The Complete Guide to Rearing an Alien Boyfriend

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 What A Deep Love
Mo Kun’s beautifully curved smile gradually decreased and then disappeared totally; he resumed his silence. Long Xi took note of all this.

“Let’s go.” Long Xi pretended not to see it. She could feel that the handsome man who was trying to hide his emotions behind a poker face, would not open his heart to her. At least, not now.

He looked very handsome with his hair parted on the side today. His wheat-colored skin had a healthy glow to it and exuded a sense of glamor. He was really an attractive person, a walking female hormone detonator.

Wearing a white shirt under his windbreaker could hardly hide his perfect proportions. From the slight open collar of the shirt, his delicate clavicle and golden skin were barely visible. And today, he wore a silver stud in his left ear. On closer inspection, it turned out to be shaped like a star.

He was so handsome that no word could describe him. Long Xi’s breath froze and her mind flashed back to someone with an ice-blue slicked-back haircut.

“That’s strange. Her memory has been deleted. Why does she still remember that hairstyle?” Mo Kun, who could read all her thoughts, was a little confused. “Didn’t I delete it completely?”

Long Xi shook her head and tried to remove everything in her mind that had nothing to do with the moment.

She was not afraid at all. She enjoyed the pleasure of flying over the back hill.

“How is it that I can fly?” she asked casually. Actually, she was not looking forward to the answer. She was enjoying the present moment more than the explanation.

“Because I gave you some of my superpowers. I have this superpower called sharing superpower. I can share some of my superpowers with others,” he said.

Long Xi’s eyes were wide open in surprise and she asked with a laugh, “Is there such a thing called sharing superpowers?”

Mo Kun laughed comfortably and said, “Yes! But it can only last for two hours at most.”

However, he certainly would not tell Long Xi that there was actually no such thing as sharing of superpowers at all. Instead, his MK7 could be made invisible and split into two frisbees, enabling Long Xi and him to fly.

“Oh, really?” In fact, Long Xi did not fully believe Mo Kun’s words, but she did not question him further.

Did the reason matter? The important thing was the result. She liked the result!

“If only I could fly to Grandma’s!” she said.

Mo Kun shrugged and said, “You can leave after tonight.”

She asked, “What about you? Will you go home?” She didn’t seem to have heard him mention his family before.

An idea suddenly came to Mo Kun’s mind.

He knew what her weaknesses were, so he decided to take advantage of them. He pretended to hide his loneliness while he said in a forlorn tone, “I don’t have a home. I am an orphan.”

Long Xi was fooled. She asked, “Well, would you like to come home with me?”

Mo Kun pretended to hesitate and said, “Will I be disturbing you?”

“No, my grandma is very hospitable and has a good sense of humor. I used to take Wei Wei and Yu Lanjie home. She will be delighted and keen to meet you.” Long Xi had been unwittingly taken in by Mo Kun’s scheme.

Mo Kun kept up his pretense of hesitation for a while, trying to show that he did not want to bother her.

“Grandma’s cooking is excellent! She is the one who taught me how to cook! I told her I will be back on National Day. She must have made my favorite Duck stuffed with eight delicacies, Steamed Bun stuffed with tofu skin, Brine pig ears, Dumplings stuffed with mackerel, and so on.” The more Long Xi thought about the food, the more excited she became. She was practically drooling!

Mo Kun also became greedy at the mention of all the food and agreed immediately. Sure enough, sometimes life depending on one’s acting skills.

Long Xi looked at his bright starry eyes and could not help laughing and said, “Your father must be a master thief. He must have stolen the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.”

“Are you trying to flatter me? Very well, you have succeeded in getting my attention. In that case, I will do as you wish,” Mo Kun said.

He leaned over and kissed her soft delicate lips. Her lips had a sweet fruity taste.

He smiled and said, “After this kiss, you are my girl. Don’t regret it.”

Long Xi felt drunk and almost fell off the frisbee. Fortunately, Mo Kun was holding her in his arms.

Lord Mo Kun took out a diamond bracelet from his pocket. Each diamond was purple in color and shaped like a heart. It was cut correctly and brilliantly and each stone was the same size.

Mo Kun handed the diamond bracelet to Long Xi and said affectionately, “Please take this!”

Long Xi quickly withdrew her hand and said in a slightly panicky voice, “No, no, no merit, no reward! I can’t accept such a valuable gift!”

Mo Kun frowned but later an idea came into his mind. He smiled and said, “These are only synthetic diamonds, but the bracelet is well designed and not very valuable! You see, each diamond is heart-shaped, meaning heart-to-heart. It’s only a token of my love to you. If you don’t accept it, I’ll be angry.”

When Long Xi heard that the bracelet was made of synthetic diamonds which were not expensive, she was afraid that he would be angry, so she said, “It’s difficult to refuse such kindness, so I will reluctantly accept it.”

Mo Kun gently helped her put it on. The diamond bracelet was actually made of natural diamonds and came from a mine of natural diamonds. It was designed and made by Master Yang, the best jewelry designer on BT planet.

The purple drill bracelet set off the snow-white skin of Long Xi’s wrist and they complemented each other perfectly.

Mo Kun admired the scenery for a while; pointing to a villa area in the distance in mid-air, he asked, “Have you ever been there?”

Long Xi said, “There? That’s the most high-end villa area in X City. It’s called Bihu Dream Garden. The garden is modeled on the garden design of Suzhou. In that area, there are many clear lakes surrounded by strange rocks; many airy pavilions and pagodas; rivers flowing under the bridges. All the designs are antique looking, which makes it the most eye-catching scenery here!”

Mo Kun said, “Shall we fly over and have a look? I heard that there are still several villas that haven’t been sold.”

Long Xi said, “The price is too high for ordinary people to afford it! In the center of the city, where the land value is expensive, the ownership of such a large area, unique architectural style and the extraordinarily expensive mansion, is a symbol of identity and status.”

Mo Kun persisted and said, “Why not go and have a look?”

“But, didn’t the Black Hand behind the Red Envelope Game order us not to leave the back hill for two days?”

Mo Kun thought about it, nodded and said, “Well, let’s talk about this in a few days.”

Long Xi laughed and said, “Okay. I will take you for a visit to the Suzhou Gardens. We can pretend to be customers who want to buy a mansion and let the salesgirl take us to see some villas. I heard that the villa is a combination of Chinese and Western design; maybe I can get some inspiration to design clothes. Architectural art and fashion design art are sometimes interlinked.”

Mo Kun was laughing in his heart. His wishful thinking was that when Long Xi saw the villa she liked, he would buy it secretly and put Long Xi’s name on the real estate certificate, which would be a surprise for Long Xi!

Mo Kun pulled something out of his pocket that looked like a showerhead. He smiled mysteriously and asked, “Would you like to try the Artificial Rainfall?”

Long Xi said curiously, “I know that artificial rainfall can be achieved by sowing dry ice, silver iodide, salt powder, and other catalysts into the clouds by airplanes and rockets. Is this an artificial rainfall machine?”

Mo Kun smiled and said, “Yes, I invented it. Don’t even blink! Now is the time to witness miracles!”

He pushed the button of the machine, sprayed a few shots into the clouds above their heads and the machine spewed forth some light gray liquid.

After a while, rain started falling from the cloud.

Although it was only a small area that rained on Mo Kun and Long Xi, it was unusual enough!

Long Xi liked the rain. She cheered and jumped for a while, reached out two small palms to catch the rain, spinning and jumping on the invisible frisbee, dancing and singing in the rain.

Her long hair and clothes were wet from the rain and she looked very appealing. Her perfect face was like a beauty artwork named Noblewomen. Her wet skirt clung to her skin, outlining her exquisite and graceful figure.

Mo Kun stood still with a slight smile on his lips.

A pair of sincere eyes was looking at her silently; Its gentle sight took in her smile, which was more brilliant than the purple drill bracelet, as if trying to engrave her beauty in his mind.

After a while, his big, bony palms gripped her soft waist tightly and his arms tightened around her body.

Because their clothes were wet and almost pasted to their bodies,, they were hugging each other skin-to-skin.

Long Xi felt the danger, retreated and tried to get out of his arms, but failed.

His dark eyes stared at her fiercely and his hands were beginning to roam about her body.

“Let me go… oh, don’t…” Long Xi resisted powerlessly.

He bent down and kissed her deeply with his thin lips.

Long Xi frowned and bit hard on his lip.

The pain sobered Mo Kun. He let her go and said, “Sorry, your smile was so beautiful, I couldn’t help it!”

Long Xi gasped and said, “I’m not an adult yet. Wait for me to be eighteen years old… then I’ll give my body to you!”

Mo Kun said happily, “Then I’ll wait for you!”

Early the next morning, Long Xi went to the supermarket and bought dozens of kilograms of spare ribs and pork. She left enough food for Kunkun to eat for a few days and then went to the school garage with Mo Kun.

Long Xi saw a brand-new white Lykan Hypersport in the garage and with narrowed eyes, asked Mo Kun, “Which teacher is so rich?”

Mo Kun wanted to answer that the car was his. It suddenly occurred to him that he had pretended to be poor last night. If he suddenly became so rich that he could drive a luxury car, would it be a little contradictory?

Long Xi took her bicycle and was ready to cycle home.

At the same time, Long Xi found that her mobile phone finally had a signal. So she immediately called her Grandma and told that she would be back soon.

She also saw the messages from Xiaolu’s account in the group. She then told Mo Kun, “I’m not going to tell my grandma about the strange events that happened during these few days so she won’t worry. You must remember not to tell her!”

Mo Kun nodded and asked, “Do you want to call the police?”

“We don’t have any real evidence and it’s no use calling the police,” Long Xi said, “Can you take me by bike?”

Long Xi was planning to let Mo Kun take her back on her bicycle. However, what she didn’t expect was to see Mo Kun standing in front of her bicycle, with a long face.

He said, “Honey, I don’t know to ride a bicycle!”

Indeed, in his motherland planet, bicycles had been extinct for hundreds of years and had long been considered a historical relic.

However, with his wisdom and counter-stress, it was not difficult to learn to ride a bicycle quickly. But…

As he hoped, Long Xi did not hesitate and said, “Then you ride on the back seat, I’ll take you!”

“Good.” Mo Kun sat happily in the back seat, lifting his long legs as high as possible so as not to touch the ground. His hands were clasped tightly around Long Xi’s waist, which gave him a good feeling.

Long Xi suddenly felt a little suspicious and asked with a smile, “Is it true that you really can’t ride a bicycle?”

“It’s true. If I am lying to you, I’ll turn into a puppy!” Mo Kun said firmly.

Long Xi thought for a moment and felt that he didn’t have any cause to deceive her, so she began to pedal.

Her cycling skills were good and her physical strength was enough because of her regular exercises. Although Mo Kun weighed more than 75 kilograms, she was able to cycle along smoothly.

The only thing that she was unaccustomed to was the way Mo Kun hugged her waist tightly all the way. This reminded her of the TV play “A smile is beautiful.” In the TV play, when master Xiao Nai and School Beauty Bei Weiwei met officially for the first time; that was how the master carried the School Beauty. That was a very eye-catching scene of the handsome man carrying a beautiful woman on his bike. Why were Long Xi and Mo Kun totally different from the play? It was weird!

When they passed a big supermarket, Mo Kun stopped Long Xi and pulled her into it. He bought a large package of gifts, including abalone, sea cucumber, shark fin, fish maw, cubilose, deer antler, and hippocampus.

Long Xi tried to stop him, but he laughed and said, “These are for your grandma, not for you. You have no right to stop me.”

He was imitating the behavior of the earth people.

Previously, he copied a book about earthlings’ social behavior onto a high-intelligence chip, from which he learned that when one first came to see his wife’s parents as a future son-in-law, he had to bring many gifts to make a good impression.

He had imagined himself in a role as one who was going to meeting his wife’s parents as a future son-in-law.

But Long Xi was not happy with his approach.

She felt that her invitation to her home for the holidays was more out of kindness, to make him less lonely, rather than to benefit from him.

What he did made her felt uncomfortable because of her self-esteem.

Mo Kun, seeing that she looked unhappy, started the “get ideas” function of the high-intelligence chip. He was able to read her real thoughts through the attached chip installed in her brain.

After that, he stopped buying expensive things and bought only a practical sunshade, which he intended to give to her grandma.

Long Xi was happy then. She could feel his understanding, tolerance and consideration, which was what she wanted.

Mo Kun paid for these things by credit card. When he was on BT planet, he was a billionaire. He became rich through his work in high tech technology. Although BT planet’s credit card couldn’t be used on Earth, he carried with him a large bag of precious diamonds, all of which were mined from his previous high-tech mining technology.

He sold five perfectly cut pigeon eggs, which were the rare pink diamonds, for a lot of money. After he bought a new car, a new mobile phone and a new laptop computer, he still had five million yuan left.

He was going to buy a villa and live happily with Long Xi. However, he wanted to choose the villa together with Long Xi first. The key to the issue was that the villa should be the one Long Xi liked.

The mobile phone in his hand was the latest iPhone. The screen saver picture was his favorite picture, that of a starry sky. The ringtone of the phone was an English song related to the starry sky.

However, Fan Xiaolu’s mobile phone was concealed in Mo Kun’s backpack.

Fan Xiaolu’s WeChat account was linked to a bank card with a deposit of 150,000 yuan.

As for the password, Mo Kun had installed an accessory chip in Fan Xiaolu’s mind. Having access to all of Xiaolu’s memories, Mo Kun naturally knew what Xiaolu’s payment password was.

But to his confusion and depression, Fan Xiaolu’s payment code was the date of Long Xi’s birthday!

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