Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 124: Uninvited Guest

Meanwhile, Bernard, whose face was emitting the lights of merriment suddenly changed into a demon's face full of choler, he murmured a name.


Bernard came out of the resting room, his sight pierced the masses and landed on the man in shorts. In the entire stadium, there was only one man who knew the cause of the sudden earthquake, it was none other than Bernard Maracass.

The Illusionist looked daggers at the man wearing black goggles and asked

"Why are you here, Lucas?"

"Wow! You can use telepathy?"

Unlike the words he spewed, Lucas' face didn't show any sign of surprise.

"Cut the crap, Lucas. Why are you in Sindh province? It's under my jurisdiction"

Bernard asked in a furious tone.

Lucas in return grinned wickedly. The spectators were gawking at Illusionist Dragon, they tried their best to find the person who was receiving Bernard's attention but all failed to find anyone. For the rest, it seemed as Bernard was looking at two empty seats at the end of the row.

Akash was puzzled, he centralized his senses to those two chairs. The moment he focused, the King's eyebrows furrowed.

"Those seats are not vacant!"

Akash could sense dim cosmic energy from those seats.

The gaze of Lucas was fixed at Bernard, while her secretary was looking at Akash Tagar.

"Sir.. "

She said in a low voice.

"Shush, Farha. Don't ruin my fun"

Lucas said before she could finish

"That boy can see us"

She said her piece quickly


Upon hearing that, Lucas looked at Akash Tagar. The latter felt an unusual chill running down his spine, Akash's forehead released sudden drops of sweat.

"Another Star King?"

These were the very first words that came to Akash's mind.

Bernard Maracass was witnessing everything, he sighed to calm himself and questioned.

"Lucas, are you here to fight?"

"Hehe, to be honest, yes! But unfortunately, I can not, I heard you bet on someone, so I thought to look at that genius with my own eyes, that's all"

Lucas replied

"You just saw his entire fight a few moments ago, now get lost"

Bernard retorted in a dominant tone

"Hehe, what's so hurry? I also want to make a bet with you."

Lucas leaned on the chair and said

"Not interested, if you stay here 1 more minute. I'll lose my control, thousands of innocents will die and you'll have to face the consequences"

Bernard threatened

"You think I'm afraid?"

Lucas retorted

"Maybe not now, but you will be. Once Jose will get this news."

Lucas facial expressions changed drastically, he put the black glasses back on his eyes and uttered

"Bernard, we will meet again soon. We can not co-exist on this small planet."

"That's the only thing where we see eye to eye with each other"

Bernard Maracass replied

Lucas and his secretary vanished into thin air, Bernard released his clenched fists and looked at Akash Tagar with a smile.

"Congratulations, Hero"

"Thank you, but I'm not a hero, sir."

Akash replied in a respectful manner, he was not a fool who would attract unnecessary trouble from top power tanks. It was very common for power wielders to have short temper, they often get offended over small trivial things. Akash knew that fact well and talked with wariness.

"Ahh man, don't talk like that. I know that's not you."

The Illusionist said as he facepalmed.

Akash was curious, he slightly got what the foreign minister meant but he was not hundred percent sure. The king asked.

"I don't know what do you mean by that."

Bernard stepped towards Akash.

"Don't call me sir or any formal shit, I already have enough boot lickers in my life. I want a friend who can talk with me about everything in cosmos without keeping my position in mind, I want to relive the life that I had once lived, my old normal life."

Silence covered the stadium, Akash gazed at the eyes of bernard as he said

"You... you are empty inside"

Bernard sighed and answered

"Yes... just like you"

Akash raised his brows and questioned.

"What made you think that? You don't know anything about my past"

"Same goes for you, you don't know about my past yet you concluded that I am empty inside. We both are the same, I can read your eyes as well. They are screaming in pain"

Bernard said and Akash's eyes widened.

The King lowered his head, the words of Bernard took Akash to anamnesis of his past life.

"Some things are meant to be forgotten, they carry immeasurable torment."

"Hmm, I second that"

Bernard replied.

After quite a while the mysterious green smoke emerged once again, Akash was alarmed and quickly covered his body with the cloak. The smoke didn't last long, just like before it vanished quickly.

"Where did you get that cloak?"

Bernard asked puzzled expressions on his face.

"From my market"

Akash replied

"Your market! How come I am unaware of the existence of a place that has such items."

Bernard was bewildered and he didn't even try to hide it, that proved he was a carefree straightforward guy.

"It's in Abran. It would be an honour if you visit us sometime."

"Listen here you little shit, I won't promote your scant market. Cut it out."

"Haha, as you wish. By the way, we should go somewhere else. The whole world is watching us."

Akash said as he goggled around the spectators.

"Yeah, let's go somewhere but don't worry about being watched. My green smoke altered the memories of everyone present here, they only see what I showed them."

"And what did you show them?"

Akash asked curiously

"That you won by a small margin, your opponents almost killed you and you begged for mercy and you won by a fluke. Buwahahaha, ahh man! People will keep betting me after that bigoted win of yours"

Bernard answered with a wicked chuckle.

"It was not bigoted, it was one-sided."

The King replied, wearing a straight face.

Soon the silent stadium turned chaotic. Yells, cries, curses could be heard from everywhere.

"Boooo, loser"

"What a disgusting way to win the match"

"Fuck you and your Abran city"

"How could you do that to those poor innocent girls"

Akash Tagar quietly standing on the octagon, pivoted his eyes towards Bernard and said in a resentful tone.

"Foreign Minister... just what did you show them?"

Bernard answered with a loud laugh and ran towards the exit.

Akash twitched his eyebrows and murmured.

"Is he really a Star King?"

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