The Ascension Age

Chapter 64: Let's Take a Look

Kymei heard Aire's question and decided to answer it. "Oh, that! It's not that bad, although most think it isn't worth the price of one low-grade Stellar Crystal."

He then continued, "If you head there, you'll see some giant domes above the buildings where the refraction room is located. They channel the Stellar Energy coming from the center of the universe and concentrate it into the room."

Altina nodded in agreement with Kymei's words as she continued where he left off, "Kymei's right. However, the equipment to create that refraction is extremely expensive. That being said, there's simply not enough for everyone. That's why they sell their time inside. Of course, as Kymei mentioned, most don't think it to be worth the price."

Aire had to admit the Altina was right. "I can see why most think it isn't worth buying this time. However, if it's there for sale, it means there's a reason to buy it, right?"

Sera was the one to answer this question. "Yes. Simply put, it gives you more Stellar Energy in one hour than you would get with a low-grade Stellar Crystal. However, the material used for the refraction domes makes the Stellar Energy impure. There you have it. More quantity but less quality that might affect your training if you don't deal with it quickly. Or less quantity but more quality from the low-grade Stellar Crystals that won't give you any issues."

Sera just finished talking when Stella's voice echoed in Aire's mind, telling him, 'Aire! Immediately contact this guy! Buy as many hours from him as you can!'

Aire also had the same idea, asking, 'As I thought. This improved body of mine doesn't have issues processing impure Stellar Energy, right?'

'Yes!' Stella replied with a smile. 'But even if it did, you can't forget your special skill. It always makes everything 'right,' remember? That being said, I believe your skill would also be able to fix the energy. It's just that you need Stellar Energy to use it, so it wouldn't be very useful. In any case, don't let this chance slip. From now on, use all your Stellar Crystals to buy those hours in the Stellar Energy Refraction Rooms.'

Aire agreed, responding, 'Alright. Well, I'll have to test it first to make sure it's really as good as they say.'

After that, their group used the day to commemorate their results before they went to sleep. 

With that, the next morning, Aire headed back to the Stellar Smith 17th Branch to talk with Due about those jobs that could give him Stellar Crystals. 

"Oh, so you want them. Don't worry, I had Cala organize them according to your skills. The only problem is that you're still in the Stellar Bones Stage, so the metals you can work on are limited," Due could not help but say. "However, you should be able to make up for it with amount alone, so take a look at it."

"Thank you, supervisor Due." Aire was grateful for Due's help. After that, he went to Cala, who was working on some equipment. He wasn't in a hurry anymore, so he waited for her to finish.

Cala noticed that Aire was there as she took out some molten metal from the Pinpoint Furnace. "Aire, you're finally back. Just give me one second." She then put that metal into a mold before working on it for a while, nodding in satisfaction sometime later. "That's about it."

With that, she turned her attention to Aire as she told him, "Congratulations on getting 33rd. The ranks already showed how your team has improved."

Aire nodded before asking, "Thanks. Anyway, senior Due told me that you separated the list of jobs offered to me, is that right?"

"Yes." Cala already expected Aire to ask that, so she had it ready in her communicator. She quickly opened it and sent the list to Aire. "Because of your very high SMA, I put the jobs where you would require the least amount of materials to make. Of course, this is only a good deal for you. For others, it would definitely be better to go for quantity."

Aire didn't mind as he looked at the list. He already saw an alloy usually made by Stellar Organs Stage Risers or above at the very top, which was Gimil Alloy. "Oh, just three kilograms? Isn't that too easy?"

Cala shook her head as she responded, "Say that after you learn how to make it, this alloy uses five types of ores, two powders, and a specific refinement method. If anything, I think a single low-grade Stellar Crystal is too little. But, if it's you, then it should be around the mark for a quick gain."

Aire couldn't help but ask, "Why do I feel like that all offers aren't worth the effort in normal circumstances?" Sure enough, he had been hearing the phrase 'not worth' a lot recently.

Cala then explained with a smile, "Isn't that obvious? Stellar Crystals are just too hard to obtain. No one wants to give more than necessary. If they don't get something extra from these trades, they might as well not trade at all. This is business, and business doesn't mean it is fair." 

Aire had to admit that she was right. He probably would have done the same thing. "Alright, I just came here to take a look at the jobs. I won't start working straight away since I have other things to do." Naturally, Aire wanted to enter the Stellar Organs Stage, as Stella mentioned. 

"No problem, come by some other day, and I'll teach you how to make Gimil Alloy." Cala then went back to her job after saying that.

Aire didn't waste time and took the transportation apparatus to head to the school's Stellar Energy Refraction Room. There, he met with the guy who had that one hour available in the room to sell. It was quite a quick trade. Aire and the seller accessed the mainframe of the school and used their IDs to transfer the energy. Just like that, Aire got one hour to use the Refraction Room. "Well, let's take a look at this Refraction Room."

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