The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 204: Demon Arts - Part 2: Diablo's Second Mention

After teleporting to barren land, Alon started to show the Demon Arts which Jay had memorized

Jay had no experience in those arts and all he knew was the theory. While on contrary to him, Alon seemed to everything about those arts, at least, everything that the book contained.

He almost instantly took position and started to perform that art that Jay was curious about.

"Your highness, I will perform and show you once…", was what he said.

Jay nodded his head after hearing that.

The demon Alon started with a decent art which was mentioned on the first page of the first book that Jay had read.

He had just taken a stance but with just that, a weird pressure was being exerted from the sky.

Jay could feel the pressure which just kept increasing for a few seconds.

'Just how powerful is this?', Jay asked himself.

The arts which Alon performed were inhuman for sure, but more than that, they held a large number of explosive powers in each move.

This was what excited Jay in the first place.

Well, Jay didn't know about the demon language. Despite that, he was able to read the book thanks to the system which translated everything for him.

He required no skill to use.

But now, he thought that it was better to enter the demon mode so that he could perform at the same time as Alon.

'Hmm, I guess I should just watch carefully first…', that was a better decision than he took.

That way, he would have no problem later and wouldn't require to ask again and again.

An interesting fact to note was that the demons would take at least a month's time to memorize all the context that was mentioned, but Jay was able to do that in just two hours.

This was incomparable to any demons.

Also, the books which he read had interesting titles on them – Diablo.

That was the title of the first book and all other books had the same title too.

It was kind of weird because Jay felt as if he had heard that name tons of times!


In any case, Alon continued to perform and Jay continued to watch and memorize those moves even without realizing it.

But then, after a few seconds, he realized that what he read and what the demon Alon was doing was quite different. Of course, some parts were the same but others were different.

'Now this is weird…'

'His moves are different from what I read…', he said in a low voice.


'Did he perhaps forget some steps or moves?', Jay asked himself.

He wasn't too sure. This was because a demon of such a strong ranking wouldn't do mistakes that often.

Even if they were to do mistakes, they would have the capability of rectifying them.

But unfortunately, the demon in front of him, who was a King rank demon, seemed to have been doing mistakes over mistakes, at least, that's how it seemed to Jay! 

"Um…", Jay wanted to call Alon and ask him directly.

But Alon was way too immersed in what he was doing – destruction.

Yes, he was destroying the rocks that were a bit far away but within the barren land.

Those were all spells or powerful attacks that could even cut an entire mountain into two pieces.


'But his movements aren't that bad when compared to the book…', Jay nodded his head.

Alon didn't look earlier when Jay called him, but after destroying a large boulder, he thought about taking a peek to look at his reaction.

And it was exactly at this moment that Jay nodded his head so Alon thought that Jay was extremely satisfied with what he was doing, but in reality, that was not the case.

He continued and soon finished demonstrating the things that were written in the first book.

By this time, Jay started to doubt what he read.

'Am I the stupid one?', Jay asked himself.

Of course, after seeing Alon perform so confidently, he couldn't think but doubt himself.

Jay stopped finding the mistakes that Alon was making, he started to search for what he was doing right.

Whatever he performed was only 10% of what was written in the book. The remaining everything was exaggerated!

"How was it your highness?", Alon came to hear some praises.

But Jay was so confused that he would trash talk about him almost immed9ately if agitated.

In any case, it seemed like Alon got it entirely wrong. Jay did read something else, at least, he felt that way.

"What should I say…?", Jay said in a low voice with his head lowered.

It was as if he was at a loss in words regarding what Alon did.

On contrary to what Jay thought or wanted to say, Alon thought that Jay was speechless and had no words to praise him.

But when Jay finally opened his mouth, Alon understood that whatever he did was wrong with respect to Jay.

"What did you do there Alon?"

"That was nothing like what I read!", was what Jay said.

"Huh?", that surely came as a surprise to Alon because he was expecting exaggerated praises!

"Your highness…?", Alon just stared at him because he doubted what he heard a second ago.

"Yes, I think you performed something from a different book…", Jay said.

Well, the attacks and destructiveness could be clearly seen. The power that Alon showed was definitely something that would leave many in astonishment.

Jay was shocked when he saw those powers too, but he was much more confused about what he was exactly performing.

Though, he memorized all the moments. There was no mistake in that.

"But I'm sure that I did the exact things that you read…", was what Alon said.

But Jay wasn't ready to accept what he was saying.

"No way, you never showed me Demonic Thunder technique which was on the first page of the book…"

"Even Demonic mana bomb…"

"That too you never showed me!", Jay said.

Well, he could basically start pointing out each and everything that Alon left out but that way he would just be reciting the entire first book.


When Alon heard those names, he was shocked.

It wasn't that he had heard that for the first time, it was a shock from seeing Jay say out those names.


"Your highness…"

"You know about those techniques?", Alon asked.

Now that was totally a weird question for Jay because he had basically read those things from the book.

In fact, Alon was also present there and was watching Jay complete a book by book quite quickly.

He was sure that Jay never got his hands on any other books, so hearing those demonic techniques made him much more curious about how Jay became aware of that.

"What are you talking about?"

"They were the techniques written in the book!", was what he said.


"Written in the books?", Alon seemed much more surprised than Jay.

The techniques that Jay just mentioned were called the legendary demon techniques which could only be performed by the founder of the techniques and his disciples.

No one else could do those techniques and the reason for that was unknown.

Those were not the only techniques that were legendary, there were tons more but all of them seemed to have been lost with time.

And now yet again, those names were brought up by Jay which shocked Alon.

"How can that be your highness…?"

"Because the book that I gave you had only basic techniques of demon arts…"

"The Basic Demon Arts…"

"That was the title of the book too, so how could it have…?", Alon was confused.

He knew that Jay wouldn't lie because he would gain nothing from doing that, so this situation made no sense to him.

Well, when Alon was thinking about this, all of a sudden Jay started to speak.

"What do you mean by 'the basic demonic arts' was the title of the book?", Jay asked.

"The name of the books was Diablo, wasn't it?"

Alon practically became a statue when he heard that name.

The name Diablo was more than enough to send chills down everyone's spine and hearing that name again shocked him.

"Your highness…"

"Where did you hear that name?", Alon asked.

"Sigh, I said right, that was the book's title?"

"Just where is your attention?" 


To be continued…

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