The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 37: She even called herself hot !

Rong Xinghe rushed back to military chief residence .

Why the hell were they there ?

More lectures ! No !

As soon as she reached the main gate , almost ten military officers jumped with rifles and revolvers pointed at her !

Rong Xinghe rolled her eyes , " What the hell are you guys doing ?"

One of the officer said , " These are national premises. Military Chief Rong stays here ! You cannot just simply intrude ! Get out ! "

Oh yeah ! She still had her male disguise on ! How would they recognise her ?

"And what if i don't ?! " , Rong Xinghe was already pissed that she had to flee from the coffee shop because of her brothers , and now they were also stopping her !

" Lad ! these revolvers have bullets ! We will shoot ! Don't you know military protocols ?!"

another officer said.

The moment the soldier said that , the man did a high jump and before they could even process what was happening , each and everyone of them was lying on the ground.

What more , the man had even made a pile of their weapons !

F*ck !

Who was he ?!

" No one knows military protocols better than me , kid ! " , the man said with a smile as he sat on the hood of the car .

" Who the hell are you , bastard ? " , another officer screamed at the top of his lungs.

" How dare you call the military chief of this country a bastard ?! " , the man said in threatening tone .

" What military chief ! Are you drunk ?! Our military chief is a woman ! " , the first officer raged.

" Don't argue with him ! Call more men ! " , one more officer said.

" No need ! They won't be able to do anything , either. " , the man said.

All the officers looked startled when they heard it !

Just where did his confidence came from ?!

At that moment , the man took off his wig and long jet black hair fell down like a waterfall reaching the waist.

Then , he took off his fake beard and moustache completely disclosing his identity !


What was this ?

This man was their boss ?!

The whole army had practically started to worship this lady when she had got through the training of hell !

So they remembered each and every feature of her face.

But just now....

Her voice was like a man .....

Her figure looked so macho ....

Her way of fighting .....

Even they had started to feel jaleous of this person when they saw him earlier !

And now they came to know that he was a woman !

Their boss !

It was so unbelievable !

Of course , she knew protocols of military more than anyone !

Of course , she could beat anyone no matter how many officers they would call !

Of course , she didn't even needed a single weapon to defeat merely ten armed soldiers !

She was trained like that !

Her combat skills were simply amazing !

They quickly stood up and saluted her !

" You ! The one who called me a bastard ! Anything you wanna say ?! " , the woman pointed her chin at the soldier who had called her bastard .

The man shivered from inside , " , Military Chief. "

" Hmmm..... Get used to this , everyone ! This will happen more often.

By the way , my this diguise is named Lu Xi , cousin of business industrialist Lu Wei and adopted son of Lu Wei's infertile second uncle and aunt. Okay ?" , the woman stood up on the hood and informed everyone .

She had done this many times , so , she needed to give name to this character of hers. Hence , she took her eldest brother's surname " Lu " and other brother's name " Xi " .

It was her ' proper planning .' HEHEHE...

Meanwhile , the officers broke out in cold sweat !

This was going to happen more often ?

Is she kidding ?

What about her security ?

" Don't worry about my security. The attacks on military chief of this country are inevitable. None of you can stop that. And not every terrorist group can see through me in this disguise. I know what i do ! " , Rong Xinghe could read their thoughts.

She was a soldier as well , after all .

She then did a backflip from the hood of the car to the ground , threw the keys to the valet so he could park the car , and walked inside the military chief residence .

" Good night , guys ! " , the ten men heard the voice of their boss .

No one moved from their location for sometime.

What was that ?

Why did they suddenly felt that there are going to be tough days ahead ?


Meanwhile ,

At the Elite Saphhire Penthouse ,

Xi Yuan got back from the coffee shop and sat on the couch as he removed his shoes.

He still could not believe that the man he saw earlier was his girl .

The way she was discussing issues that affected local citizens like she was a part of them was such a considerate gesture....

She wasn't bothered at all when the shopkeeper said that he liked her.

In fact , she even called herself hot !

The man chuckled when he thought about how he had felt jaleous when he had heard her say that , thinking that another man liked her !


Just what are you , Rong Xinghe ?

How much more of you am i yet to see ?

Why do i feel like i fall in love with you all over again every day ?

The man sighed .


Next day ,

In an event management studio .

Rong Xinghe arrived to see a young woman directing staff members about flower arrangement in some upcoming event.

Rong Xinghe patted the woman on her back , " Hi ! "

The woman turned to see Rong Xinghe and dismissed the staff , " Do i know you ? "

Rong Xinghe was surprised to hear her say that. After she became military chief , almost everybody recognised her , just this woman was a rare case .

Rong Xinghe , " I am Zhi Bo's sister , Rong Xinghe. "

The woman was startled to hear the name , " Y...You are Bo's sister ? ! Oh my god ! I....I didn't prepared anything ! No gift , no ..... nothing ! Just sit ! I 'll order some tea for you ! Bo told me you like to drink tea. "

Rong Xinghe saw the nervous woman in front of her and smiled .

She held the woman's hands , " Ruo Cy , stop with the formalities already. I am not made of glass. I just wanted to meet you .You don't need to impress me. Can we just go to the cafe downstairs and chat for a while ? "

Ruo Cy finally calmed down a little after she heard the gentle tone of the girl , " O..okay ! "

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