The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 69: Seryu's Reunion

Najenda had found herself seated atop a large boulder overlooking part of the forest surrounding the capital. Pinching her cigarette between her index and middle, she pulled it from her mouth, letting out a puff of ashen air, staring far into the distance at the looming palace in the distance, from so far away it looked so pathetic, barely as large as an ant. And yet it was still visible even now.

Her mind wandered to the same thing it had so many times now, "Parc…" she mumbled, she worried for him, she truly did, but as their leader she couldn't let her worry show through. She had to be their stone. Something both Sheele and Mine needed in spades.

While Leone could handle herself, Najenda had noticed she had grown a habit of biting her nails whenever she tried to pretend like Parc's capture wasn't bothering her. She had even offered to be the one to be Parc's shadow, keeping watch over the Jaegers for any opportunity they could get to help Parc get out.

But that honour soon fell to the newest member of the crew, Chelsea. Originally Akame had been assigned to watch over them but when they got this mission to run off to Kyoroch to assassinate a minister to a rising religion known as the Path of Peace named Bolic. She had been called back, while Chelsea went out to be their new eyes.

The mission was simple, all things considered. Assassinate a highly guarded minister in a religion who drugs and gets girls addicted to some drug and turns them into sex slaves while holding the drug over their heads to keep them in line.

A truly despicable man. How he had infiltrated the Path of Peace was a miracle. But he needed to be dealt with either way so that the Path of Peace could commence its insurrection without a hitch.

And with that insurrection the Empire would surely crumble as not only would the Path of Peace be attacking, but so too would a tribe in the west and the Revolutionary Army in the south. All three working in tandem to topple the governing body and bring about a reform to this Empire.

Now they, Night Raid, just needed to ensure that whatever the Prime Ministers mole was planning within the Path of Peace would never come to fruition.

"Be well, Parc…" locking her fingers together, Najenda rested her chin on her hand, eyes shutting, feeling a slight nervousness for Parc's safety. He had somehow ingrained himself upon her during his stay in Night Raid, and now it was truly coming to show in her. She'd even go so far as saying she missed him and that fluffy feeling he caused in her belly. "Can't believe I'm even feeling that," she snorted.

Just then, harsh thumpings of air, the flapping of a birds wings resounded in her ears causing her to lift her head to the sky and see a small, avian silhouette. "New is it?" holding her left arm out to the falcon, she let it land on her. Eyeing the piece of paper tied around its foot.

She quickly pried it off with her prosthetic fingers while lowering the falcon onto her knee. Flipping the paper open she began to read.

"Seven people… They've brought Parc with them?" it was an unusual prospect for them to just bring along a prisoner, one they knew Night Raid would be wanting to get out, on a hunt for them. 'What are you planning Esdeath?'


Seryu grumbled her way through the forests in search of some prey she could bring back. Her arm morphed into a large blade, chopping through tree after tree to vent her frustration with the Jaegers.

How could they be so calm around that monster!? How!? He murdered Stylish! He murdered so many people!

And now just because Esdeath was pregnant he was to be protected!?


How she wanted to sever his head from his shoulder, how she wanted to feed his corpse to Koro. How she wanted to get her revenge on that scum.

But no. Protect the murderer even though one of his victims was her saviour and her teacher. He deserved death. It didn't matter if that child would live without him. He deserved death. It would be better for them all.

"Grrr," Seryu growled herself in place of Koro, throwing her head back she roared to the heavens until her voice cracked and went hoarse. In the trees surrounding them flocks of birds bolted to the skies, bringing about a foreboding silence to her surroundings.

"Haa… haa… haa…" she panted, her lungs barely keeping up with her required oxygen supply. Suddenly her breathing halted in tandem with the snap of a twig and the growl of Koro. Her eyes darting to the depths of the forest where she heard the snap come from behind a tree.

It seemed prey was coming to her to let her vent her frustration.

A morbid grin formed on her face as she swung her bladed arm back, her feet kicking off the ground sending her launching towards the tree where she swung her arm down, feeling it cut through bark and filling the air with a sharp clang and gasp of breath.

Seryu's expression immediately turned serious, 'human…' she thought, backing away from the tree to see a figure hooded in a grey cloak holding a thick blade out before him, his arms trembling from the sheer strength Seryu put behind her attack.

"Who are you!?" Seryu yelled, "A bandit?" she growled stepping to the side beginning to circle the figure. No response came.

"A spy?"

Still nothing.

Her eyes fell to slits, "Silence is it? Then you are an evildoer." In seconds she twisted her bladed arm and dashed towards the figure, slashing up and diagonally across their chest only for them to block once again.

"Geh-" the man grunted as he was launched backwards, colliding with a tree knocking the breath out of his lungs.

Getting the chance to catch his breath was only a pipe dream as Seryu kept her assault up, ruthelessely slasshing at him all whilst screaming profanities and her frustrations at the top of her lungs.

"DIE-DIE-DIE-DIE-DIE! YOU SHOULD JUST DIE YOU DESPICABLE MONSTER!" The man could tell he wasn't the one those words were meant for.

"Seryu," the man tried to say only to be silence as Koro lunged at him, nearly tearing his throat out had he not back pedaled out of the teigus reach.

"I NEVER SHOULD HAVE LISTEND TO THEM! I NEVER SHOULD HAVE HESITATED!" She screamed, her voice croaking from strain.

"Seryu, please stop," the man said, being promptly ignored as Seryu slammed her arm straight down against his sword, sending the man to his knees arms shaking from the strength Seryu was putting into her crushing attack.

The man, the boy could see the pain in her insane eyes. He needed to do something. But before that he needed to calm her and her dog down from tearing his throat out.

With a grunt, he put as much strength into his legs as he could send Seryu stumbling backwards.

And as she did, she caught herself, about to charge forth once again. Yet her feet halted when she saw a glint of metal soaring through the sky. The mans sword, he tossed it at her, not with any power, nor malice as it simply landed on the ground in front of her. The mans hands raising up in surrender.

"Seryu. Please. It's me," he said gripping his hood and pulled it back to reveal the soft features and brown spiky hair Seryu was all to familiar with.

At the sight of him both Seryu and Koro froze, "T-Tatsumi?"

A smile rose on Tatsumi's lips, soon forming to a goofy smile, "yeah, that's my name." he chuckled rubbing his nose with the back of his hand.

Seryu's arm fell, her blade scratching against the ground as her jaw trembled, mist forming in her eyes as she saw him clearer.

"It's uh, it's been awhile, hasn't it?" Tatsumi averted his eyes and scratched the back of his head. It had been more than just a single month since they last saw each other. 'Awhile' was an understatement if he ever heard one.

Seryu with nary a thought darted towards him, her arms opening while Tatsumi screamed, "ARM, YOUR ARM!"

Luckily, Koro seemed to understand and in the seconds it took for Seryu to arrive before him, chomped down on her bladed arm, returning it to its usual mechanical arm shape for her launch herself and wrap her arms around Tatsumi's chest with enough force that he was sent falling to the ground with her atop him.

Tatsumi's mind was dazed from its sudden collision with the floor. But soon returned to him when he heard the cries of the girl atop him. How she released her heart to him in a manner that wasn't pure rage. A strange sight, the other Jaegers would say were they here to see her. She only showed tears like this once when they learnt of Dr. Stylish's death. And yet this boy was able to draw them out with just the sight of him.

Tatsumi's lips fell open, soon forming into a soft smile, lifting his hand to place it on Seryu's head, gently stroking her auburn hair, muttering small words, "It's okay Seryu. Let it out." What had gotten her like this, he didn't know, but if she needed someone to vent to, he was more than happy to be that person.



Decided to give you all a little something extra. Enjoy.

And I also had a question.

Are there any types of play you'd like to see in the future? this goes for both TCB and any other stories I write.

So any fetishes, and subcategories of fetishes. (For example, in BDSM there's petplay, breathplay, Wax play, shibari, etc.) Let me know if theres anything you'd like to maybe see in the future.

Oh and things you just find erotic or interesting. Things like props go in this, like intricate nipple clamps like one I found on Etsy that looks very fun for Parc to use on a girl in the future.

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