The Baby Isn’t Yours

Chapter 144:

Seventeen allied nations gathered in Rojas for the alliance conference.

Countries, large and small, were included, with the Empire at the center, and among them was Akan, firmly taking its place.

In the hectic days that passed, Louismond was busy preparing for the alliance conference and keeping an eye on the situation in each country.

In the midst of it all, Louismond had to work almost to the point of exhaustion, even to the extent that his complexion, which was already pale from the workload, was now almost as white as a blank sheet of paper.

If Princess Nathan hadn’t given a speech for sleep just before Louismond went to bed, he would have surely collapsed by now.

After arriving in the capital, Kalia immediately returned to her position as the General of the Red Lion Knights the next day.

Brik, upon seeing her, shamelessly rolled around at her feet without feeling embarrassed by his massive size.

“Do you have any idea how worried I was when you didn’t come!”

Although from the outside, he was considered a charismatic vice-captain who performed the role of interim leader in her absence…

Kalia gave Brik a suspicious look as she watched him roll on the floor like a performing bear.

Sometimes he appeared to be a weak man wearing a mask, but Kalia knew very well that he excelled in many areas.

With his blunt fingertips as delicate as a 500g steak, he swiftly handled paperwork and never made mistakes in numbers, thanks to his meticulousness.

Of course, his face was covered in rugged facial hair, he stood at 2 meters tall, and the eyes shining beneath his thick eyebrows had a beastly appearance.

But this wild bear-like Brik transformed into a soft and cuddly teddy bear in an instant when Kalia discovered Sasha and brought him into her embrace.

“…Ah, n-no, th-thi-this, thi-this, this, b-baby is… who is…”

“My child, Sasha. Sasha, this is Uncle Brik, Mom’s vice-captain. Say hello.”



In that moment, an unexpected blush appeared on Brik’s face that didn’t match his intimidating appearance.

“Huh… huhuhuhu… Y-You’re so cute.”

Afraid of breaking him just by touching him, and afraid of suffocating him by hugging him too tightly, Brik’s face, which hovered around Kalia without daring to reach out his hand, looked so strange.

Recalling Brik’s expression that seemed to melt away when facing Sasha, Kalia chuckled.

As her hand, which had been tidying the edges of her neatly pressed red uniform, paused, Kalia muttered with a serious expression.

She tapped her chin with the hand that was filling the cufflinks on her wrist.

“But even Brik, who is like a bear, surrendering to his cuteness… Our Sasha’s charm seems to be too fatal. Hmm, this is a big problem…”

The furrowed brow showed genuine concern.

“But then again, it would be a pity if we monopolize that national treasure-level cuteness only within our family.”

Hmm… This is a real problem.

Kalia, who was preparing for the opening ceremony party, momentarily lost her focus due to the unnecessary yet blissful worry.

In the meantime, someone smartly knocked on the door and entered.

Just from the sound of footsteps, Kalia knew it was Simon.

Kalia turned quietly towards the opening door and greeted the incoming person.

“Are you done with the preparations at the Mage Tower?”

There was no answer to her question.

It was because Simon, who was opening the door and coming in, froze in place.

His gaze was fixed on Kalia, who was tidying her attire in front of the full-length mirror next to the window.

“Oh my…”

The awe on his face was palpable, like a sigh.

He didn’t want to miss a single moment of her presence, so he stared at her without even blinking.

The surging emotions reflected in the mysterious golden pupils were too rich for Kalia to comprehend.

“Why? Is it awkward to see me like this after a long time?”

Kalia added, feeling embarrassed, as she lowered her gaze.

A year and a half of growth.

Seeing herself in the Red Knights’ uniform was both unfamiliar and heartwarming for her.

She didn’t know she would miss this look so much when she wore it day in and day out.

Would she long for this appearance, this attire?

Kalia trembled slightly at the faint tension that came with putting on the complete uniform.

“No, not at all. It’s not awkward.”

Simon, with his head slightly bowed, slowly approached Kalia.

His slender and long hand gently caressed her cheek, and he tidied the end of the stiff collar that encased her long neck.

It was a subtle and slow touch, as if he was caressing her skin texture.

Kalia somehow felt her waist tensing up.

It was exhilarating.

“You still look so good in it, Kalia. So…”

His hand lightly stroked the epaulettes on her shoulders.

His gaze continued from her head to toe, as if he was admiring every aspect of her.

The clothes that clung tightly to her body to emphasize her agility were neither wet, torn, nor dirty.

Even though the fabric was stiff, it didn’t crease, and she didn’t feel any discomfort no matter how much she jumped and moved.

The appropriate decorations and angular collar maintained a beautiful line, and the deep red cloak on her shoulders, with its separate lining and outer fabric, captivated attention with every movement.

From shoes to the hat above her head, everything was made by Simon for her.

He took one step closer and kissed the tip of her ear.

The warm and gentle kiss brushed her ear like whipped cream.

The voice, like whipped cream melted in sunlight, whispered in Kalia’s ear.

“You’re so dazzling.”


His lips that descended along her earlobe gently pressed against her cheek.

Tickled by that sensation, Kalia tilted her head and let out a soft laugh.

Simon continued the kisses, leaving no spot untouched on her cheeks, bridge of the nose, and corners of her eyes.

“To think that such an exquisite woman is mine.”

In his voice filled with overwhelming astonishment, Kalia felt a blooming happiness.

Through Simon, she was experiencing the joy of being loved completely.

“There won’t be anyone else who sees me as beautifully as you do.”

“That’s fortunate. I want to keep it that way in the future… Can you stay here instead of going out?”

In response to his playful words, Kalia naturally wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled.

“Will it be okay? I might not be able to handle it.”

“Well, let me try first before I say anything.”

His lips that touched and retreated as if teasingly, Simon pulled her waist tightly and embraced her.

The carefully dressed attire gradually became disheveled.

The playful teasing that started like a joke also intensified and crossed dangerous boundaries.

Both of them knew that the time for the opening ceremony was approaching, but the sight of each other in their grown-up attire, dazzling and exquisite, made their hearts beat anew.

Simon’s hair, half pushed back and naturally cascading, became disheveled unlike its usually well-groomed state.

Kalia embraced Simon like that and burst into laughter, softly warning him.

“Don’t tempt me anymore, Simon. It could be a disaster if both of us crawl to the party venue. His Highness, the Crown Prince, might experience his third fainting.”

“Ah, my delicate cousin. Such a big scandal in this Empire.”

“If His Highness hears about it, he’ll be furious.”

“Don’t worry, no one can hear us. I’ve cast a spell.”

“Anyway, you’re a sinister fellow.”

Despite their disheveled attire, the two of them finally had a conversation like lovers.

They leaned their foreheads together and shared their breaths.

“Don’t be nervous.”

“You’re the one who should.”

“I don’t get nervous when you’re by my side. Kalia, the only time I get nervous is when you’re not with me. Please don’t disappear in front of me.”

“That again. I’ll never disappear.”

“Okay. Trust me, my wife.”

With force in his last word, he deeply kissed her neck.

Feeling the warm and eerie sensation near her neck, Kalia pushed him away, but when she saw Simon’s smirking face as he backed off, she realized she was already in trouble.


“Come on, let’s go. His Highness, the Crown Prince, is eagerly waiting for our appearance.”

Pretending not to notice, Simon held her hand and led her.

Kalia raised her stiff collar and narrowed her eyes, glaring at him.

Simon smiled helplessly, clasped his hands together, and politely pleaded.

“Please refrain from hitting my side with your elbow.”

Upon his words, Kalia lowered her hand, which had been raised.

Since she had noticed Simon’s paleness even with her playful touch, she had been trying to be cautious, but it didn’t go well.

‘…Is fragility in his bloodline?’

That thought briefly crossed her mind, but she forcefully changed her thinking, convincing herself that she was just overly strong.

Kalia grasped Simon’s hand, meeting it with her own.

As their intertwined fingers formed a tight grip, Simon’s face softened.


“He’s waiting for us in the lobby. Hemmie and Allen are with Sasha, waiting.”

“What? You should have told me earlier. This isn’t the time for idle chatter, Simon.”

“You’ve been so busy these past few days that all I’ve seen is your sleeping face. Don’t scold me for chatting for just five minutes. I’m dying here.”

Rather, Simon grumbled and opened the door, pulling her outside.

With Kalia’s return, her mansion was once again filled with the familiar servants.

The expressions of those they encountered along the way were filled with respect and affection for Kalia and Simon.

Kalia stood at the stairs leading to the lobby, facing them with a shy smile.

“Miss Kalia!”

Hemmie, who spotted her first, cheered with rosy cheeks.

“You look so amazing!”

“Hemmie seems to love my uniform too much.”

“But Miss Kalia wearing that uniform looks truly exquisite!”

Hemmie, who energetically retorted as if saying the obvious, lifted up Sasha, whom she had been carrying.

“Look at young master Sasha! I worked hard to make a miniature version of the same design as Miss Kalia’s. It was worth it.”

In Hemmie’s excited embrace, Sasha, wearing a downsized version of the same uniform as Kalia, was cuddled.

Although it was made of even softer fabric for a baby, the sight of him wearing the same clothes as his mother was incredibly adorable.

“Our Sasha looks even more elegant than his mother.”

After Kalia embraced Sasha tightly, she held him close to her chest.

The baby clung to his mother with his cute little arms and legs, rubbing his cheek against hers.

The scent of the baby filled the air.

Kalia took a deep breath, inhaling Sasha’s fragrance to her heart’s content.

Her mind instantly calmed down.

“Drea was taken by Derek. Thanks to Derek’s strong insistence, Drea seems to be dressed as a baby mage conqueror.”

“That must be incredibly cute too, right?”

“At this rate, Sasha and Drea might become the stars of the party, Miss Kalia.”

Allen’s joke-like remark made Kalia laugh.

“But… Are you really okay with going to the party with the babies? I’m a bit worried.”

“It’s safer to be together than apart. Simon’s spirits will protect the children, and Hemmie and Derek will look after them.”

“I won’t let my guard down even from a distance.”

Kalia nodded her head in agreement with Allen.

“Now, it’s time to really get going.”

Kalia checked the clock on the wall, straightened her back, and adjusted her posture.

Although they weren’t officially recognized as a married couple on paper yet, Jacob and the servants opened the doors for the unquestionable master and mistress.

With Sasha in her arms, Kalia energetically took a step forward through the wide-open doors.

Her scarlet cloak fluttered in the wind.

Her smooth and slender legs firmly touched the ground.

It was time for the party to begin.

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