The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 80: Consortion

Parc crossed over Esdeath's legs, moving himself before Kurome who was waiting with bated breath's with her pink pussy spread open, ready for Parc to thrust his meat shaft into her and sate her desires.

"You've waited so long," Parc cupped Kurome's cheek, letting her lean into his hand with a soft whine and hazy eyes. Leaning into her Parc brought his face just centimetres away from hers. Each tasting the other breaths as it stroked against the other.

"My little puppy," with that Parc pressed his lips against her, pushing her hard against the back rest. Tasting and charting each other in an embrace of pure passion, one of his most passionate.

To Kurome it felt like her body was on fire. Every inch of her from her head to her toes were twisting and growing more sensitive by the second.

She loved him. She loved her master. The man who saved her from the empire who tore away those drug laced candies from her and made her body no longer ache and scream out in agony whenever she went through withdrawals.

He had done so much to her, had saved her. He had turned her body and mind to seeing through eyes of love unfettered by a fear of being seen as weak. All that mattered to her now was her master, to be whatever he wanted. It was the least she could offer him, her body, for simply being near him.

Her arms wrapped around Parc's body, hands pressing into his muscled back while. "Mhaa~" Kurome moaned as Parc separated from her lips. Pulling back enough to see her cheeks a bright red and her lips hung open.

His heart fluttered as he saw this sight, his little puppy so enthralled with him that he could feel nothing but her utmost loyalty to him. "Since when had you burrowed into my heart like this?" Parc teased her with a smirk truly having found this girl somehow tore out and replaced a part of his heart, with her.

Strange considering all he had done to her, treating her as nothing but a fun toy he could play with or as a tool he could use to keep watch over the Jaegers from the shadows. Acting as his hound in the wilds.

But, like a dog she had made her mark on him, in turn turning him to being unable to even think himself without her. "Three months," Parc chuckled. "Three months and I can't see myself without you." Their faces still just a few, small centimetres away from the others.

Was it normal for someone with a system so devoid of sentiment to find a connection with a target? He guessed most likely not. This conquest system seemed so devoid of any such sentiments of 'romance' or connection. And yet here he stood, well, knelt. His penis pressing against the stomach of a woman who's hands locked tightly onto his back staring up at him with unfiltered adoration. A bright smile on her face from what Parc was saying about her.

The joy, the utter joy she felt learning that he reciprocated her love. How it made her so happy.

"Master," Kurome whined, glazed black eyes locking with his red, "mark me."

Parc's heart flitered at her request, his erect member twitching against her belly.

How could he say no?

Pulling his hips back, Parc dug his hand to his shaft, holding the base of the still slimy member from his intercourse with Esdeath. Guiding it to Kurome's waiting moistness. He wasn't rough as he pushed open her vulva, separating the two walls which parted smoothly and without resistance as if it itself yearned for him to push deeper.

"Haa~" a moan fell from Kurome's lips. Her eyes shutting and her chest arching up, while her arms tightened on Parc's back.

He was gentle as he pushed into Kurome, letting her insides, slick with her natural lubricant suck him in until finally he was pressed against the opening of her uterus, tightly shut in comparison to the rest of her body.

Once he was sheathed within her, he halted. Not moving, not thrusting. Just feeling as they were both connected at the groin. While they sat still with only Kurome's panting and Parc's heavy breaths to announce what they were doing, Esdeath small, near unnoticeable sleeping snores playing a backdrop as Kurome began to tighten around Parc's shaft.

"Master~" Whining, Parc needed no more of a hint to know she wanted him to continue and make her his once and for all.

His hips pulled back, dragging along her tight walls before thrusting back in, eliciting a highpitched whine from Kurome.

"Master~ master~" she repeated again and again as he continued pumping into her with slow, rhythmic movements.

"Haa-nhaa-master~" her fingers curled digging her nails into Parc's back, leaving small scratches in it while her body was repeatedly pushed against the backrest from Parc's deep thrusts. Each and every one knocking against her womb.

Kurome's body grew hotter by the thrust, her groin which was laced with the pleasure of her masters rod was sending powerful reverberations around her body, assaulting her nerves. Drawing her to the final cusp of pleasure.

"Fuaaa~" Kurome shivered as a miniature orgasm—a sign of her quickly approach full-fledged one—assailed her, causing her pussy to tighten even further, its bumps and fleshy grooves squeezing and undulating to draw out Parc's pleasure.

"Master~ ahn-nhaa~ I'm cumming~ ahaaa~ I'm cumming!" she cried out, eye lulling and rolling in their sockets, her body convulsing.

Parc grit his teeth, his own pleasure knocking at the wall of climax for the third time tonight, "me to Kurome. Cum, let us cum together," his words affected Kurome, her insides shifted and the wall of her womb seemed to loosen as if in preparation for the final thrust of Parc's cock into her.

Pulling his hips back as far as he could without leaving Kurome's body, Parc glance down to his adorable puppy. Body laced in sweat that caused her black leather corset to glisten. Her hair dishevelled around her two dog ears while her face was molten to pleasure and pure happiness.

A smile came to Kurome's lips as she locked her milky blacks with his eyes. Her hands unfurling from his back, trailing over his chest to his cheeks. "Master. I love you~"

That was the final straw that broke the proverbial camels back. Thrusting his hips with such power he pressed Kurome into the backrest with such force it may have been painful were they both not so enraptured in orgasm.

"AHHHHH!" Kurome screamed out, her back arching as the tip of Parc's penis penetrated through her uterine walls, sending thick, milky seed into her body with a gruff grunt of his own.

Both remained tightly in eachothers embrace, Kurome sensing every spurt of his semen knocking against the back of her uterus. Parc feeling Kurome's walls clench and twist, undulating to milk him like a hungry beast.

"Haa… haa…" Finally having had enough, Parc tilted to the side, falling onto his back besides Kurome. Panting, three times had he climaxed, while not a record compared to his first time with Esdeath, it was still tiring nonetheless.

"Master��" he turned his head towards Kurome who sat legs splayed open leaking a thick stream of spunk out of her crotch. Her lips quivering while her glossy eyes grew even moister than they already were until two trails of tears formed running down her cheeks. "Waaahh!" she cried, lunging onto Parc's chest, curling her hands on his chest.

Parc's mouth hung agape for a second before shutting into a soft, reassuring smile, his hand coming to gently stroke against Kurome's back. "Shh, I'm here."

"I'm so happy master!" she sniffled and wept, her dream to become masters was finished and she had the proof of it right there on her belly.

Pulling off of Parc's chest, Kurome kept sniffling, her head lowering to look at her groin, but something was wrong. There—unlike with Esdeath—was nothing, no gem, no mark, no heart shaped crystal. Simply flat, pale skin.

"Eh?" Kurome mouthed, hand shooting to her belly, scratching at her skin, searching for her mark. For her MASTERS mark. Why wasn't it there? It should be there! She was his! She was his belonging! His puppy!

Did he refuse her? Did he not want her? Was she not meant to be his? Was he going to abandon her? Leave her to die?

Those were all the thoughts shooting through the girls mind, fear and horror that she was unworthy to ever truly become her masters.

"Kurome, your hand." She heard Parc's voice through the turmoil of emotions.

Lifting her trembling hand up, Kurome's eyes widened, her lips trembling and more tears trailing down her cheeks. Bringing her left hand to her chest, Kurome cupped it behind her right, hunching over launching into full blown weeping laughter.

There, nesteled right around the base of her ring finger right above her knuckle was a ring of crystalline obsidian. Wrapping fully around the digits with a seeming wave like pattern to it.

[Consort Formed]

[Hidden Objective Complete]

[Rewards Granted Upon Completion of Main Objectives]

"I'm so happy. I'm so happy, master." Kurome Leaned onto Parc's chest, a giddy smile to her face as she smelt his powerful essence.

Parc's eyes lingered on the announcement for just a moment before returning to Kurome. His first consort. His first wife.

"As am I-gh," Parc flinched, feeling a sudden suction around his flaccifying member.

"Master?" Kurome tilted her head curiously, hearing a wet squelching noise from Parc's lower body that drew her attention down to spot a mane of lone light blue hair and annoyed blue eyes staring up at them both.

The owner, Esdeath had her lips locked firmly around Parc's member, forcing blood to return to it and into full erection before bringing a full vacuum. Making a popping noise as she pulled off of him. Cum leaving a trail down her chin from her lip.

Kurome's eyes sharpened and she lunged towards Esdeath, roughly shoving her away from Parc with a guttural growl coming from her throat.

Esdeath caught herself, locking eyes with Kurome as they both sat either side of Parc in a silent glaring match. Parc just looking between them dumbly while their eyes shifted to squints and widened like they were conversing in some foreign woman language.

"Darlings cock is mine." Esdeath finally said in words he, a mere mortal Nephilim could understand.

"Masters penis does not belong to you. Esdeath." Kurome scathed, glancing down to the near complete gemstone on Esdeath's belly, "it belongs only to him and his lovers. Something you aren't."

Esdeath rose a brow, "not a lover?" anger coursed through her voice, "darling is my husband!" she yelled batting her chest sending a ripple through them.

"Then why isn't masters mark complete! You still refuse to submit to master!" she argued.

A tick mark appeared on Esdeaths forehead, "do not submit you say? Fine!" Esdeath turned to Parc, glaring him in the eyes, "I submit. You win." She looked back to Kurome with curled lips, "there, glad now, bitch?" she hissed as the heart shaped gem finally sealed into a full icy blue stone.

[Objective complete]

[Conquer: Esdeath]

[Rewards Granted Upon Completion of Main Objectives]

"Yes." Kurome nodded, growing more passive. "But master doesn't belong to you."

"Of course he does!" Esdeath argued, "darling belongs only to me! You are just an onhanging parasite!"

"Girls…" his voice went unheard as Kurome held her left hand up, wiggling her fingers to show off the black crystal ring around her finger.

"Then why don't you have a ring? Master made me his wife. Not a simple lover." Was that a twinge of cockiness to her voice? Because it sounded like a twinge of cockiness to Esdeath who began to fume.

"And!? There is no document saying you are his wife! A simple ring means nothing!"

"Yes it does! It means master loves me more than you!"

Parc could see this dog fight going somewhere very bad, very fast if he didn't do something.

"GIRLS SHUT UP!" he yelled, zipping both their lips just as they were about to launch into another shouting match.

They kept their eyes locked in squints towards each other before letting out individual 'hmphs!' turning away from each other.

Looking between them, Parc could only imagine how frustrating the next days were going to become, especially considering Esdeath seemed to have calmed down from psychopathic possessiveness of him to just plain possessiveness. Which was a step in the right direction anyways.

"Haa…" he sighed wanting to just fall asleep.

Leaning his head against the bed, Parc didn't notice that both Kurome and Esdeath's eyes had travelled down to his newly erect member. Both meeting eyes once again, but with less hostility. Both nodding before lowering themselves down to the bed.

Kurome's mouth parting and closing on the tip, while Esdeath went further down, parting her lips around Parc's balls and began to suck.

"Guu," he groaned in response turning down to the sight of both girls side by side, tending to his member in unison.

'God I love my life.' He shut his eyes, letting the girls do their work.

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