The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 259: The Duel 2

They put a few meters between them, Parc keeping his posture cool, calm even as he gave a few twists of his back and stretched his body in preparation for what was about to go down. Opposite him, Yang was eying him with something he could only guess was the hate a cat had for that one particular boy its owner brought home.

"You know Yang," he said, "I'm honestly not interested in fighting you. Seems utterly pointless to me. I've got nothing to prove, nothing to prove to you at least"

Yang huffed and twisted her head with enough force that a raucous of snapping cracks echoed through the hangar. "Neither do I. I just want you to stay away from Ruby."

"And I won't make any promises." He watched as Yang bounced on the balls of her feet, toes rolling to get more comfortable to the smooth concrete cladding that was to be their arena. She was hyping herself up, he could tell she was serious.

"No, fuck you. You are." She swore. "I win you stay the fuck away from Ruby and you know what, add Blake and Weiss into the mix. I'm not spending the next four years dealing with people who can't think about anything else than your dick." She jabbed a finger and Parc laughed.

Just as quickly his laugh died and his lips turned to a cold frown, "that's pushing it."

"Don't care."

"Yeah? Well, I do. No doubt Weiss and Blake will as well. I mean, honestly, where do you get off dictating other people's lives, Yang? Those two are grown women, they don't need you to tell them who they can or can't love."

She scathed at that, "it's not love. What you have with those girls, with my mom. It's not love. The only thing they 'love' is getting reamed by you. There's nothing 'lovey dovey' about anything you have with them."

Rubbing his wrists, Parc shook his head, his frown only growing more severe.

Yang's preparatory stretches came to a halt and she brought herself into a boxing pose. Both hands up, fists ready to lash out at any moment and body inclined in such a way that her side was pointing his way.

"You think I don't get that?" Parc said, "I'm plenty aware that I don't know what love is. Does anyone even? Love is a subjective thing, Yang. Some people think love is being given their space, others think it's having a brain they can pick for emotional support and all that. I get it, my whole spiel with Summer hopping between ladies on and on and on, is far from actual love. At least, in your definition. I'll happily admit that what I have with them isn't that." Bringing his thumps against his palms he wrapped his fingers tight and cracked them. "But saying the only thing I give them is, as you put it, a reaming. Is stupid and naive."

"Bullshit. For all, I know you brainwashed them. We both know that's something you like to do with those sick little chains of yours."

"I've used them like, five times in the last three months."

"To fuck some innocent girl no doubt."

"No, just-" Parc went still and groaned harshly, Yang was incessant. Just her he guessed, but it was becoming annoying. "You know what. Talking to you is just pointless. No matter what I say, you're going to twist it to make me look like the bad guy."

"You are."

"Yeah, I get that. Yeah fine, I'm the worst person in the world. Let's play by that then. You want to make this little bet about me keeping away from your team. Fine then, let me add to it. If you win, I stay away from Ruby, Weiss and Blake for so long as they don't want me."


"Shut up!" he bellowed loudly, "my patience is limited right now. I was happy to let you chatter on and on about how much you hate me because of no real bloody reason but right now, I am speaking. Got it?"

"Fuck you."

"Yeah. That's what's going to happen when you lose. If I win, I own your ass, Yang." Her eyes narrowed and her eyes flared a brighter shade of red, even her hair began billowing in nonexistent winds, whipping up like flames.

"Not happening. Pick something else. This ass isn't for sicko's like you."

"Oh screw off. I don't care Yang. You want me to be the bad guy, I'll be that. You lose, I own you, your ass, your tits, your pussy, all of it. Whenever I want, I will fuck you. I am done with your shit."

She seemed hesitant at the notion, her posture faltering just a little before stubborn confidence returned to her and steeled her body. "Still not happening. I'm not for sale."

"Neither is Ruby but you seem intent on owning her."

"I'm protecting her."

"Please," he rolled his head revolted, "there's a fine line between ownership and protection Yang. Ownership is locking something in a box forever and never letting it out to blossom, protection is guiding someone to make the right choices, to make them stronger by their own merits so they don't need people like you or Summer or whoever to protect them."

Yang scathed at him, she didn't want to accept anything he said."If it means keeping her away from sick, manipulative bastards like you, then yeah, I guess I'm locking her up. I'll let her out when you're gone."

"That's…" Parc clacked his teeth together, his cheek flaring upwards not in a smile but more a reversed scowl. He looked to his side, shut his eyes and hissed. When he turned back to her he cracked his jaw and said, "you're pathetic Yang. Seriously pathetic. Anyways, I'm getting tired of this little chat. Let's get back to the bet shall we?" he waited for her to do something but she only kept silent and glared his way.

"Right, as I said. I win, I own your ass. No specific time frame. You win, I'll keep away from Ruby, Weiss and Blake so long as they don't make the first move."

"Just stay away from them point-blank."

"No. And stop repeating yourself, it just makes you look obstinate and unreasonable."

"And you aren't?" she scoffed.

"I never said I wasn't." Wetting his lips he glanced over her body, her tank top baggy almost releasing her breasts out the side and those booty shorts. They hugged her curves and almost accentuated her muscles he sword could crack his skull if he buried his face down there. "I'll add on a second perk for you. You win, I'll also tell you everything I know about Raven Branwen."

Just like that Yang's attention grew even harsher as she glared at him with eyelids wide.

"What?" Parc smirked at her, watched her expression strain in surprise and questioning. "How do you know her?"

Parc smiled but kept silent, instilling in Yang this ominous foreboding feeling like she was staring at an Ursa Major without her Ember Celica. She gulped, tightened her posture and readied herself just knowing that the talk was over.

Like her, Parc lifted and curled his hands into fists, copying her posture and went still. They eyed each other for moments with only the odd click of the shattered hoverbike in the background that sent echoing whines through the chamber.

Then, suddenly, Parc took the incentive. He lunged forwards, his back foot crashed into the ground and sent a swift, whistling jab towards Yang's head.

She ducked, easily avoiding it. At the same time she pulled back her right, then in one motion twisted her body and threw out towards his gut. Missing by a hair as Parc sucked in his stomach and arched his back.

He stepped away four steps and chuckled as he bounced on the balls of his feet. Yang narrowed at him, in that short assault she could already tell he was going easy on her. It was frustrating if anything. She knew he had something similar to Ruby's petal burst, yet he didn't so much as use it. It rose hairs across her body and turned her glare ever more spiteful.

Bolting ahead, Yang's hair flourished with shades of golden flames as she sent a jab with her left, then a second and third. Each only crashing heavily into the back of his arms as he defended himself. Then when the timing was right and she'd gotten him used to her jabs she pushed in close, got into his face and thrust her knuckles into his side.

It didn't take, Parc had hunched to the side getting just the barest graze from her fists but didn't let that hold him back to send a counter, a swift, violent shot to her side.

The force sent Yang stumbling away though otherwise unharmed as her aura blocked the damage. Just slightly Parc could see her lips tweak up before she came for another violent assault. Her knuckles danced through the air, whizzing and crying with the speed as Parc ducked and dodged what he could, throwing out a few securing jabs here and there to keep her at bay long enough for him to regain his footing.

For a second he glanced to his side and saw they were nearing the airship and dashed his view across the rivets and beaming, seeking for anything that could trip him up and let Yang continue her relentless assault, though with more hits striking.

As he turned back to Yang he had to quickly buck his head downwards as another thrust came rushing to his face. 'Can't let that get hurt,' he chuckled and using his new, hunched posture opened his arms and tackled Yang. She didn't fall, though she did have to take a few steps back to steady herself as Parc threw her backwards and created distance between them, barely half a meter, enough that he could breathe easily.

Turning his side towards her, Parc narrowed his silhouetted and held his breath. Yang couldn't tell what he was doing. He bounced closer, the reverb of his boots hitting the flooring echoed loudly than when he could, threw out a roundhouse that struck her bare on her shoulder.

Yang smirked, enjoying the feeling it brought her. That little flame ever following hit ignited inside her. She didn't dodge anymore, only blocked as blocking let him hit her. Hurt her.

Without warning, her eyes flared crimson, her hair billowed golden and she roared as her semblance began to burn like a raging wildfire.

Her assault was even harsher, even harder. They came to a wall with Parc almost pressing himself against it he ducked her fist just barely avoiding damage. His wall, on the other hand, shattered like glass, the stone cracked with spiderwebs all radiating out from the crater her fist had left in it.

Parc pursed his lips as he skipped around her as she pulled her fist dripping with dust. Slowly, Yang turned to him, her expression shifted from anger to a sight he could only liken to the insane enjoyment children got from stepping on ants.

There she stood, Parc could only marvel. This woman, beautiful, powerful. Glowing and radiating with power. Her hair lighting the world and eyes bloody with dire amusement framed by the wreckage of meteorite crashed into the wall.

Pity he'd have to end this fight sooner rather than later. He'd have enjoyed it more but he was starting to grow hungry, his stomach rumbling ready for Summer's infamous breakfast.

He lowered his posture, tightened his fists and as Yang threw herself forwards, waited. Still and silent, he listened to her footsteps. Watched her bullheaded rush with eyes wide and analytical. When she finally got close enough, he attacked, twist then boom. His fist burrowed into her gut, Yang's aura creaked, unable to fully dissipate the impact as she felt her stomach churn, threatening to empty bile over the floor.

Her attack ended then, left stumbling back to wince and wait for her aura to reconglomerate and lessen the pain. Before it even could, Parc was already upon her, kicking and lashing out every which way with hits like the sting of death stalker.

When she threw hits out, he dodged but kept hitting. Weak, weak, strong, weak, weak, strong. It was almost music as the thumps rang out and by the end of it all, her aura was barely keeping up. Her semblance, she could feel the power in it, but it meant nothing if she couldn't hit him and he knew that. He was her foil in this moment.

A target she simply couldn't touch.



Welp, I'm trying to make an IF game (Interactive fiction game) sort of in the line of TiTs (Trials in Tainted space) but without so... many... fucking... dick girls... no offence, but holy shit there are so many. By the by, fuck coding. Fuck learning to code. I want to die. I'm a writer... of porn. Not of code. Kill me now.

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