusion I reached was to “talk directly to Mia.”


“I thought it was a thief cat, but I didn’t expect it to go this far. I’m not just angry, I’m disgusted.”


“Don’t get me wrong. I’m not angry about the engagement itself. I understand Luke’s position. Having a mistress is not uncommon, and I’m not such a narrow-minded woman. “


“What I’m angry about is that you were sneaking around and pushing forward with the engagement with Luke.”

“Come on, Alice, calm down a bit. Let’s talk about Mia’s situation a little more…”

“Can you keep quiet, brother? It’s creepy, so don’t speak.”

“What, Alice, that’s cruel…hah, hah…”


Some things happened, and currently, the Lonsdale and Lennox families have come to our house. 

Naturally, they were here to talk about the aforementioned engagement. 

There were only four of us here: me, Alice, Yolande, and Mia. 

Father was dealing with the others. Once again, he listened to my selfishness and set up this meeting. I must express my gratitude to him later.

“I’m sorry…I didn’t know. I had no idea things had progressed this far.”

Mia’s voice was so weak, it seemed like it could disappear in a puff of wind.

I see, so we’re both unhappy with this. In that case, let’s make it simple. Let’s just pretend this engagement never happened.

“I see. If you’re not happy with this either, then this engagement…”

“That’s not it!!”

Just a moment ago, Mia had a look of strong determination in her eyes, a complete change from before. The moment I saw it, I had an incredibly bad feeling.

“I really… love Luke… that’s the truth.”

See, my intuition was right. Alice looked at her with cold eyes, while Yolande had a creepy smile on his face as he watched the situation unfold.

“I’ll tell you one thing.”

I sighed and spoke.

“The feelings you have for me are fake feelings that I made you have as a ‘pawn’. In other words, it’s all an illusion. After all, that day, I only comforted you because…”

“…I know.”

Mia cut me off.

“I know everything. It might have been fake at first, but now it’s real.”


I had no sense of guilt. I wouldn’t compromise anything if it meant obtaining happiness. Even if it meant trampling on others.

I had no regrets about taking advantage of Mia’s feelings.

“I don’t love you. Do you still want to get married to me?”

I told her honestly, without any lies. However…

“…Yeah, I still want to be by Luke’s side. I want to be useful… and I’ll do my best so that you can come to like me in the future.”

Mia’s emotions exceeded my expectations.

…Love is heavy. Too heavy.

What is this? How can she hold such strong feelings?

Certainly, I took advantage of her weakened heart, but… no, this emotion is closer to ‘dependence’ than love.

“I’m also okay with being second… hehe”


—I shuddered.

The moment I saw Mia’s ecstatic eyes, something unpleasant ran down my spine. At the same time, I was convinced that my choice was the right one. If I had declined, something terrible would have happened.

Nevertheless, I would never regret my choice.

“I understand… I’ll accept this offer. alright? Alice.”

“I wouldn’t object to Luke’s decision. But let me make one thing clear. I’m above you, and you’re beneath me. Do you understand that, Mia?”

“I understand. Sorry for not being able to communicate well, Alice.”

“Congratulations, Luke!”


I was so tired… really tired.

“By the way, Mia. What about at night? Can you satisfy Luke?”

“Huh, at night…?”

“Don’t you know? There’s only one thing to do at night, right? S—”

” —Shut up already.”

I forcefully shut Alice’s mouth before she could say anything outrageous. While feeling annoyed with her increasingly rough breathing, I thought to myself.

—S***w you, fate.

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