The Complete Guide to Rearing an Alien Boyfriend

Chapter 37

Chapter 37 Thriller Paradise
Then the malicious man used the remote control to operate an electronic vessel on the drone and emptied the sleeping powder into the soup pot. After that, he put the lid back.

Long Xi began sliding into unconsciousness and she could not think normally now.

Mo Kun regretted not bringing the MK7 over, having left it in the hole to guard the airship.

Within the range of one kilometer, he could summon the semi-artificial intelligent mech, MK7 to come to his aid, using the highly intelligent chip in his brain.

However, the distance between the MK7 and him was over one kilometer, so he had no way to summon it over.

Long Xi had fallen to the ground. What could he do?

Mo Kun wanted to reach out to lift Long Xi up. However, he could not even control his own body but fell too, like Long Xi.

In the shadows, at a dark corner of the road, the man had a sneaky grin on his face.

After an hour, Long Xi eventually woke up to the sound of an alarm clock.

“Where is this place?” she wondered

She stood up on the platform bed and rubbed her temples.

She was in a strange room with a bed that had a mosquito net, a dining table and an alarm clock beside a pillow, which was giving out the alarm.

She pressed the button of the alarm clock and the alarm stopped.

She looked at herself from head to foot; she was still dressed in a starry skirt but did not have her cell phone with her.

She had worn a silver chain with a lock of longevity, which was gone. Moreover, the purple diamond bracelet with the heart-to-heart pattern was lost too. However, the flaming red diamond ring was still on her finger. She guessed it was because it could not be taken off, no matter how hard they tried, so that was why it was still on her finger.

There were two stone doors on the left and the right sides of the snowy-white wall, which were closed and there was two metal sphinxes standing next to them.

“What? Did I go to the pyramids in Egypt? But they don’t look the same!”

Long Xi got out of bed and tried pushing the door on the left.

The door could not be opened; it had neither a doorknob or a keyhole. That stone door seemed to be seamlessly welded to the wall.

It was the same with the right door.

Without a window, It was hot and stuffy in the room.

“Are you awake?” the sphinx on the left spoke suddenly, which gave Long Xi a great shock.

“Why am I here?” Long Xi asked.

“We are the ones who will be asking questions, instead of answering them.” The right sphinx also started to speak.

Its voice was that of a matured man, which sounded very strange.

“Who are you?” asked Long Xi.

The right sphinx said, “I will not answer any of your questions unless I want to! Welcome to the Thriller Paradise! You should feel grateful! I invented a new way of playing the Thriller Paradise game especially for you. You are the first one to play the game in this way.”

“How about Mo Kun? Where did you put him? And my grandma?” asked Long Xi who didn’t bother about his crazy words and asked about what she was more concerned with.

She assumed that if the sleeping pills were in the dinner dishes, someone must have sneaked into their house somehow and done the job, or someone had programmed a drone to do it. Now that she was caught, it was likely that Mo Kun and her grandma had been captured too.

“The two of them? You are luckier than them! If you want to save them, answer the questions carefully. If you answer the three questions correctly, you have three chances to save them” the left sphinx, who had a younger male voice, said.

“All right, ask me” said Long Xi.

She knew that she had no other choice.

“The first question is : What does Schrodinger’s Cat mean?” asked the sphinx on the right.

“Daddy, that is too easy for her. She is a star scholar” said the left sphinx.

The right one said: “It is just a warm up question. You know that I like to ask questions related to physics.”

Long Xi collected her thoughts and said logically:”Schrodinger’s Cat is a name of a famous thought experience conducted the Austrian physicist Schrodinger in 1935 about a cat that could be either dead and alive. It describes the truth of quantum mechanics; some characteristics of the particles are impossible to be sure of until the measuring force outside forces them to make choices. The whole experiment is like this: There is a cat in a box which had a small amount of radioactive materials. Within an hour, there is a 50% possibility that the radioactive materials will decay and release the poisonous gas that will kill the cat. The other 50% is the possibility is that the radioactive materials will not decay and the cat will be alive.”

The right one said, “Could you tell me, before the box is open, whether the cat inside is dead or alive?”

Long Xi put some thought to it and said, “According to traditional physics, there is only one result out of the two in the box as to whether the cat is alive or dead. The observer outside is only able to find out after opening the non-transparent box. However, in the strange world of quantum mechanics, when the box is in closed, the whole system still has a stage of uncertainty whether the cat is both dead and alive.”

The left sphinx said “See! I said that it couldn’t defeat her. You have wasted two questions!””

The sphinx on the right said “Your turn!”

The sphinx on the left said, “Ok! I will raise this question! Long Xi, please pay attention to my question! One of the doors is the door of the life, the other is the door of the death. Between me and my father, one of us is telling the truth and the other is telling a lie. The sphinx of the truth guards the door of the life, while the sphinx of lies guards the door of the death. Now you can ask one of us a question and we will answer it.”

The right one said, “Be careful! You can only ask one question. And then you get to choose a door to get out! If you choose the door of the life, you can get out of the room. If you choose the door of the death, we will release the poisonous gas gradually and you will die a slow and painful death in this room.”

The left one said, “Daddy, you seem to be very kind towards her. Do you want her to be my eighth stepmother?”

The right one said, “Absolutely not! I just want her to be my daughter-in-law so that my grandsons borne by her will be smarter than you! ”

“Hum! sure enough, you are a crafty old scoundrel! Why didn’t you choose a smarter biological mother for me?” said the left sphinx.

The right sphinx said, “The biggest advantage your biological mother had was being silly, rich and having a short life. Hahaha!”

The left sphinx unexpectedly burst into laughter.

“How could it be a happy thing to have your own mother commented about in such a way?” Long Xi was surprised by the views!

She was not in the mood to care about these two strange people who seemed to be father and a son, but focused her mind on thinking about the answer.

Long Xi had played this sort of tricky questioning games before, so she quickly found a solution.

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