The Damned Demon

Chapter 61 It's My Power!

"I did it…I killed them all! Fuck the gods! I am no longer weak!" Anong said with a wild expression as he kept stabbing the four corpses near his feet one after the other using the bloody shovel in his hand.

He had bashed them all to death, but he was still not feeling satisfied. He wished to shed more blood and became even more frustrated now that these four died too quick.

He who once felt unworthy to be blessed by the gods now only held scorn for them. With his newfound power, nobody can stand in his way!

"Enjoying yourself too much?" A man's voice sounded from behind, making Anong finally stop smashing the corpses as he turned around.

"Teacher? This is all thanks to you…Now nobody can bully me anymore," Anong said with a cold smile, his eyes as dark as they could get.

"Good for you that you got to fulfill your deepest desire. But unfortunately…now you have to pay the price for doing so…" Asher said as he slowly approached him, his expression not looking as gentle as it did before.

Anong felt great trepidation as he unconsciously took a step back and asked, "W-What price?"

Asher raised his finger to point at him, "Your soul, of course," Asher said, making Anong's heart thud as he felt the temperature around him rapidly rise. Now it dawned on him that his teacher was a demon in disguise and that he was after his power.

"No…no…NO! I am not giving up my power to you!" Anong said with a wild cry as he charged at Arthit to smash his head with the shovel.

Asher shook his head seeing how stupid this boy was, to think that the power he got was not something that came from a demon.

However, he wasn't surprised, considering how ignorant Anong was and how he was already drunk with the power he had received.

Asher didn't even bother to dodge as he simply caught the shovel before it could hit him and then placed his palm on Anong's chest, "How could it be your power when it was mine to begin with?"

Anong's eyes widened as he remembered what had happened when he was in the sick room. His memories were all hazy until now, when he stared at the face of death.

And before he could even beg for his life, his eyes widened as he saw his entire body suddenly bursting up in dark green flames.

"AAARGH!! NO!!!!" Anong's body floated up in the air as his mouth and eyes shone with a dark green light.

"Nothing personal, kid. This is the only path for me," Asher said with a tinge of pity in his eyes for killing someone he could relate with to a certain point. But the next moment, whatever human emotions he had retained were burned away as he realized letting go of whatever humanity he had inside him was the only way he could do these without feeling any hesitation or anything at all.

Waves and waves of dark green light escaped from Anong's body and flowed into Asher, who felt his entire being getting enriched by the inflow of power. He could feel how he was getting more power than what he gave Anong.

And all this was thanks to Anong's soul enriching the mana he transferred to him. He never knew even an ordinary human could be this useful. No wonder the more experienced demons preferred reaping to anything else.

The feeling of gaining power by reaping was no different than a rush of dopamine or even more exhilarating.

The more Asher absorbed the power inside Anong, the more wildly the dark green flames burned his body till his charred bones started to show up.

Anong's entire life force was being consumed to refine the mana his body had received from Asher earlier.

And finally, within the next few seconds, Asher finished reaping the entire refined mana inside Anong's body till there was nothing left but a charred black skeleton as it fell to the ground.

Asher's eyes were glowing with a dark green light as his skull briefly glowed beneath his skin after completely assimilating the power he had just absorbed.

The fraction of humanity that was previously visible in his eyes was now obscured as he indifferently glanced at the charred corpse of Anong before looking away.

He saw the timer stop at 0:09:59.

[ Quest successfully completed ]

[ 80 Rating Points received ]

Rating Points : 48 -> 128

[ Level up pending! ]

[ Rating Points reset for next level ]

Rating Points : 2 / 199

[ You have received the title 'Born To Reap' for finishing the trial before level 5 ]

Title : [ Born To Reap -> +10% bonus rating points from reaping quests]

Asher subtly smiled in satisfaction to see that he was already ready for the next level up within just 10 hours.

But he didn't waste time relishing in his success and immediately began to draw the rune circle to send his soul back to the demon realm.

He had previously seen the runes he was drawing now during his life as a Hunter. He had studied them as thoroughly as he could despite not understanding them fully due to not being a demon at that time.

But now that he was one, he was able to quickly learn it from Merina and made no mistakes while drawing them. Still, it took him about a minute till he called upon the system to power these runes.

[ 20 Life Crystals utilized ]

Asher's felt as if his mind was being squeezed out of a bottle, and the next moment, he felt as if he was being squeezed into a different bottle before he was finally able to regain all his senses.

His eyes quivered subtly as they opened, and he saw the dark red light of the sun coming in through the windows. Apparently, whenever it was night on Earth, it would be daylight in the demon realm, which was something he already knew in his past life.

"Master…you really did it…" A woman's voice of disbelief sounded from behind.

Asher got up and turned around to see Merina looking at him as if she was looking at a monster.

As expected, she didn't even seem to have slept and was waiting for him to return.

"It's not like I had a choice…did I?" Asher said with a subtle smirk.

Merina felt as if something about him changed after he returned, though she couldn't really put her finger on it.

However, the fact that he finished the reaping trial at just level two was just inconceivable. Nobody had ever achieved something like that.

Despite being born a cripple, was he actually a hidden genius?

"Why? Were you expecting me to die during the trial?" Asher sarcastically chuckled as he made himself fall on a chair to steady his mind.

Even though he was looking alright on the outside, he was actually feeling quite dizzy, which he thought was because he was not used to his soul going to and fro between worlds. And the blood rush from reaping a soul was still lingering in his body.

Merina frantically shook her head as she kneeled before him and said, "This slave wouldn't dare. My life and that of my family's lies in your hands. It's just that…this slave is…" Merina wanted to say that she was genuinely shocked, but she was afraid that he might think she was mocking him.

Asher lazily looked down and saw her enticing deep cleavage. Apparently, she had forgotten to put on her shirt because of how nervous she had been earlier. He felt something stirring down there and curved his lips as he said, "You still have to be responsible for your sins. Tell me how you are going to go about doing so?"

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