Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 52: Evolved Form

Everyone was looking at Akash's new savage form in awe as he flapped his wings one time before dashing towards his opposition. Black Dragon jumped and his mammoth-sized body vanished, forcing Akash to stop and look for it.

Then, he felt a terrifying power above him. He looked up and saw Black Dragon floating above him. The latter had used a spatial skill to teleport.

"Another fascinating spatial skill!"

Akash praised the skills of his enemy, getting even more eager to get him on his own side. The dragon in the sky, roared loudly, stunning everyone nearby including Akash and Red Mamba.

It didn't take long for them to recover though while the others were still stunned. He growled, baring his teeth, and opened his mouth, blistering lightning glimmered inside. It was his inborn skill "Black Dragon Breath". Akash squinted his eyes as he looked at the dragon.

The dragon let out a beam of lightning and fire, directed at Akash Tagar, who didn't just stand there and welcome the attack, instead he evaded it by flight. He was already good at flying before because of his cosmic powers and previous life experience. Additionally. having the wings of Ancestor Sparrow raised his flight skills to an even higher realm.

Akash dodged the beam as it landed on the ground, bursting and turning it into boiling lava. However, the dragon didn't stop there, he moved his head towards Akash, continuing to fire a deadly ray of scorching lightning.

Akash quickly moved and the attack followed him, however, he flew away again, fluttered the wings a second time and he had flown quite the distance.

As the dragon saw him vanish, he ceased his attack and Akash halted his evasive trek as well before looking down. The attack was so powerful that it had left a huge vertical pit of bulging lava on the ground.

Akash looked at the dragon and simply smiled, provoking his opponent even more, who didn't hesitate and rushed at this hated foe. The former moved too, both getting closer every passing second before the dragon suddenly vanished once again.

This time, Akash didn't wait like a sitting duck, but instead flapped his wings continuously with increasing vigour, reaching an even greater speed.

At that time, the dragon reappeared, but to his surprise, Akash was not there, the guest of the valley had already reached his side instead. Before the beast could react, Akash used his wings and appeared right in front of his big eyes.

However, the dragon wasn't startled as he was already prepared for the possibility of incurring some serious injuries in this fight. Akash clenched his powerful fist before throwing out a wide swing.


Akash pummeled the dragon's eye. bursting and subsequently shoving it deep inside the socket. His gigantic body trembled. Throughout all this action, Red Mamba was observing and scrutinizing from afar, particularly Akash himself.

"What a smart attack, this man is certainly no ordinary man."

He complimented before Doom Demon inquired.

"What's so special about a punch?"

Red Mamba looked at the demon.

"What would you rather use to attack an eye? A sword or a mace?"

The demon said right after.

"A sword, obviously, it can cleanly cut it while there is a risk with using a mace."

Mamba looked at Akash.

"That guy also had sharp claws, but he used his fist. A sharp cut would only disable the eye, but a powerful blow would not only destroy it but also shake the whole brain of the dragon."

Red Mamba's prediction was on point as the dragon trembled and fell to the ground. Akash, seeing the opening, dived down, but during battle, he forgot that dragons had another part which was as powerful as their limbs, their tails!

The falling dragon saw the vivid image of Akash coming at him. Left with no other option, he waved his tail with all his remaining might. Fortunately for him, the tail swatted Akash away like a fly.

Due to the force of the impact, he was slammed on the same big mountain. However, before he could incur more damage, Akash dug his strong claws into the rugged ground and stopped his momentum.

Some of his scales had broken along with many other wounds. If Akash had fought that dragon outside of the training grounds, then he would have died long ago even in his evolved form. With every flap of his wings, he consumed a large amount of cosmic power.

He had a huge amount of it, however, his cultivation was still low, so his body couldn't keep up and he wasn't using it in the most efficient manner possible either.

Akash was healing himself silently throughout the entire fight, forcing Black Dragon to be on the losing side. Making use of the brief respite, the dragon stood up and shook his hand, the sheer pain was making him even crazier as he opened his mouth once again.

This time, a small ball of ice was formed and then thrown towards the mountain. As Akash realized where the ball was going, he shouted at Red Mamba and the others.

"Everyone, run away!"

All his people were standing on the side of the mountain, Akash quickly jumped and stood in the path of the upcoming attack.

"I need a sword!"

Akash told the snake.

"Here, take it!"

Doom Demon threw his large rectangular blade. Akash quickly grabbed it in mid-air and unleashed his martial technique 'Parry the Heavens' once again. The ball soon arrived and even though it was smaller than the previous attacks, it was still significantly larger than Akash.

Making use of all his power, gained from all the evolutions and his currently transformed body, he was able to divert the attack, sending it towards the fields where the armies still stood. One-Eyed Wolf screamed as it realized the trajectory.


Akash murmured.

"Sorry, I wasn't able to save everyone..."

The ball went towards the beasts of One-Eyed Wolf.


The small ball had made a louder explosion than anyone expected, all the surrounding beasts were instantly turned into solid ice, putting around 200 beasts to death, 40 of which were Black Dragon's army.

Akash Tagar was as sad as One-Eyed Wolf was albeit, for more selfish reasons, he had wanted to save every beast possible for his army.

The wolf after seeing this carnage almost turned berserk, ready to jump at the dragon until something caught his attention. Black Dragon's beasts were all gloomy and scared, the battle had become one-sided and after seeing their leader recklessly killing their comrades, they quickly lost their will to fight.

Seeing the opportunity, the wolf spoke loudly.

"Cease this battle, you have seen how Black Dragon attacked you all with no care for friend or foe! Do you still want to serve such a duke? Surrender and none of you will be killed, we have no quarrels with dragons! We just revolted against Black Dragon in particular!"

His voice echoed throughout the sky, mountain and fields, reverberating through the ears of the armies. Until finally a voice came

"I surrender"

Following that the dispirited army began to surrender, one by one.

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