The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 536: "I didn't do it"

Imperial Multi-Speciality Hospital, 07:05;

Xi Fang and Xi Wei stood behind their brother, listening to the familiarly euphonious voice of their dear Sister-in-law. The man too, stood still, holding onto the phone in his hand tightly. 

"Oh, my sweet, sweet, Yuan.", the recording started, her voice trembling, "How terrorized you must be right now. To watch her like that, weak and unconscious. How helpless, and frightened you must've felt then. I can only imagine. 

"She is mother, Yuan. Not yours, but mine too. And I sincerely hope she survives through this. I really do.", she laughed a short but forlorn laugh, "That is if you believe me.", the woman added.

"I didn't do it.", she said tiredly, "I am scared, Yuan. More than I've ever been. About us. I wanted to know that we'll be okay before I left. That no matter how it looked like, you would trust me. That you love me, and that you would miss me. But as I prepare to fly now, I feel terrible, and alone, and guilty. I should not have left you like this, and I should have been able to protect her. 

"I've never headed for a mission with so much fear, and uncertainty, and disquietude on my mind. But I didn't have a choice. I had an oath, a position, a nation; to honor and to serve. I couldn't let my emotions blur that. And for that, I am sorry. 

"It's treacherous, where I am going. And though I don't wish to worry you, even more, I need you to know that I might or might not return home. I hope it's not 'the end' for us, this mission. But if it is, I want to tell you, for the last time, that I love you, Xi Yuan. I always have, and I always will. 

"It's time, now.", Rong Xinghe chuckled, tears flowing down her eyes, her voice breaking moments after, "As for the attack on our Mom, have a word with Lieutenant Zhao in MCO. He's investigating the matter. I've submitted the gun to Military Forensics too so that no one should be able to tamper with the results.

"But I am more than sure that the fingerprints over it would be mine, for that's the whole intention behind it. To make me appear guilty. But to believe it or not; I leave that to you."

As quietness spread throughout the clean, cold space around him, Xi Yuan clenched his fists, the corner of his eyes stinging involuntarily, a lump forming in his throat. Of everything she'd said, the words 'I might or might not return home' seemed to have horrified him the most. What did she mean by that? He couldn't lose her. Not like this. Not so soon. 

"Brother!", Xi Fang rushed toward the man, as he realized the man was struggling to breathe, "Wh--what's... Are you okay?!"

"I am alright.", Xi Yuan shook his head, patting the younger man's shoulder, attempting to gain dominance over the intense sentiments overpowering him. For the first time in his life, he'd lost control of himself like that, the man's brothers perceived. Even when he'd witnessed their Grandparents' death, he'd carried himself with quite the ataraxia. And yet...

"What's going on over here?", at this time, Mo Zixuan's voice resonated through the empty corridor. Turning around, the three men looked at the girl's two brothers standing at the entrance, their expressions solemn. Mo Zixuan, and Lu Wei. 

"Rogguang told us that the surgery went well.", Lu Wei smiled, loosening his tie leisurely, "So we came to check on you. You okay?", the man questioned then, genuine concern evident in his tone. 

Xi Yuan simply nodded at the girl's brothers appreciatively. Noticing the pain in his eyes, the two could as well tell that he had listened to their sister's message. And so, they found it quite necessary to wait for him to speak first.

"I...", Xi Yuan cleared his throat after roughly two minutes, looking at Lu Wei directly, "I trust her.", he said.

"What?", Mo Zixuan furrowed his brows, expecting the man to elaborate his words. And so he did. Calmly, Xi Yuan walked over to the two Tigers and spoke his piece. 

"I didn't doubt her, for a second.", he began, "When I walked into her room, I was stunned, yes. To watch Mom like that. I was in an urgency. I needed to take her to the hospital, and I was not at the liberty of time."

"Then, when I saw Xinghe's gun on that bed, I realized that she was being framed. So to confirm if it really belonged to her, I asked her that question. My tone must've had been a tad reticent, or plain even because I was worried for mother at the time. But to doubt her? I would never do that. Not to her. I just..."

"Didn't recognize what your words came out to her like.", Lu Wei mumbled, suddenly comprehending the complexity of the situation. 

"Why did you stop her from coming along with you then?", Mo Zixuan was equally shocked. 

"Because her gown was splattered with Mom's blood.", Xi Yuan inhaled a long, deep breath, "And there were journalists outside. It was a matter of common knowledge that she was the only one with Mom inside the Bridal Suite when the attack happened. How do you think the media would've portrayed her then? 

"I wanted her to come with me to the hospital. Obviously, I did. But be that as it may, I couldn't allow those monsters to rip her reputation apart like that, could I?", the man said, "I told her to stay back because I wanted to protect her. Not because I didn't trust her. Goodness...

"I-- I love Xinghe. I've known her for three years now. I have faith her in as priests have in God. She is the reason I even gathered the courage to let them in, my parents. Whatever love, or pain, I feel for my mother, whatever relationship we share today; I owe it all to Xinghe. And what did I give to her in return? Self-doubt, and insecurities. Pain, and fear."

"Yuan. Calm down.", Lu Wei said after a while, pulling the man in for a hug, "It's okay, boy."

As his shoulders trembled, Xi Yuan muttered under his breath, his tone almost inaudible, "She needed me today, Bro Lu. She needed her Yuan today. And in an attempt to shield her, to protect her, I ended up failing her. I ended up hurting her more than the Rongs, or the Zhous, ever could."

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