The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 218: The Second Card Unleashed: The Cursed Daggers


He neared Arcane to strike him, unfortunately, Arcane could still follow his movements and dodged it as if it was nothing by moving towards his left while the sword moved towards the right.

Of course, it was his turn to strike now due to which his blood vessels were also seen. With the bigger long sword, he swung with all his might just like earlier.


The strike which had rendered Jay's hands numb didn't have many effects at the moment.

The reason was simple, Jay had increased his strength a lot due to which it had less effective when compared to earlier. Yes, the increase in the size of the sword and its weight and power were great, but the growth in Jay's strength was more.

That was the sole reason he was able to withstand the attack.

"I wonder how much strength you are hiding.", Arcane said with a smile while thinking that Jay was struggling in withstanding Arcane's attack.

'Ya, it's wiser to dodge his attacks than taking them head-on.', Jay decided.

He had in fact thought about it since earlier, however, he wasn't able to execute that. Despite he became fast, Arcane still seemed faster probably because of which if he were to dodge, the attack might end up landing at the wrong spot.

For example, his fingers might get chopped off or his arms might get ripped off.

That was why he thought that instead of doing something that he wasn't certain about, it was best to do which could give him a guaranteed safety.

That was why he was trying to attack directly and withstand the attacks.

But after trading a few blows, he found that it was indeed wiser to dodge the attacks because they were causing some idiotic changes in his body.

For example, his muscles were getting sore and were accumulating fatigue at a much faster rate.

'I need to increase my speed even more…'

'However, my accel is at its max. level…'

'Also, I don't think I can use anything to get faster…'

'Anything except…'

'The demon mode!'

Yes, he had the secret demon mode which would boost not only his strength, it would also boost his speed and would give him an insane transformation.

But he was still hesitating to bring that out because he suspected Arcane to have some other hidden things which he hadn't shown yet.

Of course, he would show when he becomes desperate but when was that moment going to come?

No one knew, Jay was in a dilemma because of that.

'Tsk, I can't heal so its best not to sustain any injuries…'

He was saying this despite the fact that his body was able to heal itself insanely fast with heat in the surrounding.

So how was Jay able to match Arcane's speed? Because of the fire and heat in the surrounding.

And everything else could be answered with that because as soon as he entered the arena or the place where they started to fight, he had activated his blaze sucker which only increased his power constantly.

He wouldn't run out of MP anytime soon and it seemed like his HP would also last long despite taking Arcane's bizarre attacks.

It was all thanks to Blaze Sucker which was doing a fantastic job at the moment.


[ The amount of heat absorption has decreased by 0.01% due to the increase in the host's body temperature ]

Although humans were beings who could control the temperature of their body and maintain it at a constant rate, there was be a limit to that.

At some or the other point, their body temperatures would start to vary, even if it's by little.

Jay's body had an increase in temperature and heat which was due to the intense movement in muscles that were generating a lot of heat.

The body usually has a large amount of energy storage, but only during strenuous exercise or when the muscles are moved a lot, some of those energies that are utilized turns into heat causing an increase in the total temperature of the body.

That was why the skill would absorb a bit less heat, but the decrease was almost negligible.



The sounds of the weapons clashing just kept on getting intense.

It was as if none of them was ready to back off. Instead, they were ready to destroy each other and were going with their full strength.

Whatever, they had decided to completely shatter each other's sword, at least Arcane wanted that to happen.

He wanted to prove that Jay's sword was fake, in fact, he wanted to show that everything about Jay was fake and he was just a trickster and nothing else.

Unfortunately, he was messing with the wrong guy. Little did he know that Jay was really the Dark Overlord, at least, according to what the system had mentioned numerous times.


[ You have used the skill Dark Lightning ]

Jay thought that it was best if he were to use that in order to intensify the tension that was prevalent.


A small explosion was caused due to the black colored lightning which all of a sudden came out of Jay's right hand.

It didn't hit Arcane because of his high speed. He was easily able to dodge the attack.

Well, Jay never aimed at him, to begin with. He was actually trying to create a distance and nothing else.

That was his sole reason for using that skill, because of creating distance, he would get some time to think about the next move.

Also, he would get a little time to recover from the minute fatigue that had been accumulated in his body due to the constant use of demon arts.

Yes, fatigue accumulated due to the demon arts was no joke. He should have been immobile due to them, but then how was he able to move?

It was all thanks to Blaze Sucker which was helping him to recover from a large amount of fatigue almost immediately.

It was only because of that skill that he was able to move.

'Yes, I guess it's time for me to use that!'

He decided that it was the time to unleash his second card – The Cursed Daggers.

Of course, due to those daggers, the chances of his winning would be raised by several times so why not?

It was the best option for him to use at the moment.

The long sword just vanished from his hand when the daggers took their place.


[ You Have equipped the Cursed Daggers ]

[ Attack power doubled ]

[ Defense doubled ]

[ HP recovering rate decreased 50% ]

[ MP recovering rate decreased by 50% ]

Now due to the usage of these weapons, his attack power increased with the benefits of recovering from fatigue at a much faster rate.

Also, the aura around him changed suddenly.

The blood sword was indeed giving off an intimidating aura when he was using it, but the cursed daggers had much more effects than the previous one.

Needless to say, all could feel a weird chilling presence from Jay.

Of course, the same applied to Arcane too who not only failed to recognize the weapon which Jay was holding, but also was bewildered by it.

'What weapon is that?', this was the question that popped into Arcane's mind.

Well, the same question was on everyone's mind. They were looking at the shiny red dagger intensely.

'Just what kind of weapon could give off such an intense aura?', they wondered.

It was a weapon that belonged to the Blood Overlord, after all, that was the reason behind the intense heart rate of Arcane.

A long sword would decrease its user's speed whereas a dagger would increase its user's speed – this was a common logic.

Everyone knew about this and it was no new thing. Of course, Jay became fast since the fact was true.

While swinging the long sword, his speed would automatically decrease even if it wasn't shown by the system specifications.

He had absorbed it many times as he practiced with the sword.

That was why he kept the daggers for later because using them after getting used to Arcane's speed would be better.


Yes, he covered the large gap that had been created between Arcane and himself within a blink of an eye.

It happened faster than anyone could have imagined because he could finally move at his original speed.

"Now it's my turn."


To be continued…

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