The Cheat Seed

Chapter 102: How To Climb Statues: First, Get A Inner Demon

"It's simple..."

Marcus stretched his limbs before turning back to look his demon in his eyes.

"You boost me up... and I'll climb"



The demon asked.

"Why do you even ask? It's simple. You boost me up and I'll jump and grab one of its tails"

Marcus pointed upwards as if accentuating his point.

"But you only have your right hand freed. Did you forget your left hand which is still chained? How will you even manage to pull yourself up there with just one of your hands?"

The demon shrugged.

It was a fact. Marcus still had a memory to clear, which meant he still had to break free from the last chain which was refraining him from freedom.

"Don't worry. I trust in my hand. This..."

Marcus paused as he looked at his right hand which was the only one he could use.

"It's enough for me to reach my goal."

He smirked.

"Ah... Okay... It looks like I've got no other choice then. How do I boost you up again?. Is throwing you enough"

The demon snorted.

"Nah... I'll tell you how. Time to use physics"

said Marcus with a smirk.


"You sure I am supposed to stand like this?"

The demon asked.

The Inner demon stood against one of the hind legs of the fox which was a sculpture.

The first tail of the Ninety tailed statues was 7 meters above the ground. Presently Marcus and the inner demon themselves were powerless to do anything that would get them to reach that height individually.

There was no chance for them to obtain the glowing perk arranged at the eyes of the fox statue... That is unless they combine their work.

Marcus could score around a three point five meter standing vehicle and his running vertical would reach a four, whereas the demon with its body could only go about a three meter up in the air standing and a running of three point five at the peak.

Even though the demon had Marcus's body, physical forces did work inside the hidden memory dungeon. Which meant the obsidian was a con for the demon, at least for this scenario.

And then came the power of the system. The inner demon had tried to use his power to warp through the air and reach the sculpture's pinnacle but for some reason, it wasn't possible.

The demon was able to warp a meter above the fox head, but just as the distance of the meter zeroed, the demon invariably got warped back to its initial spot from where he performed the warp.

Marcus had doubts about his inner demon. After all, he had heard from the inner demon that it wasn't interested in helping him at all. But the actions and the manner his demon had been nodding and submitting to his terms made him think otherwise.

Now as it stood, Both Marcus and his inner demon had no choice other than to use their brain and physical strength to achieve their goal. At least Marcus's goal. What the demon thought about his plan... Marcus didn't know.

"We will have to time it perfectly or else it'll just be in vain"

Marcus shouted over to the demon who stood against the hind leg.

"Yeah sure..."

The demon replied.

'Remember this Marcus... I'm not helping you. I'm just going with the flow so that you can acquire the strength you crave. If you become strong, that eventually makes me strong as well... After all, I am your Inner Demon. I'll go with your plan because it'll boost my power as well... It's that simple kekeke'

The demon thought as he trained his eyes on Marcus who was considerably far from the place he was.

'But that's not the only reason. Kekekek... I'll wait... I'll wait till you get this perk of yours. After that... it'll be the time for what I've been waiting for all these years.'

The demon checked on Marcus as he ran towards him at full speed.

'It'll be finally the time to face your third memory.'



It was a sight to behold when both of them jumped in harmony. It was as if both of them had known about each other for years... It was as if the camaraderie had existed between them past the decade mark.

Marcus, who ran at the inner demon with all of his might leaped into the air, perfectly scoring a four-meter vertical jump in the air.

As for the demon, he positioned himself to a jump squat before lunging into the air with all he got.

Luckily and surprisingly... their timing was perfect.


Marcus's plan... it was brilliant.

It was just as he plotted. Adding his four meter vertical to the demon's three would give them a perfect seven-meter.

But that was not the only plan he had. What if the jump failed to reach the height they wanted?.


Marcus, as he dominated the demon's jump said as he kicked on the obsidian face.

"You boost me up... with your face... and I'll climb Hehe"


Marcus's feet left his demon's face as he grabbed and pulled one of the tails of the sculpture.

The demon, who just got mugged by his user, fell with a thud on the concrete floor of the golden fox temple.

"Aahh... Who's the demon again?"

The demon blinked as he shook his head.

"Obviously!!. It should have been me... But"

"I am seriously having doubts."

The obsidian wrapped entity laughed as he got up.

"At least he's clever and strong... That's all I need"

The demon murmured as he walked away from the sculpture to look at his mugger.

He turned around and watched Marcus climb a large number of tails one by one with precise pull ups and hops. It looked like Marcus was developing art with every single motion.

Even with a handicap, pulling himself up each time the gravity increased, seemed an easy task for a person like Marcus.

It was a metaphor to assert!!.


Marcus breathed in a sigh of relief when he stood straight. He had ultimately contrived to reach the peak.

"I'm sorry demon!! Kekekek... I've been planning to do that the minute you showed up"

Marcus chuckled, he strode towards the sculpture's cranium and bent to remain in a squat.

"Now look at the bigger picture Mr. Obsidian. You'll be noted down in history for helping the strongest guardian there's ever going to be... Hehe"

Marcus retorted while he grabbed two containers that were analogous to science lab vials.

There wasn't just a 'perk' but there were two. He wasn't even sure if they were perks. Marcus looked at the vials in surprise as he weighed them down on his hand.

After a minute of carefully examining and discerning the glass vials which seemed to carry some mist within them, he nodded.

"I'm not being arrogant. After all those memories I have seen till now... I'm just confident that I'll be the strongest... because I've managed to learn a thing or two from them."

Marcus grinned. He broke the vials he held In his free hand and blew the glass powder to the concrete below.


Marcus opened up his inventory to check whether the perks had arrived inside. He didn't merely shatter the vials out of the blue, he broke them because the window above the vials instructed him to do so.

Marcus bounced his head, his face seemed to carry surprise as well as intrigue smeared across it as he read the details of the new entries in his inventory.

[Useless CR Cheat Perk: Demise To Power]

[Seal Breaker 45%]


Marcus sighed as he frantically clicked on them.

"I don't even know what they mean"

Marcus thrust his finger into the window and held it on the vial as he sighed in downfall.



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