Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 114: Jurgen Kamki

{ NOTE: First of all, I would seek forgiveness to all my readers. I was completely caught by the tough schedule of my exams and couldn't found any slightest space to write. But now, I am back in business. Thankyou everyone for understanding and keep sticking}

Jurgen Kamki was snoopy, his gaze changed from time to time from one lord to another, wondering what's going on. Out of all, he mostly kept staring at two figures, one was Akash Tagar and the other was Daan Godlyn.

He looked at Akash in veneration, this old veteran tamer never thought there exists such a noble who treats his subordinates as his friends. He felt honoured to be bought by such a type of person, but his happiness turned into despair when he remembered that he has little time left to live.

Except for Akash, Jurgen was looking at Daan Godlyn. Because out of everyone present he found the sabretooth, equal in strength. Daan was tallest amongst them, only 0.2 meters shorter than Jurgen Kamki, a hybrid of giants. Seeing the bulging muscles of Daan, the old dwaiant recalled the memories of his youth.

Jurgen felt something and quickly covered his mouth.

*cough cough*

The jolly mood of prime paladins changed when they looked at the source of coughing, it was Jurgen, their future brother in arms. Akash found the stances of fresh blood on Jurgen's hands.

"Are you sick?"

He asked.

"No young master, I'm... I'm wounded"

Jurgen replied in a hoarse voice.

"Show me your wound"

Akash said as he stepped towards the dwaiant.

Jurgen was wearing a sleeveless robe, he sighed and took off his shirt. His entire chest was wrapped in bandages, Haji Tea's eyes widened when he saw that. The bandages were covered in blood while some areas have written purple blood stances, he quickly went closer and unwrapped them.

"Oh my goodness"

Sacra commented


Mehak's eyes widened as she cried and closed her eyes.

Haji Tea looked at Akash and uttered.

"This injury is very serious, his wounds are infected and he lost a heavy amount of blood. I'm greatly surprised that he is alive"

There were around 13 deep cuts on his chest of Jurgen, but the worst thing was that they were not closed. No one stitched those wounds to close them and just simply wrapped the bandages.

"How did you get these gashes?"

Akash asked Jurgen.

"They took me to fight off a bandit group, there were around 70 of them excluding their contracted cosmic beasts, while I was only given a large Sharpless sword resembling a junk of metal as a weapon. They told me that they'll free me if I annihilate them."

He stated.

"And... you did?"

"Yes, I killed more than half of them including their leader. But the others ran away, I suffered these severe injuries. When I asked them about the reward of freedom, they sold me in slave city saying that I couldn't completely annihilate the bandits so their promise is nullified."

The silence enveloped the apartment, Jurgen's eyes turned watery and he said.

"I... want to live, I want to see my family again. I am useless now and will die within a month."

He bent his knees in front of Akash and held his fist in his palm.

"Young master, I lied that I can still fight. Please forgive me, you were my only hope back there. Please free me... I want to see my family before I close my eyes for eternity."

"Don't worry, I will let you go to meet your family once you are healed."

"Thank you, young master. But... my wounds are beyond the level of healing."

Jurgen said.

"What do you say?"

Akash Tagar asked Haji Tea

"I need my entire family, to heal him. He will at least take half a year to be complete healed"

The Smoking Spear answered.

"You hear that? Don't worry, you won't die."

Akash smiled and said.

Jurgen couldn't stop the urge to cry and burst into tears.

"Thank... you. Thank you very much"

Akash was about to call the members of the tea family when he realised something, he stared at Jurgen Kamki and asked.

"Jurgen, where is your family?"

A fear befell on Jurgen when he heard that question.

"I... I don't know."

"If you don't even know then why were you requesting eagerly"

Jurgen kept his silence for a while, he then replied.

"I'm sorry, I can not reveal that. Even if you kill me, my life belongs to you and if you can save me then I will serve you till the end of my life. But... I can not reveal their location."

"Then tell me something else"

Akash said right after.

"What is it, young master?"

"Are they your blood relatives?"

"Yes, they are."

Jurgen replied.

"So they are also dwaiants, an epic hybrid race of dwarves and giants, right?"

Akash said.

Jurgen's eyes turned red.

"How... how did you know this."

"I know many things that an ordinary man do not know, rest assured. I do not have any evil intention, it's up to you whether you tell us about them or not."

Akash said and signalled Haji Tea.

Haji Tea didn't pay any head and took out some necessary things from his inventory and started healing.

~Abran City~

Baghi Tea and others were doing their best to build back the city to its peak, the constructions were going as fast as possible.


A notification came to every tea family member, it was a system message sent by King Akash Tagar.

[Every available Tea Family members who are good in healing have to come to Slave City, bring every necessary piece of equipment as well]

Baghi Tea read that as well and quickly called a meeting, every tea member arrived, including those who were not in ancestral law enforcement.

Baghi Tea sat on the side seat while Razi Tea sat on the seat of the head, Baghi Tea signalled Razi to start the meeting.

Razi stood up and spoke.

"As some of you know, his majesty has sent a message. It is more like an order, his majesty needs the medical assistance of our family. Who is willing to go?"

All the members of Ancestral Law Enforcement raised their hands, including Baghi Tea.

"No, not you guys."

Razi said and Baghi Tea furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Let me explain our situation, our city has suffered a large number of casualties recently. No one knows when something like that happens again, it would be best if all law enforcers are present at that time. So this time we will be sending those members of our family who are not in Ancestral Law Enforcement."

Razi Tea elaborated.

"Keeping that in mind, I will ask again. Who is willing to go?"

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