The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 212: Becoming The King - Part 1

"Did you just call me that?"

Jay was just acting to be furious while covering the fear behind it.

Reniea would definitely get scared because of that since she now knew who Jay was.

Yes, Jay had already concluded that Davy had a skill that allowed him to communicate directly in the mind which was something similar to that of Jay communicating with Sebas – telepathy.


'No way…'

'He is the Dark Overlord?', now it was her turn to be shocked.

Of course, at the same time, she had to beg for forgiveness about what she had said a second ago.

Jay was trying his best not to be merciful despite their plea, however that didn't mean that he could give them whatever punishment he wanted.

After all, he had something else going on his mind.

Yes, instead of just punishing them, he could actually use them to become the king of the demon world, that way the mission which he was trying to accomplish would be completed within no time at all.

That was something that would benefit him and would reduce his work. More than that, having three strong demons as his subordinate would help him a lot for sure!


'How do I lead the situation?', Jay asked himself.

No matter what, he couldn't show that he had a weak heart. Only by punishing them could he show his superiority over them.

But at the same time, he feared the revolt or rebellion that could be caused. Of course, the chances weren't high but they weren't zero either.

He was an expert in history so he knew what most of the royalty faced.

That was what he was afraid of, but that was nowhere near to stop him so yes, he definitely took the path of showing his arrogance and dominance more making her reflect her actions.

"So what do I do about this?"

"Tell me Davy…"

He knew their names and descriptions thanks to Alon so he had absolutely no problem with that.

"Yes master?", Davy was nervous at the moment.

It was as if he was never the one who prioritized calmness over anything else.

Earlier, his emotions were difficult to read, but now everything was being shown on his face clearly just because he was scared about doing all those bad things.

Of course, the real matter was that he was in the presence of a being whom everyone to date thought to be the strongest being.

'I wonder if Demi-God Acron can kill him…', was the thought that had to arouse in his mind long ago when he confronted Jay.

Unfortunately, he recalled the fact that the Dark Overlord was the only one with True Immortality so obviously he couldn't be killed.

When this fact became evident, then no matter how powerful a master they had been serving all this time, they had to bow in front of him if they wanted their lives to be sparred.

It was in their good interest, after all, to bow in front of the Dark Overlord.

"She insulted me a second ago…"

"What do you think I should do with her?", Jay asked.

Davy had no answer to that question. He was completely quiet and could hardly think of saying anything to him.

Yes, his mind had stopped working probably because of fear.

Whatever it may be, he didn't want Reniea to be killed. But he knew not if he requests him to forgive her completely.

"Master, I-", he thought that he could at least try begging for mercy.

However, even before he could say anything, Jay said, "I could forgive you guys because you might have done that without knowing…"

When Davy heard this, it felt as if a huge weight was thrown out of his body and he was relaxed for a few seconds.

"But what about her?"

"She clearly knew who I was…"

"And despite knowing that, she insulted me…"

"Do you think she deserves no punishment?", he asked with an arrogant voice.

What could she do now anyway?

She had to accept punishment. But yes, all of them were afraid of what punishment Jay had planned for her.

Not that it would be something easy considering the fact that he was an Overlord.

"But-", Davy was going to convince him however Reniea stopped him from doing anything foolish.

Although they were arrogant demons who did many evil things, at the end of the day, everyone was scared of something or the other.

Also, they all thought about their own lives more so it would make sense for them to do that too.

However, Reniea did something that Jay never imagined.

"For the mistake that I've committed…"

"I will pay with my life…"

Jay never in his wildest dreams had ever imagined seeing a demon saying that to him, and at that a demon general.

'Wait, is dying that easy of a thing here?', Jay asked himself.

Because if it wasn't a simple thing, then it wouldn't make sense at all. 

Why would someone be ready to die when they could beg for mercy and be sparred?

"What are you saying Reniea?"

"Didn't you say that you will protect your family?"

"If you die, then who will protect them?", Borthod asked this.

Jay was surprised yet again to see Borthod interrupt the talk between Davy and Reniea.



'Don't tell me she has some sort of backstory too…', Jay sighed when he thought about it.

If she had a backstory, then her actions might make some sense, of course, that doesn't mean that what she did was exactly right.

Some things that are deemed to be wrong, will remain wrong as long as they are deemed to be.

One couldn't just go and say that the wrong is right – not at all.

Similarly, no matter what backstory she had, Jay wouldn't forgive her for the murders or killings that she had done.

Though, he was intrigued by the story due to which he wanted to listen to what she had to say.

However, for some reason, he was getting irritated at the moment by seeing the demon generals chat amongst themselves.

"Please, Reniea…"

"Just think about them…"


And so on, their chatter continued and seemed not to end at all.

But oh well, Jay didn't mind.

He kept waiting for them sot stop chatting, of course, while glaring that is.

But Jay didn't have that much patience. He could wait only for a certain second after all.

"Hear me out…", he raised his voice again.

On hearing that, all of them suddenly became quiet.

Of course, Reniea still wanted to live, however, she thought that it was impossible.

"I have decided something…", was what Jay said.


Alon knew not about Jay's plan. While he thought that Jay was helping Alon to kill the demon generals, Jay was planning something entirely different.

Of course, he hadn't revealed it earlier and thought that it was the best time to reveal it.

"I'm planning on assuming the position of the Demon King.", Jay said it directly without beating around the bush.

The moment the demon general and Alon heard that their eyes ended up opening wide. It was as if their eyes would pop out but yes, they were surprised completely after hearing that.

"You want to be king of this world…?", voice could hardly come out of their mouths because this was no small matter.

Long ago, the Dark Overlord ruled the land too and he did so many great things that made their lives easier.

The same happened when Diablo ruled them, but after that, the advancement of the civilization came to a halt.

Most likely because he disappeared after that, maybe he just got bored or something.

In any case, now after re-appearing after such a long time, the Dark Overlord asked to rule over the entire land yet again.

This couldn't be overlooked at all.

And the demon generals, they couldn't possibly deny this.

However, they still had the thought of Demi-God Acron.


"But isn't His Highness Acron-", Borthod had just mentioned this much right when Davy smacked on his head.

"I'm sorry master, he-", Davy was trying to give some random reason before which Jay ended up interrupting him.

He asked, "I see, so you are Acron's loyal followers…"


Davy became quiet again after hearing that.

Chills ran down his spine while just thinking what Jay would do next.


To be continued…

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