The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 214: Becoming The King - Part 3

What could he do? – he too asked himself a similar question because he knew himself better than others.

System creators or what not, if they were watching, then he wanted to plea to them for help.

However he didn't want himself to look weak – a mentality that he had developed after growing a bit stronger from the past.

Of course, there was a lot going on in his mind at the moment. While he thought about what the next step could be, his mind was failing to respond to him properly.

It was as if he was scared of something.

Yes, the demon lord about whom he was talking about was quite infamous after all.

He could do nothing more than ask for help from others.

'In front of true power, nothing works…'- this was one thing that he knew well.

Since Arcane was supposedly way too strong, no tricks could work in front of him.

And just as he thought that the system ended up giving him a piece of advice which ended up reversing the confidence he had.


[ The system advises the host to use the Cursed Dagger to fight against Arcane ]


'The Cursed Dagger…?'

Well, Jay was thinking about asking for help but he never thought about fighting him alone.

Basically, the system just mentioned that he had to fight Arcane and in the fight, he would get some benefit if he were to use the cursed dagger.

'If I use the cursed dagger, can I win?', Jay asked the system directly.


[ Cannot be predicted ]


Shin was staring at the screen with a weird expression in his eyes. Of course, he knew that the system wasn't capable of predicting the future, but he at least expected it to give out some hints or percentages.

'I guess I have to ask it directly…'

'What percentage do you think the chances of my winning would be if I were to use the Cursed Dagger?', Jay asked.


[ Calculating… ]


[ Calculated. ]

[ 8.13% ]

'8 percent only?', well, he had another awkward expression on his face.

However, on thinking about it, eight percentage was also a huge thing.

Even if a chance of 1% was present, winning could be possible – that's what miracles and exceptions are all about.

In his case, a direct 8% was present which meant that the chances of a miracle were eight times the normal.

It was a good thing though, the cursed dagger did increase the chances of his winning.

"Hmm, it's still not enough.", was what Jay ended up saying out loud.

Alon heard this and asked, "Not enough…?"

"What's not enough master?", he asked.


"Nothing, don't mind what I said…"

After saying this Jay got down from the throne and started walking towards the room that was provided to him where he rested at night, of course, now it was day and he was still going there because it was somewhat relaxing there.

'Is there something else that can increase the chances of my winning?', Jay asked the system yet again.


[ Blood Sword ]

"Blood Sword?"

He hadn't even thought about that weapon, it had been awfully long time since he had used that.

Of course, the system was demanding him now to use that. It was as if the blood sword was necessary for him at the moment.

'By using blood sword, what would be my chances of winning?', he asked.


[ 11.5% ]

The moment he saw that Jay was sure that it would be in his best interests to use the sword while fighting Arcane.

Of course, a thing had to be seen, these were all based on statistics.

Nothing could actually be predicted on a battlefield or in a battle.

Anything could happen, the tide could change in the last second too.

So Jay was cautious, to be precise, scared even now.

Oh yes, another thing was to be thought about – There were many more string demons under Arcane.

There were those who were cunning too, Arcane was one of them too, cunning ones.

So he could practically do anything if he wanted so Jay had to be aware all the time.

'Tsk, I don't think I should fight him…', while he was thinking this, another message popped up.

While he thought that the system would give some good advice, he got the exact opposite.


[ The system highly recommends the host to confront Arcane ]

"You must be kidding me…"

Jay said with a weird expression on his face.

But oh well, since the system had advised him to do that, it would be for his own best interest.

"Sigh, aright them, I will go in front of him…"

"But if anything were to happen to me, then I'll kill you!", was what Jay said in a raised voice.

Since the rooms were soundproof, Jay had nothing to worry about.

Of course, the worry would come only if there would be someone spying on him, fortunately, such a situation didn't arise.

Anyway, Jay had now decided to go and fight him for real.

'I have nothing to worry about anyway…', was what he said while smiling to himself.

Wait, he was scared until a minute ago, so what happened to him all of a sudden?

Well, he had forgotten, or to be precise, he had missed a part of the information or a feature which he could have used since earlier.

It was something that his mind had failed to think about until now because he hadn't exactly used it while being conscious – Life. 

Yes, he still had a life feature, which meant that, if he were to die once, he could revive almost immediately.

Although he had lost one life earlier, he had one to spare now which he recalled.

'If he were to scheme something, then I can escape while pretending to be dead…', was what he said to himself.

The life thing was literally an overpowered feature and option. Such a thing was a violation of the rules of nature.

But everything that the demons and gods did was against the rule, to begin with. The only one who brought it back to order was the Dark Overlord.

And maybe that was why nature was favoring him – now the reason was clear.

Due to this, his strength had been increasing all this time, and precisely due to this, his powers were being given back to him.

It was as if nature was creating the Dark Overlord from the scratch or to be precise, was reviving him with all the power it had left within it.

So was nature the creator of the system?

No, nature wasn't the creator of the system, but probably was associated with the creator of the system.

So who was the creator? – that was for some other time.

Right now, Jay was driver by a wave of confidence to go and fight Arcane.

A thing to note – no matter how many lives one was to have, if he gets killed again and again instantly, then those lives would fall short!

Jay had only one additional life with him, this meant that he could only come back to life once. Basically one could say that he had two chances to kill or defeat Arcane.

After wondering for some time in his room, Jay decided to let Alon know about this.

He walked out and arrived at the throne room where the remaining demon generals arrived at the same time.

He had a fierce look mixed with the look of determination.

"…", no one even uttered anything.

They were just quiet because they had no idea about what Jay was going to say.

Also, the demon generals had heard about what had happened.

One could say that they were trying not to see each other or were avoiding Jay's gazes.

"I have decided…"

"It's time for me to face Arcane.", was what Jay said.

The moment others heard that the expressions on their faces changed entirely.

It was as if they wanted the exact same thing to happen and were now happy to see Jay doing that.

After all, for them, the Dark Overlord was considered to be the strongest. Though, they knew about Arcane's power.

In a way, the biggest confrontation in ages was going to happen in Hell which was supposed to be Arcane Vs. Acron, but for now, it was Jay Vs. Arcane.


To be continued…

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