Talent Awakening: I, the Weakest Awakened, Start with Dragonfire Spell

Chapter 504 505-Preparing to Depart

Chapter 504 505-Preparing to Depart

The total for the three magic potions came to just under a hundred gold coins, a fraction of the cost of an intermediate potion.

After purchasing the magic potions, Howard and Vivia moved on to their next objective.

"This is for you!"

Halfway there, Howard, ensuring they were unobserved, suddenly pulled Vivia aside and handed her the Liontiger potion they had just bought.

"Keep this safe, use it when you need to, don't be stingy or worry about the cost! Compared to your safety, these two hundred gold coins mean nothing."

Vivia looked at the potion in her hand, then at Howard's face.

She didn't say anything, just nodded.

She knew that with her current strength, she couldn't provide any direct combat support to Howard.

Although she was a herbal healer, her knowledge of magic potions was limited, and she could only prepare a few basic potions.

If she couldn't contribute on the battlefield, the least she could do was take care of herself and not become a burden to Howard.

If things were as bad as Nula had described, the enemy would undoubtedly investigate the relationships around Howard.

Even if they couldn't uncover Howard's true identity, linking them together wouldn't be difficult.

Targeting a soft target rather than going after Howard and Nula, whose strengths were unknown, is a decision any intelligent assassin would make.

That's why Howard and Nula were in such a hurry to leave, and why Howard had allocated so much of their budget to equip her, to enhance her capabilities.

Beyond magic potions, Howard also planned to buy Vivia a mana protection item or several suitable scrolls.

The former is good for its reusability, while the latter boasts stronger power.

Ideally, they would acquire both, but reality dictated Howard's budget could only stretch to one choice.

Opting for mana equipment meant insufficient funds for scrolls, and purchasing enough scrolls left no money for mana items.

After watching Vivia carefully store away the Liontiger potion and reiterating his advice, Howard led her towards the scroll counter.

Ultimately, he decided on scrolls.

Mana items, although reusable, were not the current priority.

The immediate concern was addressing the limited but extremely dangerous assassination attempts.

Weighing the options, the superior power and effect of scrolls made them the more valuable choice.

Acquiring mana items could wait until their arrival in Sorona; navigating the immediate crisis was paramount.

Two basic teleportation spells, one multiple fireball, one ice spike spell, and one imprisonment spell—five scrolls in total, equivalent to the power of a top-tier level 3 magus.

This purchase depleted all of Howard's remaining budget, even slightly exceeding it.

However, this effectively armed Vivia.

With the Liontiger potion enhancing her constitution, and offensive or defensive measures like the multiple fireballs and ice spike spell, along with escape options provided by the imprisonment spell and basic teleportation scrolls, Vivia was well-equipped.

As long as she remained alert, there was virtually no chance of her being captured.

And as long as Vivia wasn't caught, Howard and Nula had countless ways to counter any assassination attempts.

After completing their purchases, Howard and Vivia made another round of the Grand Marketplace, retrieved the repaired leather armor and twin blades from Rodel's sole blacksmith, and then headed to the Adventurer's Guild branch in Rodel.

Howard had yet to settle the payment for the wolfrat carcasses and young wolfrats he had consigned.

Although Duduro had died, the transaction between him and Howard was considered complete; Howard simply hadn't had the chance to collect his gold coins.

While not as substantial as the bounty from the monster tide defense quest, the amount was not negligible.

Wishing to avoid drawing attention, Howard and Vivia entered the guild branch with their hoods up, concealing their faces.

Aside from a small gasp of surprise from the clerk behind the counter, Howard managed to collect his gold coins without revealing his identity to anyone else and left immediately afterward.

The gold coins were a bit more than expected.

In total, one hundred fifty-five coins.

Adult wolfrat carcasses were priced at ten gold coins each, while young wolfrats were twenty gold coins each, amounting to one hundred fifty-five gold coins in total.

Though not enough to purchase new equipment, the sum was more than sufficient for their travel expenses to Sorona.

Returning to the inn, Howard saw Nula in the courtyard, leading a chocobo named Lightning, which was pulling a two-wheeled carriage with a canopy.

The carriage wasn't large, but it was ample for the three of them, especially since one person would need to keep watch at night, leaving just enough space inside for two to sleep.

With transportation arranged and all preparations made, they only needed an opportune moment to set off towards Sorona.

Although Howard's stay in Rodel was brief, barely more than a week, with half of that time spent unconscious, the events that unfolded were no less significant than those in Lorinda.

The level of danger, in fact, was several notches higher.

In the underground base, if not for Two's successful awakening, if not for Two's ability to absorb mana smoothly, if not for Two regaining certain permissions and abilities, Rodel might now be a completely different place, with Howard and Nula likely buried underground.

The Eternal Flame would not spare anyone who hindered their plans, as had been the case in the past, and so it remains.

On the last night at the inn, Howard didn't dream.

His eyes closed and then opened, and it was morning.

Gazing at the dim morning light outside the window, Howard suddenly remembered the days when he would wake up before dawn.

Winter training in the bitter cold, summer training in the scorching heat—easy to say, but only those who have endured it know the suffering involved.

Even without physical pain, the weariness of the spirit and body wouldn't lessen by the slightest.

But as he said that, after getting used to it, it wasn't so bad.

When Howard first chose to leave, he maintained the habit of waking up before dawn.

Always alert, perhaps even overly sensitive.

But everyone needs rest; late nights lead to late mornings.

The power of habit is terrifying; it can silently overturn everything you've known.

Touching his forehead, Howard sat up.

It had been a long time since he last woke up this early.

Rubbing his hair, he climbed out of bed, methodically dressing himself and equipping his gear: half-armor, belt pouch, potion bag, hunting knife sheath, and scabbard.

With each piece of equipment he donned, Howard became more alert.

By the time he was fully equipped, he was completely awake, his gaze sharp.

Smiling at his reflection in the mirror, Howard grabbed a clean towel to wipe his face, just as a knock sounded at the door.

Adjusting the diagonally exposed hilt of his knife on his shoulder, he turned and said, "Come in."

The door opened, revealing Vivia, already prepared herself.

"Nula sent me to call you. We're ready to depart."

"I'm all set," Howard smiled at Vivia, tucking the towel into his Space Ring.

He had organized all his belongings the day before, packed them separately, keeping the essential items in his Space Ring and the rest in a bundle.

Picking up the bundle by the bed, Howard passed by Vivia, ruffling her hair.

"Let's go, we're setting off."

Vivia tilted her head, watching Howard's back, then hurried to catch up.

"Why do I feel like there's something different about you today?"

"Different?" Howard, looking at Vivia beside him, smiled more broadly.

"Indeed, something is different. You could say I've come to understand some things."

"Understand what?" Vivia looked at Howard, puzzled.

"Some things I used to insist on, but now, upon reflection, seem rather pretentious," Howard explained, reaching out to ruffle Vivia's hair again.

"I hope you'll never have to deal with such things."

"You didn't say what it was."

"If you encounter it, you'll naturally understand. If you don't, then that's even better."

Descending the stairs, Howard saw the innkeeper cleaning the lobby.

After greeting her and settling the bill, he and Vivia headed to the backyard where Nula stood by the carriage, grooming Lightning's feathers.

"Are we all set? Let's get going."

Upon seeing Howard and Vivia, Nula waved them over.

Howard helped Vivia onto the carriage, then went to the stable to fetch Redfeather, fitting the saddle in place.

The carriage moved out first, with Howard riding Redfeather, following behind.

The streets of Rodel were nearly empty in the early morning, allowing their small convoy to exit the city without delay despite their moderate pace.

As they left the city, the sun had yet to fully rise, only a faint glow brightening the horizon.


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