Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 118: 2nd Match begins

The entire province was turned upside down by the bet of the Foreign Minister, everyone was talking about Akash Tagar. The simple bet of Bernard changed the fan following of Abran city, thousands of people came forward and openly supported Abran. Other 3rd tier cities did not like this very much, specially Dhrab city, which was Abran's next opponent.

The time arrived for 2nd session of rounds, the seats filled with a heap of the audience, the stadium turned rambunctious. The names of cities were shown on the big screen, Akash Tagar was soothingly waiting for his name to be called.

The referee finally entered the octagon and spoke.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the most awaited moment has arrived. Almost all of you has gotten the news of a bet between the foreign minister and owner of the Z-TV channel. Let's see what Sir Bernard Maracass saw in the candidate of Abran. Give applause to the tamer of Abran city, Akash Tagar."

The plenary stadium rebounded with cacophonous yells, there was both sort of noises. Cheering and booing, alike. Akash didn't pay attention to them, his mind was diverted to the words the referee uttered.

"Foreign Minister... Bernard? What was he talking about?"

The Sage Emperor pondered as he walked out of his waiting room, he entered the octagon.

The referee looked at the other side and started. again

"Now its opponent, the team of Dhrab city. In its previous match, Dhrab city dominantly defeated Khati city. Will they be able to accomplish the same feat against the newly favoured one-man team of Abran? Let's see with our eyes. Everyone, cheer for the team of Dhrab city."

5 tamers stepped forward from a room and walked towards the octagon, 4 ladies and one man. The man looked crude and sturdy, they stood on one side of the octagon, facing the sole adversary. The referee raised his hands and said loudly as he shoved them down.


"Everyone, release the beasts"

The crude man said in a low voice.

"Wait Carno, let's play with him a little, just like we did to our previous opponent"

One of the four females spoke, she had small hairs and an arrogant semblance. Her name was Irum

The man named Carno was the team leader of Dhrab city, he stared at Irum and said.

"No, he is different. 10th Dragon is not someone who would bet his position on a random competing citizen"

"He is right, focus"

A wavy-haired short girl named Natasha said after.

At this moment, all five candidates of Dhrab city opened their star dwelling. Each one made three abysms behind them, from which came out their tamed beasts. A total of 15 beasts marched out, there was one owl amongst them, which dashed in the air the moment it came out.

Akash Tagar was still lost in his ruminations, he kept recalling the name uttered by the referee but failed to think of anyone resembling. At last, he sighed and wandered the thought of the stranger who bet on him. The King squinted his eyes and saw the line of beasts growling and baring their fangs at him.

Akash's eyes were harbingering ease and certain victory, Carno captured that dictatorial look in his eyes. He was not a normal crude guy, this was his 4th time participating in 3rd tier tournament. He forsook his improvement and stayed at 5th Star realm, just in the forlorn hope to win the tournament and evolve his city into 2nd tier. Out of all fifteen, he has the strongest beasts. The owl flying up in the air was one of his contracted beasts, apart from it. There was a Thorn Plant and a Black Coloured Long Toothed Tiger, waiting for its master's order to lead the other beasts and launch a fearsome attack on Akash Tagar.

"How cute"

Akash Tagar commented with only two words, he didn't keep his voice low. The stadium turned silent. The signs of despisal, disappointment and dander were written all over their faces.

"What the fuck is wrong with him"

"You moron, there are 25 beasts in front of you and you are acting all cool"

"It's a life and death situation and instead of preparing a counter, you are mocking them"

"HOW CUTE!! Really? Is this your counter?"

"I think I made a mistake, I shouldn't have supported this stupid because of a foreign minister"

Akash's carefree comment triggered thousands of watchers, they burst into anger. Akash's was not affected in the slightest, he knew the weight of his words very well.


Amidst all the loud criticisms and hatred, a high pitched ear-piercing deep hush was heard, the heads of the audience pivoted to a certain direction. On the very top row, a man in a green suit was sitting on a sided chair. That hushing voice was his doing, with just one hush, he killed the noise. That figure was none other than Bernard Maracass. Akash also looked at that person, he opened his profile

[Name: Bernard Maracass

Realm: 2nd Moon, Star King

Aptitude: Medium Legendary Grade

Learn Laws: Martial Law, Fire Law

Inborn Laws: Water Law (Awakened), Ice Law (Awakened), Psychic Law (Awakened) ]

Akash's eyebrows furrowed.

"A human with such high level of cultivation and a mythical grade awakened law. No wonder he could easily silent the populace, but... why is he betting on me."

The King pondered

Carno saw that his opponent's attention is drawn towards Bernard, he ordered his beasts and they rushed at Akash. The remaining 12 beasts bellowed and followed the tiger's lead, The Black Toothed Tiger opened his mouth to bite Akash. The King pivoted his body slightly and dodged by hair's breadth, The Thorn Plant extended his limbs and vines full of needles came out to entangle Akash.

Akash took out his sword from a spatial ring, he didn't use his inventory in the crowded stadium. He held the sword in one hand and swung, cutting all the vines. A bull with the cultivation of 7th Star marched towards Akash with an astonishing speed, Akash clenched his fist and punched the bull. They both met head-on.


A loud banging sound was heard, caused by the collision, what happened next was unheard and unseen by any of the audience. Akash was firmly standing on his ground, while the bull flung away.

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