The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 39: Morning Wood

The morning rays of light shone through the window, bathing Parc and the two girls besides him in the suns warm embrace. Their bodies still bare from their nightly fun. Mine on his right happily nuzzling in tighter to him as a gust of wind blew in from outside, stroking against her uncovered back where Parc's hand was resting lazily on the bed.

To his left his, his arm had somehow snake down between Sheele's body, her pressing his arm tighter between her breasts while hooking a leg over his. All three still asleep with small smiles on their faces that wouldn't last longer.

Soft footsteps filled the room along with sloshing water which soon turned to splashing as all three shot awake now covered in cold water.

"WHAT THE!?" Mine yelped bursting upright, her loose hanging hair turned to strands as water dripped down her face.

Besides her, Parc coughed up some water that had gotten into his lungs as he breathed. And Sheele who's eyes had just barely opened but her grip on Parc tightening as she shivered just a little.

"WHO!?" Mine seathed, searching the room for the culprit, only to find and empty bucket laid on the ground with a curious kitten clambering into it like all cats tended to do. With a growl Mine flicker her arms to the side, her once peaceful rest turned to anger at the only person she knew would do something like this.

"Leone…" She growled.

Shaking his head Parc gave a light tap to Mine's lower back just above her butt. The feeling sending a small shiver down her spine as she looked to Parc.

"WHA-t…" Mine scream dialled down as she caught sight of Parc staring up at her with Sheele only just starting to push herself up, her own hair stuck to her face logged with water. The memory of last night bubbling to the forefront of her mind sending her body into a fit of heat as she flushed a shade of pink.

"Morning," Parc chuckled seeing how quickly her demeanor shifted from anger to nervousness. With Sheele off his arm he sat up. Lifting a hand up to cup Mine's reddened cheek. Mine nestling into his hand with a ditzy smile.

"M-morning," she stuttered as Parc leaned towards her, gently guiding her closer to him so he could give her a light peck on the lips. Just enough to make her melt happily and feel like she was a dog wagging its tail at a furious pace. "Mnn," she whined as he pulled away from her. Any sign of her previous anger gone and banished.

"Me too," Sheele poked Parc's side, getting him to chuckle and face her, quickly pressing his lips to hers in a short but passionate kiss. "Nnn," like Mine, she too whined as he pulled away, resentful at how short it was.

Now that his newly formed morning tradition had passed, Parc ran a hand through his waterlogged hair swiftly ruffling it flinging water into Sheele and Mine's face.

"Could you not!?" Mine grumbled wiping down her face from his ruffling.

"Sorry," he chuckled.

Stretching his arms out he groaned, his arms popping as he did. "That's one way to wake up, ain't it girls?" He questioned the two.

"Mnn… It's cold…" Sheele muttered turning to get off the bed. Her perky bottom taking Parc's gaze.

"Ahem!" Mine coughed to get his attention. Raising a brow at his indecent stares.

"Mine," Parc mischievously grinned. Wrapping an arm around her he suddenly tugged on her.

"Ah!" She yelped, finding herself on his lap.

She barely had time to look up to him before he pressed his lips against hers, smelling his sweetly scent of oranges and mint. His tongue pressing through her lips and teeth into her mouth. Her mind sparked and her body shivered from the twisting presses of his tongue against hers.

So hazed was her mind from his passion that she didn't feel his fingers stroked down from the bottom of her ribs. Only experiencing a jolt of shortlived pleasure as he rubbed against her pink gemstone.

"Fuah-" Mine gasped as Parc pulled his lips away. Her body flushed, wanting even more of his passion, "b-bully," her hips bucking just a little as his fingers found their way to her clit. Rubbing it in small circles with the tip of his middle finger. "Ahn," she moaned.

Parc leaned down to her ear and whispered, "I wake up with to beautiful naked girls in bed with me. Where else am I supposed to look," he buried his face.

"Mnn, o-our faces, nnn," she whined, enjoying the feeling of Parc's lips against her skin and his fingers pressing into her slit. "Nhh."

"I will when you have clothes on," he teased.

Mine felt something hard pressing into her butt, anticipation coursing through her body as she felt his penis getting harder and pressing deeper into her ass.

Were this the her from last night she may have said something along the lines of 'stop that! Its too early for this!'

But the her of now, the one that had spent the night in both Parc and Sheele's embrace and come to accept her carnal desire for what they were. That Mine shifted on Parc's lap, until she was straddling him. His cock pressed between their bodies.

"stop teasing me," she whimpered with her arms hanging loosely over Parc's shoulders face to face with him.

"But it's so fun," he chuckled lowering a single hand to her ass and squeezed it, her flesh just barely falling between his fingers as he lifted her hips up. His other gripping around the base of his shaft, moving it to flick in and out of her dampening snatch.

"Hnnn!" Mine cried her eyes watering up at his continued bullying, "Just do it! Fuck me!" she desperately cried, using what power she could to go against Parc's own and tried to lower herself onto his shaft when she felt it flick between her labia.

Parc wasn't going to say no to such a kind request. He kept his cock steady, his grip on Mine's ass loosening, letting her body do all the work as she plunged him into her warm pussy.

"AHN!" she cried out, she hadn't expected him to release her completely, so she had put in too much force which ended in him crashing against her cervix. Her eyes rolled and her head bobbed from the mind numbing feeling of him pressing against her deepest parts.

"Ohh, ohhhh," Parc had for once not gone to make his own movements, just letting Mine sit there with his cock engulfed to the base. Waiting for her mind to return to her.

He wouldn't have to wait for long.

Mine's slowly began to buck her hips back and forth in small, rhythmic patterns. "Nnn, ahh," she moaned all the same. Her arms tightening around Parc's neck while bringing her head over his shoulder.

Parc held a hand atop her hip, grunting every now and then whenever Mine put more strength into her bucking than usual.

"Parc," he lifted his eyes to see Sheele crawling onto the bed, her lips slightly open and a haze in her eyes. He grinned as she got closer. Sheele placed her hands onto Mine's back as she lessened the distance between them until Parc and her lips were touching, tongues invading the others.

Mine could care less that Parc was smooching Sheele as she was much too focused on his cock inside her. Caring even less that Sheele's hands snaked between her and Parc's body towards her tits. Firmly squeezing them and massaging the fluffy flesh.

"Nnn, mnn, ahn," her moans picked up along with the bucking of her hips. Sheele and Parc separating from eachother leaving Sheele panting as she moved her face to the other side of Mine's neck and began to suck on her skin while still massaging Mine's breasts.

Parc growled as a dull ache grew in his balls. He rose his hands and gripped Mine's hips, his feet plant into the bed.

Mine could tell he was near, she was as well, and had been for awhile, yet she just couldn't vault the final, orgasmic hurdle. At least, until now.

Parc's grip tightened even further on her hips, and with a single, powerful thrust with his hips in unison with when Mine lowered her own, did he press open her cervix, forcing his tip into her womb.

Mine's eyes shot open, the feeling of his semen flooding her womb being the final nail in the coffin of ecstasy, "AHHHH!" She screamed, her back arching into Sheele's chest. Sheele coddling her with a gentle embrace while she twitched with every spurt of cum filling her yearning body.

Her eyes flickered weakly, mind entering a white void for but a single moment before returning. 'd-dangerous, this is too dangerous,' she thought. Her limpening hands just barely able to climb over Parc's shoulders and cup her belly where her womb lay in her body, directly under the pink gemstone.

Mine's watery eyes lifted up, meeting with Parc's, she could tell the grin on her face was goofy and perverse from the drool she felt trickling down her chin onto her chest. Parc's own lips curling up into what she could only formulate as a loving smile.

Just then, Parc's gaze diverted to dull shimmer coming from Mine's gem, yet that was all that came. As just as quickly the slight glow dissipated. Whatever that meant, it sent shivers down his spine, a feeling that if it kept up something big was bound to happen with Mine.

And he wasn't sure he was ready for whatever that entailed.

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