The Baby Isn’t Yours

Chapter 163:

“You finally came.”

Louismond looked at the two people entering, bewildered.

An unpleasant voice escaped him involuntarily.

“I thought you wouldn’t come out at all, but you managed to come out.”

“It was a bit difficult to come out. As you know, we’ve never had the chance to enjoy our honeymoon as newlyweds. We should stick together whenever we have the opportunity.”

Louismond swallowed his forced laughter, unable to comprehend Simon’s response.

“Yeah, it must be great to be newlyweds. Really. Huh?”

“No, Your Highness. What did you summon us for?”

Kalia intervened, restraining Simon, and stepped forward.

Simon may not be embarrassed, but she was different.

Knowing Kalia’s discomfort, Louismond decided not to say anything more.

Yes, if there’s any fault, it must be that damn guy who keeps grumbling.

Our great General Kalia couldn’t have done anything wrong.

Unable to understand why Kalia was becoming rougher than Simon even on the bed, Louismond mockingly rebuked her with a casual cousin’s tone.

But deep down, knowing that those two were the greatest contributors to this war, he didn’t want to disturb their rest.

“I called you because I have something to say. I’ll keep it short, so go back in and rest or do whatever you want.”

“What is it?”

Louismond straightened himself and, after a moment’s hesitation, looked at Kalia and spoke in a careful tone.

“There’s something I want you to take care of.”

Something he wanted her to take care of…

She didn’t know what it was, but Kalia automatically straightened up at the seriousness in Louismond’s eyes.

“Please, tell me.”

“I’ve already discussed it with the Council of Elders and the high-ranking officials…”

What could be so important that he would hesitate like this?

Simon narrowed his eyes and glared at Louismond.

He was keeping an eye out, afraid that Louismond might burden Kalia with something unreasonable again.

Ignoring that gaze, Louismond pointed to a certain point on the map spread out on the desk.


Kalia and Simon took a step closer to see what Louismond was pointing at.

“I need someone to manage this place in chaos.”

The location Louismond pointed to was well-known to both Kalia and Simon.

It was the place with a collapsed palace, a city drowned in the blood of demons, and a country plunged into chaos after losing its leaders.


Louismond’s long finger precisely tapped on that spot, and he looked at Kalia.

His lips drew a gentle curve, and his voice was clear.

“And I believe that person is you, General Kalia.”

“…What do you mean?”

Kalia’s eyes widened unintentionally, clearly taken aback.

It was because she heard words she never could have imagined.

However, Louismond, who had already anticipated Kalia’s surprise, looked at her with a gaze that trusted her more than she did herself.

“Kalia, can you become the Queen of this devastated land?”

* * *

“That’s good news.”

Leah, who had set down her tea, smiled warmly as she spoke.

Beside her, Gaia looked at Kalia with the same expression.

From the moment they first saw each other, the mother and daughter had been holding each other’s hands and couldn’t let go.

Even now, as if unable to believe this moment, they intermittently looked at each other, confirming each other’s existence.

Just like Leah, Kalexia, Ganini, Hoa, and Tokan with Nua all looked at the youngest sister’s soul with warm eyes.

They couldn’t wait for Kalia and Simon to come to the Fairy Forest and had eagerly come to find her first.

In fact, Leah wanted to rush over as soon as she heard the news that Gaia had regained her heart and memories, but there were many urgent matters to deal with as well, so she couldn’t come right away.

Hastily, as if her body would break, she quickly handled those matters and immediately came to see Kalia.

Coincidentally, just as they finished their conversation with Louismond and were about to leave, Kalia and Simon discussed this matter with the scattered fairy clans.

Leah seemed satisfied.

“If it’s Akan, it’s not far from our Fairy Forest, so I’m fine with it. Besides, if it’s farther away from the heart of the Empire, there won’t be much to be busy with regarding the Empire’s affairs for the time being, which is even better. Of course, preparing the new land will be busy… but that’s something we can all help with.”

“Right. Although the Fairy Forest occupies the central part of the continent, it’s still quite a distance from the capital of Rojas. If it’s Akan, it’s much closer and better.”

Ganini, who was sitting beside them, also nodded as if he liked the idea.

“I agree too!”

Hoa and Nua, who were playing with the babies, raised their voices and showed their approval.

However, Kalexia, lost in thought, pursed her lips and spoke.

“If you call her the Queen… isn’t that just another human title?”


Kalia nodded with a heavy heart at the weight of the word.

The small country of Akan, which had separated from Rojas, had become a part of their homeland once again.

Everyone gathered their voices and spoke Kalia’s name as the person to govern that place.

There were various reasons for it.

Kalia was the person who could purify that contaminated land the best.

It was a suitable reward for her significant contributions to this war.

Moreover, maintaining a reasonably good relationship with the fairy race absolutely required her presence.

There were likely many other reasons, but even considering only the most significant ones, there was no one else who could be the new owner of that land but her.

Louismond calmly recited these compelling reasons, but even so, Kalia couldn’t easily make a decision.

Simon gently relieved Kalia’s stiff shoulders with a soft touch.

As if saying, ‘I’m here.’

“What’s bothering you, Kal?”

“It’s not that it bothers me… it’s just regrettable.”

“What is it?”

“After this is over, I actually thought it would be nice if she could take a period of rest in the forest. Even though that child was born and raised among humans, the vitality of the forest would still have a positive influence on Kalia… It’s a pity.”

“But there’s a forest in Akan too!”

“Yes, I know. I’m aware. It’s just… Well, I said it before. We’re always waiting for you. Don’t feel burdened. I think it’s good too because Akan is close to the forest.”

Kalia responded with a smile to Kalexia’s affectionate words.

They continued to talk and comfort each other’s wounds until evening at Kalia’s mansion.

Unfortunately, Furiosa couldn’t come, but he conveyed his feelings to Kalia and Gaia through a long letter.

According to Leah, Furiosa, being a creature of a large tree, doesn’t move easily.

Furthermore, he had a strong sense of responsibility to take care of the forest, and he would always stay in that place and explore the forest.

Nua was soon going to the Northern Ice Forest, so she held Sasha tightly, monopolizing him, saying that she didn’t know when she would see him again.

“Abu! Bububu!”


Every time, Drea bit her hand, but instead, Kalia would tightly embrace Drea, playing with her as if finding it cute.

“Ah! Grow up quickly, little dragon! With your white color, you would go well with our ice forest, right? It wouldn’t be bad for you to experience separation, which is a part of becoming a great dragon that suits Sasha… How about it? Should this aunt kidnap you for real?”

“Kyaa, Kyaaoooo! Heungheung!”

Drea clung to Sasha, crying in surprise.

Seeing that, Nua laughed gleefully and hugged the two babies tightly.

“Just kidding, just kidding. Don’t cry!”

“Oh, why are only you holding Sasha, unnie? I also want to hold our Sasha!”

“I don’t want to. Sasha likes me better. He doesn’t like you.”

“What did you say? Youuuu! When did Sasha say he doesn’t like me?”

“He said it just now. Right, Sasha?”


“See, he said it himself.”

“Ah! No way! He didn’t say that!”

Hoa, unable to play with Sasha, became frustrated and tried to confront Nua several times, but she couldn’t win against her yet.

She would roll around in response to Nua’s footsteps, then suddenly get up and try to confront her again.

And then she would get kicked by Nua’s foot, get up again, and confront her once more.

They were noisy sisters.

“You collected information that way? Impressive. Using the spirits of the earth…”

“I’m still in the process of experimenting with using the spirits… By the way, Tocan, how far can your divine eye penetrate?”

“I’m still experimenting with that too.”

“By the way, Simon, how did the fusion of magical power and natural energy you mentioned earlier go?”

“In regards to that, the results of this research are…”

Simon, Tocan, and Ganini sat together and talked for a long time.

Gaia, on the other hand, untied her hair while proudly recounting the tale of Kalia’s victorious battle alongside Leah and Kalexia.


Looking at the cozy living room where time flowed as unfamiliar as it was peaceful, Kalia gazed calmly with her eyes.

As she looked at the scenery of this place, where the family she loved and cherished had gathered, her heart trembled.

Just like the day she learned she was pregnant and decided to leave the capital and go to Loa, the window was painted with a beautiful sunset.

Suddenly, her eyes became blurry, and she closed them quietly.

It was an evening that felt like tears were about to flow, even though she wasn’t sad or in pain.

* * *


A scream erupted.

It was the moment when Louismond Carlos, the new emperor of Rojas, put on the Emperor’s crown.

It wasn’t as splendid as a coronation ceremony, but the grandeur and quiet awe bestowed by the massive cathedral filled the lack of extravagance.

Rather, its simplicity felt elegant and refined.

The Archbishop’s speech and declaration followed.

Kalia, who had been watching from behind the grand curtain, took a deep breath, feeling her chest swell with pride.


Finally, today.

It was today.

She straightened her posture, making sure not to be disheveled, and examined her perfectly fitting attire.

It was a white suit designed to accentuate Kalia’s long legs and upright posture.

The slightly fitted pants and sleek boots that wrapped around her shapely legs were perfect.

The double-breasted jacket with intricate golden embroidery was as exquisite as the red uniform of the knights, perfectly suiting her, and the cloak of the same color as the shoulder pad was both magnificent and delicate.

Even this outfit was personally made for her by Simon.

Simon smiled proudly at Kalia, unable to hide his satisfaction as he looked at the woman who was more perfect and beautiful than ever in the clothes he had created.

“My taste is impeccable.”

In response to his self-praising remark, Kalia let out a light laugh and said, “Thank you for the clothes.”

“Don’t mention it.”

Simon was wearing a similar navy blue suit with gold embroidery, highlighting the details.

The sun reached its highest point.

The sunlight, piercing through the magnificent stained glass windows of the cathedral, illuminated the Emperor’s crown atop Louismond’s head.

The dazzling light seemed to bless his head.

When the Archbishop’s speech was over, it was her turn.

‘I will hold Kalia’s coronation ceremony today, along with my coronation. It’s my first appointment as an Emperor.’

With that, he would highlight Kalia’s contributions in the previous war, displaying her loyalty as a great General.

At the same time, he could implicitly convey that anyone who showed such loyalty would be treated accordingly.

Kalia understood his intention, but she felt like she would die.

There were too many eyes watching her.

And on top of that, the Fairy Clan disguised themselves without anyone knowing, waiting for her to appear.

Why did they bring a bouquet of flowers…?


Simon chuckled and playfully poked her side.

“Are you nervous? The world’s greatest General Kalia?”

“I get nervous to some extent too, you know?”

“Why are you so anxious? I’m here with you.”

Smirking, Simon kissed her cheek.

“Don’t worry. You’ll handle anything that comes your way. You’re my proud Kalia.”

His lips gently caressed her cheek.

Strangely, that brief kiss and his words calmed her to the point of surprise.

The tension that was pulsating in her heart seemed to sway in a different way as she looked at Simon.

With the sunlight shining behind him, she was dazzled by Simon’s gaze, filled with trust.

She couldn’t take her eyes off him…

To the point where she wanted to passionately kiss him right now…

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

But instead of kissing him until his lips became numb, Kalia decided to say something that would make his heart beat as fast as hers.

She hadn’t planned on saying it now, but she suddenly wanted to tell him.

“I actually wanted to do it after it’s all over…” she said honestly, then glanced at the curtain to see how much longer the Archbishop’s speech would last.

It was almost coming to an end, but there was enough time for a few words.

“What is it?”



Kalia retrieved a small box she had placed in her inner pocket, confirming her reflection in his golden eyes.

Simon’s expression subtly changed.

“No way, is that…?”

Kalia smiled mischievously as she opened the box and took out the platinum ring carefully nestled inside.

She had obtained a pink pearl, just like the one Simon had gifted her before, and had it delicately crafted into a ring.

It was a pearl she had worked hard to acquire, and crafting the ring within a tight timeframe had been challenging, but it was rewarding.

Because it would suit Simon incredibly well.

Kalia, who produced an elegant and sophisticated ring with just a subtle pearl shimmer, looked at Simon and spoke.

“Marry me officially, Simon.”

“…What is this?”

“I’m proposing to you right now.”

“Kalia. What… Wait, now? Why now? Oh my… Kalia!”

Simon stammered in surprise, then moaned Kalia’s name.

His voice trembled unusually.

His golden eyes, reflecting the sunlight, were fixed on her.

All sorts of emotions swirled within them, clearly visible to Kalia.

The thunderous applause of the two people facing each other echoed once again.

It seemed that the Archbishop’s speech had come to an end.

Suddenly, Simon burst into laughter.

“Because of you, I’m going crazy.”

“We have to leave now, but you haven’t given me an answer.”

“What… Oh, I was also preparing to propose!”

Simon, taken aback by his excitement, became flustered and didn’t know what to do.

The lightly flushed cheek, gracing his beautiful face, conveyed his joy in place of words.

Pretending not to notice it, she asked in a casual, lifeless voice.

“Answer quickly. So, you don’t want my proposal now? You’re not going to refuse, right?”

With that adorable remark, Simon clenched his teeth and shouted in a low voice.

“Damn it! Of course not! What are you doing? Hurry up and put the ring on my finger, Kalia. It’s the person giving the ring who puts it on.”

Kalia confidently raised Simon’s hand, which he complained about, and placed the ring gently on his long and clean finger.

The white, slender hand and the platinum ring complemented each other perfectly.

“Now, you also say that we’ll die together on the same day. Come on, Simon. Quickly.”

Finally, Simon burst into laughter and couldn’t help but lift Kalia and plant a kiss on his face.

“You’re stating the obvious. I can’t live a day without you. If you die, I’ll die too. Even in death, I’ll wander to find you, Kalia.”

Facing him, Kalia smiled quietly.

“The one who should be happiest today is you. Why am I so happy, Kalia?”

“My happiness becomes complete because of you.”

“Can there be a happier day than this? If I were any happier, I might just doze off….”

Simon, murmuring uncertainly, smiled warmly while pressing his nose against hers.

There were only pupils that saw nothing but her.

“I love you, my hero. My Kalia. My Queen.”

“I love you too. My magician, my Simon. And… my savior.”

Just as their lips were about to meet again…


Drea, with the wings of a white dragon, and Sasha, with the wings of a fairy, forcefully pulled open the heavy curtain behind which the two of them were waiting.

“Oh my…”

A brief but heavy silence settled in the hall.

Kalia and Simon, who were sharing a kiss, quietly parted their lips and stepped back under the gaze of the audience.


The white dragon roared with joy, shaking the cathedral.

Startled by the sound, Louismond regained his composure and raised his head, speaking with a trembling voice.

“Now that the busy affairs are over, won’t you come and hold the coronation ceremony, Queen Kalia?”

Laughter erupted from somewhere.

Some were the knights’ laughter, while others were the cheers from the Mage Tower.

The grand cathedral, where solemnity was expected, was filled with cheers and laughter.

“Shall we go, Kalia?”


Kalia and Simon walked gracefully on the red carpet, as if nothing had happened.

Excited Sasha and Drea twirled around on the platform of the cathedral, dancing.

“Abuwoo! Huggya!”

“Shaya, shaya~!”

Watching them with a smile from the corner, Ganini sprinkled sparkling fairy dust over the children.

It was an afternoon scene filled with peace and joy.

<Main Story: THE END>

Tl/note: The main story is over, yes. The situation with Helena came out rather funny, but I’m even glad that it didn’t add another 20 chapters because of these problems, hehe.

But don’t forget that we have 24 more chapters with our lovely Sasha (and beloved Drea, of course) + 5 epilogues! I promise this is something worth reading. I would be glad if there was a novel about them, but… Well, see you soon with a new update!

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