The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 271: A Call Back Home

Gazing across the pool, past the bridging gazebo, Parc watched his favourite—in the loosest sense of the word—man glare his way. Bleu. To be honest, Parc was growing quite bored with the man after the last four days. Every day it was a scowl here and glower there. If anything he reminded Parc of Yang with how much hate he held in those little eyes of his. Like daggers ready to blare down and eviscerate him to pieces.

If the man himself wasn't so lacklustre plain, Parc may have even felt a slight bit of amusement to the man's actions. But no, as he looked at the man, at his hair clad chest and one pack stomach, Parc couldn't help but shake his head helplessly. He didn't deserve that wife of his. She was too beautiful for him.

Turning his eyes just slightly to the side, Parc narrowed his gaze at the woman in question. With a shake of his head, he lamented how she hid behind that long-sleeved dress of hers, hiding all of her voluptuous body beneath sheets of light greys. She stuck out like a sore thumb on the poolside. Women were abound in bikinis with their panties practically digging into their cheeks and squishing their plump rumps. But her… the only skin on her body visible was her feet, hands, and face. Even then, she wore a large hat that cloaked her fine features in darkness.

Mulling the thought, Parc's fingers rapped against his sunbathing bunk and hearing a sleepy mewl from his side turned his head to Blake. She was clad in a less than modest black and gold bikini top and bottom. Laid on her belly, her back faced the sun while the strings of her bra were undone, leaving her thin, almost bony back open and free from gaining a bra strap tanline. Baring the times he'd been fucking her, this was always her favourite time of the day. A time to be lazy and just sleep in the sun.

Just like a real cat.

Snorting, Parc rolled his head and hearing a small buzz from his side glanced to his blue screened phone and saw it vibrating. Swiping it up, he flipped the machine over and inspected the dark screen to see a call coming in from Summer. Normally, he'd be out of CCTS range considering his current high altitude, but one thing he'd discovered about his scroll, and subsequently the cellphone he'd brought in from his terrarium, is that somehow it subverted the CCTS, It didn't quite make sense to him, especially considering Remnant wasn't known for having its satellites, so he just chalked it up to one of those perks of the Conquerors system.

"So much to do…" he mulled. Flicking up the little green button, Parc accepted Summer's call. Pondering as he did so how much work he still had to do. A swift jerk of his eyes to his side caught the hovering gold screen of his quest log and shook his head at what he saw.

[Conquer: Salem] [Conquer: Maidens 1/4]

[Kill: Ozma]

[Challenge: Unity = 32%]

He'd been in the world for so long already and he'd barely scratched his quests. His challenge on the other hand, had been trapped hovering between thirty and thirty-five percent since his arrival. A far cry from his needed seventy-five percent. Once he got his infrastructure set up and his plans in motion, he was hoping that would perk up rapidly.

'Should look into Salem when I get back. She's been looking for me.' His lips twitched upwards, his mind reeling to Cinder and her drenched form from those weeks ago. 'She's so going to kill me.' Snorting, he focused on his screen and saw Summer's forehead appear on it.

"Good evening, Ms Rose." He chuckled, watching as Summer lowered the camera enough that her full face could be seen. Silver eyes rolled and shook her head in tandem with a little giggle escaping her.

"Don't call me that Parc."

"Alright, alright. Honey."

Summer's cheeks puffed, hissing out a whispering breath, "even worse." Sharing a laugh, Summer glanced off the phone and down the ways, in what little Parc could see, he could see she was still in their bunker. When she turned back she asked, "how are things there." Accentuated by a little nervous gulp and a sparkle in her eyes. Parc could almost visibly see her mind fall to those lascivious, cum-covered pussy cat pictures he'd sent her of Blake twitching and shivering on their bed.

"Good, good, can't complain," he said, darting across the pool he saw a poolside waitress deliver to Bleu and Marigold a cocktail. "Well, not entirely true. You know that guy I told you about?"

Summer nodded in the screen, "the one you said you think is hitting his wife? Yeah, I remember. What about him? You going to…"

"Most likely." Parc reached to the table separating him and Blake and lifted his drink, soda, and enjoyed the fizz as it teased the back of his throat. "People like that," a flame lit in his eyes, one of rage and hate even more than Bleu's but quickly let it fade away. "They don't deserve to live."

For moments past, Summer kept silent. Staring at him with her gaze soft and worried. "I… know it's not really my place to say. But I don't think you should kill him." He didn't react, just kept calm, kept watching her, let her speak some more. "I get that what he's doing to her is… it's horrible, there's no two ways about it. But that doesn't mean he has to die for it."

"As far as I'm concerned, hitting a woman is deserving of death, Summer."

"I get that. And I agree… to a degree. But if you were to kill every man who hurt a woman or even vice versa you'd never sleep."

"I don't plan to kill every one of them. Just him." Crossing his legs, Parc sat up and cracked his back noisily before laying back down to feel the sunlight heat his skin.

"Still…" Summer trailed off, her voice growing softer by the second before she shook her head and sighed. "I can't stop you, so I'm not even going to bother. Just… Parc, be careful. Don't… don't let them figure out it was you."

His brows flared and lowered, "I will. How's Khione doing?"

A smile rapidly rose on Summer's lips, curling them up at the end so far it even tugged pen her lips and revealed her pristine white teeth even as she gazed off-screen. "She's doing so good, here, let me show you." The picture shifted as Summer turned her scroll around and pointed the camera to a small sleeping ball of baby blue hair. The infant was laid on the Summer's lap wrapped snuggly in a light pastel blue blanket. Cosily dozing away in a manner he thought non-existent for newborns.

'Beautiful,' he thought, pride welling in his chest as he looked down upon the creation of his. Quickly the screen turned back to Summer.

"She's been doing amazingly. She's eating really well, sleeping like an absolute log which is amazing. Ruby was nothing like that she would cry day in and day out begging me to feed her." A fond smile rose on her face, reminiscent even.

"And Esdeath? She been getting any better?"

Just like that, her expression contorted, her mouth opened and strained an expression.

"I'll take that as a no."

"I mean. She doesn't complain about feeding her as much as when you were here… and… I did have to stop her from giving Khione a knife at one point." Colour drained from Summer's cheeks and Parc let out a weak, nervous laugh.

"Where is she now? Sleeping?" Summer nodded, affirming his thoughts as she turned the camera and pointed it towards the zonked-out general. Her hand over her eyes and breathing steadily. From the way Summer was holding the camera and just how Esdeath was laying, he could see up her skirt and to her cameltoed blue panties. Inwardly nodding at the pleasant mons he could mess with whenever now that Khione was out and about and not taking up space inside her.

"Like a log. Honestly, I do all the work in this house and she's the one who's more tired. It makes no sense to me. It's like she's sleeping to avoid having to take care of Khione" She puffed.

"Sounds like something she'd do." It bothered him that he couldn't say otherwise. "How's Ruby doing? It's her birthday soon right?"

"Mmm, Saturday. I'm… I don't know what to do about it. I just… I haven't been there for so many of them that it just feels… off? I don't know how to say it."

"It doesn't feel like you deserve it."

Her expression shifted, once more scrunching up as her head bobbed side to side. "I guess? It just…" Summer's body bounced, as she got into a more comfortable position. "I haven't been there for ten of her birthdays. So I just… I don't feel like I belong there, at least, I don't feel like I have any right to even celebrate it."

"She doesn't care Summer. You should know that. As far as Ruby's concerned having you back is more of a reason to celebrate than her birthday of all things."

Summer shook her head, straining to say something, "no… it still… It just doesn't feel right. I don't… I barely even know what to get her."

"A knife." What tension had clad Summer dissipated as a whining breath escaped her.

"You don't say. And that's not a present. That's a weapon."

"It's Ruby. If it goes shanky shanky, it's as good as a present." She couldn't argue that, even if it wasn't the most comfortable of ideas. "You could also just bake her a bunch of cookies or a cake or whatnot. I'm pretty sure anything you give her will make her ecstatic."

"Mmm… mm… I'll look into it. Still got a few days to figure it out. And oh god," Summer suddenly groaned, her hand lifted into the screen and massaged her brow and the bridge of her nose, piquing Parc's curiosity as she suddenly seemed to age a year or twenty.

"What's wrong?"

She looked to him, shot her gaze away and shook her head. "Nothing, nothing, it's just… Yang sent me a message yesterday that uh… Tai's set up his wedding with Mauve…"


"I know. Don't know how I'm going to deal with that."

"Well, you don't have to do it alone. I'll be there for you every step of the way." She scoffed at that.

"I know, I know. Still, just weird knowing my husband… ex… husband, is going to marry someone else thinking I'm dead. It's wrong."

"But it's what you want. It's why you haven't gone to see him yet."

"I mean, I can't go to him now. I'd ruin his relationship with her and I've got my relationship with you and I… I don't want to lose that."

"You'd leave me for Tai after everything I've done to you?" a crooked smirk rose on his lips, one of amusement, not threatened by the notion as he knew Summer better than most.

Summer's cheeks flared red, those memories returning to her of sleepless, sex-filled nights of debauchery. "It's, you know what I mean."

"Do I?"

Shaking her head, a low mumbling noise found its way through the speakers and pulled Summer's head down to Khione. "Oh, looks like she's getting hungry. I've got to go, I'll call you later, okay?"

"Perfect. Try not to cheat on me while I'm gone."

"Ha. Ha. Bye Parc."

"Later Summer."

As the line went dead, Parc tossed his phone to the side atop his satchel and peered once more over the pool. Catching just in time as Marigold squirmed and questioned her husband about something. He didn't respond for what felt like minutes as if contemplating whatever she'd asked. When he did, it was a nod, only a nod. Didn't even bother to look at her let alone answer her properly.

Marigold soon was standing, hobbling around their bags and books as she made a B-line towards the toilets. Parc followed her inch by inch and with a nod, pushed himself to his feet after giving Blake's pert, kitty rump a rough slap that caused her to yelp and bounce as she was startled awake.

"I'm going to the bathroom." He said, already skirting around her ignoring the annoyed glare to her gaze and flush to her cheeks as the slap sent electricity spiking to her womb where small bits of his seed still roamed.




So, remember when I said I was working on an IF (Interactive Fiction) game? Well, I've got a simple Proof of concept thing done and out on patre-on. There isn't much to it, literally just a tutorial (which includes a blowjob / cunny munching scene with a robot) and a map you can explore and do nothing on except grope two girls. There is literally nothing else licentious right now. Which, considering it's version 0.1, makes some sense to me.

Feel free to check it out on ******* (it's public)

The next update to this will be when I get another scene or two done for it (and sort out my world building files) for you sick bastards and bastardettes to fap / flick to.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.