
Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Withered Cane

“what? Who wants to buy it? ”

“I’m not a fool.”

When they heard that someone had made an offer, people in the hall began to talk about it. when they found out that the voice was coming from VIP room no 2, they immediately became very quiet. especially the few people who had just spoken, they even went to the ground with their heads down and their faces turned pale.

Because VIP room no 2 is dedicated to castellan mansion. they are a grassroots, and people who laugh at castellan mansion are fools. isn’t this a death wish?

“Master Rong, is there anything mysterious about the withered cane?”

No.2 VIP room, Zhao Qianlei a face of curious-looking at sitting beside, a man dressed in an alchemist robe asked.

This man is about 30 years old, with a white complexion and elegant demeanor. He is exactly the splendor of an alchemist worshiped by the castellan mansion.

“I don’t know if there is any mystery. The price is not high anyway. Let’s play.”

Ronghua chuckled. His only love except alchemy was to collect some strange things. However, withered cane in Tong Yan’s hand obviously met his mind of collection and made an offer without any care.

As for silver coins, they were nothing to him.


Zhao Qianlei smiled, then remembered his hobby of splendor and said nothing more.

Sitting on the side of Zhao Xue bored with his hand holding a small head, arch eyebrows locked, a pair of bored to death, if it weren’t for the wait to have what she needs, she really went straight away.

“No matter what the cost, we must get that withered cane.”

While Zhao Qianlei and Rong Hua were talking, the voice of Emperor Nishang suddenly came from Ye Qianghan’s ear.

“What is withered cane?”

Ye Qianghan surprised at the same time, his mind sank into Tartarus and asked Emperor Nishang.

However, after Emperor Nishang said one thing, he stopped caring about him and couldn’t help but make Ye Qianghan’s teeth itch.

The old woman, says more will die.

“Okay, 5,500 gold coins, the first time.”

Tong Yan couldn’t help laughing at this and shouted loudly. He thought the cane would be sold, but someone did buy it.

“Six thousand silver coins”

Ye Qianghan hurriedly shouted, although Emperor Nishang didn’t say anything charming, he wouldn’t be angry not to shoot because of it. After all, what the emperor of the open generation said was not something that shocked the world, he guessed it must be a treasure of heaven, material, and earth.

No, that’s a fool.

Hearing Ye Qianghan’s bid, Zhao Xue, who was sleepy, suddenly woke up with a tingle. Isn’t this the voice of the swindler?

However, because she did not listen carefully at the beginning, she was not sure at the moment and was immediately prepared to listen attentively to the other side’s next offer.

“Seven thousand silver coins”

Glory light said.

“Eight thousand silver coins”

Ye Qianghan continues to bid.

“This is 10,000 silver coins less.”

Hearing Ye Qianghan’s bid, Lin Luan immediately opened his mouth and shouted.

He was going to trouble Ye Qianghan, but Ye Qianghan did not participate in the bidding, which depressed him for a long time. Now he saw that Ye Qianghan finally had what he wanted and immediately joined in.

He doesn’t care what this thing does for himself, as long as it can make Ye Qianghan beaten, he will feel happy.


With Ye Qianghan and Lin Luan joining in, all the people in the hall could not help grinning and lamenting that the rich were really willful.

At the same time of exclamation, their hearts muttered, isn’t that seemingly ugly rattan, will it be a rare treasure elixir?

“eleven thousand silver coins”

Glory eyebrows a wrinkly, continue to speak.

“20,000 silver coins”

Ye Qianghan continues to increase his fees and charges more than money. He is really not afraid now.

“Ming, shall we bid?”

Ouyang family exclusive VIP room no.3, followed by Ou Yangming Ouyang Yuan asked impatiently.


Ou Yangming motioned with his hand, saying that the purpose of his visit was first to auction Juyuan Dan, and second to finish the ceremony with Fengming guns. As for the others, he was not interested.

Besides, he didn’t see the value of withered cane in the hands of the child.

“Haha, I’ll take this thing. Fifty thousand silver coins, hillbilly. If you have the ability, you can continue to increase the price, depending on how much money you have.”

Lin Luan laughed and looked very arrogant. He didn’t believe that he could not fight a peasant with his own financial resources.

Fifty thousand silver coins?

Lin Luan’s words immediately surprised the martial artist who participated in the auction.

Fifty thousand silver coins are astronomical figures for them and they dare not even think about it.

As for others, 50,000 silver coins were thrown out without blinking an eye, and they were also used to buy an inedible withered cane.

Aggressive side leakage, wood?

This is the confidence of the big family.

“Fifty thousand silver coins?”

Glory eyebrows a wrinkly thought for a moment decided to give up.

He is just curious about the withered cane. If no one wants it, he doesn’t mind photographing it. Now that he has photographed 50,000 silver coins, he doesn’t think it is necessary to continue shooting.

“100,000 silver coins”

Ye Qianghan’s price is still the same, and Lin Luan’s insulting words are not even a fart in his eyes.

If you can do it, try not to talk.

Aren’t you rich? Come on, Xiao ye, let you know why flowers are so red.

“100,000 silver coins?”

“My God.”

If Lin Luan’s offer of 50,000 shocked them, they were stunned by Ye Qianghan’s 100,000 yuan and looked up at Ye Qianghan’s VIP room one after another, with a gasp of breath.

“That’s VIP Room 1.”

“Oh my god, who is inside? So rich? ”

“tut, can those who can enter VIP room number one send money?”

The martial artist in the hall was abuzz with comments. Everyone looked at VIP Room 1 with envy and jealousy.

“It’s him, dad, it’s him.”

No.2 VIP room, Zhao Xue said to Zhao Qianlei with a face of excitement.

“Who is it?”

Zhao Qianlei looked at his daughter with a face of stupid force and asked.

“Who else? is the one who saved my daughter in Desperate Forest?”

Zhao Xue pouted and said crossly as if to blame Zhao Qianlei for not taking the search for Ye Qianghan to heart.

“oh, that’s a good feeling. when the auction is over, dad will thank him in person for saving his precious daughter’s life.”

Zhao Qianlei smiled, looked at Zhao Xue, as long as his baby is happy, he can do anything for her.


Only then did Zhao Xue nod with satisfaction, and a face of expectation imagined what he would look like when he stood in front of Ye Qianghan.



Or is it as usual with that smelly face?

Zhao Xue thinks so, his eyes are erratic, with a faint and inexplicable color flashing, revealing a charming look, showing his little daughter’s delicate state.

Obviously Ye Qianghan has a weight in her heart that she doesn’t even realize.

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